! i Page Two Saturday, June 12. 1P2C THE ITl-AMATITNEWS ZION LUTHERAN MOVES TO NEW EDIFICE SUNDAY Initial services by the Her. G. V. Hoffmann, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, will be heM In the new home, 1025 Hlih street, at 10:30 O'clock Sunday morning. This har.dome edifice, consisting of a combination house of worship And chapel, has Just been complet ed, and the Rev. Hoffmann, Is happy to know that he is privileged to oc cupy tba pulpit for the first lme. Dedication of the new church will take place on Sunday. July 11. with; special serTlcos. Already It Is an-: nouneed that Rev. V. P. Ceorite ofi Portland, will delirer the dedicatory address. He is masterful orator, a deep thinker and a profound theo logical student, and It is assured at this time that a large following will be present. Be trices heretofore hare been held In the chamber of commerce room. Jennings Looks GoodtoHome Folk Ibb. v: I ORPHEUS OFFERS i FINEST SCREEN ! ACHIEVEMENT lamp. The eirepilonal rant alao Imluilea suck celebrated Iheaplana as Hugh Thinin. Ida liarllng. Alice lltgcinan. Anlnulo 1 ' - t K y and William It.Mhicl. IS IT LUNACY TO REMAIN UNMARRIED? WASHINGTON. June 11. (Cnit ed Kews) There are more single than married men In insane Insti tutions of the country, while the proportion of women Is just the op-1 poalte. This tact was disclosed in a sur- j ey made by the department of com-! merce which Indicates that insan-j lty la increasing with three times j mors patients in hospitals by ratio i now than In 1880. Insane In'sti- i tntlons In 1923 had 2(7,617 pat ients, compared with 49.492 In 1880, the number per 100.000 of population increasing from 81.( to 245. Ot male patients in 123. lluphir" Jennine. veteran baseball hero ind-lonjr manager of the Detroit Tip-rs. has left the sanitarium at Ashrville, S. C, where, kr waged Kittle of months against a lung infection. He's shown left, with !r. Martin T. O'Maller of Scranton. Pa., Hughie't home town, one of the x-ronal friends who greeted Hughie on his release. Lionel ilarryniore. Hi.' ill.lua.lll-.h- j cd Itrlnst-o star, appears In "Med-1 dllng Women,'' his last.-st niiJ' fitt est screen achievement, which wus made by Chadwlck Pictures corpora-! tlon. Is coming to the Orpheus thea-j tre for two days, starting Sunday. I This iiew starrlug vehicle by Lionel 1 Ilarryniore ranks among the cine- ma classics of the current season.) The theme of this masterful photo-1 drama dwells upon a tonuuhtal es trangement, which haa been brought I about by the Interference of mis- chlevous and'stupld women folks, of ! a young couple. I lu support of Llo.-.el llarrymore there are two Internationally fa mous stars In the duo personalities of Sigrld Holmqulst. known as Sweden's Mary Plekford. and Dag mar tiodowsky. the exotic, movie1 SOTK K OH AWI.iL Mill. Mil, mki tim; Notice Is hereby itlten to the Icgul voters of County Mchool Uls Iri.t of Klaiuulh ( ounly, Stale or Oregon, that the Auuual hYbool Meeting of said IMatrul will lie held si Various school homtca; to begin at I lie hour ot 3:00 o'clock I. M. ou the third Monday o( June, being the Hist duy of June. A. Ii. m. This meeting Is called fur the purpose of electing One County School Director from Western Zone aud Members ot Loeul Committee and the transaction of business usual ut such meeting. Hated this Stli. day of June, 12. Attest: VKHA V. OFK1KI.D. District Clerk KHANCIH J. IIOWNK. Chairman Hoard of Directors. J9.1M.1 JOHN C CLECHORN Registered Civil Englnevr and Surveyor KUimslh Kails, Oregon 3 10 ltUcIa 81. I'lione 804-M Dentistry at City Prices What we na-iin by tloutistiy ut city piiifH Ih Unit wo hnvt mmlo it poKsihie for yon to have your work ilono without paying tlriitnl trtint prit'M. OUR ANESTHETIC Puts the Teeth to Sleep and There Is No Hurt When you need to have dental work done, let u convince you, as wo have hundreds of other patient ), that here, under idoiil working: lomlition rtnJ with every luotlern appliante for your comfort and con venience, you will not be hurt. Our exclusive den tal anesthetic "for the teeth," makes this posaible, mid moreover, there are no ill after effects. Open Every Evening Until 8 o'clock Phone 1183 Your Appointments 0. J. JOHNSON, Dentist Winters Building Entrance Next to Pino Tree Thentro STAGE FARES IS KLAMATH BOY IS j MEMBER OF CLASS j Mrs. J. I . jonnsion. Mrs. r rana I Mills and James D. Johnston and 1 "Biir McMillan left early Friday , morning for Pasadena, where they i will attend the commencement pro gram of the California Preparatory School for Boya ot Pasadena. Mrs. j ; Johnston's son. Charles Johnston, 1st , being graduated from the school on i Monday erenipg. lie will return i home with his family for the sum- xner months. I Stage fares between Klamath j Falls. Ashland and Medford have mora than six out of ten, or J.J 1 been materially reduced. Annonnce- per cent were single and more than I mcnt has been made that the pre- ose out of four married,: Of female Tlo rate of 5 00 na re" EUGENE BOY WINS paUents. J9.I per cent were atngle duced to IJ.S. a saving of 1.S0. ; pr-jrxjT HONOR i and 4J.1 per cent married. That ion oa ,n Pa ot TC"51 ' nul,un ' the stage officials was appreciated '. ,,. . ,,,-.v. . , n ' . .7, L ... ,, . . . . WASHINGTON. June 11. Don Z. LAW FNFORPFMFNT 1 has already been man tested through 1 . Ciir J JW.-C.iVlE.it 1 I " Zimmerman, I niverslur of Oregon rjr-i r ixTT-i in, nr.Anf the. increased travel, and no doubt ' ... . , , . BEHIND JAIL DOORS ... . . ... boy now at West Point military , wwsw m8By v (gjg advantage of the . 1 a i u vi ' hi i . una uu wv.m no nu mvuu. . (Oontined rroaa Pagn One) opportunity to Tisit our sister cit- ies with regularity in the future. Ittpage county jail at Wheaton tot A better acquainted nioTemeut- msn and a gold tar by his scholas-, tic record. He will be entitled to ' not be very active due to my con-j the Idea will gain faror with the flnement, but I will be in the sad- people or both Ashland and Med dle just the same. I hare arranged ford. to turn my office here over toi v..-- wear, a-aivoipoinieu acar-iotnu re nd no doubt- ... . raaiuuer oi -jiig cuurs iuiti Biuua Charlea Peters and George Webster, j GILDED FLAG POLE my aeputy ana assistant. Hoffman said he would . alwaye be available before law enforce ment conferences at his cell at Wheaton. and raiitlntiMl Polar. mnA ur.K.. j .. . 'tore niwiw uui io do anytning raa lcally different" without consulting him. The sheriff has been fighting the sentence for nearly a year, but Is now eager to start the "vacation" as he calls It, and get back on the Job as leader of the drive on crime. He lost his last appeal to the United States supreme court and mandates for his incarceration are being pre- DRAWS YOUR GAZE Senator Stanfleld. rlth banner of white with j tion in 1929. Zimmerman has also gained re peated mention In West Point ath letic activities His home Is at Ku gene, and he Is an appointee of A -flag pole. 39 feet high, has POWER LICENSE IS been erected on the roof of Moe'sj c ivrv Tn pnUTI ATin blue lettering with the name ofj WASHINGTON. June 11. The, Moe's store. The pole has been federal power commission announces j gilded and attracted a great amount , granting of a license for fifty years of attention when It was erected to the Inland Power and Light corn Thursday afternoon. . j P3"? of Portland for a project on j the Clearwater river near LewJston. ffALEM. June 11. An attempt to! Idaho. escape from the state prison Thurs-; The plans include construction ofi day night was frustrated when C. dams to create a log pond of $00 H. Bailey, chapel guard, discovered acres. Tower house and two trans-' IVnn Hall. M mnvirf tenrinff n ftrropn miaslnn linnv with A Dn linrunnw.,1 .i ine ieaerai ouiimng lor from a window to the tailor shop, 'capacity. eei-rice aaiuraay or Monday. i " CARAVAN WILL ' WEND ITS WAYj (Continued from page 1) ' ters of the Golden West, with Mrs. ' Dorothy B. Gloster. assisted by I Captain Applegate. in charge. Hundreds of people are expected to assemble at the monument by 11 o'clock Sunday morning when the exercises will be held, and the exercises promise to leave a lasting J impression upon the minds and . hearts of all who are present. People are coming to the dedica tion for hundreds of miles In al most every direction, and Milliard Welsh, grand president of the Na tive Sons of the Coldt-u West, is ; on the program for an address. President Hllliard makes his home in San Francisco, and will be ac companied to the scene of the dedi cation by other promine nt and in-, tluential members of the society. ' Captain Applegate stales that the caravan from Klamath Falls Is scheduled to depart promptly at & o'clock in the morning and will follow the road leading to Merrill, nnd at a point two and one-half miles distant will take the right hand road at Blue Ridge. Captain Applegate f ates that out of 32 California Riflemen that took part In the Modoc war. a check shows that only two survive, and out of 27 Indian Scouts only three sorvire. In the caravan will be members of Chamber of Commerce, Daugh ters of the Amerclan Revolution, members of the Kloanls and Rotary clubs, county officials, members of the American Legion and other patriotic societies and pioneers and other residents In general. COOKED FOOD SALE LADIES OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH MILLER'S MARKET All Day Saturday For Special Order Call 277-J or 273-W. STOP Look at the Window STEER BEEF Shoulder Roast Beef, per pound 15c Shoulder Stealcs, per pound 18c Rib Boil, per pound I2V2C SPRING LAMBS Legs of Lamb, lb 40c Shoulder Lamb, lb 30c Veal Stew, lb 15c Rhode Island Red Fryers Spring Chickens, Hens and Everything Sanitary Market 701 Main Street Phone 22 o DDnonn n a a a a a a n a d a a a a a a a a a Q G a u a 33 5 B D D Q n a D a D D 30,000 M eals A Day m mi a m J "'I..-, lis MfTfS;. iVsA a.!; 1' 1 VV-w;5 to mKfiTAP'SS ;Ie - In thousands of homes, every day, thousands of Home-Makers are enjoying the DEPENDABILITY of 20th Centruy Service. Each meal brings a new satisfaction with 20th CENTURY foods. Offerings Saturday and Monday, June 12 and 14 Extra Special, Netted Gem Fancy Old Spuds $3.00 per Hundred IIKItSHKV WO. Kcr baking ot confection. -1 j- half-pound (caa r. , IOC HltOkKV Nl.U'KK I'INK.M'I'l.K I'arkPd the same as whole slices, exrept a Jillce may be slightly broken in one Q or to places, rich mellow fruit: larxe cans. 3 for. .. D3C KKI, MOXTK '.TSI'P Improves cold meats rir large bottle fcOC WIIITK KIXO HO.!' Six bam 23c WKSS OIL Kor nioonnaie. balcinR or cook fng, quart can 49 c I.IIIIIVS ASIMItAfil H TIPS 1926 park. 10 tt Tr ounce cans, three for 4 OC IIN('r:i C'L.-IMH 192 psck. carefully cleaned and free troin sand, tall cans, two fcr HOC 'TIltTO makes the Jelly Jell; bottle SHc; 2 fir v PAIioW.l.V seals the Jellies and jHmit; 1-pound package, three for 55c 40c MllltVs KPIVUTf 192G park; ut thin tendon much bettor than ih fresh and more economical; large , OQ JUl ractt; two for KOVA I,(.M:iKN TK. The fir-( plrkincn of the youiiR tfnlr leaven, ami a wonderful vnhic nt ihUi pricv. OraiiK I'pkor (black) or Japan tureen) luilf-pound puck- 170 UK. iWfi pound puckugr OC WW (MlH UKAXH A nationally known ready to-serve food, throe can) 25c KKI.MMifiH COItN KI.AKKSThrcc pa.knticH 25c HALL MSON JAllK With brand hew rupn and rublern;, quarts, dozen $1.00 ItlNSO Tho new kind of Boop. sotiks clothes clean. larKe package Medium size, threo for V. 25c KII'PKIIKO HWt'KH Norweuian. aklnlexa and honelesn; tho most select cuts of Hie herring properly cured uud np smoked, four cans 3C r.HX.TI(" MII.K Tall cans, three for 29c lt. MK.I. Fresh kiln dried. 9 pound suck .... 39c SAKHALIN Ml Wl .MKITC'auhht in. the clear, cold water nf Japan, t'ruli cant lit in these waterH mirpafiKen othern In flavor and texture; !io pet cett lg meat which is jr the most select: two cans OOC A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SEASONABLE FRUITS and VEGETABLES at attractive prices 20th Century Coffee The last word in Coffee excellence. It- AQr Ihc H1 AZ, Direct from our roaster o you, insuring these low prices.r....lt'a rrL) O lUb J)-a.T:3 20th CENTURY GROCERY 812 MAI N STREET i