Fritay,-.Tun"25,'-lfl2rt Page Seven I T I One' Cent a Word Each Insertion Telephone 07 T One Cent a Word Each I rut rt ion Telephone 0J7T THE RL"XWATH NEWS AD CLASSIFIED AO RATES ! U Mr ' word each a la J printed. . ame ad can oa week 10 iia eoaat aae ad roa on moatk 40 ' discount t ( ward tul time ed U printed. TELEPHONE 877 ' TUB RIO MARKET PLACM FOR SALE Reml EtUU 1 1100 Will femmll lunch counivr doing splendid bueiueaa. Muel , m'l at oncii. IS900 Nlco ( room home on Mich limn Ave. Terms. (5000 Fine 0 rumn home on cor ner lut I blocks from Main on . pavement.. A teal buy. Terms. 1500 New 6 room mdrn house on pavement. Excellent loen tlon on htll. Double garage, full basement, etc. Tortus. A. A. BELLMAN CO. ItO No. 7th. Phone 15. KOU BAI.K Modern flva room houaa tn Hoi. Hprlrnt addition, ,on paYemenl. drlvewuy. double rurato. lawn and ahrubbery in, ill new hoinea In aame lilork. ood location. 87 Kldorado. I. ii Maw four room bunralow with breikfnit nook, arue. In rood v location. Price M1&0. taliv down and fr0 per month. Call at 001 Lincoln. I'hona 443. KOIl KKNT I ono room. 2 two ; . room. 2 three roc. in and I nU I room liouaea lurnmneti i " i houaea on one lot, lit. lull ii.l FOR BALK Oualueaa opportunities Hotel, reatuiiruiit, roomlni home. pool hall, barber ahop. Leaatf and furalahlnra al Invoice. TO THADK M000 equity In acre are. Improved, Irrigated, river ; frontage, lor houae and lot. One atrlctly modern 4 room limine, well built. $311,0. HiO raeh. Isho for cafeteria or anndwlrli ahop, very reuaotiable. J C-. KKKNCH ( . 130 South 7th HI. Phone 72. POH BAJJi Two room houae and garage, splendid largo lot. Price (900, oa easy terma. Call 001 Lincoln. Phone 44 J, Uood lot la Mllla addition, price (316, on terms. Call (01 Lln ... coin. .Phone (34-M. Modern... 4 room new boma and . anra. tuat outside city limits. Low onah Price or terma, P. O. Box 164. Mica modern bungalow on pavement. A good buy at (3600 . Call at ; 001 Lincoln or Phone 443. viva roam modern bouee and gar- are oh Old. St. A nice home. ; Prlea . (4500. Call , at 001 Lin eold. Phone 443. Two 'room bouse with garage at tached era a 60 ft. lot In lndua- - trial addition. .A bargain at (000. (600 eaah with (400 con tract to assume at small month ly paymenta. Call at 001 Un- -. coin. Pbona 443. Corner lot with fcutr two room houses, close In, on pnvement. A ,- bargain. Price (3750. Call at 001 Uncoln. Phoue 443. One ot tha nicest homes In Mllla .addition. Ona block from Eaat ,Maln. A bargain. Price (3760. half cash. Call 001 Lincoln .81 Phone 443. Strictly modern stucco house, three blooka from Main atreet. In cen- tar ot city, beautiful view, bard wood tl- ora, tile bathrojm and alak, garage, furnace, everything . convenient and atrlctly up-to-date. Oall 001 Lincoln. Phone 143. KaOr four room modern bungalow With nice range and linoleum In . kitchen and bath. Well built. Price (2750. (500 down and easy monthly paymenta. Call 001 i Lincoln. Phone 44 3. IP YOU WANT to aoll your farm or obtain a low Interest rate. . long term loan on " aame. See . WISHARD REALTY CO. ' '' 126 flo. 7th 8U Insurance Real Eatate , Farm Loam Oltf Two flva acra tracta on highway four miles east of Klamath .Falla. Price (1.250 each (260 per acre. Under Irrlga- ,tton and cultivation. Call 001 Lincoln. Phone 443, A ale little home cloaa In, In a fotnvroom modern bouse and one ... halt acre of land. Price (3000. Call 001 Lincoln. Phone 443. A number ot good lota In different parts Of tne city, trices reason , able. . Call 001 Lincoln St. Phon. 448, Two rood resldont lota In Mllla ad dttlon. Price (250 eacb. Call 001 Lincoln. Phoaa 443. A number ot new modern tunga- Iowa. . Prlcea reasonable, alao oa . reasonable torme. Call 001 Lln- oold. Phone 44 3, WB HAVE! SOME REAL bargains ..In .both city and farm property, y -opportunities to trade or ex change. WISHARD REALTY CO. j, . . lnsuranca : 126 80. 7th St. Rtal Estate Farm Loans out For Sale Rati Eetato Cont'd ! 5j (fft i'f lltlUL'll 1 I V II- IIOMEIIALK (2H00 an nor U an ordl- jN nary price (or homo sites. In (j California, In many towns yfa with far Itaa payroll or W poaeihlllllsa than Klamath. W Consider your opportunity Jc. lo Luy al less- than one- ij aevnuth, and with aaay Wg terms. In'l wait too long, , TUB WAiLTON. WKIOIIT & COMPANY. K j Whll Pelican Hotel. Kina half acre and five arra tracts, loa In, good will, rlty and Irri gation water. Unlit. phono, fenced, crushed cock roada. Can help you build "n may term. W. J. Ilarnee. 126 8u. 7lh HI. I'hoiiii mill. POH SALE Corner lot, 100x120 ft. 4 room houae, aoms furnllur. Itaraita, and wood-ehed. (1700. (460 down, balance I0 month. 3301 Applegate. Poll SA1.K Several farma to -trade tor Klamath Kalla property. Tell ua what you have. A harralo 1n houaa cm No. fib. H6U0. Terma. New rollure In Mllla addition with lota of bullt-ln fenturee. The W'alliin-Wrlkhl Co. Phono 44J-W. Kir room nuidaira houae. Can be mude into two apurimenta. Splen did View. X34 Iwla SI. pun SAI.K A bargain In a corner iti 01T0 ft. In lluna Viola. u rood location, rrl.e -'u. t .a down and 5 . 7 r per month Call vol Lincoln HI. Phone 443. Pour good roaldent tola near Cali fornia Ave. Price I3S0 for cor ner lot and (300 for each in. aide ot. Call 001 Lincoln or Phon 44 3. Three room modern house In good ' location. Price S23S0. (300 down, amall monthly payments. Call at 001 Lincoln. Phone 443. Two four room modern houses In good locutions, one prireu ai ' (2200: one at (3000. (600 down and monthly paymenta at 140 per month. Including Interest. Call at 001 Lincoln. Phone 443. Plna Income property, ("5.000. Karna 10 , on investment. Wonderful buy oa (tb St., (16,- 000. New collage In Mills Addition. (2000. 400 cash, (36 a month. Fine G0.120 ft, loL , , 6 room bouao oa via Bt. (1360 Terma. GOillO (t. lot In Mllla. (350. 3 room modern cottage, 3 blocks from 8. P. depot, good garage, ; lot 70x140, bargain at (3000. Good lot on Oregon are., (500. Llatlnga all over th'e city. MOMYER AND MOMYER Real Katava and Insurance. Hopka Bldg Phone 346. Nice modern four room bungalow, zaraaa and wood house. snruL- bery; and near school and ona block from paving. Price (3260. (600 down, eaay monthly pay menta. alao a number of good new houses for sale. Call 001 Lincoln. Phone 443. Three room houae with bath and one two room house and garage. Close In on pavement. A good Income properly. Price (6000. Call 001 Lincoln bt. Phone 443. New atrlctly modern tour room house wltb double garage and amall houae In back. Price (2500. Terms. Two I room furnished houses with garages, near Sixth atreet. Prlea (2600 for tha two. A good la res t men t. Both ranted, 160 par month income. New four room modern bungalow. furnished with moat all new fur . nlture. In good location. Prlea' (4000. Call 001 'Lincoln Street Phone 443 What you no longer have use for may bo Just tha thing another Is seeking. News Classified Ads bring buyers and sellers torether. Tn Our Office 11 rN 1Mb . fA j f WANTED SITUATIONS p work of any liiiurn pur d .... .1.. kind from 4'Ui "J nuy. (nil oi J. J. Cronlu. 829 lllali. .'ran Ira I maternity uuMlng liy perlencvd woman; 1'h one 412-11 WANTED Office work by arhool teacher. Reply Box 111, Newe. FOR SALE Hurraln Imy Halurday. All klmla of Kooda. We auvn you money. C. Iiii-k. KOIl HAI.K-Two-pound frlera. (i(ln eaoh, half mile from weal city llmlu on old Keno roud, over hill. Ilutrhlna ranch. Illr Kul Monday on all gooda. Muat have room. (let your nimiey'a worth. '. Ilirk. roit SALE Two younr bob caU; tnmn and playful. I'hone 474. Fort 8AJ.O I'aed Thor waahlnf machine. Call 4 94-J-2. 200 aacka potatoea. (2.00 per area. l. a. mil. Haute 1. One ..Mile floutheaal of Mt. Lakl. Order your ault now for Fourth I oi juiy aeiivery. ouu ueimer aamplva to ciioone from. N. li. llrew. Men'a Toga. New act of "My Book Houae" , hooks. Terma to right party. Mrs. Kohn. I'hone H4 4-J. POH BALK Twenty thousand acres! or yellow pine In Laasen and Modoc countlaa. alao forty million 1 leet at iiraview. ror particu lars wrlto the Pavell-l'lley Realty Company. Ikevlew, Ore. I Motor boat. 4 cylinder Kernath motor, 18 ft. Fully equipped. Boat can be aeen at Harrlman Lodge. Phono 684. Price (300. MISCELLANEOUS Threo used autnmnhllea will f':r Junk. .. Kick. Try Henry's Barber Shop. Jul opened. l.'&lon ahop. 131 So 11th. MANY BltAVK HKAHTS are asleep In the deep sleep of lassitude, letting opportunity slip by. Buy or; build NOW . with our 7 7. money. Wilson Abstract Co.. Ina. Dent j Watkina Produrta sold at 820 High; St . ' Phone T H WealfMll 114S. inr concrete work. Dr. Homer A. La Libert Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Nervous and Clirouic Diseases. Suuday aud Evenings by Appoint ment. Tlooin 204. Phone 119-W. Winters Bldf. 713-14 Main St. Piano tuning and toning, work guar anteed. C. W. Badenfleld. Leave orders. H. J. Winters. Wlrtx Music Store. Let us build your camp mattresses. Klamath Rug and Mattress Wprks. Phone 11S8-W. Rug and mattress works. We do all kinds of repair work, also rug cleaning. One day service. Phone 1198-W. 1856 Portland St. Carpenter and builder. Expert re modeling. C. K. Woodley. 123 South Riverside Are. Expert music teacher will give two lessons a week for (7 a month at students home. Write Box 1516, News. Auto Laundry Service Station. Steam clean your engine, wash ' and polish your car. Wa drain your crauk casa free. 221 7th St. Klamath Falla. Phone 1076. YOUNCI TRANSFER CO. Moving-Storage Phone 10(7 .HENRY E. PERKINS Lawyer State and Federal Courts American National Bank Bldg. Klamath Palls We Collect Honest Debta Anywhere in the United States and Canada, KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth St. Phone 238 Collections: : Credit Rating Service Dr, K. O. Wfeecarver Dentist. Phone 645. Underwood Bldg. 624 HELP WANTED City EmpiI7Eueiit We furnish competent help for ma kitchen, amine room, hi mil la, eonatractloa cam pa. loiaara, Uboiof tn. (llr ol Klamath Falla. Ore-! era and fanner. Courtaar and , .ua, nu,-. u hereby riven that nnrrice our motto, w. e. carter. . ttianaeap. gla Ualn fit. lfoerarA A . Urlmet SUg Depot Pboaa 044. , (14 lllxb achool girl for ofllio work. Troy Ijiuildry Woman 'cook for ranch (45 per - WANTED , , . i impair and rai.inei work: ul.o to ' ... 770.1 !" lnvlne for Ken Fr.mrl. ifrldav "moving'." iToomf.. Phone ! m-w. hun-.WANTED Two paaaenrera for Boise, Ida. Leaving Saturday. tall 1198-W. Two 4 or i room modern hounee. 1500 lor down oavment. . The 1 Walton.Wrlaht Co. I'hone (42-W. I Plain aewlng and ru ,nd do,er laundry! 1034 : High. Phone 244-R. LOST ..m A small Pox Terrier dog, answers to the name . ul .Buster... 6M5-J. Call A. T. O. Fraternity pin with Initials V. T. II. on. back. Hotel Hall. FOR RENT I FOIl 11KNT Two good pianos. Win ters Jewelery, Store. , Phone 14 9-W. FOR RKNT Room for gentlemen. Phone and bath In connection. 'Winters Building. Phone 966. FOR RKNT Furnished apartment. St . Francis Apartments. 62s Ouk. ni " rent.. Partly furnished. miv l,T IMUHMI. B1J AiUIIIttUB. ,;,,r frnl.hp)l ,Ant ,,, nrt. nte bath; one block from Main nt. 1'noue uin or can at zlj I Cedar. 1 ' Sloping room. 1 Ave. Call 627 Klamath llrda 60c per nlgbt. rates by week, (2.50. .. Mac's, looma.. )3) So. I Hth. ' - - - ' Store space. S2j'"Mafn FOR RENT Furnished 3-room .apartment: private bath. 54 Main atreet. Phone 193-W. FOR RENT Hood room for men. close lm fur particular. Phone 625 office or ..928-W bouse. , FOR RENT Furnished apartment nt 812 Oak. Ave. Inquire 804 Oak. , . , Throe room furnished .Apt. High St. 524 FOR RENT New garage. 533 No. 11th. Call at Three room apartment nicely fur nished and clean. Garage, fuel, water. 2301 . Wantlaad Ave. Phone 239-J. First class apartment. Lights, wa ter and heat furnished. Evans Apts. Pheue 200. 60 acrea of blue grass and alfalfa . pasture, rent reasonable. . Wll - letts Ranch at Midland. FOR RENT First class furnished apartment, at earn heated. Ms Carthy Apartments, (30 Pine. Phone (00. 014tf wmi.n xtvr c.ive name, HKRVRS SEVEN" MONTHS Cambrdlge, Mass., June 2). (United News) James Castoluccl has been released after serving a seven months' fail sentence rather than tell the name of married woman who was with him the night of a - hold-up of which he was con vtrted. Testimony of the unknown woman, officials say, would have cleared Castelticcl of the charge. - Classified advertising In THE KLAMATH NEWS paya big divi dends. Use them tor profit. ' K (FSK"w&TEiyrjETl ( NuMBEr.. 1, oj ri M""eC O-!! ) ON THE VNltiE ) BOSS l V GOVH-HE tAOST 'PT X 1 X T i a ! Legal Notices ...... 1 r : XOTIfK 1NVITIXO iium UTHV.t:T IMPHOVKMKNT I nit No. 411 Purauant lo Ordinance No. 770 , ,i,t be received by the Police , j . . i. , uuki ui puiii eiij, a k un uuiin (li Uh city Hall, up to and Including moiioay, loo inin ujr oi jiiit. l2, at the hour of I o'clock P. M. fnr makinr the nnr ..ed lm- provement or HUlh at.eel from the 1 northerly line of High atreet to ta Hovenlh atreet. Including inter- , section at HUlh and Jefforaon atreet I from Fifth atreet to Seventh. ; The propoeed Improvement to be , .d. ..,iK. lh1 ,Ilullll, aewer- I drainage and curbing; aald nnvemant In he lit tiiL wf.le frnm 1 High atreet to Lincoln atreet onld'h County, lregon. will receive atrt: 24 feet wide on .h--' hid, , , Julf 71,2;, Inetnn treet h. I ween Hllth and Sevan th atreeu: and 24 feet wldecea of the Palrrlew School. Milla-, on Jefferaon atreet from Fifth ! School, Pelican City School and atreet to Seventh atreet, with con- i Rlerlde School, according to ! crete alde-walka five feet wide on aeciflcationa In the handa of C. ! length ment. with oarkinc atriDa leveled CUtU VI OMSIU IU11FI vie- , and rolled throurhout on lioth ! rouahout on lioth 1 aldea. exrent at Interaectlona. where laundry. Wi!um navement U to be full width. " iTcco7nance witthe jilan, of the City Engineer on file in the office of the Police Judge. . Said Improvement ahull be made of concrete pavement, Warrenite Blthullthlc. Vlbrolithlc on bltumln - ous concrete base or Aaphaltlc con-1 crete with aaphaltlc concrete baee or Warrenite Bithullthie on rock ; base or Aaphaltlc concrete on rock Keturn to I owe. an ui aaiu yruvwrn uuviuib menta to be made together with the materiala to be used. In accordance County, Oregon, will receive aeal with the aald plana, specifications ! ed bids up to July 7th, 1924, for and estimate of the City Engineer j excavating, grading . and concrete oa tile In the office of the Police 1 wall at the Fremont School aocord Judxe of aald city, reference to i Inr to plana and specifications In which la hereby made regarding further details for plana, construe lion, materiala, quantitiea and the ; also to cover all the work. Blda like. to be accompanied by certified Said Improvement will he let In I check for 5 of amount bid. one contract and bida will be re- The Board reserve the right to Mived for each kind of pavement I reject any and all bids, specified above, and will be opened All bids ta . be plainly marked tor consideration by the Common "Sealed Bid." Council on the fifth day ot July. I All blda to he In tha hands of 1926. at the. hour of 6:00 o'clock the Clerk by noon of July 7th. Ad P. M. Bidders will be required to ! dress all tida to Ida B. Momyer, aubmlt bids on blanks prepared by 1 Clerk, School District No. 1, Hopka the City Engineer, and bida will Bldg. Klamath Falls. Ore. not ' be considered unleaa ao aub- J23-27 Inc. , BILLY'S UNCLE t TTv V JUST ,M Mt,lt wustL J ,N,wciA. V'tH vAHJO Oft 1 THIVivc TWS S ) I I . I THE. Uklt Wt J V X .rK iml'tert; Blanks for bid may be ob- mi'ted . nt Ilia office of the Police The. succeHful bidder will be re-1 Mulred t rive bond In a sum to l : fixed by the Common Counrll for! tlie faithful performance of the ton- i tract lo be entered Into for making j aald Improvement. Each bid roust '" accompanied by a check certified by aome reaponalble bank for 5 r-"r I .rent of the amount bid, aa ruaran-1 'tee that the aucreafiu bidder will ini, in,. ,i.iiiruH u,th (I.a ....... H.V Hw for the rnakiug of aucb Improve- " - .." of making auck award, Tne t.'ommnn council reaerrea ; the right to reject any and all blda. . jar - d to maker auch improvement on thla 17tb day of June, 124. LEM L. (J AG HAG EN, Police Judge. J18-29 Inc. Hum w Tf:i) School iJlatrlrt So. 1. of Klam-1 for Kalaomiuing the InUrlor ur-I " . August 15, 1920. All blda are to" be addressed to I " hide are to-be addressed to Ida B. Momyer, Clerk of School i District . No. 1. of Klamath Palia, Oregon, and must be accompanied "y a certuied cnerr in the sum . I"' v Pr cent of the total amount! of 'he bid. . ) ' Blda to be aubmitted on . each . ! building acparately and also on all ouiiaings. . The School Board reserve the,! right to reject any or all blda. JJ Jr 'nc. ...... School District No. 1 of Klamath tne nands oi t . coaeooom. Blda to be riven separately 00 each and Markets- Hiin Kmnclsw i, June 21 " 1 I'OTA'iOEft' Whlta. t(lt. Waahlnfton rune, tl 'bltiz; aweeu, o. 1, 70 ,,',,. .. , " r- ". z. scrrac CA3TLK . . i .mu) m ti i nine ai run , . ci . um,, v.hv fl gg.oo: cowa, good and choice. vairea, aieaay; ie in. ap der, (0.000(11.(0; over J(( lha.. ..S0 (11.(0. (14. SO; medium. (14 ff (14.60. Sheep, ateady: lamba. medium to cnolce i2.6e (13.60; wwea (4.00 e(.S0; wethera. 7.5$3.6. ' Portland. Jam 24 '. WHEAV m 1tnrf hliialMia, tl 44: haapt. ... .... .... ' """" ' ". " white, (1.44; hard winter, (1.16; northern apring. (1.35; western red, jf .js. . -a .. 'nominal; Taney, .ine nau ouwa. tie: medium threa-onartara blood. ... . o..n.. hlA , ..' .... "raid. (te. At raUay polatf prices are- zo to no nignsr lor mm c., lected rtock. ' EGG8 ' r . . .ii. no Buying" price, current raealpta. 17c: Hennery wnites, ic; nennery pulleta, 23c24c. BETTER ' Selling price, box lota, creamery - prlcea: First, extras, 41c for plana wrappers, anbjeet to discount ot 20 11 ( per cent; dairy baying prlea lt.'" CHEEM - Selling price: Tillamook ' couflty triplets, 27 He; loaf, 28Vic; Oraajoa triplets, not branded, 36e; Tilka- 0 mook. if.o.b. triplets, 25c; loaf. 24c: ) Coos county triplets,- 26c: loaf, 1 6c -j LIVE POCLTRT : - - - - Heavy bens, 27e; light to seed- "' lum, 20c; springs, 2S4J 25c; - roost era, 12c; Pekia ducka, 28c 0c; . colored, 32c; dressed turkeys, 40a 44c; live tarkeya, 30a For Reaalta Dae News CTaaa Ada -.1 .. . j 31 1 tit .0 KM :.e.s .III p II 111 T!J : i -.m . v.; i, rtt , let 'jft