T11K KLAMATH NEWS Rimiliiv," .Tinn' V H2ft WANT AD PAGE JSI F CLASSIFIED AO RATES Is word sscn Urn - ad Is L prints . hat ad run on WMk 10 dis- 1 count. ems ad rag ons Booth 40 ; dleoounL t psr word Mch tin ' ad la printed. TELEPHONE 877 THB mo MARKKT PMCH FOR SALE Rsl Ests.t $4260.' A 5 room modern bungalow In lint Springs Ailtlillun. lull basement and garnge. , A real buy and ou good terma, 11000. A splendid corner lot In talll. Only llvo blocks from Malu . atreet. Will sheltered and a beautiful view, ouo-halt cash. ..1000. A splendid rornar lot In Hot Springs, close la. fnree wnxt and plenty largo enough (or two food huiuoe. IIS.OO per srre. 112(1 irrx of choice bind, naar Mullti,. mostly under Irrigation, uulmproved, would consider an eichaugo on a'smsll r Improved placa. A. A. BK1.LMAN A CO. 1 JO No. 7lh HI. Phone ISS. Five room Wiodern bouse and gar age on lh lit. A nice home. lrle $4500. Call at till Lln culd. I'hune 44 3. Three room bonne with bath and one two room house and garage. Cloee In oa pavement. A good Income property. Pries tooou. Call 901 Lincoln bt. Phone 441. Corner lot Willi lour two room houaei, c I Ofto .In, on pavement. A bargain. Price $3750. Call at ' 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. Jne of the nlceat homea In Mills addition. One block Irom Kat Main. A bargain. Price 13760, hall cssh. Call 801 Lincoln tit. Phone 4 43. Btrlctly mndatn atacoo home, three blocks from Main atraet. In can ', ter ol city, beautiful view, hard wood I', ors, tile bathroom and Ink, garage, furnace, everything convenient a&d atrlctly np-lo-date. fall 901 Lincoln. I'hune 113. A bargain Five room modern bungalow on large lot, ona and; one-half blocke off paving, half! baaement. atone found! Inn, gar- aao, nice lawn. Price $2500. Call !MH Lincoln. Phone 443. Keven Inte 111 unnrf vnceflM. In Duel row udilltlon. Price $2000 for all, or $300 each. Call 801 Lin coln. Phone 443. New four room modern bungalow with nice rauge, and llnoloum in kitchen and bath. Well bullL Price $2750. $500 down and easy monthly paymenta. Call 001 Lincoln. Phone 44.1. Confectionery and grocery stors on Main 81. with two year lease, very reasonable rent Room In back could be, used for living quarters. Prlc, $3000. Call (01 Lincoln. Phone 44 3. Four room modern house, furnish ed. Corner lot, on pavement. Two block from Main. Call aj 43$ High 8U Phone 903-J. First clsas acreage with paid op water right, about seven milt from cltf, from $116 to $16( par acre, all In cultivation. Can 901 Lincoln. Phone 4 4 3. IK YOU WANT to sell your farm or : oblalu a low Interest rate, long term loan on same. See WISHARD REALTY CO. 128 So. 7th St. Insurance ' Real Estate Farm Loans Oltf Two flvo acre trarta on highway fonr miles east of Klamath Falls. Pries $1,260 each or $260 por sore. Under Irriga tion and cultivation. Call $01 Lincoln. Phono 44 3. WH HAVE BOMB REAL bargains In both city and fnrm property, opportunities to trade or ex change. WISHARD REALTY CO. Insurance 126 Bo. 7th St. ' Real Estate Farm Loans ' Oltf The Klamath News ' OwnM unci Puhllnhorl hy KLAMATH NRWf Pt'nMNIII.NO CO. Offlrvra and Director: Natti. Ottcr biMii, president; Byron II. Hurd, Vlr. president ; Btn H. fllevonson, arretary; Wnltcr Stronach, treas urer. (ConmHiitlnn; tb ownen of "' rniiiu (illininliaiHr ninCK IFHUfJ.J B. If. BTBVKNHON, Mitnaglng Hdltor Entered at tb I'nntprflr. at KlamaU rut in, tire,, an mironn-t'iiinri niniier.' Puhllnhed evory morntnir except Mon day. Office I. o. o. F. liulldln;, loJ-121 South Fifth it root, 1 Taalawttanwssa VTt 1 Address all cemmunlcatlnna and maks all remlttnncesi to The- Klamatb news fuminning ;ompsnr. Buhnerlbera fslllna to reretve their Csp.r, cell Circulation Department tween 8 and 9 a. m., and a copy win ee snt io you. i aunscniPTioin ratki All Itthaerlptlona Parable ta Advanee lialtvered liv ciirrlnr. work .18 Delivered by carrier, -month , JIS Delivered by carrier, year- B.ea Outslile Kliiinnth county. 5.0O fTnll Leaaed Wire UNITE!) KKWH aad IINITKn PnlMl . (L,nnKeMt in tne wnriui iikkii:ii. papain or tub vii'ir ov klamatii palli For Sl Rssl Estst- Cont'd Corner lot In Hot Hprlnga addition. Upper aide of Eldorado alreet. A nap for 1 3 SO. Alio adjoining lot for $300 cash. Want to peculate? Well, here are eight unplatted 44 It. lota lot S00. IJUO will handle. A gocJ ! choura to double yulir money. I A good lot on Manianlla street, Hot Springs addition for $300, can ii. A non-resident owner wauta the cah. W. W. McNEALY, 1020 Main HI. II nmedale ' O pportunltlea M atch K very II eacrliiilon. A ttroHlve, I. Ivable V. unchanllng Plenty of room for chllrren anil their pita cuts, dogs. Plenty of good clean satiny loam back yard, gardeu; plenty of sunshine to make the kiddle grow healthy and strong. Phone 843-W. The WALTON. WHIOIIT Co. White Pelican Holut Two four room modern bouaea In good locatlopa. One priced at $2200: one at 3000. $500 down and monthly paymenla at $40 per month. Including Interest. Cull at vol Lincoln. Phone 443. High clau business property to trade for farm In Klamath county. 4 room houNO, modern, good loca tion, $3160. $300 down and tvrnn. A good location for eandwlch houss and fountain. Act quick. Want to buy lesao for high claaa billiard room, $9000 atock. Houea for rent from $14 to $31. 10 ncrea on 6th atreet. Irrigated, for eale or trade, good buy. J. C. FRENCH CO. Healtor and Ineurance 130 South 7th St. Phone 72 AO arrea Irrigated, Rargaln. Kaay ti rms. Write llox 763. Klamath Falls. Three room " modern house In good location. Price - 12.160. 1 300 (loan, small monthly payments. Call at HOI Lincoln. Phone H I. Uood lot In Milts addition, pries $316, on terma. Call (01 Lin coln. Phone 6J6-M. New atrlctty modern tour room house with double garage and email house In bsck. Pries $3500. Terms. Two t room furnished houses with gsrages, near Sixth street. Pries $2600 for lbs two, A good In vestment. Both rsntsd, $50 per month Income. New four room modern bungalow, furnished with most all nsw fur niture. In good location. Fries $4000. Call 901 Lincoln Street Phone 413 A nice little home close in. In a tour room modern bouse and one half acre of land. Price $3000. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. Nice modern four room bungalow. garage and wood bouse, shrub bery; and near school and one block from paving. Price $8260. $500 down, eaay monthly pay ments, also a number of good new houses tor snle. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. A number ot good lots In different parte or the city. Prices reason able. Call 901 Lincoln Bt, Phom 443. Two good resident lots In Mills ad dition fries zt)t) each, cnll 901 Lincoln. Phono 443. Two lota, sits 63x100 each; close In, on rorner near Sixth street. Price $2250. A bargain. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. A number ot new modern bunga lows. Prices reasonable, also on reasonable term. Call 901 Lln rold. Phone 443. In Our Office ' V, ( LPKIW' UP SI ' 1 V00LOOMM' ) ICW6ET A U ; . " ..." . J . , f '- ..'. - -- i -' ' i ..... For 3l Rwsl EsUU (Con't)i Modern 4 room new home and. acre, Just outside rliy llinita. Low' caah price or terma. P. O. Box, Id4 If you Haul to build or buy a lol.i $10 don or l.-uy a let see tne to day at til Hull Hotel. Nice modern liungulow on pavement. A good buy lit $361)0 . Cull at 01 Lincoln or Phone 443. Four gnod resident lulu ni'iir Cull fornlu Ave. Price $360 for cor ner lot and $300 for each In side 'lot. Cull 901 Lincoln or Phone 441. Two room boune with garage at tached on a 60 ft. lot lu Indus trial udilltlon. A . bargain at $900. $000 caah with $100 con tract to onetime at email month ly payments, f all at 901 Lin coln. Phono 4 43. Fine Income property, $75,000. L'urna 10 on Invent mini. Wonderful buy on 6th St., $15, 000. New roll our. In Mllla Addition, $2000. 400 canh, $35 month. Fine C0120 ft. bit. 0 room houae on Oth Bt. $4250. Terma. 50x120 ft. lot In. Mllla, 0350. 3 room modern cottage, 3 hlocka from B. P. depot, good garage, lot 70x140, bargain at $3000. Good lot on Oregon ave., $600. Listings all over the city. MOM YKFt AND MOM YER Heal Estate and Insurance. Phono 361. Hopka llldg. 7 MO.NKY TO LOAN on city prop erly: no red tape. Wilson Ab stract p.. Ins. Kept. FOR SALE Automobile 1924 Chevrolet aednn by owner. 120 Washington. Phono 1081-J. Chevrolet touring, fine abape. Phone itu-w. For Bale Oakland sedan. Body, engine and upholstery la good condition. Will trade on lot or take piano aa part payment. Earl onepnerq. 1107 Main Kt. FOR SALE MUceiUneous tne auto tent, one camp stove, one gus lantern, all new. never been lined. V. V. Lovelund. Altamont Camp tlrnund. Cabin No. 7 3. 500 sacks No. 1 potatoes at S3.00 per hundred, f. A. Hill. Mural Itoute. Nia 1, Klamath Falls. Largs white celery plants, tomato plants, bedding plsnta for the yard. The Flower Basket. 1038 Main St. Phone 1088.. HHOIiK ISLAND RED BABY CHICKS and batching eggs. From trapnested high egg layers Drive out to the largest "Rod" Farm In Oregon: 8000 chicks s great sight! Taking orders now tor 8 to 12 weeks old cockerels and pullets. Order early. . Sailing out fast. Log Cabin Poultry Farm, 9 miles wsat of Keno on Hlohwsv. FOR RENT Modern house partly furnished. Close In. Phone 413-M. Throe room unfurnished apartment. Ill Pine, i Phono 73U-M. Large, cno. outside room, suital,le for two. Single beds. Adjoin ing bath. Hoard if desired. 325 North Sixth. 205 acres of good pasture near Midland, Ore. Phone 158. U. A. ltellman. Furnished cabin, $10 per month. 813 Alameda. 60 acres of blue grass and alfalfa pasture, rent reasonable. Wll lctts lwinrh at Midland. Room for eentleman. 537 High. Modern 3 room furnished Apt. Gar ace, fuel, water, $35. 231 Wuntland Ave. Phone 239-J. New strictly modern four room bungalow with linoleum on bath and kitchen, also new range In kitchen, two chairs and break fast table. Call 901 Lincoln or phone 443. ' Cabins for men at 724 Market. See Collins. FOR RENT First class furnished apartment, ateam heated. Mo- earthy Apartments, 630 Pine. Phone 800 014tf HELP WANTED Catty EmployEasmt Wa furnish competent help for the kitchen, dining room, saw Dills, construction eampe, loggers, tabor-j Berries oar motto. W. B. barter.1 manager. 016 Main St. Howard Crimes UUt Depot. Pboae 046. , (14 N.ce.ry g- ner. offli. perleu.e Hta-e fully ,..llflc.-! tiona. Box 1520. Klamatl, New. Preea feeder for two weeks, start-1 Ing June 7. llox 211, Klamath Falls. i WANTED SITUATIONS w w , Kiperlenrctl ntPiioKr.tph-r wantn: position. P.eWB llox 'oZ'.. Hour' work, ftoference. Wanhlng or Ironing. Phone 2NK-R. FOR SALE Furniture and trailer, row Ave. 2040, Dar- Tent and fly. lOilu ft. Tent rain proof. Cheap. Come to Klamath Queen. Went Side Lake. 4 miles. " TT r i typewriter, $30 caah. Underwood IJargaiti Chloe Palmer, 142 tte.i Itlveralde. LOST Dark rimmed glasses. Please re turn to Lola Itynon. Klamath News. Left hand brown glove. Phone JCJ-W. Pocketbook containing mont y,l papers, k?ys. etc. Leave at News' office. Reward. - , i jsj - .. .1 MISCELLANEOUS Marcel's Miracle Mineral will put you In high. Free iuteryiew with I. II. Travis. 420 Division St. Phoe S9S-W. Expert music teacher will give two lessons a week for $7 a month at students home. Write Box ISIS, News. Rug and mattress works. We do all kinds or vrepjir work, also rug cleaning. ; One day service. Phone 119S-W. 185S Portland I ' St. Auto Laundry Service 8tation. Steam clean your engine, wash and polish your car. We drain your crank case free. 221 7th St. Klamath Kails. Phone 1078. YOUNG TRANSFER CO. Moving-Storage Phone 1097 HENRY E. PERKINS Lawyer State and Federal Courts American National Bank Bldg. Klamath Falls Funlture repairing, refintshing, up holstering, mattress renovating, crating and packing. Estimates cheerfully given. Phone 41 R. R. J. L. Perkins. 439 Washing ton. Wo Collect Honest Debts Anywhere In the United States and Canada. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth St. Phone 338 Collections: : Credit Rating Service Ur. E. O. Wlsecarver Dentist. Phone C45. Underwood Bldg. 628 Stock of Shoes, Oents' Furnish ing Goods, located at Klamath Falls, Ore., will bo offered tor sale by sealed bids. Bids to be opened at 10:30 o'clock on Thursday. June 10. This stock inventories $13.471.. 81: fixtures $779.50. Certified check for ten per cent of amount of bid must accompany bid. Stock may be Inspected June 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. 671 Pittock Block. J2, 3.4,6, 6 Portland, Ore. Just 60e a month that's all It costs for the prompt and regular de livery of Ths Klamath News to your horns or place ot business. Phone 877 now and service win start aa soon aa yon wish tt tn. WANTED Lady - convalescent wlsbu board and room ,ln Christian Science home for short time. Write Box 1615, News. The bent Ford or Chevrolet tour ing $50 or $75 rash will buy. Hurry. llox 1488, Klamath News. DON'T BKLL YOLK SOUL when you need a little money on ciiyi property; we ran loan at 7 per: cent; no red tupe, no delay. Wil-I (to Abitract Co., Inn, Dept. WAV W?1,1 Kallmato. gladly given. Work by ! D,,I'e,"t1, "'". Ouaranteed. .Crater Lake oarage. Legal Notices "a c im:icii; I Hill llir . rnutif V Rlirsa-arliifitnjloatit nf If Ininufh I V,.r I ..a I. kn.,.k a I. a 4 1,. c 'on ii ty, Orpunn, mm hol.l the rKU- lur examination of oiMilirantn for ntule r?rtiicatoti at Klumath Fa I In, an (ollown: ommi-nf ag Wf-dnenday, June 9, 1926. at 9 o'clock A. M.. und rfjiitlnuinx until Saturriuy, June 2, I'J'IZ, at 4 o'chxk P. M.1 WfNltMfHlay Forenoon !J. 8. HiHtory. Writing (.Penman ship), MuhIc, DrawiiiR. Wrlnowhiy Afnmoon PJiynloloigy, Read In r. Manual Training, Composition. Do meat lr Science. Method in Heading. Co urn ot Study for Drawing. Methods in Arithmetic. ti.ii.-wiW i.tm Arithmetic. H.atory of KduraHon. PHV-hr.lf.tv tthfU tn fiPnamnhv. Mechanical Drawing. I (omen tic Art. Course of Study for Domestic Art. Ttiurwlny Afternoon Grammar. Geography, titenogra phy, American lUteuratwe, Phy sica. Typewriting, Methods in Lang uage, Thesis tor Primary Certifi cate. Friday Afternoon School Law, Algebra, Geology, Cml Oovernment. . rldny Fonoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling). Physical Geography, rngluii Literature, cnemwtry. ' Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon Ceneral HUtory, Bookkeeping. J6 aiijt grecu ijkv parsley, crew or j lettuce, used aa a garnish with meat or fish should be thoroughly waah-j ed before using and eaten. These vegetables are sources of mineral I salts and ot some vltamines. . 1 BILLY'S UNCLE Ps. U bony vi.vx up fost. we &wo ) W.V ' yT i pljn'IACASVWfc WYNJtWUV TlKE GOOO KCWV 2 . fefvi)vtH H.suwxs I A-ct err.virn H vsTKxxBftPwgi (-sy V FUES npw i cwy7 1 wtan-w-. I (3 l--r-rrTifil nwrsraotsA n a VrWitwtO' 1 ' 1 1 'J - .i iW : Professor Leads New Irish Party i r r , -. ei my I Prof. W. Maircnnu, who turn' ed against Irish Free state gov' eminent following the London, agreement on the Irish boundary question, is leader of a new po litical faction with the name of' "People's party." Magennia wants to set op a central govern; inert for the whole country. . , . . . . A piano gets ou: of tune whether j it I. ns.d or. not. It should be tuned every alx mon hs and Inspect-, ed to see If the felt parU are In order. Extreme dryneea haa a dam-; ..,..1 the wood contracts and ahrinka: away from the metal parts. Keep the piano, therefore, In the coolest part of the room so far as possible, rdf.mpynrd,ng drrneM - aa dampness. PIANO SALE 507 Main St. GEE-.60 4UMPV IN THE OCEAN ) THERE'S a im rVici-f, Jane 4.---r' . POTATOES . Whites, 2c 2 He; Washington gems. 1.7SS2.00: sweats, No. 1, "cllc; No. Z. BcQtlc. CATTLE Cattle steady; steers, good, $7.75' fits.. 29; cows, good and Choice,' 5.7afrt.25. Calves, steady; 190 lbs. and nn der. S.0i 111.60; over 280 Ibe.. $9.00111.60. ! Hogs, steady; light. $14.75 $15.21. medium. $13 26 ( $11. 7S. Sheep, steady: lambs, medium to choice, $11. Eo ft $12.50; ewes, $3.50. 4j.$.-5; withers, $7.60 $9.00. . Portlanit, Jane 4. ' . ! WHEAT nig Ilend blues tem, $1.27; baart. $1.JB; soft white. 11.29; western ;whlte, $1.29; hard winter, $1.32; ( northern spring, $1.22; westera red. $1.30. WOOL Nominal; valley, fine half blood, 33c; medium three-quarters blood, 31c; coarse or three-quarters blood, 31c; braid, 31c. At valley points prices are 2c to 5c higher for se lected stock. ...,.''. voan ! P.uylng price, current receipt!,. 25 '4c; f 26 ',c; hennery whites, i2Cicj27c; hennery pullet. 23c '24c . ..... BCTTEB SeIHnB pr,ce crMm pric.,. Flu. extrm,, 0c for pUUB, wrttDDenl- ,uJect a iltaant f 1Q , cent. d prlc, JOo, .. . CHEESE . '- ' ", Selling price: Tillamook county triplets, 27 '4c; loaf, 28Mc; Oregon' triplets, not branded, 25c; Tllla- ' . ' " iT.zsix?:. . -w . . I rieav7 neos, aics iiaac to mea-r. I him, 22c; springs. 27c29c; roost ers. 12c; Pekin ducks. 28c3cf, ' colored, 32c; dressed turkeys, 40c ; 44c; live turkeys, 30c ; 'Classified advertising la THI KLAMATH NEWS pays big dlTlr dends. Use them for profit.- - - ' ' -