The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 25, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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Today and
Announcement waa mail yester
day of lb removal of office of lb
Klmlh County Iloy Scout council
from Che chamber of commerce
rooms to Hoom D In lb biwmral
of tbo county court houM. This
has been accomplished through lha
courtesy of the Spanish War Volar
ni and lha county court.
' According to lluryl Illevelui,
acoul executive, coniplela of
merit badge pamphlets bu ban
received from ban Francisco fur
Iba UM of tint data acouta. Klsga
ara now In atock for tha follow
ing patrola: Plna Tree, Kattlesnaka,
Beaver, Wolf, rallcau. Plying Ragle
and Eagle Patrols.
II r. and Mm. V. C. Hallork ara
velng congratulated upon tha birth
of tbalr flrat child, a i pound
baby boy born to Ibam at tha home
of Mra. Hallock'a mother, Mra. Zed
'0. Ilarrla. (14 aouib Seventh street
Sunday morning, May 23.
Tbe young man will be christen
ad Darrell Lee llallock and al
ready tha many friend, of tho fam
ily have called upon him, wl.hlng
blm aucceaa In his new world. x
Saturday afternoon member, of
tha Ladle. Aid of tha first Presby
terian church conducted a aucceaa
ful cooked food and apron aale
which netted them mora than 170
when the money waa counted by
committee, yeaterday. Till, la one
of tha many aprlng aalea being
aponaorad by women'a organlaa
allona of churrhea throughout the
Ilulldlng permits, aggregating
174(0, were leaned Irnm the city
clerk yesterday. Included In the
permits are three for new bousea.
addition to a church building, ad
dition lo borne and a garage.
D. 8. waa given permit
ta make addition to Kmmanual Uap
tlet between iMain and Pine.
'We feel that the Increaae In
tha - Sunday achool warranta this
addition to our church," aald
Urlgaby yesterday.
T. II. Allen will build a I2&60
house ' on Second at reel, C. W.
Allen, 11300 bouaa on Hollblrd
street and V. O. Baratbouse. $2(00
house on Sargent street.
Other permits "include a 1(0
garage by 8. . E. Burt on Prescott.
f 100 repairs to busineaa building on
Main atreet by John It. Shannon
Klamath Tails fana provided thej.ram to make the candy atom aafe
major portion of the nolae made at
the baseball game between Oranta
Pais and Klamath Fall at Oranta
Pasa Sunday. Included In the
fans eeen at the game were Mr. and
Mrs. Otlo Loreni, Leonard Compton,
MM. Paul Noel, Austin Hayden.
Olenn Jester. Mlaa France Clark.
Bill Bonflcld, Lloyd Low, Mra.
Jo Brett, Mra. M. P. Lavonlk and
Phil Hood.
Klamath Falls team had all the
luck on the ball field with Oranta
p... Sunday but on of their sup-
portera in the crowd had th real
hard luck of th day.
With other he waa trying hard
to bet the Oranta Pas boosters
off their feet and h worked hard
on a talkative chap with a big
hat who waa rooting for the opposi
tion: '
. '"Keep your "money In your poc
ket, aonny," aald Big Hat, "I am
sheriff ovor here."
Send the
for your drug wants, rest
assured they will receive the
same kindly courteous at
tention which we accord to
the grown-ups. We pay
particular attention to the
children's demands. ,
Currinsfor Drugs
-.' ' . Klamath Falls, Ore.
Cor. 9th and Main.
Vol. 3, No. 132 Price Five
Finish To
Is Rushed
County Court Calls
Bids Completing
Four-Mile Gap.
Tho county court yentrrdity railed
fur bUle on llui work of flnUhlna
IIhi rrmalntn link of the Midland
to the. MM- lliw county road, wfilrti
Ivr. Klauiatli county a direct rouu -
lo Wml. HUklyou county U wnr ,
being urjjrd to take cam of Ita end
lof the construction,
About I.S miles remain to be
completed. The work la to be rush-
mA in nrrfee fh.t a numLer of blind I
: :,.z.....a . . i
time the through tralna are running
over tha Natron cut-off.
According to County Engineer
Joseph Jenaon It will hardly be pos
sible to work across Miller's lake
until July, but the rest of the work
la to be undertaken as soon a.
Ladies, Be Thin
Leave Candy To
Male Sweet Tooth
CHICAGO. May 14. (United
New.) American men are tbe real
candy eater., women falling far be
hind In the national candy consump
tion, statistic announced at the con
vention here of the Aaaoclaled Re
tall Confectioners of the United
The plump aptnlater, nibbling at
her aweeta la no longer the prin
cipal asset, of the candy merchant,
according to William D. Blatner.
secretary of the association.
'.'Close observation haa establish
ed that men not only do most of
tbe buying, but moat of the eating
alao," Blatner aald. "Women, es
pecially in thla country, are trying
o hard to reduce that they won't
eat a thing they believe to be fat
tening. Aa a matter of fact candy
la a real food and ta not likely to
make one fat if one does not over
eat." ,
Candy Kafo
The convention adopted a pro
lor uie male. ah cmmD umsi uv
aa aweet aa their ware., but must
not flirt. One delegate recommend
ed placing a large dish of free
sample near the door of the con
fcctlon .tore aa n lure for custo
Mrs. Ora H. Snyder, a Chicago
retailor, explained the origin of the
chocolate drop. She aald tha craae
for thla delicacy atarted In Central
America, where tha nativea once
uacd the cacao bean tor currency.
Men were the first to eat It, she
aald, dubbing It "theobroma," or
"a food for the gods."
According to totals obtained up
to last night at the county clerk's
office In - the official re-count of
ballots for the primary election
May 21, W. M. Duncan la winner
ovor K. B. Aahurst In the race tor
the nomination for district attorney
on the democratic ticket by 26 votes.
The country ballot boxes contain
ing the tally sheets securely locked
Inside, were opened by order of the
court yesterday, but In these, pre
clncts Anhurt gained but four votes
over Duncan, which was not enough
to materially affect the outcome of
thla nock and nock race. ,
. In theao five precincta Goddard
received 64, Bunnell 84, and Baker
2( for republican nomination for
county Judge.
Tho official count will be com
pleted by today noon, according to
County Clerk DeLap.
pcstofflco department Announces ap
pointment at paslnffice as fourth
class offices In Oregon as follows:
, Mm. Hllma Parlter at Ash, Doug
las county: Mrs. Annabel Nolan at
Onovn, Jefferson county and Mrs.
Klla A. Rlihter at Winchester Bay,
Douglas county.
United News
Memorial Day and
Veterans' Building
Dedication Joined
On Sunday Morn
The American Legion of Klamath
Fill, will observe Memorial Day In
Ita true apirlt Sunday morning. May
10 and In that apirlt will dedicate
their new Veteran'a Memorial build
ing at the aama service.
Selectlona of patriotic music wilt
be reudered by the Klamath Falls
band of which Fred Belack la con
ductor. Then the Iter. Arthur' L.
Rica, paator of the Flrat Presby
terian church, will dellrer the In
vocation. Two eoloa by K. E. Val-
ante, baritone, and member of tbe
lloB 'ollowlng numbers, and
. t. I - a . 1 1 1 at . IW.
"n .uu .
Dedication 01 me outiaing ana
the Memorial Day addrea la th
principle feature of the program
and for this Dr. K. B. Stewart of
III com ' bare. Dr.
Stewart I tbe highest ranking of
ficer of the American Legion In
the state of Oregon and In addi
tion be la known for the nobility
of bis thought and bis Impreealve
atyle of speaking.
Mrs. Marjorle McClur Olds, so
prano will sing two solo numbera
at thla point her poallion being In
the balrcny which haa been found
splendidly advantageoua for del
ivery of song number. She 1 pres
ident of the ladle auxiliary of the
legion her.
Benediction will be by the Rev.
J. Henry Thomas of St. Paula
Episcopal church.
Arrangementa for .eating more
than :.30 have been perfected by
John M. Olover, chairman of the
Memorial and Dedication committee.
and, be baa alao secured the .con
sent of Klamath Falla churchea to
dismiss tbe congregation in time
tor th 11:30 o'clock start pf the
From Many Places
To One Big Place
Check Man Travels
PORTLAND, May 14. (United
News) Paul Warneke. alias Roy
fehelton. of this city, waa arrested
Saturday night on a charge of Is
suing fictitious checks.
Investigsllons made by Police In
spector Bwennes. Mallette, Flem
ing and Elchenberger brought to
light that victims not only lived
In Portland, but also hailed from
Hood River, McMinnvllle, Hllls
boro. Scappoose, Oswego, Dallas,
White Salmon, Wash., Roseburg.
Eatacada. 81. Helens. Bend. Park
rose. Cottage Orove. Sutherland.
Eugene, Surtngfleld, Ontario, Tilla
mook. Oreaha mand Medford, . ac
cording to police
-: : Ttr- r i A
Father and oons ,
Jailed for Still
and Indian Booze
PORTLAND, May 24. (United
Newa) Charged with the poaseaslon
of liquor and a still on the Klamath
Indian reservation, J. W. Rogers
and his two sons. Benjamin and
John, were brought to .Portland
Sunday from Klamath Falls by
Chief Deputy t), 8. (.Marshal John
son and lodged In the federal sec
tion of the county Jail.
Bsil for the father was set at
$2600 and for tbe sons at. 1100
each. '. ' 1 '.'
NORFOLK, Vs.. May 24 (United
News) Under Its own power the
Argentine hydroplane, bearing Bern
ardo Duggan and hi two compan
ions arrived at the naval air station
here at (:40 Monday evening.
Ernesto Campanelll, the mechanic
of the flight had successfully re
paired the engine which had forced
them to alight unexpectedly In Aa-
aateague bay, seventy mile from
Hampton Roads, Vs., their first ob
jective, In their 0,000 mile flight.
i. The Argentine hydroplane,
tearing Bernardo Duggan and two
companions on their New lork Arg
entlno flight, was forced down Into
Assateague tony Monday afternoon
as It' was nearlng the Virginia capos,
because of engine trouble.
The aviator made a good landing.
and his piano later was maneuvrod
to shore. '
and United Press Telegraph
Big Lakes
Mill Site
Crowded Out By Rail
Yard Expansion;
Must Move.
Congeatlon and expansion doubly
brought on by the Southern Pacific
terminal Installation in Klamath
r.t h9 forP4 lne Blf UkOT com.
pany to seek a new .lie for their
aouth of the Sixth street croaalna
over th 8. P. main Una. Now It!
la propoaad to move th factory!
Into the Industrial district border
ing Oak street along tba mythical
Una or Third atreet where that
thoroughfare traverses lb marsh
land parallel to tbe snore of Ewau
na lake. This waa released bv
Judge D. V. Knykendalt last night
before' tba city council when ha pre
sented a petition for tbe vacation
df certain atreata and alleys Inside
tbe big property owned by tbe Big
Lakea company, IS blocks In ex
tent, bordering Third street trom
Oak to Pacific, then three blocks
Jutting out to Fifth.
. retitlosi G rallied
It was moved and passed that
th petition be granted and June
28 waa designated aa the day for
hearing remonstrance on the ac
tion of the council.
While Judge Knykendall made no
public statement of Intent on the
psrt of the mill company. It la
conaidered likely that the new Big
Lakea factory will be located ad
jacent to the Klamath Heating com
pany plant, where the aawduat and
wast fual trolly th box factory
can be carried by -blow 'pip direct
ly to the heating plant bins. The
new arrangement would also great
ly simplify th movement and stack
ing of lumber from th Big Lakes
sawmill located on .the lake shore.
Owing to the distance from the
sawmill to the box factory the pre
sent operations are subject to great
er coat than would he the case un
der the new arrangement. It la be
Bcvrrr Bids Let
Other matters taken up and dis
posed of by the council last night
waa the granting of the in.iaua
tlon of the Eighth newer unit lo
cated In Falrvlew to the W. D. Mil
ler Co.. the lowest responsible bid
(Continued on Page Six)
Marriage of State
and Nation Prohis
: Is Held Unnatural
LOS ANGELES. May 24 (United
News) Kegardleaa of opposition
from sheriff and polio officers
Prohibition Administrator Robert E.
Frith announced late Monday' that
he would compel all city and county
peace officials to become federal
officer a well.
Frith has summoned sheriffs
from counties south of the Tehac-
hapl mountains to gather her In a
week to discuss th necessary pro
Sheriffs of the northern counties
have been requested to meet In
Fresno on June 14.
Local peace officials declared
they would otiplw every move
made by Frith In hla plana to fed
erally officers under their control.
Yesterday' was a busy day In
Judge Emmftt's court.
- Louis Espen wss lined 1125 tor
possession and $125 for aale of
liquor, which double fins he paid
promptly and was released.
Vernon Webster waa fined $25
for possession of a hip pocket flask
of moon.
R. F. McDonald wss fined 1150
tor possession of a wholesale sup
ply of Illicit liquor. He paid his
(leorgo Knox wss fined HQ tor
changing an auto Uconse plate.
The Jackson County Creamery
lost their $160 stilt with H. II. Jen
kins over alleged non-payment for
supplies some six years ago. A
Jury of five men ln this case
brought In a verdict tor Jenkins.
"Mandy" Is Dead;
Woodsmen Mourn
Her Kind Hands
In Hurt and 111
Mra. Amanda Pecholt. familiarly!
known aa "Mandy" to hundred, ofi
Inggnra of the pine country, died I
In a hoapital here at midnight Sun
day night, following an
She bore a wide reputation sa
a highly .killed nurse. During the'
San Francisco, dlaaater ahe labor-,
ed tlreteaaly for weeke In the hand
ling of maternity caaea. Then came
tha "flu" epidemic when hundred.
lay helpless and again ahe did berj
"bit." Local doctor aay that Mra.
Tecbolt waa ever ready to aaelat)
In a difficult cane. Her services'
'were voluntary.
Knead to Mrk '
It wss th loggers, however. I
whom "Mandy" watched over.
When they were sick, or down nd
out, she was slwsy ready to rend-j
er asa'stance. Many of tnem ane
burled, often paying tbe expenaes
from bar own pocket when tha lum
berjacks were short of change. It
was many ' royal burial that a
poor Jack was given by her.
Many of th lumberjacks made
their home at tha Pecholt eatab
lishment In Main atreet. known
aa the Country Club.
Mrs. Pecholt waa born in Franc
In 177.
Eh. la to be burled thia morning
from the Clarke and Towey mortu
ary. The cortege will leave from
the Sacred Heart church at 10:15
o'clock where the requiem high
mass will be celebrated. Interment
will take place In Mt. Calvary cem
etery. One Church Takes
Stand Religion Is
Unhurt By Science
BOSTON; May 24. : (Vetted
New,) The laymen's league" of. the
Unitarian church took Its staod for
the advancement of evolution and
science at Ita annual meeting here
Monday night. Charges that pub
lishers are eliminating the theory
of evolution and the tacts of geo
logy and comparative anatomy from
text books and antl-aclentlsts are
demanding the exclusion of biology
In general from tba schools, were
made by the principal speaker. Dr.
Edwin E. Sloason, director of sci
ence service, Washington. .
The league will send Ita retiring
president, Charles H. 8trong of New
York, to Nashville next . week to
participate In the oral argument be
fore tbe Tennessee supreme court
on the appeal of John T. Scopes
from his conviction tor violation of
the antl-evolutlon law.
Klamath Falls "
Stanford Youth
Honored By Mates
Martin Adama, son of J. Frank
Adama of Merrill, will be sent to
Philadelphia next 'September as a
delegate from th Theta Chi, na
tlonal fraternity, chapter of Sun-
ford university. This waa the word
received ln Klamath Falls
Adama by friends.
Adams Is a medical student at
Stanford and haa many friends who
are watching his college record with
Interest. '
FAIRBANKS, Alaska! May 24
(United News) Engine tronble
again has Interfered with Captain
George H. Wllkina' plans to fly out
over the Arctic from Point Barrow.
In warming up the triple motored
monoplane Detrolter, the crown of
the center engine was broken and
necessary repairs will delay further
flight for several days.
Wllklns hsd intended- to take otr;m)R,t not be "exposed to the scru
from Barrow Sunday night, mem
bers of the Detroit Arctic expedition
here said Monday after the receipt
of radio messages from the north.
Conditions at Point Barrow now al
low for night flying, as sunlight
prevails during all hours of the
Members of the Wllklns party
are going on whaling expeditions
when not engaged in work on the
big plane.
Matter of Days Till
Dirt Flies In Great
Terminal Schemes
Southern Pacific Bent on Rushing Work
Once started, to Prompt Finish; Bids
on Contracting May Favor Residents
of City, But Utah Construction Likely
Move in Steam Shovels.
It U a matter of daya now until dirt start flying in tho i
; struction of Klamath Falls' new
f u a a;j i i
vnI mmJ "la were openea nj xne souixtern racuie COSBt-
pany at San Francisco, for the moving of 160,000 yard of.
dirt where the new yard switches will dip under th proposed
jj 24.000 viaduct over Sixth street, thia waa tha cmne ataitsw
. . r ci :j , ,n.;, f th. e p mt tk ,ltm
hall during a regular meeting of the council last night. ' i
While it will be the policy of the S. P. to encourage local
bidder on the $124,000 viaduct ;h, in tho yard excavatioa
project only big railroad contractor with unlimited equip
ment were considered owing to time) making it mandatory that
there be no hitch in rushing the job to completion in 60 day.
Miracles of Lost
Leader Puts Bath
Suits in Her Auto,
Her Dress in Room
LOS ANGELES, May 24. (Unit-
. I IW. ...I.l..l. . .
tery waa added to the disappear-1
ince of Aiinee Semple . McPheraon j
late Monday when deputy sheriffs
announced the discovery of the fani
ouk evangeliat's bathing equipment
lu her car.
According to Deputy- Sheriff
Frank Dewar he found the bath lux
suit, green rubbar cap. lilk. stpek
Ings and red rubber bathing slip-
per. used ny Mrs.
when he stepped Into the. surf at
enlc last Tuesday , rlghtr.way ,nd to tB. .r.
The evangelists Bible and se-nt mai Thu tempor,r,
ernl notes of a sermon she was to . ,lne ab90,utc,r u9ctMrf
have delivered were also found lnj0Ten pI,llledt owing to th.
th automobile. jthat the Mt,t,ng tntMKf) throngk
Police Forget j th, yard, u Jam mi . to' capacity
Mra. McPherson's car waa pushed t ln handling the normal shipping
Into a garage near the beach I business alone,
shortly after the search for her I Rne4l Flrioa ' '
sianea, aua now it was pvaaiuie
tor the score or more, police to
miss, seeing the swimming suit mys
tified all concerned in the case.
The find strengthens the belief
which police never abandoned,
that the evangelist was the victim
of an amnesia spell and that she
wandered off.
Ono Thing Clear
There is no doubt that the cos
tume belongs to Mrs. McPherson. It
answers exactly to the description
given by Miss Emma Schaffer, Mrs.
McPherson's companion at the
time of her disappearance. Al
though the drowning theory still
hss Ita adherents among the evang
elist's thousands of follower, pol
ice admitted late Monday that they
were going to renew their search
of the surrounding canyons and
hills for traces of her.
Back to Hills
Ta - ....Ikla. I n A rr I tt A1
i 1 L 19 ifUMluic. av as auuiuivu.
that utae lost her mind while swim-
(ContlnacO on Page Six)
Police Will Take
Leader's Body If
Found by Faithful
VENICE, Cal., May 24 (United
News) Search for the body of
Aimee Semple McPherson continued
unabated late Monday night, with
acorea of her followers carrying
white bed sheets, which they plan
to wrap about her semi-nude form
when It is csst up by the sea.
Police learned Monday that Mrs.
McPheracn'a disconsolate cohorts
plotted to spirit away tho body as
soon aa It was found, so that It
tiny of morbid curiouslty seekers."
D. V. Alderman, an officer of
Mrs. McPherson's Angelas temple,
admitted that such a plan had been
proposed, 'but he aasured officers
that his patrols would be Instructed
to hold the body tor the police.
The evangelist's thousands of
followers sat. huddled on the beach
In little groups, tired from their
all night scanning of tho sea for
their missing leader.
the Klamath News
Official Faper, City of Klam
ath Falls; Official Paper,
County of Klamath.
Morning Except Monday)
million dollar tenninal yard.
Plenty Shovel
While Given did not state def
nitely that the Utah Construction
company get this first contract, it
Is believed likely that they will b
given the work sine this company
haa 24 steam ahovela concentrated
on the Grass lake to Dletx cut-off,
and in all probability ona or moti
of these shovel can be released t
1 According to Given, i
th HO.Ofll
. , . . ... .
ail common
classification ' and
steam' hoTe)
Job. v ' ..',
To facilitate the work of prepar
ing the yards tor eight mile -of
parallel tracks, shop, ' and rouut
house, tha council last night moved
that a permit be given the 6. P.
l construct a temporary: tin tor
construction cars us ertenami
froM Borth to lta MBth bort
l .
On June 29 a special election
will be held, at which time It will
be the d&ty of Klamath voters to
consider the bonding of ' thla city
In the sum of $(2,000 to defray
half the cost of the Sixth street via
duct which will extend trom Spring;
street 1108 feet across tbe yard
and practically to the east bound
ary of the 8. "P. yard reservation.
This was the sense of the ordi
nance which was finally passed by
the council laat night without dis
senting vote.
Viaduct Wait
Work on the viaduct cannot b
undertaken until th people pass
favorably on the bond measure, Mr.
Given pointed out, but It la hoped
to have all necessary detail taken
care of so that work can begin
Immediately after June 2 on th
viaduct It th plan meet th ap
proval of Klamath voters.
Also the ordinance was finally ,
passed permiting th 8. P. to build
a parallel Una Into tha yards serosa
Main street and approximately It
feet beyond" the present track, ' io
facilitate the movement ' of train
(Continued oa Pace Five.)'
Socks In Pairs
For I -Leg Men
2 for 35c
5 for $1
2-Leg Men Also
Can Wear Them.
Center o( Shopplns DUtrtcl