The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 25, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, Juno 2.r. lf)2fl
, .
trucllon to foreale la thU
tlon may ensue If a rigid vigilant
it not maintained.' '"
,, , . ..IT
Pretty, heavy combination- for
ala for only ll.S'J at Baa Bagta1!
HI or a. J24-1 'i
Union Pacific
Is Opposed to
East-West Line
POIlTt.AND, J una 2 ,-Hlnlled,
Newel Cross ataia railroad sten-
Ion plana hava been definitely. K
But permanently shelved by lhe
Union I'aririo system ami even tho
promise of waaiarn Oregon ter
minal (or anrb a Una would not
ravlva official Intern! In tha pro
Jeot, aald Curl K. (I ray. president
of Ilia rompaiiy, upon arrival today
for Impaction of western proper
llee. Considerable Interest had Iwo
aroused In tha rroaa-atata Una th la
week, and whan Iba Oregon public
aarvele commissioner petitioned lha
Interstate commerce commission for
rehearing of thla cam', promising
to ahow raaaoua for Irauafer of
wailarn Oregon tonaga to auch
Una at Eugene, but Gray's state
ment definitely placva tha Union
1'aclflc In opposition to aurh a plan.
"To give tha Union I'aclflc busi
ness In thla manner la an Injustice
to othara." (Jray aald. "It lha bital
aaaa waa lhara and needed service
tha Union Pacific would ranch aide
way to gel I he re.
"Tha only Justification for an
anal and want Una acroaa Oregon
waa at tha lima It wna projected
and lha Huothern Pacific and Union
Pacific wore a unit tinder llarrl
rann. Hut condition have, changed
and the, two" carrier arc separate
unlta now."
Mcpherson kidnaping
puzzle to officers
(Coatlnoryl front rasa Oh)
Haiti's President and First Lady
- In America to Study Government
"Her shown appeared only slightly
worn and aha did not ahow ny
aigna of aunburn."
l.oa Angeles Investigator quest
ioned all witnesses who could glva
testimony concerning the supposed
Conrad Rihausscd, proprietor of a
ataughterhotise on tha outskirts of
Douglas, waa the first nnliied. He
told offlrera that at midnight Wed
nesday he aaw a woman walking
' along the Mexican border Una and
algnaled to her. When she saw him
aha railed. Arn there any women
over- (here?"
Hecelvlng a negative reply', the
woman aald aha did not rrosa to
tha American side unless there were
women there, and continued on hnr
way. '
i. So Kurli House. Knuifil
Former deputy' sheriff. Charlus
Gross, veteran rnngo rider returned
Thursday otat a search for the hut
In which Mrs. Mcpherson suld she
waa held captive. . ,
"There V no such .house within
forty mllef f lha apnl described by
Mm. McPhreon.", be told authori
ties. ; . :
i Meaiiwhllo Mrs. McPherson rq-
malned at the hospital Thursday
night, gathering her strength for
her return to 1mm Angelea. She
declares she will addresa her fol
lowera at Angelua tnmplo Sunday.
After a dramatic meeting with
"Mother" Kennedy, and her child
ren, Kolf and Itoberta, Thursday
morning, the religious leader was
In aesslon with Captain ('line and
other Irfs Angeles officers, giving
them a lengthy version of her cx-perlenccs.
At noon, taken out on the hos
pital lawn to be photographed. Mrs.
McPherson created considerable ex
citement hy collapsing In n fnlnt In
Aer wheel chair.' ' " ' -v -
I 7 ? ;iv)
Raiders Maltreat
Family1 Consisting
Sixteen Members
and baa burned over tha sector of
operations, compelling a hasty re
moval of quartera to a aafa dis
tance. Tha entire personnel of the
camp la employed In fighting the
near Aspen lake, "and In" the' vi
cinity of Kitta mill near Bonania.
With the forests excessively dry
from tha hot wava gripping tha
country and with humidity lowered
below tha danger point to an
WILLIAM HON. W. Va.. June 24
(United News) Haven white'
, robed raldera shot many times Inlo'
!the Isolated pome of Mr. and Mrs.
I Jim Johnson and their 14 children
at Jenny'a rraek Wednesday night,'
wounding Mrs. Johnson and later
! taking her husband out and flog-i
King hi ill. - !
Tha raldera are laid to hava be
longed to an orgsnitatlnn of self-
applnted jvlgllantea knwn aa "Tha
Mules." k . '. ' ,
Tha afory waa revealed Thurs
day night with lha return of atate
troopers, who J) ad gc to Jenny'a
Creek, a camp near JCefmlt, follow-:
ing reporta that Mrs.' Johnaon and ,
a daughter, had been killed.
Tha only other member of the
family Injured, they aald, waa a i
11-year-old aon, hit on tha head
with tha butt of a revolver. i
Mrs. Johnaon waa ahot In thai
hip and only slightly wounded. I
' Using bloodhounds to track the
raldera, state troopers have arrest-.
ed one peraon and expect to round-!
up the.oiW. elxr r i
Tleporlfc corning ,'from the thick-
ly woode,t, section iff Mingo county,
suy that the (loritlng was admin-;
latercd 'because Johnson waa aald,
to hn'voj barn too Intiniuto with a
woman..' 1 ;
Small flrea are reported burning alarming degree, widespread du
I'rrsidrnt antl Msdulnc I.ouis Borno of Haiti are spending; a
iliort time in America in order to study governmental and Industrial;
inrthuda. The greater part of their visit i to j passed in the caatrj
particularly at the Capital.
Volstead Act Is
Placing Canada
In Bad Position
(Continued from race One)
OTTAWA. (Int.. June it. (Uni
ted News) - Knaclment of the
eighteenth amendment In the Uni
ted States created a situation which 1 mendous manifestation nf
encrusted silver, making with it the
sign of tho cross.
As If directed hy the hand of
Cod In full accord with this tre-j
faith the;
A home la empty and two email
children, the oldest not yet two-yeara-old,
are crying for their
mother. Tha father ranndt con-'
,aole them for he doea not know
j where his wife has gone. j
I It. W. Northrup. 2028 Rerlama
jtion street, reporta the disappear-
junre of hla wife, who waa last
(seen In company with a atrange
woman who appeared to he about,
.it' years Did.
Mrs. Northrup is believed to hava
lias made tne t'anadlnn position ex- sun urono inmutn nouns in neecy i , wn n( w,fo of A j Vollman,
tremely difficult. Premier Macken- "' ond a rainbow spanned the, d,,erle1 h8r bushand yesterday
le King told the Canadian purlin- southeastern horlion. n) .tpp,,,,.,! with their two
mi nt Thursday in a heated defense Crowds Ntund All Mgjlit i children. Virginia. 3. and Juanlta, 2.
of his government In respect to All doy ond nil tho night before) '
smuggling between the two couii- crowds had been pouring through ' VALUABLE TIMBER
tries, j the gates of the seminary park for
Canada has attempted In every 1 ,he pontifical high mass a"nd solemn
way to aid Its southern neighbors ; benediction mucked tho closing of; , (row,(lll tTm P ,,
enforce the prohibition law, he said. I congress. . j , , . ,
At tho snmo time, he pointed out.! They had came from ..Chicago. the, anbaei4nt decreuse In ha
th United States was In a posl-1 eene "f the first three days, of the j mldlty, the flrcfjchiers may auc
tion to afford inurh more liberal ' meeting, in endless streams, and ' ceed In checking the ' flames,
means of preventing smuggling nier- now they were starting home again.! A fire in progress along' the
rhandlse Into Canada, an Illicit traf-j lhM English. French. Ciccho-Slnva-I course of nock creek was reported
fie which has resulted In a loss n j kiiiu. (ierman, Oriental. Italian. Po-j o be gaining lust night nnd It waa
the government of approximately . ""I'. Hclglun, Portuguese, Ukranlan. feared that It, might get beyond
S200.000.000 Syrian. Mexican, Spanish. South Af- control oa the result of a light
rienn. South American and Untie- breete that sprang up at nlshtfall. ,
mlun. 1 Kcno Fire Mi'nncinK
llut their first goal was Chicago The fire near Keno bad burned
and the crush at the gates, on the O'er a considerable area and was
platforms of the railroad stations, menacing fine timber tracta south,
and along the highways was tre- " ' reported. The Klamath For
mendous. ! est Protective Association Issued an
; optimistic report last evening, and
.-- -' t-
Of course you will want a STRAW
for the Fourth and a "KNOX" of
Course. ' ' .- .
Snappy Styles from $3 to $7.50
All style Braids Fancy and Plain Bands
U. S. Citizen Is
Brutally Beaten
By Mex Officials
Seeks Election
On"No Sex Line"
Platform Plank
Mrs. Ella Bushnell Hamlin of
Davenport, la., wants to repre
' arnt her District in Congress,
And her platform contains a rad
ical antl-womeni' club plank.
Women should not enter politics
under the double sex standard,
according to Mrs. Hamlin, nor
With any special feminine back
ing. She is alio radical pa
cifist, , . !
( United News) Nallvla Carxln. at
American cltlxcn. was found In a
srinl-cr nsclous condition on the
hanks of the Itlo Crnndo river
Thursday night suffering from a
broken arm and other Injuries, the
result ho auldt nf a lortoe at the
hands of Mexican officials while
he lay In a Mutnmnras Jail.
Cnrxlu, who lives In 'llrownsvlllo.
was arrested In Matainnraa last 1
Sunday, while ho was In a saloon.
The officials, he aald, tortured him
In an effort to elicit Infromatlon
concerning tho rioath of Arturo
Guerrero, a Mexican who was shot
by Untied Suites Immigration of
ficers on June 7.
Carxla suld he told officials he
knew nothing of the shooting. Last
Wednesday, according to Carxln, he
was attacked In his cell hy a
brother cf tho slain niun, nnd sev
erely beaten.
Later tho officials rcpornted the
Ho was released Thursday with
cut first being given medical atten
(Continued from Pngo One)
It.U.V IKlM.WiKS Si'll.l.WW.
was hopeful that the blase might
KISHKItMKX ARK HAPPY he nlaced under control hv morn-1
YOUKV1LI.K. III.. June 2 '.Be-! Ing. j
les being a hlg aid to farmers of! Timberlands belonging to thel
j vicinity, a Tulustnrm here will Weyerhaeuser Lumber company are'
I iv of great benefit to fisher-: in proximity to the fire and exten-1
It High waters swept away the slvc damage may result to their
Is way of the aiusc fish hatch-! tracts If the progress of the flames!
; ei nnd washed 1.500.000 newly f Is not halted.
'hatched game fish into the Illinois, The' fire la reported to have origi-
rlver. j nateri near Pttckett'a logging camp
i !
hill, and 21 against It. It waa sup
ported by 23 republicans; one farmer-labor,
fluipatead of Minnesota,
while 24 republicans opposed It.
Defeat of the Ilnttgen hill Is the
climax to a aeries of events which
began several months ago In a
meeting nt T)ee Moines, where west
ern business men and bankers Join
ed the farmers In demanding farm
relief. The revolt which began
there l.roke n few dnys Inter upon
tho capital, and demonstrated its
slrentlli In a pronounced way ro
cently when Senntor Mrnnkhnrt nf
Iowa, outspoken farm leader, do
foaled Cummins.
Illg shipment of pretty new dress
es In today at lleo llegln's Hlnro.
Keeps the
... . . . .
Daughter Mary will have changed considerably a year from to
day but not so your Kodak snapshots of her. ' : '
That's the beauty of making pictures of , the children, and of people ",
in general. They never change. "
And making good pictures the Kodak way is so easy that the fun
begins with the click of the shutter. We know it and we'll prove
it. Drop in today and give us a chance to demonstrate. "
Kodak Film, the famous yellow
box kind, has the qualities you
need for all your Ko.
dak pictures. Speed
that makes light of light
conditions, unsurpassed
latitude and esneciallv
uniformity those are the qualities you can always count on in Eastman
Film. Let us supply you from our fresh stocks.
KodakFilm pg
Depend on us for complete photographic service. You'll want
to make summer pictures of course- and we have everything
you'll . need. Pay us a visit at our Kodak counter today.
Autographic Kodake $5 up; Brownies $2 up 9-hour service
KRYSTAL KOTE prints on Vel ox.
Mrcoods Pharni m
I PurWv i