Tagojoiiir Sum.av. . Time f. TIIH KLAMATH NEWS Secretary Work Is Opposed to Drainage Plans There Is no money In lh recla mation fund to rmrry cut a drain age program "rostlnK millions," aa proposed by the Klamath Irrigation district, and Hulert Work, secre tary of the Interior, will not rec ommend the program to fonnren. be Informed tbe district In a letter that wa read at the meeting or the directors yesterday. Secretary Work favora an alter native plan, one which has the en dorsement, of H. I). Newell, project director, which enulls deepening of tbe main drains of the project at a cost ot $80. 000. This lo he followed by const ruction of some leu miles of new drains costing $50, 000. This latter iplun could be rec ommended to congress, wrote the secretary. The major plan a put before the reclamation bureau by resolu tion would provide drainage for St, 000 acrtw. Secretary Work writes that the cot of the survey for th work would alone cost $10,000. This cost of survey would be entailed with every prospect that the proposed construction will he found to cost more than the lands 1 to be benefited ran possibly stand." wrote Secretary Work. "There are j no funds available for such on In Teatigatlon and if It is undertaken I the funds must be provided by the district." j His letter continued: "It would be man- years before the. money available in the reclama tion fund would Justify recom mendation to congress that addi tional construction work of this magnitude. Involving millions of dollars, be undertaken." i Henley Merllntt At the conclusion of the regular board meeting the district directors met as a committee of the whole, while R. E. Bradbury, president, outlined certain measures of relief that he secured from the reclama tion bureau while in Washington. Thee measure are tentative and dependant on acceptance by the district. The relief measures are to be put before a special advisory com mittee of li water users which meets with the district board oc casionally. The advisory commu te will meet with the district board on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock t the Henley school bouse. ' Hearing Witnesses B. E. Hayden. formerly water master of the local district, and now industrial agent with the Den ver office of the bureau of reclama tion. Is here to appear Tuesday dur ing the probe of he status of lands owned by Charles Wood EUer lein. 1. 8. Voorhees, formerly with the reclamation survlce as engineer, but now with the California State high way commission. Is also here to attend tbe Eberleln hearing. TOMATO RAREBIT When Douglas Memorial Bridge Was Dedicated 2jn r "KT"- uainU 7M ..vw-" VT . oJr: i'v -,' m The day of the ;iccipt.uiiv by tlw state of the 1 200-foot span across the Kluiiiath -river at Retiua.wus a bun mr one for Culifornia and Orejron. . The governor of both states, Friend V. Kirhiinlson itml Waller M. l'ierce, respectively, made srevir.l trips to be present for the ceremonies. The structure, nil mod in honor of the lyto Dr. G. H. Doujrlas. is the lonjrest in the entice stale highway system and opens the rod wood Iiiuhwiiy from Sans alito to Grants Tass, Oregon. I'pper left. Governors Kichardson, left, and l'ierce standing in front of the Ouk land couch, used as the official press car by the Redwood Highway association. Helow it is the antiquated ferry across the Klamath river which will be discarded as soon as travel bejrins over the bridge. The Oakland is seen leaving it. On the right, a view of the Douglas memorial bridge looking forward. Insert, one of the four bears which guard the structure, and a portion of the crowd present for the dedication ceremonies. We have taken over tlm Flint and Moon-Diana Lines v ' Hiy,h Quality Motor Cars We Have Dt-monstratois in lloth Lines and Ex ))ift More Shortly. Come in ami See Them. Stephenson and Stephenson. S. & S. GARAGE' - 744 Klamath Avenue. By FRANK J. MALOXKV One of the prea;ost fonts in the history of the California hishway system has been accomplished. In addition one of the Rreatt hrMe buildinR undertaking ha Ixmmi completed. For, ou Monday, ilay IT, the? Douglas memorial bridge spauning the Klamath river near liiMjua in Del Norte county, was dedicated Joiutly by Governors Friend W. Kichardson of California and Wal ter M. Pierce of OreRon, while a crowd of approximately 6,000 peo ple looked on. This twas the lar gest gathering in the history of Del None, California's northermost county. Nearly as .many people were pres ent from Oregon as California, for the dedication of the 12i0-foot structure was of as great import-1 ance to Oregon as it was to Califor nia, due to the fact that the famed Redwood highway is now open from Sausaltto in Marin county to Grants Pas. Oregon.. However, the bridge contractor worked so rapidly that) he finished ahead of schedute, with' the result the new road leading to) iv. a u y as C, H fm n i Vs most seen ic ruit! through I ! Norte. Hiiin- Iroldt . Mendocino, S;nouia and Marin counties, ! A a in t e resting fea t u re o f t ho ; dedication wiu the fart that there were nearly as many visitors at the Douglas memorial bridge as there are nKU'iittt of "!;! Norte county. 1 To the Redwood Highway associa tion goes much of the credit for i the construction of i lie structure, j Frederick H. Meyer, president of the association, took a very active part in carrying out the final dedi- heart failure on the ev nf his well us A. D. Lee, T. V. Htne. l-oiih triumph. ' Kvenhng mid N. T. Kdwardu of the The Douglas memorial bridge 1k California highway commission; . the lougest span in :he entire stale' K, Mixon, nee r. Mary of the comnilH highway system. It is 1200 feel injsion: It. M. Morton, state highway length nud cost approximately f 400,-' engineer: Dr. K. I. Ilewes, depuiy uoo. Kay Kennedy was the resident ens Inter in charge, and the result is considered a work of art. Four concrete bears guard either side of the structure and each weighs approximately four tons. They are cast in the places they occupy and lietghteti the decorative effect of the entire span. Among the leading men in Cali cut ion of the bridge. Members ot, fornia and Oregon who were pre the California Press association and ent aside from Governors Richard representatives from the metro poll- son and Pierce were Will H. March, tan dailies of California and Oregon; chief of the division of motor ve hicles; Harvey M. Toy. chairman of chief engineer V. S. bureau of pub lic roads; and William Duby, chair man, and II. D. Vandiuer and W. II. Maloney of the Oregon highway coin mission. Anything you win to sell? Or to buy? Toll all Klamath Fall about It in the economical, efficient way through a Utile News Classified Ad. Use two cups of the tomatoes, one-half pound of sharp cheese grat ed one tablespoon of butter, one egg, one tablespoon onion juice, one teaspoon sugar, one-quarter tea spoon salt, a little cayenne pepper. ! Simmer the tomatoes, and season ings together, adding the grated 1 cheese last and immediately re ; move from the fire. Siir until creamy; add the beaten egg and j butter, which has been cut up into, small pieces. were present for the ceremonies, as i were a legion of photographers and news reel camera men." To facili tate matters Clyde Edmondson. sec , retary of the Redwood Highway as : sociatlon, secured an Oakland six i coach to act as a press car and to rush photographs back xo San Fran cisco. , The Douglas memorial bridge Is the south side of the structure islnametI ' honor of the late Dr. G. not entirely finished. But within j H- IMRlas, who was largely respon a very short while it will be pos- sibIe tor et'iK the bill passed at sible to use it. I Sacramento. Governor Richardson In the meantime the only means 'signed it. after efforts had been of transportation across the KIam-!made to Dave Previous governors do ath river is the present automobile ! the Barae- bul iQ cach instance it ferry, which carries three cars at ahad en vetoed, time and requires some five minutes j Dr. Douglas was elected by the to go from shore to shore. As soon j people of Del Norte, Humboldt and as the approach to the Douglas' Siskiyou counties and was strongly) memorial bridge is completed the j supported by the Redwood Highway ferry will be discontinued, it was association for the sole purpose of I the state highway commission, as WANTED VOI'll lihl'WIt WIIIIK Work (unrantrrU Crater Lake Garage Yes, we repair FORDS We have an expert mechanic who special izes in Ford repairing. Hiing in your lm, we'll look it over and tell you in advance just what the job will coat. Re-lining Ford bands a specialty. TEMPLAR HbTdR Gd.ihc Repii r Speci aJists announced. . .The dedication of the Douglas memorial bridge makes it possible to drive a motor car from the Mexi can border into Oregon very close to the coast at all times. " In ad dition it will mean that tourist travel instead of coming iouth by getting the bridge hill parsed and signed at Sacramento. On his ar rival there he was made chairman of the bridge committee, regarded as the most important post at the capital. He spent much of his own money and worked very hard for the success of his undertaking hut iv ( a E'60' way of the Pacific highway from . did not live to see Governor Rich Grants Pass will be able to follow 1 ardson npprove the act of the legis the Redwood highway, regarded by Mature, as he suffered an attack, of 'Eight Great Oil blaze With Science i -tits 1 L. i : KUm I'"1 . y 171 11 ii iy?Si i i m iaw)anMiiii iwi vvvkmmm - The liujrc oil firr. slinwn in progress above, was started at El Setrutido' Calif. 'to prove tbe cf (crtivrncsa of a ncu!v iliM'ovcrrd eliemiral prrparatinn in fighting sucb Ara. Tbe biasing oil tank was cztinguislwd in JO minutes with the. scientific aid.' ' Chrysler "60" Quality Features 1 6 Cylinder Chrysler Motor 2 4 brake hone-power. 3 60 miles per hour and more. . 4 5 to 25 milts In 7,, tecondt. 5 Etnly 22 miiet to the (illon. 6 7-bearing crtnkatuh. 7 Aluminum alloy pittont balanced to lix teea one hundredth o an ounce. 8 ImpulaeNeutralutT not a balancer, but a device that abtotba the natural impula reactiona common to all internal com bustion engine. 9 Purolator filter all crankcaae otL 10 Centrifugal air cleaner protectacylindert and piston from road dim and gnL 1 1 Full preaeure oiling tyttern a film ol oil lor all bearing, insuring long hie. 12 Semi-automatic plus manual spark con trol. 1) Manifold heat control. 14 Chrysler readability easy to stear, easy to handle, at all speeds, always sale, . 15 Chrysler hydraulic four-wheel brakes. 16 Levelixvn, which eliminate road shocks, at both front and rear. 17 Chrysler dynamic symmetry ol body v design. IS Croat roofnine combined with Chrysler compactness ior easy parking. 19 Due finish in striking color combi nations. , 20 Full balloon 30 5 25 tires. Arrange ts drive this sensational new lower priced Chrysler Six and enjoy for yourecli its many feature ol superiority. A Lighter Six of Chrysler Quality and Value At New Low Prices For you who would limit your motorcar In vestment to any of the lower-priced aixes, Walter P. Chrysler presents another sen sational quality product the new lighter six-cylinder Chrysler "60". In the new lighter Chrysler "60" are the same brilliant Chrysler engineering, the same high quality oi materials, the same superior craftsmanship, the tarn a rigid test and in spection, the same assured endurance and dependability that have won such public acclaim in all other Chrysler cars. Sixty miles, and more, per hour, unprece dented acceleration; gas economy oi 22 miles per gallon; the striking beauty o! Chrysler dynamic symmetry; astonishing handling and riding ease these are only a lew of more than a score ol features heretofore found In similar degree onlyinsixesof farhigher price. The lower price of the new lighter "60" the lowest price at which a Chrysler six has ever been sold is merely difference of size, of speed capacity, ol special performance. This means that the new lighter "60" will outclass every other car in the field ol the lower-priced Six Just as every Chrysler out classes every other car in its particular field. You will find us eager to demonstrate to you the extraordinary Chrysler qualities which make the new lighter Chrysler "60" at these new low prices the most sensational value in all motor tar history. Touring Car, 1075 Roadster, 1145 Club Coupe, 1I6C voacn, '1X95 Sedan, iag An bWcm t. a. h. ni M tTHtrcni Fcascraf uclae Mm HOWIE MOTOR CO. 12th and Main. Phone -.379.