The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 06, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Rundav, June 6, !
(I oatln acd rom rage Kire)
Monmouth. J. Prrcj Well, -nertnteridenl
of public school., will
nm a. chairman of the evening, j clpate.
Mrs. W. II. Robertson ha Invited
the membera of the three afternoon
Delphian (roupa to hold their laat
meeting of the year at her sew
home, itn and Jefferson, neat Tue
day. June . at z: IS.
I ituhlM-t la 'ttont t'nitep
Thoao who ra uit.M In ''' -
Local Briefs
To VMl limy Mill Mlas Olive
Wilson at the Fremont school fac-
Parole Board
Is Dropped by
Prison Board
The study 'l,")r " Muril Koleom oC
the rrin-i 1 UJ"rwo'Hl Pharmacy are planning
un.hi, . to leave early thla morning tor
Other membera of the srhool board attend, are repeated to notity Mra. f'n . h" "Mr pr,, 7 0" h,a,. ?
Will take an active part In the com- Hoberteoa not .r ,hlu Monday. " the day with Mia. Myth Han-1 h """'fiL
.,ence., exerc.-a. Th. U.t meeting of thel"- Klamath F.,.1. girl. , '
I.OS ANGEt.KS. June 8 (Unit
ed I'res.l There will not be any
further Investigation by the alate
me girie win oe m nam i ,tUuy mr vm be held at the White
silk tad voile dresses end the boyaj lyiica on Tueaday. June Si. At
i To IVrtUmt Cecelia McMa-
penitentiary, Hubert II. Daniela,
member of the board, declared
when he arrived here today.
will i fark aulta The auditor' .1.1. .1 . 1 m w . I Kib of Miti tlerlrude'a ahon. 1.
- - iuii 1 111 o iiwiv wilt wv vivviiuu im ' 1 .,. .... ,. . .
lam will be attractive lu ferns. ofno(, and aubacrlptiona tor nMtlvl thla morning for Portland I result of an Investigation
alma and clasa color ot the Tear'a membership will be taken ' '" friend, and relatives nlrB been carried on by the
roup. I" ... for a month. Miss McMahan , rI. Carl Bartlell. board clerk.
a Following are the J boy and i VISITIVti HKRR !l6 spend a abort time vk.ltlo ; of hia dull.-, at San
Stria to graduate: FROM. IKIrXKD with her many friend. In the rl-! r"'co yesterday.
The following atudrnta of dlvl-( Miu Dorothy Lee. daughter of a!:' . "Tne underground railway,
ion I Fremont achool will receive; ,,., i.,...i ...... i.l , 1 which waa dealined to nrovlde con-
diplomas on June 10: O. K. And- Waiting In the city with the chirm- I.eavre for North M; Norm ' releee. waa dle-j
V, un " , Ing little children of Dr. and Mrs.iDjese. daughter of Mr. and Jim. ""erea oy ua nerore It could be
5m?'d !' . ,M'!o. J. Johnson. She will he here a K. 8. Doege of Klamath Falla. l.-f ' ' operation.- Daniela aald.
Wally Heor Robert Hunt Kdgar fort -ortl.nd . to ' ' The re.ult waa the ou.tlng of Itart-
elT- AlVJr Merman Edward"' ,rnd th. aummer month, with her j - PUcin, of ail convict..
lurZ'JVnZl: jCORVALLIS FAVORED -- ho.or.Iyhtcr.n:.ebr, Kh,mt-
Trlplett. Lawrence Y.rnes. Edgar FOR GRANGE MEETi yiM nw r"ur'1 ,n ,!"e Aug-,
McOneen. Sylvta Ackerman. Hilda ot preparing to resume her studies
Bellewa. Charlotte Rueaing. Lucile BAKER June S (Cnlted Pres ,B K11"10 y h'rt school.
Francis. Marr Mill. Harriett Hunter. gupport' Qj he iirM primr
Anna Noll. Evelyn Rrgnler. Ums:Uw piedgtd by the Oregon! VWiU In Unnr Mrs. W. T.
Romer. URue Ryan Frances Samp-1 . Compton and dsughters. Miss Hue-
WHh. Vernlc Zettman Be v i ere. when . resolution endorsing 1 ' Compton and Mis. Ruth Comp
?imt.rma. Prlm"y 1 w ped and an. are vlaiting with friend, and
Division J Fremont school: Mil-j resolution condemning it waa de
dred Ihtle. Stephanie Mokrous. ; tested.
vniAK Paa nnrv Rettnii- Carol ! The grange also approved a res-
Wshl. HJlbert Cerhardt. John Zl- olutlon to raise tSOo.000 per yearjexercisea of Roeburg high sol
gan. M.rie Burgo. wuiard Hara-jtarcugn a pounaage tax on aai-i
benter. Gladys Long. Bsdore Robin. Imon. it being specified that this front Hoiuuua Mrs. Francis J
State of Siege
Is Proclaimed
by Pilsudski
WARSAW. June 6. (United
Press) A state ot alege virtually
amounting to martial law today waa
proclaimed throughout Poses and
These two provlure. have been
the center of opposition to the Pol
ish regime Installed by Marshal I'll
aud.kl. following hia aurveiutul rev
olution of the second week of May.
It la to control thla counter revolu
tionary activity that the atate of
alege was Imposed.
It la alleged In the press that
German elements In Posen are plot
ting against the Polish state.
relatives In Roeeburg over - the
week-end. They made the trip
north to attend the commencement
hool. 1
Richard Thomas Brown. Opal East,
Fred Dtngman. Josephine Dollar
kidVOpal Dahlelm. . Hugh Wash
hern, .Minnie Tracy. ., Elisabeth
Knight Maybetle Johnston.
Division a Fremont . school:
DeasBellottt. Frances Berry. Alice
money be used for general state , Bowse was In the city to shop and
expenses. I visit with friends over the pat
Corrallla was selected as the j week-eud from the Bowne ranch
. i
19!? meeting place, there being near Bonanza,
but slight oppoaition to thia move-
ment which .tarted early and on KiitcrtiUn HojfwU Mrs. G. A.
ftaUwell. . Mildred Caldwell. Ada closing y cy . jiassey and Mia. Marrteu uoege.
Coigdon. Vera Congdon. Edna Daw- Another resolution whlca received mtereated in the work of Job's
aon. Melvs DeBord. Ksthryn Esen-Il,lkn yeterdsy wss one . de-1 r,uhter. in KUmath FeUs. hon Wilms Lo-! nouncing the newspapers of the.,,, Mr and xtrs. Hoaford of
state for printing convention new. . Portland, at luncheon on Friday af
withont first securing the approval rnoon at the White Pelican ho
ot the grange publicity committee. teL MrJ rrsnces Hoaford ta state
jguardlan of Job'a Daughters with
BUILDING SI KIKE. ! headquarters In Portland.
i To Rocky Tolnt Among the
' KANSAS CITT. Mo.. June S. j Klamath Falls residents to spend
(United Press) Settlement of ajthe week-end at Rocky Tolnt will
strike involving crafts affiliated j be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dalton and
with the building trades council friends.
here was accomplished today with
announcement that wage differences . DKPARTMKNT RKMPONDH
had been settled st a meeting of . Ttl NEW GRASS KIRK
employers' and strikers' represents-j
Uvea. I A i rail fire near 1130 Oregon
The walk-out has been effective
for more than a month and con-' KUm4ln yalit lre department
.V... .11 AAA AAA ha. Wn I trf tin.11 UISi".
Since the workers quit.
per. Myrtle Millard. Rnth W. Par
ent, Isabel Ann Ted re, Msxlne Tri
eelplece. Msrion Biehn. Clsnton W.
Colshan. Thomas Duke. Nell Hard
esstle, JVrdis Lepley. Harold Mont
gomery. Richard Houslaux. Eva
Kesterson. Edna Stiles.
.Riverside school Joseph Bow
doin. Vera E. B ruler. Margaret B.
Carlson, Fred Hale, Dean Houston.
Oeaevieve Houston. George C. May,
Myrtle W. North, Lois A. Powell.
Jennie Robertson. Ogwsld Selm,
Borghlld Selm, Earl Lee Stewart.
Walter E. Tfmms. Rowland L. Ul
rica. Ben Wilson, Els Smead, Lar
edo. F. Wonser. .
At. the next regulsr meeting ot
the Business and Professional Wo
men's club on - Monday evening.
June 14. a vote will be 'taken on
the. matter. of changing a section
of the constitution. All members
are asked to attend.
s .....
.' Mrs. W. H. Weedon was honored
on Sunday of the past week at her
home. 338 North Eleventh street,
whh a birthday party, when a num-
oer oi iriTBas auu relatives irum ' .j n,t,, nn,h
Ashland motored to Klamath Falls.. leasr4 npon ,heir' own recogniianee ;
The dinner Uble was lovely inlto .ppea, t court tomorrow morn,-''
vcrj vypuiuiuirui ua ceaiereo ; jng. - 1 '
with a huge decorated' birthday
cake. Dancing and music followed i NEW CHRISTIAN r.lSTOR
Guests' from Ashland to honor
avenue at 6:43 p. m. called out
Several acres of dry
grass were threatened with a prob
ability ot spreading to recently con
structed bouses In the Buena Via-
STAGE TWO RAIDS its sd Jit Icq. This la the titth fire
State and federal prohibition of
ficers conducted raids in two pi ices ,
last night snd placed three parties
under srrest. At 800 Blum street
B. J. Walker wss taken into cus-
i tory snd placed in jail in default
; of bonds.
The officers then descended upon
a rooming house at 1411 Main
street, when; they arrested a man
named Jobannson and a woman
in two days.
While Yoo Wait
110 So. 4Kb. St. -
First Door From Halo St.
Mrs. Weedon Included Mr, and Mrs.
W. H. Sams, Mr. and Mrs. James
Hendrtl. Mrs. M. J. McCalllster, Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Taylor. Mr. and
Mrs-. XI. A. McCalllster and daugh
ter. Mlaa Betty Lou McCalllster. Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Hamaker and son
James Clark Hamaker. L. C. Cog
gins and Leo James.
. " e e
i A lovely visitor In Klamath Falls
this week Is Miss Leah Collins of
Reno Nevada, who Is spending some
time here, the house guest of Mrs.
Samuel P. Miller. Miss Collins will
be remembered by her many friends
as the daughter of Rev. Collins, for
mer rector of St." Paul's Episcopal1
church 'in Klamath Falls.
Miss Collins has recently been
graduated from tbe state university
ot Nevada at Reno.
Many informal affairs have been
planned during the coming week for
Miss Collins. A bridge tea. given j
In her honor by Mrs. David R. Van-!
den burg, was an event of last Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Pike. Mr. and
Mrs.. Horace- Bridgeford and Mrs.1
Irving Hibbert of Cleveland, Ohio,
are kpendlng' the week-end at the
Pike and Bridgeford cabin at Lake
of the Woods. Mrs. Hibbert is
planning to leave for her home in
he east Monday morning after a '
week' visit in Klamath Falls, her
former home. She will visit at Palo
Alto for a brief time to attend the
commencement exercise of her!
brother. Desn Storey, who is grad
uating from Stanford university this
Itev. M. . Petelle. new pastor of
the First Christian church, arrived
here yesterday. His morning ser
mon topic today will be "The Christ
ian's Part ta the Divine Plan of
Redemption." Mrs. Chas. Wood
Eberleln will be at pipe organ. Vel
tie Prultt. evangelistic sololjt. will
arrive in time for the morning ser
vice. Mr. Pruitt has three brothers
bere. The Prultt Bros., also two
sisters. Mrs. W. F. Toterbaugh and
Mrs. Moore of the Baldwin hotel.
Rev. Petelle will ilive tor the
present In the C. C. Colvin resi
dence. His family will follow ia
about three weeks.
507 Main St
is the
right price
to pay for a
good tooth
Large Tube
507 Main St
Dentistry at City Prices
What we mean by dent Is- out paying
iry uLrii; prices is tnat wo prices,
have made It possible for you
lo have your work done with- . Our Anesthetic
Puts the Teeth to Sleep
dental trust
There Is No Hurt
romfort snd convenience.
You will not be hurt. Our
iirluslve dental snestbetie.
"for the teeth," makes this
possible, snd moreover, there
sre no ill alter effects.
When you need to have
dental work done, let us coi
vlnre you. as we have hun
dreds of other patients, that
here, nnder ideal working
conditions snd with every
modern appliance 'for your
Open Every Evening Until 8 o'clock
Phone 1183 Your Appointments
0. J. JOHNSON, Dentist
Winter Building
Entrance Next to Pine Tree Theatre
507 Main St
Don't forget the place and re
member we are offering term,
as low as ft a month and other
Inducements never before offer
ed in Klamath County.
307 Main Kt. Dont Delay.
Fortify Your Child's Success
With a Savings Account
How important it is for every father and
mother to start a Saving account for their
Children. A few dollars now and then, when
you won't miss them, deposited to a Ravings ac
count, will 6omo dav be the nest enK tor that ed
ucation or to establish him in business.
When your child is older, he will understand
what it means to SAVE and HAVE. Thc-start
is the important thing. Help him build for
character and thrift.
Resources Over $300,000.
Member Federal Reserve Bank.
i k-a -r . i ' !-. i .
That .
Of Your Own In Klamath Falls
Can Build for Her
The Home She Dreams
Home Owning Is Easy Buy a Lot
Then Build The House She Wishes
$20 Down and5
$5 a Month on
$200 LOTS
$30 Down and
$7.50 Month on
$300 LOTS
$40 Down and
$10 a Month on
$400 LOTS
Home owning is easy and the pro
per way to make the start is in
this liberal method. Klamath Falls
is to be the metropolis of South
cm Oregon, railroad. lumber and
railroad center. Build and grow
and prosper with Klamath Falls
for. the increase in future values.
' ' Open Evenings Ph one for Appointment
Tlte ; s
Klamath Development Company
Phone! ' ' Pine Tree Theater Bldg.