The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 03, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Paw Six .
Saturday, -July 3, 1026
One ef the moat beautiful bomn
In Klamath Fall, lovely In II
Spanish architecture, has recently
been completed on Pacific Terrace.
It. la owned by Mr. and lira. Roy
Fk Durbln and they, their
architect, Howard R. Pen in, plan
ned the home.
The building is situated on a cor
ner iof and command an excel
lent view of Klamath Falls, and
lakes and mountains of the valley
coun:ry far away. It baa one ad
tactage orer uiuiy other modern
jorutK In the cuy in tha. i con
stant cool breeic blows ovtr Pac
ific Terrace during the wrtn sum
mer months.
' A door of Spanish tyre with
pointed glaw has an accompanying
screen, and Is pointed at the top
so tuat no line can be rcobed of
its beauty. - Tho windows are long,
and open like doors In the living
room onto a small cement halcony
with a quaint wrought Iron railing.
From the large living room
where, at one end a fireplace and
bookcaees lend an exceptional. y
hospitable atmosphere, French doors
open Into the d'-!ng room. In
this room a cool air heater with
wooden grates constantly sends cold
Ir into the rooms during warm
weather. To tha right of tbe din
ing room a sun porch opens where
flower boxes filled with gay flow
ers peering through long plate glass
windows lend an inviting atmos
phere. This room is of double
value as a wall-bed may conrcr'.
It Into a sleeping room.
French doors also open Into t!-e
master bedroom which is timed !n
tones of orchid-rose.
'. A narrow hall where cupboards
and deep shelves fill important
apace, leads to the bath and the
second bedroom. The bath. In
white and blue tile, has two nar
row' windows on either side of tbe
medicine chest over the basin.' A'
shower has also been installed.
The second bedroom Is used for j
the nursery for Mr. and Mrs. Dur
bln's young children, Roy Fran
cis and Jane, and peachblow tint j
ru used for the walls. j
Perhaps the most Interesting
room in the 'entire home is the
kitchen which Is complete In every:
detail known to architects and
housewives ailer years' of exper
ience. It is large and roomy en
ough for a breakfast table and
chairs and other necessary pieces
of furniture. The walls are lined
with white cupboards for dishes,
crockery and kitchen utensils. An
ironing board Is buUt In one side
of the wall and broom and mops
may be conveniently kept there.
The lawn of the Durbln home
has been seeded, while along the
driveway to the garage under the
sun-room quaint little flowers will
soon be blooming.
Taking the home, for' it is more
of a home than a house, as a
whole, it promises to be one of
Klamath Falls' most attractive
places for years to come.
dub Won Lost Pet.
Cincinnati 4 28 .611
St. Louts .... 39 32 .548
Pittsburgh 36 30 .544
Brooklyn 35 33 .514
New York 36 35 .609
Chicago 35 35 .500
Boston 27 42 .391
Philadelphia 26 43 .375
.Club R. II. E.
Philadelphia . 3 9 0
Boston 4 11 I
Batteries Mitchell and Henline;
Benton and J. Taylor.
Club R. H. E.
New York 6 10 1
Brooklyn 2 7 2
Batteries McQuillan, Ring and
Florence: McGraw and Deberry.
Clnb R. II. E.
Cincinnati 6 9 .0
Chicago 18 1
Batteries Rixey and Hargrave;
Blake, Hunulnger, Bush and Gon
zales. Club R. H. K.
Bt. Louis 2 7 0
Pittsburgh 3 10 0
Batteries Alexander. Johmon
and O'Farrell: Kremer and Smith.
. (Continued from Page One)
and the Boy Scouts and Camp Fire
Girls will reach out over the city
In an effort to secure pledges. They
want every man, woman, boy and
girl in the city to sign a card. It
costs nothing. Your pledge is des
ired that you will use every human
endeavor to prevent our greatest
asset forests from being destroy
ed or Injured by tlic f!:-e fiend.
Five prize are offered by the
Deck Is Cleared
For Adjournment
Of U. S. Congress
WASHINGTON'. July S. (United
News) Congress Is about to fin
ish lis business Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock as scheduled.
The uaual contusion attending
adjournment Is evident about the
capitol, members having one eye ou
pet legislation that still wai's for
action and the other upon railroad
timetables, but it appears that the
loose ends will be gathered up be
fore the clock sounds three Sat
urday so that members can ga
During the final hours Saturday,
when both houses will meet early
efforts will be made to inish
through all types of bills, sor.n of
them pending a long time hut no
other legislation of Importance
will get on tho books.
The Pittsburgh Pirates beat
Graver . Cleveland Alexander and
drew np to within a fraction of a
game of the second place Cardinals
Friday, the score being 3 to 2.
There was no gaining on .he
Reds, however, as Cincinnati de
feated the Cubs 6 to 1, and sent the
McCarthy clan reeling down Into
sixth place.
The Giants, beating Brooklyn 5
to 2, climbed a notch, while the
Braves kicked the Phillies down
into the cellar, 4 to 2.
The Athletics gained full game
on the Yanks, who lost to Washing
ton C to 5, while the Mackmen
were winning a 13-ining battlo from
Boston. 4 to 3.
Detroit defeated Cleveland, 9 to
3., and the White Sox lost to St.
Louis 3 to 2.
C II I O A (1 O. July !. t I'niied !
Nowa) iloth fighters have made
the weight. 135 pounds, and both!
have been in excellent physical cou-j
ditlon for Saturday's title bout at i
tho White Sox baseball lot between
Rocky Kansas, the lightweight!
champiou. and Sammy Mandell.
challenger. j
Jim Mullen anticipates a crowd off
av.vvw ana a gate ot l-'l.ouu. ail
this Is the first decision go within1
the city of Chicago In more than
SO yearn, ami It is likely to be a
good one.
Although the odds favor the
champion, he Is at a disadvantage
in age. reach and height.
Rocky 1irs beaten blexer and
younger men before, and his greater j
experience may save his lightweight j
Sammy is S3 years old and is a
boxer. Hocky is 31 and la a fighter.
The combination promises action
once these two gel into the ring to
gether. It may not mean much to the
fans, but It means a lot to Mandell
and his fiancee. Miss Elisabeth Hem
ming, who will be at the ringside.
They arc to be married next week.
Sammy says, win or lose, but he
knows that Elizabeth would prefer
to marry a champion.
Proceeds of the fight over and
above expenses and guarantees will
go to the Loyal Order of Moose,
which is in convention here.
Kansas receives S50.000. with'
privilege of 37 i per cent of 90
per cent of tho receipts. Mandell
receives what is left of 65 per cent
of 90 per cent after Kansas is paid
his guarantee.
Editors Select
Omaha as Next
Meeting Place
LOS ANUKLKS. July 2 t ful
led News) Selection of Omaha,
Neb., as the 1937 meeting place
of the National Kditorlul associa
tion, and election and Installation
of officers marked the cltwie ot the
41st. annual convention of edi
tors here today.
The new officers are:
Herman Rose, Nurthliclil. Minn.,
president;. Charles M. Meredith.
(Juakerton, Pa., vice president: II.
C. Hotallug. St. Paul. Minn., secre
tary and W. W. Aiken. Franklin,
111., treasurer.
J. C. 1 Itrlncombe. past president.
gave a symposium uu prohibition
at concluding ' session. From a
total of Mj replies, covering 31
statn, 93 voted for strict enforce
ment of t'AO prohibition law, 29 for
modification. 11 for a combination
of enforcement aud mi diflcutlon and
three for repeal.
Bunkhouse Burns;
Four Perish and
Scores Injured
COLRTia.NH, Calif., July I.
I United News) Trupped In a bias
ing bunkhouse on Sutter Island, four
men were burned In death and a
score of persons Injured early Frt-
I !'.
I Tho dead Include two Filipinos,
!u Japanese and a 'Mexican.
Thirty-three women aud children
were sleeping In the house on the
J ranch of Roy Peck, when tho fire
started. An Ininidelale paulc eu
I sued In the two floor structure,
exists being clogged by the strug
gling workers.
Some of the Injured were hurt In
leaping from windows 15 feet ahovo
I the ground. Volunteer firemen
'from neighboring rauftlca finally
iucrtcd tho blase.
Earthquakes Felt
Widely Separated
Parts of World
VIENNA. I .July . (United
News) Two earthquakes occurred
yesterday In eastern Ctecho-Shiva-kla.
Nominal damage occurred and
many peasants fled panicstrlrken.
LAPLATA. Braiil. July 2 I Cul
led News! A earthquake was re
corded at 4:36 yesterday afternoon,
some 4000 kilometers away. It
lasted 80 seconds and may have
occurred in northern Peru. .
Won lxst Pet.
Florida Banks in
Bad Shape; Boom
Has Spent Force
New York 49
Chicago 40
Cleveland 39
Detroit 3H
Philadelphia 37
Washington 31
St. Louis 21
Boston 20
.63:1 !
.520 ,
.418 ,
.289 i
(Continued From Face Owe)
republican. $1200 In 1919.
In addition there were 2000 more
humble workers in the vineyard.
Some worked for nothing. Others
were rewarded In cash, though on
a far more modest scale than the
stars. Figures as to what drys
spent on prohibition were:
To obtain . federal prohibition
By national organization since
1920 33.425,000.
By state subsidiaries since 1920
Grand total J44.917.576.
Wheeler declared that if the
anti-saloon league gave up Its work
at Washington, the Volstead act
would be wiped out. He admit
ted writing some amendm 'nts to
the Volstead act when it was under
consideration by congress, but den
led the league drafted the entire
billtas wets have charged. It was
disclosed that Congressman Upshaw,
one of the best known dry speak
ers, occasionally haggled over the
sice of the "honorarium" to be
paid him and once told a dry lead
er to "shell down the corn."
San Jose Woman
Shoots Husband;
Then Suicides
BAN JOSE, Calif., July 2.
(United News) Calling her hus
band from his office to the stroet!
Mrs. Allen Letcher Friday after-j
noon shot Clarence Letcher four,
times and then killed herself. I
Letcher, prominent as a sporting j
man. owner of a large garage here, I
and local inspector for the state!
highway commission, has a chance:
for recovery, physicians said. Mrs. i
Letcher called at the office just!
before closing time. Her husband i
walked, at her request, to the:
street, where the pair engaged in!
animated conversation for 15 mfivl
tites. Suddenly the wman produced1
a revolver and fired. The last bul-j
let in her gun was saved for her-j
self. She died instantly. j
chamber of commerce for the j
greatest number of pledges secured
by any boy or girl. The contest
lasts one week, and return ot cards
must bo made by Friday afternoon
at 5 o'clock. July 9. to Secretary
Lynn P. Rabin. First prize is 15
in gold: second Is 13; third is 12:
fourth and fifth. .
Awards will be made at the '
forum luncheon to be held on Wed-
nesday noon, June 14. j
MIAMI, Fla.. July 2. I United
News) A wave of unrest spreading
rapidly among depositors of small
banks of this vicinity, following the
failure of two suburban Institu
tions to open their doors, for busi
ness today, had resulted tonight In
the closing of two others, while
another had successfully withstood
a heavy run.
Unable to longer bear heavy bur
dens of paper on which they could
not realize, the Bank ot Cocoanut
Grove, and the Bank ot Buena Vis
ta, allied lstituttons, had failed
to open their doors. The news
swept the suburbs ot Miami and
soon a long line of depositors had
formed In front of the Little River
bank In the same section. Caught
unprepared to meet such a critical
situation this little bank soon was
forced to close its doors. Fear
ing for the security of their funds,
depositors of the Danla bank be
gan a rush upon It.
Paying out until its limited sup
ply of cash was exhausted this
bank also closed.
w ithin a few hours a muttering
crowd began gathering in front
ot the bank ot Hollywood, several
miles north ot the city.
By this time, however, larger
banking interests had come to the
aid of the small institutions, and
the Hollywood bank survived the
heavy run.
Club R. 11. E.
Chicago 2 6 0
St. Louis 3 " 0
Batteries Hlankenship, Crouse;
Rallou and Schang.
Club - It. H. K.
New York 5 11 0
Washington a 11 1
Batteries Thomas, Shawkey.
Beal and Collins; Rcuthcr, Mar
berry and Ruel. . . .
Club It. H. k:
Boston .7...... 3 8 2
Philadelphia 4 12 2
Batteries Wlltzo, . Zahulser and
Bischoff; Ehmke and Cochrane,
Club - R.
Cleveland 3
Detroit 9
Batteries Smith - and
Dauss, Holloway,
II. E.
6 0
15 1
Manlon and
Night and Morning to keep
them Clean, Clear and Healthy
Write for Free "Eye Core"
or "Byt Beauty" Book
One rack of pretty silk dresses
on sale for only 16.95 at llee lip
gin's Store. 129 So. 7tb St. J3
Tailless Plane
Is Invented by
English Captain
LONDON, July 2. (United News)
A tailless airplane, whose inven
tor went for inspiration to tho pre
historic giant lizard, the pterod
actyl, and the new vertically ris
ing helicopter Invented b.y the Span
lard, de la Ciena, will be the prin
cipal features of interest at the an
nual display of the royal air forces
at Hendon. In the suburbs ot Lon
don Saturday.
The tailless pla'ne is the Inven
tion of Captain G. R. T. Hill. It
Is a monoplane, and its single pair
of wings slant hack like the leath
ery wings of tho pterodactyl and
are attached to a short body that
carries pilot, passengers and freight.
The Inventor hopes his plane will
be foolproof. It Is designed to el
iminate accidents now occurring
constantly when pilots momentarily
lose control.
Clerva's helicopter, officially call
ed auto-gyro has been tried and
adopted by the air ministry. Clerva
himself will fly In the first auto
gyro to be built In England. It
Is a wingless machine with revolv
ing pliable fans overhead.
Office 615 Mala Bt.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Phone 099.
Office Stage Depot.
MedfortL Ore. .
Phone 809.
By tha
Ashland Med ford Portland
Direct Connection at Junction
With Pickwick Stages
to All Points South
See us, we handle.
Folders mailed on request.
BToroVKR at any point on
Pickwick System.
Fares Klamath Falls to:
Ashland I 3.20
Redding S.gO
Sacramento 13.70
San Francisco . 15.09
Los Angeles 26.76
San Diego ... ...... 80.06
San Jose ............................ 16.86
El Centra 34.85
Leaving Time Medford, 8, 10.85
a. m 1:30 p. m.; Klamath Falls,
7:45 a. m., 1:00 and 2:45 p. nt.
We use heated Cadillac busses.
Dirt For Sale
Our shovel is now ex
cavating for our new
hotel at 2nd and Mairr.
This is exceptionally
Rood material for mak
ing fills as it packs hard
and compact.
This material deliv
ered cheap while it
Will also have top
soil next Tuesday.
W. D. Miller
Construction Co.
Phone 293.
6th and Commercial.
How About That Car for the Fourth?
t ! . - '
1923 Hudson 5-Passenger Sedan
A real car. iriicd right.
1921 Chevrolet Coupe
New pnint. first clusu condition throughout.
1923 Chevrolet Coupe
Excellent condition.
Ford Touring
Practically new at a great reduction.
Ford Roadster
First class condition.
ii ft
1922 Essex 4 Coupe
Good rubber and good condition throughout.
1922 Ford Coupe
Good condition and priced right.
It will pay you to investigate
as we have put a cleanup price
on all our used cars
Open Evenings and Sunday
6th and Oak Phone 680
Come and see this new
1927 model, one of
Durarit Motor Com
pany's latest Crea
tions. Sells Delivered for $1095.00
Hamaker Motor Co.
Phone 1040 8th and Klamath Ave.
'.Mil v V ' ! r j A I , it I t j