THE KLAMATH NEWS Saturday, June 12, 192f : PERSONALS MMM I Ji 0. Ilnsl, raiuhrr of the Murrlll I J. ('. Walsr waa In from Hum district, was In Kluuiulli falls jri-s-1 ansa yFati-riluy to look after bual tarda fur a short Hum. ni'H affairs and visit with frli-nda. Mrs. (.'. V. Law la spent yvalnr-1 Alfrail Ki'llrr, raurhar of tha day Id Klamath fa I la vlallliiR with llonanta country, waa In Klamath liar many (rlvnda and ahouuliix In I Kails for a brief bualraa visit yva- loral storrs. Una rnlurnrd to her liauio laat UlKlil. a a K. J.. Van I.unill luia bi'vn In Klamath Kalla for the paal lew day from his horns In Aahland. Ila la a aural lu I ho l-ako hotel walls here. Irrday. Mrs. Klla llulni-a and Mra. Illh bard arrived In Halrm April i sftrr a vlalt In Molalla and Bllrcrton. Thry vlallnd In I'urtlnnd Tucaday and then droits to Mvilford and vlaltod frli'Dda of Mra. Illbbard. Then lby wont to Klamath Kalla John Hlmmous of llonunia. spt-ui i vlallrd a slater of Mra. Illb ysatsrday In Klamath Kalla vialtlui ard. They la-ft Klamath Kalla with bla frlrnda and looking Into Monday at oVIork and arrlvrd , Iiusum affalra. Hliumona la a i In Terrl.nii at ( o'clock Monday rancher of tha Ilunania rountry. . Mra. Jamaa 1-arcy waa shopping In too city yxalnrday. She. inakca liar houia on tha I Jury ranch nar Merrill. Hit huaband la promt lullitly Identified with sheep ralalpg on tha Morrill landa. evening. Thry truveled DUV nillea mid had no trouble. They alao vla lt id ('ruler lukti Hand llullelin. l.loyd Ia. aoll of '. ('. Low of Klamath Kalla, who now haa rrars, of the Ktar car aitency In Aaliland. aerumpanled by Mlaa frames ! homa by llaall Drown and llrnry Uors Urahain, Merrill rani bar, waa bualneaa visitor In Klamath ! Kalla ysaterday. j Mr. and Mra. Kmll fkhlnrl, dairy lauchvra of the lleuley country, In Klamalh Kalla yesterday afternoon for a abort vlalt with friends. Miaa Corlne I'lutll of Hind la the houae aural of Ur. and Mra. L. I.. Truss for several weeks. Mlaa I'lnlh, who la a rompflre itirl of the llend groups, waa among tbe campflre girls to attend tha mret n at I'lnvburat yeMorday nfler noon. Mra. M. Giacomlnl and her daughter, Mra. Walter Kelly. (Ma mie (ilaromlnl.) wero In Klamath Kalla yeaterday from the (ilacomlnl ranch near Morrill. Mr. and Mra. Kelly are remaining here a week bt'tore returning to the aouth. e Mr. and Mra. ). I,. Brown. Mr. and Mra. J a mra Crimea and Mlaa Murlah Crimea have returned to Klamath Kalla after a brief vlalt in Portlund. They wero accompanied Woman A ppointed To Study Crime Causes With Men Page ThrM' Clurke. vlnlted with frlrnda and members of hla family from the valley yeaterday. Low haa made - -l . il $m V ' $ W I'M1.' OF- DRY LAW GET JAIL SENTENCES KJwIn K. Drlaroll, John llouilon tml J 1l I'nBwaif wjir 111 li1ln yeaterday afternoon trauaactlng I hl" hma. In A.hlund for aeveral bualnuaa affalra. ' Included In tha many out of town vlaltora In Klamath Kalla this week la J. T. Illlllnialey, well known rancher of the llonanta dla trlct, who aiwnt Krlday hern look Inn after bualneaa mattara. Krank Howell of San Kranclaco, raprearntlm I ho Ban Kranclaco Har Inia Union, la In Klnmuth Kalla (or week or 10 daya to look Into bualneaa affalra with a view of ea tabllahlne; an office here. 1 Thn following Interstate cars reg lalered here yeaterday, repreaentlng California and Waahlngton: l. V(. Sainpla, Oakland: J. D. Kraaaaa. fleddlng: C. A. Wclan. Hpokane: Henry J. Kelcb, Kreano; Walter N. Kelly, Oakland; J. K. MrKlaney. Kan lleruardlno; J. N. Ooodreau, Loa Angelea; Krancla T. Cornlah, Ilerkelny; L. II. Meyer. Ileddlng; montha. Mra. Irene II. Krotblugbam of Mariloel was vlaillng In Klamath Kalla with frlrnda Krlday after noon. Included In the builnera vlal tora to Klamath Kalla Krlday after noon waa Crorge II. Turner, well known realdent of the Dorrlj and Macdoel country. 11. . Wllltnma of I ho Yamaay Ijind and Cattle company, spent yeaterday In Klamath Kalla looking after bualneaa In'lereala. Williams la a resident of the Malln country, but tpends much time In Klamath Kalla. (Irlmi's who have attended Hill Military Academy fur the paat year, llrown and Crimea will not re turn to Vancouver llnrracka for summer school, according to Mra. llrown yeaterday. Mlas Luello Lamhrrt, duunhter of Mr. and Mra. Charles Iauibert. , from Denalr. California, whero she . OUTSIDERS TREKK haa the pait winter teach ing arhool. (iov. Al Smith lias jut a) Hiintril Mia J.inr M. Unry (nliovr) of New Vdrk the only woman incmlH r of a atnte coin iniaHHm of elaacn raprrta which i to nvkt'a allele of Or rrline itiiatiim of New Vorlc state anil rccoiiuiMnil Irg-ltlution. js --uJL ! McKlnley Cowen and J a ton Char lie, Indiana of Klamath Kails, ar- reited on the churKe of poaaeaalon .of lliiuor, have started arntenrea of ! CO daya In the Portland jail and fines of $100 which waa Imposed i upon them yeaterday by Judge Wol jverton at Portland. It bua been- announced that fed eral prohibition officer have re ceived Instructions to wage a. re lentless war against parties furnlah ing liquor to Indiana, and It has been learned that Judge Wolver Vn purposes Imposing thea maxi mum penalty upon all convicted of the offense. Tbls means that tbe penitentiary awaits violators o( tbe law. If too know of any gam viola- I tloni, call pbona alt. All Informa tion will be atnctlT confidential. 1 Try Some of Thea Cuts and Prove for Yourself That Their Use Will Enrich Your Menu at Lower Cost JIKKK-Hllori.liKl; for Pot Koast, Hteak, Blew. I'.Ot.NU for Hteak. Pot Koast, Meat Pies. IM.ATK for Uralalng, Pot Hoaat and Corned Beef. IIKIKKI T for lioillng, PntJlaat. Blew. Corned Beef. .NKCK fcr Houp. Htcw, llolling. Mines Meat. TWO RECIPES (Clip and pbtre In arrupbook for future referrnre). BKKf OlH XAMII Cut the beef into cubes and sprinkle with vine gar and a HttU eummer navory. Add 1 teaspoonful of salt and teaspoonful of paprika; rook six onions for two pounds of meat, slowly, in hi enp of butter or dripplnga. Add tbe meat to the cocked onions, rover tbe kettle tightly and cook slowly About two boura. Tbe liquid may be In creased juat before serving by tbe addition of s little beef stock, or either sweet or sour cream. KUtMDIt HTKW Pound flour Into both aide of a ronnd steak, uslug an much as tbe meat wHI take up. Thla may be done with a meat pounder or with the edge of s heavy plate. Fry In dripping. Latter or otber fat. in an ordinary Iron kettle or a frying pan. Add water to cover It. Cover the pan very tightly ao that the ateam cannot escape and allow the meat to simmer for two boura or until tender. One ad vantage of thla dish is that ordinarily It la ready to serve when the meat Is done, as the gravy la already thickened. However, If a large amount of fat la naed In tbe frying, the gravy may -not be thick, enough and must be blended with flour. . , i PALACE MEAT MARKET Phone 68. 524 Main. For Result Osa News Class Ads C, W. tVanirr. dlvbrion atate highway engineer, here in the In terests of the work on the Illy mountain road division which may bo surfaced this year, was regis tered at tbe White Pelican hotel last night. Wanter makea hls-home in llend. Ho reported travel from lend to Klamath - Kails on The Dalles-Callforlna highway very heavy. TOWARD. THIS CITY Ontalilurs are trekking toward Klamath Kalla. Tbia was evidenced when a big- highway moving van was found making Its way towards thla city. It same from Pcndloton. and tha owner had familiarized himself with conditions in this city, end decided upon getting In on the ground floor and then grow up with "an empire awakening." Mlaa Kllen Clynrh and her sister, ! -, . fir ' .., . .... L . .!- -'"". (iruriHi Ulllliurr null Mine Augusta I lynch, teachera of ... . . ,. t i. . ,, o, . , , official of the Koreat Lumber com-1 Klamath Kalla public schools, left I ..., ,u . . . , ' . .... I Pony, is In Klamath Kalis to eprnd yeaterdny nftemocn for Portlsnd to'. . ,. . ... I apfnd a short time. Krom l'ort- W. K. Heed, Ilrrkeley: 0. -E. 6ny-,innd they will contluue to cities in tho week-end. He makes bis homo at Pine Ridge. der, Wilmington; May V. Churchill. Vrcka; II. Kadna. Los Augeles,. s Itay Harlan. of II ray Mill, for mer resident of Klamalh Kalis and son of the on nor of Ibq Harlnn Lumber company, has been In Klamath Kalla for the past ' few day visiting with friends. Washington and Montana before I j,ck McAullffe is In' Klamath arriving at their homa In Mlnne- rails for the remainder of the wetk sou to spend thros months vlrlt-1 from hl, rlmch home nwir Fort Ing with their parents. They will , Klamath. Although McAullfra la return to teach in tho schools I .im -,.- crutches as a reautt ot thla coming ar. , Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Connors, well Mrs. Florence Oilman la leaving this week-end with her family to 'visit with friends and relatlvra in r known residents of the lllv cnun- Mlss Kvelyn Krancla. who haa j ,kota. Mra. Oilman has , try, U included In .'the out of town Hrrioiia burns last year, he Is high ly Improved In health. - -. been arrloualy 111 with spinal men Infills al the family home on Tenth atiert. Is rapidly recovering, kccordlng to word from the family homa laat night. Ml Krancla Mlas Jessie P. Itosn and her was allowed to alt up for a short nieco Mlas Hose Alkens of Ash tlmo yesterday and will be able land, were in Klamath Kalla Krlday to walk within 10 days. Juilgo John S. Orr of Kcno, who has been In Klamalh Kails settling tha estate of hla brother, the Into Marshall Orr of Ilunania. waa In tho city yesterday for sev eral hours from the Mnrshalt Orr ranch. Mrs. Orr mid her daughter. Mls Klma, nro also upending the auinmor at the Orr ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Course .Downing, of Klamath KaHs. who have been visiting at tho home of thn for mer's mother, Mra. Mary C. Down ing, , of Cleveland, have relumed home Kosuburg Nuws-Hcvlcw. e O.' h. Met, Klamath Kalis Jewel er, his wife, and two children are visiting with Mra. - Mali's sister Mr. Kverotlo Almeter of Terrebon ne rBond llullctln. ' "Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence llorlen wero In Klamath Kalis yesterday from their ranch in tho Lost Kiver country to look Into business affairs. Ilorttm la prominently Identified -with' tho dairy Industry of Lost ISIvet. .1 Mr. and Mrs. Kay lleckley ot I .our Heach, California, are visiting III Kltmuth Kalis for a week with Mrs.' Nelllo lleckley and family. Thoy, sra accompanied by their two children. Mr. and Mrs. Heck ley sro enroulo to Portland for a combined bunlnoVs and pleusnnc trip. Included Ih the out of. town bus iness vsltors In tho city during the past fuw days Is Paul 11. Lew-Is, well known rancher of the Merrill district. 1 a . . I Miss Floronco Porter Is leaving today for Portland to spend s brief tlmo visiting with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Por ter. Her father Is rapidly Improv ing following a serious Illness of tha past few montha. Aflor visit ing In Portland Miss Porter may sttond summer school In tho north. Bho has taught for the past year In tho Klsmnlh Knits ptthHc schools. taught school during the past year In 1 business visitors and shoppers In : Klamnth Kalis and will return home j Klamath Kalis. They are guest In September to continue her work. ' In the Hall hotel. a r C. V. Loosley. utockmnn and , rancher of tho Kort Klamalh coun try, was In tho city laat night and : will spend the week-end vlalting with friends and buitines asso-1 cintos. to visit with friends. Miss Hose and her niece nro enroule to their ranch near Cherry Creek. WOOD We are making the lowest summer price on, blocks to Country Customers both at the bin and deliveries. Huy your supply now. as the ,low price v-fll. nut laat long.. i. City. Customers olso take notice, the bottom price is on. buy now and save over tj on blocks and 40 on green slab. Wood is your cheapest fuel, buy plenty of It. Peyton & Co. Wood, to Ilurn" 601 Main Phone 53S THREE DAYS OF GIVING VALUE Us this l)ay THREE DAYS SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY We have arranged five lines of real seasonable shoe values, which to date have become short lines. We have forgotten the former cost price and marked each line at a price to move. READ HEED and SAVE! For ladies Stepin pumps and one strap, patent, tan, and satin, sizes still fair. These sold up to $9.50 and $10.00. Now re- IM OC ducedto vt.OO Boys hi-kick athletic canvas shoe. Pura cord sole ami heel leather bound. Sizes 8 to 2. tf?1 . OQ Values to $3.00 nowvl.017 Boys elk hide hi kicks, an ideal dry weather shoe. All sizes to pick from. Value3 to tO $3.50. Now PsG.t.7 Sandals for children - Patent, horsehide. or elk skin, for boys or girls. Heavy leather soles and straps, shoes will go fast Here men! We have 15 pairs of msn's scout work shoes left t 1 ff that scold up to $3.25 a pair, sizes 9' to 11. Out they go at P 1 tXJy Houston & Jester 35 ft i Saturday Brings to You Many Savings Real Food 'Values on Staple Seasonable Items. Shop Early and Avoid the Afternoon Rush String Beans -fciSswaar 10 C l" fyS"! -svt T No. 1 Cans Fancy Southern Pack. -1 C Olirillip Priced low LDr I17OTAVC Five-ounce Tins.' Choice Cove. A 1 JyO tClO 20c value 1 Salmon . 25 f Syrup vfes -l! 99 1? Ol Cin C 25-pound Boxes; Puffed; Seeded; for . A lVtllOlilO your baking needs tJsWcsWl In Our Fruit & Vegetable Dept. Bananas .S, 25 Corn YC.REEN..C0R? 60 String Beans tRVRRR. 10 Vegetables agEi1 5 Pineapples usI!l' 15 AfVntPrtTlp1rillCD0NT BUY UNTIL YOU SEE ONR TT atVllllClUllQ MELONS AND GET OUR PRICE. sZI f In Our Two Markets Located for Your Convenience Pure Home Rendered Lard 41 00 Bring Your Pail and Save. Five pounds V HaiTl MORRELL'S PRIDE SKINNED HAM ' Qj 1 lalll WHOLE OR HALFS; pound Or This is a staple article, priced below market It will pay you well to buy your Ham now. , 1 ,lllirll lllsOOrC Sliced in our Electric Slicer; will make JLiUlllll iTlCilLO nicer lunches and will go farther. Two Modern Sanitary Markets 423 Main Two Modern Food Stores 717 Main "i -9. E3S3