The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 24, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Thursday June 24. 1926
- Pace Flvt
. ,
INTERSTATE BUSSES I" P"' rendered bg Asaletant At-'
subject to taxation ir:;eri".1oc.. Drodl, to
Not Married He
Says, But Still
Remains in Jail
CAN r'lUNCMCO. June -(
Culled Newa) Returned u Jnll
nrtor three witnesses had (oatlllnd
lit HI nut til gin wanted, Hub
ert A. Ilumllliin. I J year-old seamon
U ellll being held on charge of
wife desertion, pressed by a wo
man llainlltou says ho baa, barer
Tha young aallur baa brrg bald
since last wiwa, when ha waa arreat
cd on a duwn-town street at (ho re
quest ul Mra. Isabel Clyde. Tha
caaa ram lulu police ruurl Wad
, ncsday. but Judge Joseph M. (lnl
don refused to randor a decision,
saying lha manor had baon takon
out of hla handa and must go Inlu
uparlur rourt.
Mm. Clyde baa advanced noth
ing but bar word lu uphold rlulin
that Hamilton la lhd man who mar
rlod bar thraa yaara ago. The
prleouer produrod throe witnesses,
former army mon. who testified
Hamilton waa In Hawaiian lalanda
whan ha waa auppuard to have boon
American I jjbor Leader Returns From Tour
Investigating Labor Conditions Overseas
Democrats Seek
More Tax Slash
'"And Make Moves
ed Nowi) Democrats ara maklnii
hay rarly with tax reduction. Twenty-four
houra after they served
notice they , would arok further tai
ruta on tho baala of the aurplua
rrealdent Cnolldge announced, they
sponsored Ihre aeparata movea
looking toward Immedlato roduc
tlona. Their activity waa mot by charg
e of politics from republican loud
en, whlla Chairman lireen nf the
houao waya and moana committee,
which drain tal legislation, Issued
a formal ataloment declaring that
any discussion of tax reduction waa
premature" and that the affect of
tho new law rannot be dntoxminrd
for at loaat ill month.
(Continued from , fan One)
m u-" V$t VpT
r &m f
' sir -
x 1 Lr5 A gin
Artist Fisher Is
Sued For Divorce
By Countess Wife
Daniel J. Toliln, one of America-! moat active and progressive labor leaders, la met aboard (be
S. S. Srythia ai he rrturna from a throe montln trip to investigate labor condition in Europe and
Croat Britain. In the group are, left to right: M. J. Ca.lid, Frederick Tobto, Edward Caffory,'
Mra. Daniel J.Tobln. Joseph Ryan and Mr.Tobin.
NKW VOItK. Jum 231
' OLYMPIA. Juna 21 Auto atagea
and baaa used In Interstate service
are subject to taxation In thla atate
a. ted In the proportion that tbe mi lea no
Tha opinion hold that the buaee '
have s altna In thla atata tor the
purpose of taxation, a-ecardlesa q(
lha fact thnt the headquarter ot'
and the home of its)
V.., f .l...l" Vt.L..r rhi. uprieu iu imia .u ""I ....... k
i total mileage operated, accordinr to i officer may be In another atate.
auppoaedly apenda houra each day ...... u j i - . . . 11 1
thinking up now and novel mean"
by which "Mult and Jiff." hla
comic atrip character, may hit each
other properly over tbe head, haa
been haled Into tbe dlrorce court,1
charged with striking hi wife.
Mra. Plaher, who waa the Coun
teaa Aedlla de Beaumont of Parla
before ahe ever heard of Mutt or
Jeff, allege through her attorney
that the cartoonlat recently at ruck
her and Injured her o badly thatU
ahe had to be placed under the
care of a phyalcian.
Mra. Plaher aak separation,
13,000 monthly alimony, $5,000 for
expenac and $10,000 with which
to pay her attorneya.
Plaher appeared In auprcme court
Wedneaday to deny Mra. Fisher's
chargea. He atate that ahe la en
titled to no aupport, although be
admitted that the Income that he
receive make blm amply able to
provide such aupport.
Railroaders in
Convention to
Discuss Topics
movement started j Ex-Iceman Runs
(Continued front rage One)
and congressional of-
For U. S. Senate
State Oklahoma
ahort (I la I once away, whero ho aald
hla baby m dying. ,
Husucst'il . No l'l't
Not impacting a plot Iho evang
elist atepped Into the car, ahu aald,
and Immediately waa pushed Into
a seat, and a rag saturated with an
anaesthetic pressed to her face.
Sure thai time ahe haa led a
nomadic exlatence, according to her
statements, moat of the time hav
ing boon unabln to account for her
whoreubouts. Thla was because her I
eaplora never left her out of their j
Bight, ahe declared. A woman
called "Hose," and a man nnmud
"Steve" were tho only two alio suw
frequently, she nld.
Vlsltnl Her Oft'-u
"They enmo to mo often," Mrs.
McPheraon aaaerted. "demanding
that I give them personal Informa
tion that they could aend Mother
Kennedy to provo to her I waa
their captive.
"I refused them any information
and prayed continually." '
Tho evangelist told of the cap
tors rutting off strands of her hair.
"They oven burned me with
lighted cigar to mako aie disclnso,
tho Information," Mr. McPheraon
added. .
1 Falliil In Attempt
i FnlllnK In their attempts. Iho ul-
leged gang took her to an isolated J
apot in. Mexico, where Mrs. Mo-i
Therson anld they stnyed moro than
three weeks. i
Finally sooting hur chance Mra. j
MoPhorson jumped from an open
window and Tnn nwny narly this
morning, coming to a Moxicnn home
after a tedious Journey acrosa waste
lands, alio related, ,
"People living in Iho house railed
on American nrrosn tho alreot when
they saw I was also nn American,
she anld. 'They had a car and
drove, mo horo. That la all I
LOS ANflKLKB. Juno 23. Ono
of tho greatest mun-hunta In history
of the aoutbwoat wni being orga
nised Wedneaday n'ght for Iho al
leged abductors or Almea Semple
McPhcrson. t
Ohlef of Detective Horman Ollno
and Deputy Attorney'' Joy tlynn,
who, with Mra. Kunnedy, the ovang
ollst'a mothor, questioned Mra.
McPherson by telephone at Douglas,
Aril., Tecolved descriptions of tho
man and woman known as "Steve"
and "Rose." who were lupposcdly
responsible for the kidnaping.
Dig shipment of pretty new dress
es In today at Hoe Ilegin'a Store.
VANCOUVKIt. II. C. June 23
nepresontatlvea of 4 railroads
from Canada to Mexico aro here
to attend a convention that will
continue for three daya.
There la also one delegate from
Booth Africa. '
An Interesting dlsrusslon took
place at the Industrial section meet
ing Wednesday, after which auch
questlona aa:
"How far should a railroad co
operate with civic bodies In atlinu-j
Intlng local community dcvclop-
mont?" I
Tbe methods of treating an In
dustry thnt leasus railroad prop
erty and doe not use It, were con
sidered. It waa generally agreed that
there was no auch thins: as a per
fect induslriut department because
no two persona - were agreed, on
what constitutes perfection.
!l (United News) An ex-iceman
will be one of Senator John W.
' Harreld'i opponents for the repub
' lican senatorial nomination at the
! August primary. He Is L. Vt. Har-
fnrmer. and an Icemsa
Under the ronitltiition each
j house of consresn la the Judge of
the qunllflcationa of ita membera.
Nceley proposes that the senate
shall automuticttlly bold any one
disqualified who spends more than
f 10. 00: either to be nominated or , ml. now
I lo be elected. j until the company fired him because
I Ono.mqre disclosure waa added f his senatorial' ambition.
j to the Imposing; seriea uncovered ; Harral was refused permission
1 by the senate campaign fund in-, to file his candidacy recently by
vostlKnting committee. Wayne II.. the atate election board, which In
I w heeler, genenil counsel of the;timated that he waa brought into
Anti-Hit loon learne admitted to thojthe race by Senator Harrcld'e foea
committee that hla and co-operating in the hope that the similarity of
organization spent approximately names would confuse voters to Har-
"I $36,000,0110 In tho long campaign rcld's dlaadvantaite. '
to write irohlbttttfu Wto'the'fedtsralr : Tho senatorial .aspirant, - how
coiistlttitlou. In tho Inst two or - ever, .asked, a court-order coinpell-
three years leading up to the' Ing acceptance of his name and the
Climax or tne rmnt in ii. ine ex-i order was granted Thursday.
pendlture of organized drys was' '
about J2.500.000 a year. , EX-WAft SECRETARY
Dream Told Man
To Give Money
To Better Half
BEND, June 23. . (United
News) The ' Lord appeared to B.
B.' Gervala In. a dream and told
him not to pay hla employes to
give money which be bad received
for that purpose. to his wife.
This la the explanation Gervais gave
hla men, working on Bend'a mu
blcipal pipe line.
He appeared at the city hall and
threatened to sue the city it they
were not paid Immediately, Re
corder Bennett told the council
Tuesday night.
irLnvnu rio rAMi
Wheeler waa asked how much
money the Pennsylvania branch of
tho Antl-aaloon league spent since
prohibition Iwcame a law. He re
ported that In 1S20, I1S7.742 waa
spout: in 1921, flC5, 7X1; in 122.
NKW YORK. Juno 2.1 (United ' 1150, !)39; in 1923. 1129. U9: in
News) It cost $;.D0'lo attend I .921. $117,722: In 1923. $101.
"Peachcs" Browning's "sweet six- 208; 1920 figures unavailable.
teen" party Wedneaday. Theso (Inures do not include expen-
For tne udmlssioh fee 250 pay-' ""r' '' Political campaigns.
Ing guests were allowed to pay their e represent only routine out
rc.rpei ta to "Peaches." Clndvrella , J"'8
wife of Kdward W. Drowning, the I
millionaire real estate operator: , HAD lKMi IliTK Cni;
( ll I((;i:i WITH ASSAULT
(Continued from ram One)
Ten-Day Clearance Sale on
Dresses and Coats
Big shipment of new dresses at $13.00
to $20.00. Values from $25 to $35. "
Coats at $14.00 to $30.00. Values
' .' from $25.00 to $45.00. . .:
25 discount on all haU. " '
822 Main St
: BOSTON. June " 2J.
j.S'cwa) Former Seoretary of War
jjohn W. Weeks, who suffered a
j recurrence of heart trouble laxt
; week, will be removed to bis sum
i mer home at Lancaster,'-' N. M aa
aoon aa possible. Though the
former secretary- Is not critically
ill physicians said Wednesday thnt
"he is a very sick man.' '
Aa the two airmen pasaed through
tbe crowd, occupying places in the
parade, men stood on top of sky
scrapers to drop reels ot ticket tape
and 'confetti on the paraders.
Along .the streets were thronits who
turned ou much the same as .they
did .when the A. ,E. . F. returned
from France,.. .! . , :, ;.' i
- "I am speechless," was Byrd's
first comment, after be had gotten
his breath at the official wel
come given him at the city hall. -"Flying
over the north pole on
a regular commercial echedule will
' pnlied 1 not 1,6 Prsctical for 30 years," said
u ra.- "mat must await tne de
velopment of aviation. But in - 30
yoars and possibly sooner, we shall
be flying over the pole and bring
ing the nations ot the world closer
In Bplrlt as well as In distance."
squeexe into three small rooms, view l.lrt h,l.. i L. f li inn
feet high and four silver briicc- NKW YORK, June-2S. (I'nited
lets, diamond studded, huhhy'a gift, I News) 'haTged with sicking his
and listen to Kdwnrd W. himself. ! do on a policeman. Monty Schu-
Ilo auld. umoiiK other tliiuns, ; lurt has been arrested for felon- awarded
that tho proceeds of the party : lous assault. Tho officer, N. W. ! i-xpocted
would go to a homo for aged intisl-1 Jennings, (a nursing several lltcs
clans. on his arms.
Bids on the proposed atreet im
provement program to be launched
by the city shortly, are now being
received and will be continued until
.Inly 5. Tho contracts will be
on July 15 and work is
lo - commence . acmctlme
during tho latter part of next
ws m m . novsa s v v vitt
if i nmipn iqpe
arc last eaa af auny My-l--naka
SainUas fr vhlek 70
t ai reip is wry caa af
Xraasa's MsriSaiaUawa,
Df 1ETC7 Glorious
Wl I Proportions
That' why they make such good marguerites. And
' why they're such
glowing bonfire.
. Always Fresh in their
Blue and White Tins
rm!l-poa.t 'als, 'flati for U7 iwkl&f in ,
Heme kulit
amftUar tint ....
t Bulk SruM't MankauUeva, lb &oc
""iTWs&ytAllfe Man
MPm la tht windows ot tbocundf of
. ttoros to till roo wktr yoa tut bay
Kxftut't MArsbmaUowt. Iook for bin.
fun for TOASTING around a
ac I lUff j AM 1
PORTLAND. June 23. (United
News) Dances and sightseeing
trips will feature the entertainment
program being arranged for the ot- j
fleers and men who will accompany i
Admiral S. S. Robinson, commander I
of the palace fleet on his visit here !
July 2, according to preliminary '
arrangements made Tuesday at a !
meeting of tho entertainment com- j
mtltoe, headed by P. L. Jackson.
' Classified advertising it a
morning paper proposition al
ways. Use Ihe New.
the Foot of the Rainbow
may be yours if you build now
for the future
Accessible, Fertile Soil, Privacy Convenient Terms,
When the Thermometer Hits
. Who Wants to Wash?
Send Your Laiindry to Us !
There is no need nowadays to overheat
your kitchen and your disposition on wash
day. Why bother with it? Send your
work to us!
We give good service. Let us take care of
your next week's laundry! Simply phone
us! '
New City Laundry
"We Know How."
Phone 154 and Note Ihe Courteous Answer. '