Page Six Sunilav. .Tuno fi. lf)2(i TTTR KLAMATH NEWS Fourth of July i Drive for Funds Starts Tomorrow; The soliciting commute for the propoaed .big Fourth of July cele bration, (or KUmttb Falls will start tbelr whirlwind drive for funds at o'clock tomorrow morning. "In addition to funds for the cel ebration the suuie soliciting com niltaea will canvas tor money to fnanc the Klamath Falls Muni cipal band. Approximately $700 U beaded at this time to pay for tie new ' uniforms which were ls e4 to the musicians Just prior to tiller concerts on Memorial Day. The soliciting committees expect Htlla ditflulty In raising the nec eaaary $5000 required by the Amer ica LCgton to stage the celebration aad $1000 so desperately needed or the band. . .,'VYValr rdrtTea are coming thick Jost low, nevertheless It la appropriate that Klaarath should pal on a good celebration this year," according to one prominent Klamath merchant. "From a pat riotic standpoint this the 150th aanlTeraary of the signing of the Declaration c Independence, and front a . local and , practical v. stand point. Klamath witt base- a whqle $ol to cerebrate about owing to the VUt developments that are getting BJDU.r way UVni, lun iuri wu ur j 1100.000 terminal by the 8. P. com-, may will he well along by July 4. i t it poaaclble that a train may be brought in from Eugene orer the Klamatn-Eugene line on that day,' and' thar event alone would call for the greatest celebration in (he history of this country. Thou aada of people on the outside are anxiously awaiting some pretext for Staking . a visit to Klamath Falls and. a . celebration wlU certainly tjrlaf taem In droves. "I am in favor of a big celebration. Let (be business men put up the money, and tlten let the American Legion men o ahead and do their stuff. We" know it wlU be done right." RANGERS ASSIGNED CRATER LAKE PARK A Load of Forest Giants P & .41 : ? I . ..-'VS." UBS, i.. . ., "Vw . W fLi. SfrttztdM lately under the wheel and at the finger tlpa of the driver. j ' Color scheme of the new model ls quiet, amart and pleasing, composed ! of the two-tone combination aa on' the coupe and sedan. Ulack trim-1 mlug and fendera refine and iligulfy the two-door sedan, while natural j wood wheels grace and enliven th. runnlug gear. The car is uphol stered In gray veluur. 1 - I Classified advertising is ' morning paper proposition ! ways. Use) that News. MATTERS CLERGY i WILL NEVER TELL "Things the riergr Will Never ' Tvll," was the subject of a lecture) given Friday night at the Allamnnt auditorium by V. J. Thorn, travel ing representative of the Interna tional Hlble Students aHaoclatlon. The lecturer took fur the basis of Ilia remarks lloeoa 1S.H: "I will ransom them from the pouor of the grave. I will redeem them from death: U death 1 will be thy plag ues; O grave I a ill be thy deatrur- lion: repentance shall be hid from mine evea." Mr. Thorn waa greeted by an en thused and attentive audience. M tkK I'll "11 ItKH SHI Vrara Auto Repair MunleiHV, CRATER LAKE QARACE iit Main. ( The colored rovers on some lung mini's make excellent decoration for the llllle child's room. Mi.jnti'd mi xiut iiimr or turd Hon nl, t luy may give moru pleasure than ex pensive pictures, aa they van be handled without harm. PIANO SALE 507 Main St. Two vlrv. ot Ille new 10-ton Morel ; u;l !-vt!Hvl truck Just put Into service In a K Li null h Kull d.lrl t lumber camp. Tlu dual rear wbeeJe enable the truck lo ncicotlnte vcr vtrtrin lerrltury NEW TWO- DOOR MODEL ADDED TO i WILLYS-KNIGHT "SEVENTY" LINE : Crater lake will be formally open- ad for :the eummer season on July 1, although travel is heavy at the i present time to the tamed ,pot in Crater Lake national forest. ' LeateV Turnbaugh and Don C. I Ftiber, residents of Klamath Fills. ngye been -assigned - as -rangers . to that reserve. Others assigned to duty tHere by C. C." Thomson, sup erintendent are as follows: Rodger Welta. I chief:' Robert Hart. Fred Hubbard. Glen Fahrlck, Jr. and Kay UeudereOD ot Medford. li. E. Cxeen, transferred bv the bureau ot public roads from the Redwoods highway, where he was in charge of construction, is the resident engineer. He will be as- j listed by a corps of four assistants, j He wlll-ajso be aided by a survey ing crew, which will make a survey ' of all roads In the park as a nanis ; for future construction. j Dr. L. Miller professor at the I University sot California, will be ' the park naturalist and will have i three aides. Martin Palmer is the chief mechanic. For results naa News Clasa Ada One of the outstanding1 features of the spring buying demand is the; pronounced trend toward the new j Willys-Knight six "seventy" two door sedan, according to the com-' pany's officials. j This new model has just been in-; troduccd and completes a full line! of closed cars In the "seventy"! series. ' It Is th companion car to! the Willys-Knight "seventy" sedan' which has enjoyed such popularity since Its introduction at the New' York automobile show last Jan-: uary. The "seventy" two-door sedan and tta new "seventy" coupe re-; cently brought out are built on the same chassis as the WIIIys-Knignt six "seventy" sedan and are power-' ed with the Knight sleeve valve motor. This makes the new model one of the fastest, most responsive models on the market. ! The taro-door sedan has a com-! fortable seating arrangement for five. It Is nn ideal car for the woman driver, because of its hand ling, ease. The interior measure ments are the same as the "sev- enty" sedan, the rear seat being wide, deep and comfortable. The! arrangement of the front seats has! a marked Improvement over similar; models, the drlver"s and passenger's seats bring of equal size. They are. however, divided Into individual, roomy, restful chair type seats, af fording the least degree of Inter ference to the driver by a compan ion passenger. The rear windows of the two door sedan are large and unobstruc ted. ' This feature affords clearer vision for the rear compartment passengers. The doors of the new model are unusually wide, allowing free pas sage from and to the rear seat with minimum disturbance to the front seat passengers. . The windows In the doors arc also wide, providing clear vision in all directions. These are crank controlled and may be handily adjusted at any desired level. The two-door sedan is equipped with the popular one-piece wind shield which is a valuable aafety factor because of clarity of road views. A rear viow mirror, auto matic windshield wiper and dome lisht are other attractive features. The ranic born button and ditch light control system has been incor porated in the tv,o-door sedan as In the "seventy" sedan, these controls being on the steering post immed- Watching the Blue Ribbon Event of the Auto World ' y These startling!)' clear ))holoi of the annual SOO iuilr nolo rncc at the Indianapolis race track linw a Klinitcuniii' Imijc crowd watching the race in progress and a section ol the thousands at tba .acorrhuard. . . . . " Western Auto Supply Go's (QNEW FULLY GUARANTEED TIRES Thouand of motoritts have taken advantage of the additional aavings offered during this sale. Buy now the tire you will need this summer. Remember, every tiro carries "Western Autos', iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction. Tires Mounted Free j WEAR-WELL CORDS Kmndard weight and standard overall In a Cord Tire that "iul many .taiiUwru Coid. uu Hie market and ctmia frvm J to IIS per tire less, a: (Uldllig to sise. Slie 30) Clinchi 303' Clincher, J0 . i CI, Full Ovsrsii. 301' j 88 (Oversii).... 31.4 88 (Oversite).... 32x4 88 (Overalls).... Rto. Site. . $7.95 $8.85 $9.85 $12.90 $15.85 $16.95 J3.4 8ft (Oversiie). S44 88 (Ov.rsli.). SJ.4" , ' 88 (Over., ). 13.4' , 8ft (Ov.etii.) . J4, 88 (Ov.r.ii.)... $17.75 $18.60 $24.65 1 $25.70 $26,801 30x3 Clincher CORD $7.75 WCSTfSN SVANDaSO fa.sic Our KnUiS STuvUrd r.b rlr, 1 swrvlMd, ttftkv sbU tire tr UfM nr.. hot Mic M tmtf M ttir n.r v,, or CUrt . Tim. Guaranteed Cray Tube? 30s.t Sale Price $1.73 30x3 a Sal. Pric. 81.95 3la4 Sal. Price 12.60 29x4.40 Wear-Well BALLOON $12.75 Our Wear-Well balloon, are (ill hv.i.1.. full tundurl i-Ulit and full)' guutalit. cd. U. 294.40 29.1.95 30.4 95 31. 5 25 30x5.77 33x6.00 $12.73 $17.90 $18.40 $20.93 $23.70 $27.80 Tube $2.ii S3 43 $3.55 $4.(15 $4.70 $6.25 WESTERN GIANT CORDS HEAVY DOTY COMMERCIAL TYPE Extra overilfe. exira weight, extra nilleui,-e. In a I'unl built for heavy truck and bus u., or exira hard ui.cnir car service, at a low vrlce. Sir. Sid.... $84.35 $44.30 $42.20 $32.80 $31.75 $30.65 30x5 8tr, Sid. 33.1 Str. Sid.. 34x4' i Str. Sid. 1 Str, Side 3241, Str. Sid. mU rrtte 33a4 Str, Sid...'...'.'... $2x4 Str. 8id 11x4 Str. Sid. 10,T , Str. Sid. 303 i Extra Ovtriti. Clincher S22.95 $21.85 20.90 15.75 12.85 .$10.901 . TUBES AT SALE PRICES Th! fnrr-ius .lunibo and lllue rtlt.t.on br.inda ar. offored duiii:( inu ault at rcutly reduced .ru-.. WESTERN GIANT BALLOONS K low-prrur Mre wllh hlrh-preenire wuln( qusllllex. O fi.rl.Me. rutrKrd. Iuiik WcarliiK, ecuuutnlcul. tVKN w.ur. 294.40 Qiant Bsltoon. 79.4 95 Olxnt Balloen. 30x4.95 Cisnt Balloon. 11,4.95 Giant Galloon. 30x5.25 Giant BaMoon. llvuvy. flat Head nivalis lull ilia, and Sal. Frlra $14.95 $22.45 $22.95 $23.50 $25.45 Sate r.ka Slaa 31x6.29 Giant Balloon., 30,5.77 Giant Balloon.. 33.60)0 Giant Oa!lon.. S2.6.20 C3A CC Giant Balloon 4C4.D3 33.9.75 Giant Ba'loon.. $26.35 $29.90 $34.85 $38.75 Touring Necessities and Camp Goods r at' Reduced Prices Camnintr-Siuipment Headquarters is now ofTerlria dependaDle camp uoous at j tilnity to complete your outlit to get the many convoniences neuded to jfivu you your campinif trips more enjoyable. Every urticle Is guaranteed. Goods at Reduced Prices. Your oppor- more solid, comfort to muke EXTRA SPECIAL! OIL, GAS and WATER 'Handy' Service Unit Three one-gallon cans red for iraso llne, blue Mr nil, rray for water. "This unit vein aave you a world of rrtef nn the trip. Kesular prlc. $1.4&. Sal. price. $2o t Handy damp-on Cigar Lighter Cm easily be placed upon the duxh of anv car. A clamp wllh two aet screws Is provided. Hep ular price 11.16 Hale Prlc. IJ1. Williams Jr. Spotlight On. of the bast known "apota" on the mark.t. Very cly In ap pearance. Reduced from $3.41, Bale prlc. 82.t5. Drum Type Stop Signal A dust and water proof olrnal that faatena to either tall light or llcens. bracket. KKular prlc. 12.40 Sal. prlc. "Lazy Back" Chair. for retiful deep ALL-STEEL BED This bed la Tory strons and substan tial. It folds Milo a small, compact, eas ily carried parkaa-e. Itaduced from to $9.97 Tone list of camp equipment should include on. lasy baok chair for ovary member of the party. Recular prlc. 11.18 (000 Bal. prlc. ., )ati00 EXTRA SPECIAL! STANDARD AUTO TENTS White MPI Duck Poor on side permits easy .ntranc. or eslt at all time.. Well mad.. Prlr. inciuae. two jointed polos, rope, and atahea, ) for the 'extra Luggage t ftVSAAAA-rlM for th. comfort of the paaasnrsra. Rsaular arad. raducad to. It clamps to th. run. nln board ot th. oar, th.raby savlnf ton- pao. which bs b.ttar used '? :ould 51.30 Make "Western "Auto" '-Trloi tkmlW Storei in tWw Accessories, Tires, Camping Equipment 7th at Pine. " " E?71 lu'(ata sarrl.r, aztra Quality, reduced to rAsU for 1926 Catalog It's Free! .. . Til aawa) Mat Stores Open Saturday Night Until 9 i