The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 25, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Friday. June 25, 1926
Ashes of Love
Causes Man to
Murder His Vife
MINKOI.A, L. I. Juua 7
tl'nltad Nrwul Alin of an ulil
love, klndM again liy Ihn InuNt
ii of nun who loynd from afur
li Oiler Mil-iin akl, mid faiinrd
III JoaloiM Imagination nf hus
band, were "ri'ii)iilhlo (it the trag
edy In I.011V Island sorltdy, which
occurred Tuesday lthi, when Hyd
toy K, llrewsier, I'J, killed Ilia SO
)iurold wtfi! stud lillimcir In their
home Hi teillumd. '
Thin explanation of Ihn murder
nd suicide t'KituiUieed ,by. sllliy.
real salute man ins glved, liy the
district attorney 'und Ihn coroner
trior an lnquei Thiiraduy. during
which Ilrewmer'e motive tens re
vealed Willi lh Introduction of u
lorn lot I r. addrnannd to Mm. r'rau
foe Hreftsiar, yhli'h had aeon
found III Ihn dead man's triilln.
A man whn Vlaned hliiinett 'Had,"
lid wna at Ihn tliim In I'nmil. slate
Of Ohlliunhua, Mexlrn, wrote Ihn
letter. Iiul 11 prolmlily never will
be known whether Mr. Ilri!ef
ever reilprorated hie frrllnm, nor
what nory she lold br hushatid
after hn hud round tlx' missive, lint
Ihn man's mm was la romu
Where hn roilld see til licuutlfill
lira. Ilrnwatnr "oven for a llliln."
Thn womtn III Hie case was not
Inrrlnilnuted lo any extent, licvond
III Indication thai she hnd wrlili-a
to "Had," and Hint hr mi.n hid
linld her bauds In Ma own.
Spiritualist Church' Nearly Ready
But Lacks Pastorand Congregation
'( """" .""1" ' - 1
ynt Liu-
Scout Camfr Will
Open on July 19
At Eagle Ridge
lli-a-lnnlng fh week of July 19
Hoy flroula nf Klamath Palla will
alart ou luelr summer outing trip,
and In order to be ellalbla fur the
ojouro at Kaitle Indue Tavern,
Krnuta niuat be proper,! registered. J
Official,, announcement of the
dale fur th , first .departure of
Hcouts for their raniulos around j
wn mad yeaterduy Uy cnutmanter
Bert lllerlna at the weekly lunch-j
con of Ihf forum of, Ui Chumber!
of Commerce. ,;
Kngle llldx tavern baa been M-
nalcd by th f'upco rompany. and
the buildliic end around have been!
placed Ui Hi beat poaallile condl-1
I lim. rJwInimlna. bunllnit. flablnx)
and bikini will make up th forma
of aiiiuaeinant for th younx people.
4unr Z4( I'nill pwb) lra.
Prank llojaa, lit, tried to mora
to fli action of hrr girlhood.
Wltll diNMatrou rtnulta.
Tin unK itiufron flatted IJI
rrty I'ark and, overcome with
the aplrlf of yoiUh, wiae the
liii'-ry elide iioeil by children In
the auiMlpliH, Two honra in her
left ankli wer fracturevl aa ahe
tuinblefl : to the ground after
h'cIIuk down the Incline,
I'Altl) ;K TlltVKH
We wtah lo expreaa our alncere
thanka and appreciation for th
lovely floral offering and aympathy
of our frlenda at the time or our
father'a. aon'a and brother'a deaib.
.Mra. Fred -Peteratelner.
titto and Alfred Peteratelner.
I'eter I'eteratelner.
We have been appointed distributors for
Mona Motor
Oils and Greases ' ' '
100 Pure Paraffine
Stephenson nd Stephenson.
.744 KUnwth Avenue.
Another Point of
Etiquette Decided
By Band of Women
DrJL MONTH. Calif. Juno 24
I United Newa) Another film
point of etiquette baa Ih-hu aettled
and by th women themaelvea. I'
la perfectly proper for men lo
keep their hata on their hond
while with women lu cominorclnl
' A committee uf women maAaKura
of American akymmperH preenled
thlr view cn tho prohlctu at the
annual convention uf the National
Aaaoclatlon of lliillillng tlwnera and
1 Naturally tlicrn'a a jolt for the
men In tho ronceaainn. Mla t'lura
C. fraracr of riilraao, chairman of
her committee aaid that reneon wo
men no iontter demand deference
In commerclul elevutorH n In ho
tela and apurtmenta la liermiHn they
recard Ihcmnelvea nn a parity with
men In the commercial world.
"When a woman enter an of
fice or In office bulldlnn he ten
erally doe ao nn l)iiHlneiH." anld
Mlna Cramer. "In hunlticaft women
ar on the aame level with men.
They k' no aperlnl privlleaea und
lire wlllinK to piny the came In full
ronflrntlty with the rulea."
' Civic tocletie. th rhnmlier of
commerce, and tho Rotary und Kl
wanla cluha, will lnauguralo a vote
drive with a view of making the
bond election to be held next Turn
day aa unnnlmoiia ut It la poaalhlc
to do an.
This city will hn divided into dia
trlcta, and team will coucentrate
In aecurlng votea for the IC3.000
bond laaiie for the building of the
Nlitb atrect viaduct.
i '
Kor reaulta line New Cluaa Adfl.
Indiana Dems
Choose "Novice,
tor senator Kaci
5S G
Albert Stump, a World War
veteran who baa never held pub
lie office, la to be Indiana'
. Democratic nominee In the ram
. palpi for the U. 8. Senate
A. ( J0O.000 rlmrcli liuiUiiiR ncars compIctlorTat'Lerov vil-
lug- in loullicrn IllinoH. It liaa hear endowment and itandt
ready to acrve the community Inrgcly, Uut the church haa neither'
paitor nor ronerrifatlon. The aituntion la the result of a clauic In
the will of J. T. t'riiinlinugli, a former Leroy rciiilrnt, which apccl
licd the election nf the building aa a Spirlluallat church. But there
i no iiiriiiHilInt pator near Leroy nor any considerable number of
believers in the spiritualist religion. Until other dispoiition i
made, the ihiirch will lie used aa a library, fundi-for jarhlcb have
bren provided In Uie will.- 0 ''
I'OHTI.WI). tin-.. June 211
(Culled New) "l-'herntauya
ltfL' ci'rtulnly mum tolili Jiimea
Hobllison of Portland when tlie
fjiet that he hud a ffNhlug cretd
In ItN hund aaved Itla life.
Hobiiuiou, with a party of
fl-lendN, wua fUlllltg in the Ne.
bale hi rlvw. Willie walking
uruiiiid on the cliff lu atopped ou
a ItMMH atom Mini pliingetl down
lion tril. In liuiilinK, I Ik- fishing
kit fidl between Ilia brail mmI a
lMiulihr. rufcldouiiig tlie nhiN'k
und undoulrteilly snvliig him from
a fructuri!! akull or death.
No, ItobhiMin luiMn't torn up
Ilia fishing license. Hut ho d
cbu-e he will continue to uae- it
at every ipKirtuully.
Vet Training : :
To Be Extended
For Two Years
WASII1NCTO.V. Juno 24. (Vnl
ted News) Within a few day con
grnaa probably will rxleud for two
yenrs the ayMtem of vocntlonnl train
ing whlrb was Inaugurated after
the war to teach injured survivors
profesFlons or trades adnptcd to
their condition.
The law nnd appropriations for
IliU work expire June 30, but at
the Insistence of service men. the
house recently paaaed a. bill vx-
tendlnx II for two year more anil j
It follows fiirnt relief on the senate j
calendar. The measure may ro to
tho President for slxnature this
week. Prompt action has be?n
urged by the convention of disabled
veterans meeting at Atlanta this
week. I
The measure will affect only a
relatively small number of veter
ans, It was suld nt the Veterans'
About 4,300 are receiving occu
pational training now, but Hourly
half of these will complete, their
work by Juno .10. Sluco tho war
occupational training has been
given lo nearly 200,000 veterans
nt a cost Ut ,the government of
Kllgbtly more llinu 5.000 vet
orana ore atlll In hospltnls, but
thore la no way of knowing how
many of these, wilt want occupa
tional training or when they will
bo nblo to roculve II,
Set Fires That
, Glory Might Be1
Heaped on Them
M1NEOt;a, L. I.. June 24. (Uni
ted News) Fred Penrsull. n enp
tnln In tho volunteer fire depart
ment of Itockvillo Center, L. I wns
nun of four members of the organi
zation who aet flrea bore and thore
for the snlic of a thrill and the
Klory of having ihelr own hose com
pany ulwaya nrrlvo first at the
Penrsall was sentenced lo two
mid a half years In sing Ring prlVnn
Thursday, Went. W. II. Kruger was
sent nwaV for from flvo to ten
year und two privates In tho rnnks,
Including Ooorgo Penrsall. Kred'a
brother, were aenenred lo I ho ro-fornialory.
Woman to Serve
Long Jail Term
For Killing Babe
LKWIKTON, Mont.. June 24
l lni(el Sown) Convlrtvd of in
voluntary mu.111lauK.1ter In admin
Hlriiiic bentinic whirl, resulted In
the death a ytiu uko uf Dorothy
Ktnwart, then four, and her atep
diuiKhter, Mra. KUie Htvwurt, 21 ,
who sinco thu dnuth of Dorothy hua
Imtohio a mother, miiHt nerve thf
maximum penalty prem-rlbed for hrr
offenrw. In Ulmrlit court here
thia afternoon ahe waa aeutuiirtd In
iervo from flrn to ten yoara In
tho atato puitntlary at Deer
LodKO hy Judge Hukcr.
Wm. Illrlley and John Stopple
visited In ('hltnquln Sunday.
..l.ll.l.. I am U( I
iirduy. . .
Tim Wilson recently returned,
from California and la now eai
ployed. j
Mr. and .Mra. Prank Lowell were
in Cblloquln Saturday nlsbt on:
buaiuess. : . : , , j
Mrs. W. R. Hyde entertained the
l.nrklu' Club one day last week. .
Henry kleuner wna in Klamath j
Full Saturday night on bulueas. j
Jerry O'l'alligan from Kirk !-1
lied In camp one day lust week. I
.Miss Mabel Lew la shopped In I
Klamath Fulle one day lout weok. I
rt.;i:it avkxi k wku, !
in t: i:i; watkr
Incessant pounding day ud
night for about almost three weeks I
has brought th drill of the Call-:
turnta-Oregon Power company'a
crew nt the new well on Conger '
avenue down to a depth of 130!
feet, at this depth they hud a fine
(low of water In the last well.
When you think of a new dress
foe ihe ITiirlh Thlnlr nt tha
new dressqs arriving dally at Hee
lleKIll S- MOro.
Shopping News
A term greatly abused.
But rilcher't endeavor
tMeAeWNMeMWWWV to serve their cuitomer
i - y f ; eHiciently and courte-
' ously. Honeat jvabic.
truthful advertijing and
courteous' acrricel
With Our Semi-Annual Inventory Now Completed, Our Store Will Open For
Business at the Usual Hour ' '
We are well aatisfied with the way our fr
business last fall, and we sincerely hope that t
We did our best to merit your business du
our beat to merit more of it during the next six
k Our reputation for treating our trade well a
good talk about us in Klamath County, which, s
thoroughly appreciated by us and we are glad t
tnay command.
lends have treated us since we opened up for
hey can say the same of u.
ring the past six month a, and we are going to do
monthav -- - - . . . ,
nd selling at the right prices has created aosne
inunercd down to the crystaiizing point, mean
T. Your yistis Jto this store in the past have been
P aes-ve you at any. time, atnd ia any way .that you
Yours very truly, A. A. Mc DONALD, Mgr. . .
Just Received a Shipment of NEW MILLINERY
Flowers Grace the New Hats;
Smart new millinery reflects'the spirit of the season and adorns it
self with lovely flowers, sometimes conventional appliqued as an allover
trim for the crown, and sometimes placed becomingly at the side. Come
in latest materials. These inviting groups are presented here at these at
tractive prices. , .
$3.90, $6.90, $9.90, $12.50
You re - judged' by
your luggage, have ood
appearance. by using
Pllcher'e luggage.
Trunks S12.5Q to 32.TM
Wardrobe Trunk
BS7.RO and $40.30
Suit Case". aU leather.
S.T3 to S30.T5
Bags, all leather,
&5.7S to 19.73
Hat Boxes S4.03 to S6.08
Others from
81.98 to S4.O8
Just received a new shipment of Slippers
and Oxfords. .....
Two tone, patent, smart calf.
One Strap, Two Tone
ZVs to 5 '. $1.98 to $2.49
Bis to E $2.49 to $3.25
8 t to 11 ."....$2.98 to $3.98
One Strap, Patent
2 'a to 5 4 $2.15 to $3.25
6a to 8 $2.49 to $3.25
8l. to 11 $2.50 to $3.98
Misses' Slippers, Two Tone, One Srap
112 to 2 $3.25 to $3.98
Two Tone Oxfords
UVi to 2 $3.25 to $3.98
New Silk Frocks
In a special offering
at Filcher's low
$12.50 to $69.60
A rare opportunity for tho
careful shopper. A new
shipment of silk Frocks.
each one an amazing value.
There are many Bmart print
ad aflka In dark and tight
colors, and newest patterns,
in one and -two piece styles.
also striking models in
plain toned crepe de chine,
flat erepe and satin, in all
new shades.
Bathing Suits
Size 40. 42, 44
Price $2.69 to
' $5.49.
' department Stores