The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 28, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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    Tape Ten
Fridav, May 28. lf2fi
gr locals
- han Untiiut Mr. and Mrs. V. V
jso'utnw!! aud children are plan-'
alec a delightful outing for the
'Heeg-eud and holiday in be spent ;
ramping. j
Here on thislne V. It. l'ea-
body of Ashland, was la the city
this week tu look into business at-'
fairs. !
IV '
rlliopplag from Merrill Mr. and
Mra. J. W. Taylor were in the city
yesterday for a brief time from;
(he .Taylor ranch In Ihe Merrill!
county. I
Ur-. " i
v From the Fort Mrs. K. R. i
jfardwell was In the city yesterday '
visiting vith her many friends and
ahopplng from the Card Ml ranch
pear Fort Klamath.
Leaving fr South Mis lsabelle
L. Lyon la tearing this week for
Oaklaud. where she will make her
home. I
Mama Sayt Girl Used Dad'
Brandy for Dtp to
Make Her Tall
Merrill Visitor .Margaret Jacob:
was In the city yesterday for a brief
it it It with friends from her home
near Merrill. I
Fort Klamath VWtor Mrs. A. Ci.i
Jllnesh of Fort Klamath, well
jinown resident of the Fort Klam-1
nth district, waa la the city to'
hop and visit with friends yester-j
. In Shoppln Included In the
snany out of town business visitors
and shoppers la Klamath Falls dur.
Ing the past few days Is Mrs. W.
B. Hammond, well known resident
of the Merrill country. '
Visiting from lily Mrs. S. S.
Cotes of Bly, was In the city to
shop and visit with her many
friends yesterday for a time.
' Miss Stlnsoo in Miss LeVeda
Stiason employed with the. First
National bank waa the bookkeeping
' department, fa do-fined, to her
home on North Ninth street suf
fering from an attack of influenza.
Scatty Visitor Included in the
out . of town business visitor In
Klamath Falls this week is Freder-
Kr nuuwiu v I ircaiij, writ kuuB
resident of that section, who wasj
tm to transact affairs in the cons-'
tf" court house yesterday.
.t- .
It fiawpplng Yesterday Included in
Algoma Shopper -.Mrs. A. G. i
Thompson of Algoma, Is Included 1
in the many out of town business1
visitors in Klamath Falls this
week. , ,
To DuuiioihI l.akr Howard Ab-;
bty and a party of friends are plan-'
nlng to spend the comity; week-end I
and Memorial day at Diamond lake!
fishing. I
Merrill Shopper Mrs. Robert
Adams of Merrill, was in the city
tor a brief shopping tour and a
rlsit with her many friends In '
Klamath Falls. !
. Mrs. WlllU.r 111 Friends of Mrs.
Leland Wllllts will be sorry to!
learn that she is suffering from an j
attack of Influenza at the family i
'home on Walnut street.
leaving fur South Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Otfield are planning to
leave Saturday evening for Cres
cent City, where they will spend
the week-end and Memorial day
at the beach.
the many ont of town visitor In
Klamath Falls this week la Mrs.
Scott W. McKendree.of the McKen-j ... M.Un)SSA urge num
dree ranch near Merrill. With Mrs. I ... , .,i.!
McKendree was Mis. Bertie 0'Nell.J affairs, hare been poet-
poned during this week due to the
presence of Ellison-White Chautau-
qua which is being given preference'
over other affairs,
also of the Merrill district.
w- -
- Mrs. Gallagher -Out Mrs.
garet Gallagher, who has been ser
iously 111 for the past few months,
waa able to be ont yesterday. Her
many friends will be happy to learn
t her recovery Mrs. Gallagher is
the mother of Miss Agnes Gallagher.
Returning from South Miss Oc
tavia DeLap. daughter of Mr. and
Mra. C. R. DeLap of Eldorada
s'.rcet, Is expected to arrive la
Klamath Falls this coming week
from Richmond. California, where
she .has spent the past winter as
teacher of English In .the Richmond
high school Miss DeLap will be
her slste's. Miss Ruth DeLap.
On Business Here Included In
tbe many out of town visitors In
Klamath Falls this week are Mr.
and Mrs. J A.. Dewey, well known
ranchers of the Merrill country.
"jney were accompauieo. aere jws- ...... v. jj,.. .
. t A. , . ... only attendant at her wedding to
terday by their daughter. Miss V. In- , . , .
. . ' Ralph Turner on June 8.
ifred Dewey.
Child Is III Mrs. Sidney Abbott
-,. Visit With Friends-Mis. Thiria , F,u TesteraaJr for
Anderson and ner sister Miss Helen jWorden where she ws, called hJ
Anderwn were in Klamath Falljthe moese o( her nephew
,e.terday from tielr home In Mer-; Rlcb4rd N-e3on gm of Mr. and
nil to visit wun .nies Anns oeizer
V H I C A ti O. May !7. -( Tnlted j
News! Joyce Hnwley'a wlue bath
at Karl Carroll'a February morn'
party in New York was not an al-1
together new experience for the
Joyce's mother has recalled In un '
Interview that her daughter develop-'
ed a dtviire for alcoholic tubbings'
at the tender age of nine years.
It seems that Joyce believed anj
occnsional wine bath would make'
her grow tall and maybe it did, be-j
cause as her mother phrased it. I
"she tall girl now."
Iaia Is Hough
Joyce's father. Tony Cavelns. Is
a butcher and her mother Is a plain
Lithuanian woman. The parents'
were round living in three rooms:
In the rear of a small meat market:
and grocery on tho west aide. I
You enter the home of the cap
tivating Joyce by a flight of creaky
stairs, stepping carefully to avoid 1
the chubby little hands of numer
ous Lithuanian rhlldreu. who make
the- stairway their playground.
Several of these are Joyce's
brothers and sisters.
But to get back to Joyce's earlier!
tubbings, the ones which probably
gave her confidence In herself when
she accepted Mr. Carroll's offer,!
Mrs. Daugells said Joyce really pre-!
fere brandy. !
llrnndy Dip j
nnea nercse tuaugeiis. lamuy
name) small girl she used to Jake
her pa'a brandy and pour It In her
tub when she take a bath." the
mother said. 'Maybe she start tak
ing wine bath early, huh? She say
she think that make her grow tall."
The big. good natured Lithuanian
mother Is sure "that girl" has
brought disgrace to the- family.
"Therese lazy," she said while
sluicing the noon dishes In the kit
chen sink. "So werk. She always
do nothing. I not see her since
eight months. She make ns lots
of letters and telegrams about this.
Why she do It? That make fool
ont of me."
Papa DaugCfU can ace nothing
wrong In what Therese has done.
"She good girl, have good time,"
he said. "Good big Joke. I laugh
and langh. Lota people laugh with
me." ,
White Pelican I
Theatre Taken; j
to Re-open With !
First Run Film
The White Pelican Theatre,!
closed for uearly a year. Is to be
reopened . within a few days. (l.:
(I. McPherson, experienced theatre
man has ubtaltied a three years'
Irate on the building and furnish-
lugs and Is now rvuovutlng and
redecorating. Mr. McPherson was
in the theatre business for aoine I
years In San Marcos. Texas, and j
has also been engaged in Ihe tele-j
phone and lumber busiuesa in Oro
gon.. "It la my In leu lion lo offer high
class pictures at the lowest po-'
sible price" said Mr. McPherson 1
yesterday. "Tbe White Pelican J
theatre la within essy reach of a j
very considerable population at the
present time, which will Increase j
with the development of the rail-j
road terminal facilities. 1 am aure ;
that with the attractions I shall!
offer, he White Pelican theatre'
will acquire a very respectable
sized patronage. ' Mr McPhecson '
la very well Impressed with., the1
business prospects In Klamath Falls
Notice! On and after Juue.J'
the depot of that Medford-Klamatb
Freight Line will be at the It. R. R.
Garage on Klamath sAve. Phone
;n. m:;-h
and their many friends' and rela-
I Mrs. Grant Nelson. The child was
taken III yesterday and medical
Uree, They plan to vlalt In Klam-1 Uent,on gyen hjm ,mmedlateIy. ,
th during the summer vacation He e brought t0 Klamath
4wAfn t tt fl It bln-k enhanl I
from the Merrill high school.
Mrs. IHjo Recovers Friends of
Mr.. A. B Deyo of 430 Washington M,M u Scoelcl and
... uvv; ''u ""'"ilvan Smith are planning to leave
ahe a, rapidly recovering from a m--, KUmath Fa Sundajr morning or
Jor operation to which she .nbmll-' nonh M Norrl8 ,., vlt
led aeveral week, ago In the KUm-wUh her ent Mr and Mr
th Valley hospitaL Mrs. Deyo is, Wlim, , Cotta t0T .
oow at the family residence h-reiweek m u A ., ,
the many friends are visiting her I a me , Portland on
Miss Scofield will con-
Don't forget the place and re
member we are offering terms
as low ae J8 a month and other
inducements never before offer
ed in Klamath County.
307 .Main ,SU Don't IKlay.
jtinue to Pendleton to Join her
sister. Mrs. R. T. Cookingham. and
'jthey will continue to Hibbing, Min
nesota, to visit with their parents
They may spend a short time In Chl-
Mrs. Cnoklnnham Is the wife
T leaves for South J. A. LaDleu.
affiliated with the circulation de
partment of The Klamath News,
left yesterday for Oakland. accom
panied ty Mrs. A. E. LaDleu and
son. Mm. LaDleu will visit for
uv.,.1 mnnlhi with t,o! father anrf CaS'
mother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M I ?f Sheriff CooklnPham of Umatilla
. ' comity, ana wen Known nere uur-
E. LaDleu of Oakland. LaDleu
will return north next week ac-i
companled by his wife.
Ing her visits. Mrs. Scofield plans
to return In a month.
Many to Camp Many families In
Klamath Falls as well as parties of
Ihe younger set are planning to
leave Saturday night or early Sun
day morning for Diamond lake.
Wlnl-kse. Rocky Point. Lake of
-the Woods, Cherry creek or Odes
sa to ppsnd the week-end which
V-ik been made longer by Memorial
day, wMt.h will be ibserved by tiie
stoics and business houses on Mon-
While Vtiu Walt
110 Ho. Otb St.
First Door From Mnin St.
Mis. Thomas Expected Accom
panied by her daughter Miss Mary
: Charlr-ne. Mrs. llert C. Thomas Is
f-xpetted to arrive In Klamath Falls
Monday evening after a fix months'
abiene spent In Columbus. Ohio,
Val'ed by the .ertoite Illness of
hu fathr. Mrs. Thomas was able
vtp leave Columbus nfter the rccov
. pry of Mr. Plumb, her father, who
Injured himself severely In a full.
Mrs. Thomas and her daughter left
the east May 10 and hare returned
Ivy .way of the southern route, vis
iting In New Orleans, throughout
'Texas and California cities, tofore
arriving hero. Her niuny friends
.will welcome her return here.
Ghiloquin '
"We Carry Nothing But
Tbe Best."
Ice Cream and Ice
Wholesale and Retail.
Agent for S. F. Examiner and
Chronicle, Klamath News and
other papers.
Magazines, stationery, fishing
tacle. Agency for Haas candy.
Phono B03.
Swimming Suits
Choke of 1edl Swimmers
They'rcdcsigncd for those
who want the greatest
freedom in or out of the
(the easy neck-to-crotch-stretch
kni t elastic
ONLY in a "G?M".
You will find thesd suits
here, at modest prices,
knit of pure long fibre
wool with 14 inch arm.
holes, low neck and sloped
F. O. K. NO. ' SOttO KAtM.fcS
f 0
Meets Every Friday Ereniug
8 p. m. Moose Hall
Special meeting Friday, May 28
Knox Straws and Panamas
In every new and desirable braid and shape, v
Fancy and plain bands.
$2.50 to $10.00
jf. : .
Exclusive Agency Knox Hats
more and iiiore
Such popularity must be deserved J
Chesterfields have come up fast because ,
smokers have found that they can depend
on them for the same superior blend,
the same uniform quality, and for the
same untiring good taste- always!
lionrrr Ir Mrtai Tosacco Ce,
.. t