Tluirsilav Juno 21. THE KLAMATH NEWS Paee Two (VARSITY CREWS Dictatorship Has Shown Itself in GoyerningFrance PARIS. June 22 (lulled NV , The bead of dictatorship has I shown Itself In France with the an-; nouncemeat that Arhutde flriand. mi'u uu u i icu 11 , iunriii' Calllaux. to. whom will be given! POCGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.. June wlde powers for Biablllilns the! Tallest Couple Plan Wedding FOR BIG EVENT JJ (United Jiewsi wun toe in- French financial situation, has tereollegiaie regatta but fir daya formed a government, way. most of the varsity crews in The daring, dictatorial return to training hero were sent over the , power of Joseph Calllaux, barred four mile course Wednesday in time (rom many towna of France a few trials. Columbia. Syracuse, Pennsylva nia. Cornell, Washington and Wis oonsln took tarns on the straight away In an effort to discover bow much further training la needed be fore 'the start of the varsity race next Monday. ' After the trial spin. Dad Vail. Wisconsin coach, opined that' his charges were all gentlemen and col leg tales but very poor sweep-awlng-ers." He held little hope tor them ia the big race. -,The Navy crew spent most of the day practising starts. Joe But ler,' the midshipmen's coach,', said that despite a heavy shell, rough water next Monday would not lea ten the navy's chances of winning. .Rusty Callow's Huskies from the university of Washington, went over the course and this, coupled with the short race at Princeton has ' put the crew on edge. i: Although not officially timed Ky Ebright'sj California shell swept years ago for having trafficked, with the enemy in war-time, con-1 elituted a aensation when Briand announced his new cabinet and the conditions on .-which Calllaux had I been Induced to enter It. Not! only did Calllaux, who will be uiin-l ister of finance, exact promises j guaranteeing his freedom of action' in office, but he is believed to1 have aided ' In the choice of some, members of the' cabinet. I The appointment of General, Adolphe Guillaumat. the first gen eral for years to fill the position i of minister of war. is believed to be the work of Calllaux. Tbe new cabinet Is as follows: Premier and minister of foreign af fairs. Arlstide Briand; minister of1 Justice, Pierre Laval: minister of; the interior. Jean Durand; minister of finance. Joseph Callaiux; minister of war. General Adolphe Guillau mat: minister of the navy, Georges Leygues: minister of commerce. Senator Fernand Chapsal; minister down the Hudson from the start at f nuhllc wnrk Ttaniel ! K rum's Elbow to the finish at j minister of colonies. Leon Perrier: Real's rock In impressive perform-1 minister of agriculture. Blnet-Wal-ence. Observers said that they - mer; minister of labor, A. J. Dur have stroked higher than any crew . four; minister of pensions. Paul iMakliil M pun ... i?v4 n-Utl .y. - .i .!; 'axn V w . , I -i t. .i at the racing colony here this year. WILD MUSTANGS ARE . MENACE TO FARMERS AUSTIN. Nev.. June i!. After rounding up more than 1.000 wild horses in the mountains in the Reese river valley district, ranch era of that vicinity found them selves unable to stem the rush of the animals for freedom, only 26 being captured. Another drive is planned for the near , future. The increase in the number of these mustangs has become a ser ious problem for the district. They not only destroy water holes, but entice domesticated animals from their ranges and devour the feed needed for cattle. PACIFIC COAST LF.AGl'E Club Won Lost Pet. . Los Angeles ... 46 !9 Oakland 39 85 Mission 40 37 Portland 38 40 Sacramento 40 37 .462 Hollywood 36 42 .464 Seattle 38 41 .445 San Francisco 32 46 .410 Jourdaln. KING OFFENDED WHEN SUZANNE DID NOT SHOW There have been tall wcddingi but unquestionably t':ie tulles! will be that of Miss Kaatje Vandyk to Jan Van Albert. Volh bride ami groom are eight feet tall. Although Miss Vandvk Is a resident of Scotland, both tbe and her prospective husband come of Dt'tch parents. She is just 20 and insists that she is still growing. She weighs 830 pounds.- I GIRL SENT TO JAIL i Kt)ll l;il)lN; WITH YOITHS LONDON, June 23 .(United I News) Suxanne Lenglen. in an in-; tervlew with the United News Wed-1 WORCESTER. Mass.. June 2.1. (United News) Forbidden by the court to go automobile riding with her boy friends. Roberta Younc has received a jail sentence for disi-heylng the order. REDS MAINTAIN LEAD BY POINT i OVER PIRATES Clnclnuutl niaiulalueil , Its m, point advantage over (lie world' champion Pirates Wednesday nfier nnon while 81. l-ouls regained mime of the ground It had lost bociiuae of defeats ailmliilsU'red by l'ltl.v burgh. The Reds lost to t'lilcugo. S lo; S. In ten Innings nfter a neur-rlul had been precipitated by Luumt ami j Charley Hoot. Tho Cuban was lilt in mo temple uy a pitched Hall In the Reds' half of the fifth Inning. Root, the Cub pitcher and first batter up lu the alxth, was then hit by one of Luuuo'a deliveries. Root charged I.uqlui had hll him In tentionally. A hot argument fol lowed but the niotiudsiiien wero pacified, and the gumn was con tinued. Pittsburgh lost lo tho Curds, t In 2. Haines had the I'lrales en line out of the palm of his hand, nl lowtng them but five bits. Ilurus by got another homer. Brooklyn took both ends of a double header from the slipping Braves 3 to 1 aud 0 to 4. Ninth Inning rallies won both games. Only the victory put tho Will to Sox In second place and dropped Cleve land to fourth, behind the Athlet ics. Tho Glanls-Phlllies double-header, and the Atblolics-Wushlngtoii game were postponed becauso of rain. i Dr. J. G. Goblo Dr. L J. Coble iW m.i. &rC ytctA y-Ul-t4i fH4 Dr. Goble OPTOMETRISTS KLAMATH FALLS. OKR. Kyes Kiauilned. Glasses Filled. I.snsss ground In our own fso lory to your Individual reuulreiueuts. ljukk service We re placo auy lease. ' We Have a Complete Stock -of- Mr nml Duo Kliitsli Molding I Ir Hliiienalon ami Timbers I'lno l.lh Pine and Kir Slilplap Wall lUmrd Hush nml Hwin llouflng llttiltlt-rw Hardware Let Us Plan and Estimate On Your Buildintr SIXTH STREET LUMBER CO. EVERYTHING IN QUALITY. IltlLDlNa MATERIAL' Merrill Itoa.l. rbone M Dividends for You From Electrical Development AMERICAN Club nesday night, told her side of the New York episode which kept Queen Mary and I Philadelphia 36 20.000 spectators at the Wimble- Cleveland a 35 don tennis championships waiting Chicago 31 for an hour and a balf, and an-) Washington 30 nounced she certainly would play Detroit - 35 Thursday. j Boston 24 "I didn't know I was scheduled I St. Louis 26 .EAtilK Won Lost . 44 19 l PLACE IS TIE 29 30 30 31 39 33 2S Pc:. .704 .55G .530 .5 'J .491 .473 .417 .406 13jto play singles." she said, explain ing ner taroiness at tne courts. Club 'cn'" 1 was featly upset when I arrived ' Cleveland .481 Club R. H. E. Sacramento 7 12 0 San Francisco 3 9 1 ' Batteries Kalllo and Moudy and Agnew. It. II 3 10 at Wimbledon nhout 3-Sil n m i Chicago & 11 and learned I should have been! Batteries Uhle and Myatt there at 2 o'clock to nlay Mrs. C. I Blankenshlp ana crouse. J. Dewhurst. I knew nothing about it," Suzanne emphasized. When I received the morning newspapers at my hotel there was no announcement that I was to Washington at Philadelphia post-i poned, rain. : Only game scheduled today. Clul -NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Pet 20 .Coo nlnv alnvlea At 11-ftn nml .a. I n i i. r - .... j .... . . riiisuuiKii Koebler; I .. . "tepnone message irom. nimDiedon to the ertect that I' . ' .... .i..j..i.j . i I Chicago 31 SAN FRANCISCO. June 23 l.os Angeles dropped Its second straight gn:ne Wednesday and Sac- remcnto and Misin moved intoi a tie for second phiee. seven games! behind the Pacific Coast league! leaders. Oakland, which had occupied the , second position dropped to fourthi 'j place as a rc-sult of Its second l straight defeat by Portland. The 0 ... ... . .. . 'score oi uie iieaver vicMiry wasi i 3 to 1. ' The MfHKion-Angels game was a wild affair and was settled in the! eighth Inning when McDowell honied, aroring Boon ahead u'f hlm.j In the last half of the Inning, the' Angels thrcntcned with two hits. I but were unable to score. Murphy, I E. Club R. H, Hollywood 4 8 2 Seattle 6 10 1 Batteries McCabe and Peters; MIIJus and Jenkins. Club R. H. Mission .:.... 6 9 Los Angeles S 14 Batteries Pilette. Lndolph and Murphy; Glazner, Day and Sand-berg. DewhurBt at 2 p. m. "Immediately I sent a message to Wimhledon officials stating that I was not desirous of playing sin gles before the most Important doubles ma'-ch of the tournament. g the one In which Did! Vlasto and I v were scheduled to meet the Ameri v cans, Elizabeth Ryan and Mary K. .Club R. Portland 3 Oakland 1 Batteries Mangum and Delauey and Baker. H. E. Browne. "That done I went to lunch, a nice, cheery affair, and then mo tored to Wimbledon, arriving at 3:30 o'clock. "I was greatly surprised when 0 the authorities asked me why I Berry; ( hadn't arrived in I the singles match. New York 30 Cincinnati 25 St. Louis 36 Boston 24 Philadelphia 22 29 30 31 26 39 37 37 g.-' .Mission catcher, was chased from tjn;i j the game after u lieuled argument. The final score was 6 to 5 for Mis-i !4filsion- j Sacramento made it two straight here, defeating San Francisco 7 to 3. Seattle finished strong to defeat Hollywood C lo 4. i .4Mi .4711 First game It. II. E. Brooklyn 3 7 0 Boston 15 1 Batteries Petty, Ehrhardt and Hargreaves, O'Neill; Benton and Gibson. For results use News Class Ada Second game R. II. E. Brooklyn 6 15 2 Boston 4 6 1 Batteries MeWeeney, Ehrhardt time to Play, an,i O'Neill, Hargreaves; Gold- I told them I smith, Graham, R. Smith, Mog- THIKTEKN YEARS SCHOOL ' PUPIL WAS NOT ABSENT STO.NEHAM. Mass.. June 21. (United News) During the 13 years which he has attended grade and high school, Nelson E. Williams has .never been absent, tardy or dismissed from class at any time. - notice: unw wanted was not in tne oesi oi neaitn ana ridgB n,i j Taylor, wanted to concentrate my efforts on the donbles match with the Ameri cans and would then engage In the singles contest If the officials de sired. The consultation with the author ities which followed unnerved me inlch so much, because of my poor health. that I felt I could not play at all Club It. Wednesday. Pittsburgh 2 "I am happy to say that every-' St. Louis 5 Club It. H. E. Chicago 5 6 0 Cincinnati :i 10 2 Batteries Root and Gonzales; Lunue, Itlxcy and Hargruvc, Pic- The Board of School Directors, of tnln wa Hnally smoothed out, Klamuth County School District, ! mainly because of tho splendid Klamath County, Oregon, will re- j sportmanship of the American twite seaiea oius irom contractors. various school buildings and other tne natch nii-uciures for fiiamatn county noon. school district. Klamath County, ..The malch , scheduled for 3 orpRuu, uniu rveanesaay, June oo( I team which was willing to postpone until Thursday after- 1926, at 2:30 p. m. All bids must be accompanied by ! eitner a certified check or a bid der's bond for five per cent (5 I of full amount of hid, made pay able to Vera V. Of field, clerk of Klamath County School District, Klamath County, Oregon. The Board reserves the right to accept any bid, or reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications may be obtained from Cbas. N. Coseooom, Underwood Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon. VERA V. OFFIELD, Clork. Board of Directors, Klamath County School District, Klamath County, Oregon. Jie-30 inc. ; o'clock and 1 certainly will play." IX Hi HOSPITAL AT II. E. 5 2 7 1 Batteries Songer and Gooch; Haines and O'Farrel. Philadelphia at New York, double header postponed, rain. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator with tho will annexed of the estate of j Joseph A. bittlogton, nometlmes I America's r F i n e s tjf Mail 1 Oc lor copy of '. new Oh Henry! recipe ; book showing b I X 1 x ; new recipes. Write ' Vil!iam.on Candy Co." .-ec'&.i. III. CAPITAL CUTS RATKl'Inorn A, Whltllngton, de- iceasea, nas iiiea nis iinai aecouni sirn.uiTCTn t..n. u. ,n tne county urt of the state SACRAMENTO, June 22. Hos- of 0rPon for Kttlna,h county, and pilal rates for dogs today took a that Wednesday the 7th day of July, sharp drop In Sucramento. 1926. at the hour of three o'clock The city "dog hospital," which ". tne "rno" ' ""V10 "'' . . . , . a , the court room of said court has heretofore has charged a fee of 50 j Deen appointed a, the lime and cents a day to treat sick members i place for the hearing of objections of the canine family, announced that the rate will be reduced to 25 cents daily, beginning July 1. Pretty new dresses In today at Ilco Ileglu's Store. J24-29 thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 3, 1926. D. V. KUYKENDALL, Administrator with tho will annexed. J.1.10,17,24 Jyl,8 Look to your health. Epsom Salts is still the best Physic-take it in small flavored tablets. . EPSGM SALTS COMPOUND IN TABLETS At your dmgfUt, 2 St The Km flit Lbcr utoriti, Chicago When Our Representative Calls YOU MAY receive a call from one of our represen tatives, who will tell you all about the advantages of investment in the preferred shares of The California Oregon Power Company. He will tell you how the extent and value of this Company's activities have multiplied six-fold in the last ten years. He will tell you about the increasing demand for the services supplied by the great hydroelectric plants and widespread transmission systems that arc back of this investment. He will tell you, too, how easy it is to invest you can begin now by paying only $5 a share per month on our Monthly Investment Plan. You need not wait, however, for our representative to call A phone call or post card will bring him quickly, with complete infor mation as to price and return. The California Oregon Power Company OFFICES OREGON Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls CALIFORNIA Yreka, Dunsmuir More Than 2,000 Home Shareholders tcMuroiismoarcoNf IrVWUV COMPANY I SSXSCIMSJNEAS 7 1 'J