The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 04, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Friiliiy, Juno I,
Bill Provides
County Relief .
Taxes Collected
WiSHIVfiTOX Jim S The hill
providing relief for-the counties , rnsmra- 01 n i oura ? n. Newsl roiiiplcie condemnation ni 'I dauchler went flhin Monday af-
POKTLAXl). June J. i fulled,
Newal Bid tor the construction
of three Oregon forest roads were
opened Wednesday hy V. H. I'urcell.
Mr itud llwlV'ly.le tliltulU and.
;daiiRhler farsls. Mri. Vary MrlfflthJ
j aim .vr.. ana . Mrs. ieiintn iviunn
31easures l ending er dinner tnrM ff r ami .
, I.. A. Vt .Sunday.
WASHINGTON-. June .1-U nited . Mr. and Mrs. M. II Hamilton and
Wets Gleeful As
Senate Kills All
hureau of roads. The bid will be
reft rred to the secretary of asrl
rulture for awardti.
The projecta were Wallowa county
grading ' six miles Flora section.
Klora-finterprtse highway
Construction compauy. low bidder
' Oregon deprived of taxes on Oregon
and California grant landa during
the laat 10 yeara, haa taken a great
tep forward, through Its passage
,b- the honae.
Representative. Sinnotl. who re
ported It from the committee on
public landa, piloted it through a
aea of filibuster Thursday. The
filibuster waa directed against the
rivers and harbora bill, but the u " ... pofes. kills the matter this session. Mary West spent hunt
mm i Dili waa raugnt in tne jam ,-k '" .' ,.d,nV t t miles ' " '" ,h ''
.nd was used a. . pawn by those : tnmr of miml lhan mighl
m ........ ...... .... ......., K, ,h Fal( w c K1. posed. Had the bills come Into the the. lateral lu the Mt. Laki dlatrlct
Harney county: Grading 13 miles
Poison creek section. Hums-Canyon
but the O l"v h'h'y. Security Construction
the wet program, including the pro- tcrnoon.
'posed national prohibition refereu- Mr. anu""Mrs. V. T). "Itutler of
'dum. was pronounced by Klamath Kails called at ,lhe Morrl-
me senate jmiu-iary sniwomminee , nnlB, Monday-evening.
.in ,'nni'luilinz lis u-rrk uhli-h besnn ........ ....
Security . , , it. i'. Morrison and ramuy ipent i
.... ''Will the famous senate beer hear-' ... . '
rummy evening Willi -ir. aim ..
Dan -Kalor.' ' ... . . .
inits two months ago.
Te sub-commit ie rev
'indefinite .postponement of the wet Wm.,KW and fanifl.v, went fish-
blllJ. which, for nil practical pur- l J.onuas.
better town' with cf' sister.
be sup-
week In
Win K. Klnhn.
The waller tins b.-eii turned out of I
waa declared
lungwort h on
passed by Speaker
a viva voce vote, a
i liott. low bidder. $140. 6U0.
! Thia letting completes the pro-
iscnate for a v. to they would hive , cniplot needed repair.
teen miserably beaten and would
...... i , ,.;., ... ... .. : KiHiu vii ru-vivra.Kn mis .u-ar w
notion to reconsider waa made. '. . , . ...,,.n,. h. ,.i ihu ii...e n..i ih.-
Sinnott moved to lay this on the.
table, a quorum call iatervened, and
an automatic roll call waa then fore-'
ed on Sinnott'a motion, which pre-; Kv n nvupwh aim It. w V . . ,
Thia sends the measure to the sen-' .une
te, where the bill of Sen-' ,rDur17 un rv cro
tor Stanfleld haa already been re-j W.nt.VV Mt-LU fUK
' ported and is on the calendar. An; MURDER OF UNCLE
effort will be made in the senate ,
to aubstltute the house bill, in order , POWERS. Ore.-. June 3. I United
to send It direct to the president. Xewa.t With the head and face
with the exception of the work on, dry alrategy had served to conceal
the Hepnner-Spray road and the thia situation. Insieod of expoa
Long Creek road in tirant county. ! lug the wets to a defeat on n show
for which, bids will bo rccieved dowu it enables them to gj to the
country and rop, rt that the drys
rich Cheyna'a brooder house
caught fire last week and burned ;
n limit 40 little chicks. I
ftt the
Altamont Dance
Saturday. June 5
Seven Matter Musicians
A cool place A hot band
mashed to a pulp the body of Wil
."As chairman of the public lands ! m whobry , raai.h(,r ,hi8 dis.
committee I called up the Oregon ; nicu wa8 foand a the roaJ thre
refused to allow the modification-,
ist measures to come to a vole In f
the nenate. j
Plucking of the national refer-1
tudum also is more acceptable to
the wets than they admit publicly.
Nobody knows better than astute j
politicians like ..truce and Kdse ,
that a prohibition referendum at '
66 thia time would show a iiredomiu-
bouse yesterday.
passed thia afternoon."
...This was the word received late
yesterday afternoon by W. A. Wiest
from Congressman N. J. innoit In
regard to the 15.000. 'id revestment
tn 18 Oregon counties from the
Oregon and California land grants.
."I am confident that the bill to
revest our 18 counties will be pass
ed in the senate In the immediate
future and the word, that the bill
passed the house Is very encourag
ing." said Wiest last night.
. Wlest recently returned from
was i . - am miuuicr w. w . . f .
...u.o "H "vui.e-.uav. , , A ., ,-,.., , mire,
no laiuomia ix remi 0111 in mt ,.. .th lh.. ... -h,
and the bill was1, :'"
. expect
Jojon nt most.- But now.
n jldenicd.a national retcrenduin by
-0-year-o 1 d th. ..-.4.. tho wets can cjnoentraie ,
nephew of the slain man. la held the New York statu ret erendittu 1
in the ccuaty Jail- at Conuille In , x0,emher.. And if thev win.
.connection with the murder. (h(lr clluse wi hc lmmoa,ur,Uy ;
I According to a statement by Al- .,,
ClnM It vaM t.n 1.1...... ........... ,
auio jbcks.
la held '
treu mey.were returning nome in, . The t,tl!te!t nuie , thu whole;
Whnrii'y'a sr uhan ihap U'ora fnpi. ' ... .... . '
' liquor flsnt la the unwtiiinsiiess in.
the drys to. welcome .
ahowd Jin
ed to stop to fix a breakdown.
wnne nis uncle waa working out- whUe ,ncv sll are in conlrol.
side the enre he (Alfred! was ud-;Tnt,lr rt,I)rl.slivo. itw, encaurage !
Ucnly knocked nncnosclona hy a , mar..r,ilim. fun .liseon-
nniu nappeneai,
Washineton. D. c. where he sneiu ''ow i oenma. nat nappenea i ,., .... ..... ,h. ,., wh;1. ,illlv
several weeks in the Interest of thc "fter A'fJ w unable to waut,me in which to argue!
oiu. ,t" "eu u twi "".the questfcn lfore the country
etnsos his uacla was lying on thc,.VeI11 would Iament a national rer-
EAGLE TO SCREAM i cad near by with his features mut-erendum ow bcca.,lse a defeat
uaieu aiuijsi noniiimg. j would end their hones.
Alfred then ran to a farm house
the - road from where author!-
(Continued from Page One) ' :lics were notified.
i County Court Proceeding
' .
" (Continuoa from Iajtc Four)
Cleans Frocks
i 7 i
Yog ihooM try the new Oronite
ClcAOtnf Fluid I Follow directions
and see how bciaritully it cleau run,
gloves, Bihncli or tcrget salt, up
holstery, rug! etc. 1 Ho chemical
reactioa on fut dyes only a mild,
ijukrk-vaauaing odut. A triumph
of the Kientific laboratories ol the
Standard Oil Company of CJi
iocaia. Ir'anady oow at hardware,
groeery, drug Br department stores
or at Siindard Oil Service Stations.
bow here on Memorial Day. iJ n- i'ioAn urnil TiriM
pected to take a most prominent . mti i wn ,
part in the three days" program. j BOARD GIVEN WORK transacted and
on -iay i j. i-w.
It. II. IU'NNEIjL. Couniy
. XlleamngFlind
adjourned to meet '
The Pelican baseball team will ',
clash with the Woodland. Califor-
XEW YORK, June S. (United
nia nine of the Sacramento Yalley News) The railroad labor medi-
league. In a series of games, at'st'on board of five, created by the
the fairgrounds at 2:30 o'clock each ! Watson-Parker hill, and soon to be
ggg' . appolntWTV'Stren!rrdo!!nVt,
I HUKRKI.L SHORT. Cnmmlsslnner.
C. J. MARTIN. Commissioner.
The first appearance of a real
brass tearit' and a sax 'tenm Vllh
;.For the woodmen' there 'will be!"'" be given Its first opportunity to j hf V""1". '!!c,!'.f.r0Sd
log chopping and log rolling con-lP" lts effectiveness In a major: ay
testa, box shcok tielng and axe P' when It reviews the de-l
throwing. . , mandg of eastern railroad men for, if yoa know of an, game T0i,.
' Charleston Content Hanneil I nigner wages ana oetter working, tlons, call phone S8i. All Informs
507 Main St
Be Public Spirited
No greater ultimate good can be done by
any Klamath Falls citizen than to contri
bute to the welfare of our youth.
Fill the Blank NOW and send to j. A.
Gordon, First National Bank, Klamath Falls
Klamath Falls, Oregon,
I, or we, the undersigned, hereby subscribe to Klam
ath County Council Boy Scouts-of America, the sum of
dollars ($.. ) Cash $
Balance payable
. There will be a three-day Charl-
Uon will be luictlr contldentlaU
eston contest for the flappers andf
HcDresentatires of the railroads
' j . j . . i gT'i:r:-.j . : "
-t,,.!,. I ami iruinoitfu s ana connuciors viaoaii icu auvcriisuiK
.Foot racing, high dives, potato Dro,nernoons aBreea lnur9aaT l" morning paper proposition ai-i
' .... . j , j submit their controversy to theiwava. Usj Ka Nowa.
cesslons will be included. j board. . ' ,
nwm xto.vvv men are empioyeo
On Sunday, July 4, there will be
special church services and a sacred
in the eastern territory, and dispo
sition of their demands affects 160.-
i AAA mn-A ... .. . 1. . ....
Tennis tournament and clay pig- " ""L'
eon shoot.
The cost of the increase demand-
tj...i.i. 1 tnAi,.j:ntf n4
. ' """"" ed la' estimated by tramiportation
rtatc address and reading of the, rig ,rom $85,000,000 to,
declaration of Independence are i $90 000 000 . !
scheduled for Monday, July 5 in '
the forenoon at the former city
1921 and 1025
a billion dollars.
n.ieet. th pAnlikninra ... p.mii... t
park on Riverside street. free j nianaB'era o tne ea8tern rallr0aa3
oarbecue will alao be arranged for 1 reveal,. tnat tneir propeny ,nvest.
iioou un iu. Iment between
.Instead of a street parade It Is ,.reawrt almost
planned to hold an eianoraie wa
ter carnival and parade of floats
on lower Link river, including the
crowning of Princess Ewauna, and
also swimming and boat racing.
. On the night of July S the great
est display of fireworks ever seen
in southern Oregon will be Bent
up from a barge on Lake Ewauna.
The cost of this one feature alone
will be $1000.
Don't forget the place and re
member we are offering terras
a low as 13 a month and other
Inducements never before offer
ed In Klamath County.
SOT Main St. Don't Delay.
Mr. W. J. Thorn, who is traveling
, New Member B. U. Lear of the .
m:mber,o,,he0Thambe;h,n7omunder the ces of the International
rememb;"arnn:,,nP0:rrd.iBible Students Association, will arrive
terday- ; ! in the city Friday and will deliver a free
lecture at Altamont "Auditorium, 7:45
p. m. Much interest has been aroused in
the past by the diversity of opinion ex
pressed by the Modernists and Funda
mentalists. The topic of Mr. Thorn's
lecture is "Things the Clergy Will Never
Tell." This meeting has been specially
arranged for the citizens of this city,
and the local representatives of the In-
. 'tern?,tional Bible Students Associaion
wish to extend a cordial invitation to all
! to come. The lecturers have their expense
I paid by the Association, and the meet
I ings are therefore free to the general
j public.
1 No Admission No Collections
burning, swollen, shoe
chafed feet. The minute
you put your feet into a "Tir"
bath you feel pain being drawn
out and comfort just soaldng in.
"Tix" draws out the poisona and
acids that cause foot misery. It
la almost magical.
'Tii'' takes all the soreness
out of corns and callouses. Oct
a bos of "Tii" at any drug or
department store. End foot tor
ture forever wear smaller shoes,
keep your feet fresh, sweet, com
fortable. BatheThcm In TTZ
Here aire the
Red Grown
Los A ngeles-Yosemitt Economy Run
May 21-22
cu. c I fw
T,. ct.Hn MM
''lUf" 21.60
A Cm!? '.MOumrafr 25.48
o.-i STtrrzs I.
Cat SdM , Bmum. Tr.rlM 16.74
' ' '. JO- - ' '
that won tiie
i ;i
' ;
The Red Crown Milaage
Card will start you on an
economy: run of your
own ask for It. Tslls
what to do for your mo
torabout carbu rator ad
justing just how todrlve
for maximum mileage
Note aoove how the great Red Crown mileages
pDed up in the 10th Annual Los Angeled-Yosemite
Economy Run 48 years of Standard Oil expe
rience have put them there, and expert driver
know it . ' . ,, t .
The Annual Los Angeles -Yosemite Economy
Run the major event of Its kind in the United
States is a highly competitive run in which the
winners are the cars showing the greatest mile
age economies under each classification. - ' ,
. It will pay you to train your car's speedometer
on the miles and miles in Red Crown gasoline I ,
Make a point of calling at Standard Oil
Service Stations and at.. dealers your nearest
Red Crown dealer is a specialist on miles! -