The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 23, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    Sunday, May 53, 1P2C
Placer County Sheriff Hat
Studebaker That Will
Defy Lead Hail :
"ChaslnK th desperate- bandit;
Page EigM
for their cars." mates
Ter, general manaccr
-- . . iiviMt-..v - vymitf ' ocxv
distributor. With th. prorM m.d,P-TW L,.; f ,,.Y:;?W
UIOUK (HQ iiiira vi
steel armor plate and bullet proof;
rlass for windshields it is noinu to'
make It a little more difficult for.
the bandits.-to evade rapture from)
their pursuers. J
The first sheriff of Northern'
California to adopt these safety
measures la Elmer 11. Gum of Plac-!
er county, who through the Stude-j
baker dealer at Auburn, Verne M. ;
Ford, and our accessory department ,
has Just completed the armoring of(
his Studebaker against the on
slaught of the desperado's"-bullets.
Well Armor I'latiil
"This Studebaker has been equip-1
ped with steel armor on the front
doors, cowl and dash, with the
windshield and side wince of bullet
proof glass, on which the bullets
will fall without dolnR any harm.
Sheriff Cum has had many exciting
episodes with lawbreakers In his
section, many of them dealing with
automobile bandits. The two main
highways traversing Placer county
IS a natural ouuei lor uroptriaic i m05t
characters in gaining the mountains
or crossing the state line into Ne
vada. With his bullet proof Stude
baker he is now going to present a
fortified and speedy car that will
; - a--
photo ny the peasleys
The passengers in the record-1 ! frd nnd back by way of Ashland right on the atraight-away, but is
Ion learniug that the park road was' a bit trying nn hu'.rptn curves, they
open to travel, were Just a bit re- said. Bnt one gets used to any
l'v1 ' h uf lh"'r thrilling thing in time", and they were all
' trip. Traveling at an average ratf 'quite blase about It on the last
through Crater Lake Park to Med-! of sp-ed of 45 miles an hour is all half of the Journey.
difficult and its ability to' Arizona twelve of the fourteen 7 1-
; i-iiigiiiccrs vturit un
hard pounding it receives, particu-. with an automoliile, and upon in-!
larly through the mountainous and
Standard Equipment
"""M" 11 "mu" ""I More than 100 subjects for stand-
desert sections. It was under just, twelve of these sheriffs were tlriv- ardliation are now under ntudv hr
onng gnei 10 it oanuus uo irjuuin ronauions as inese tnat tne ing sumocaaer cars, in iioaing lor the standards committees and sub
to make (heir escape through his Studebaker cars made such an en- a name for the new Big Six five-! committees of the Society of Auto
county, viable record in the wilds of Art-j passenger duplex-Phaeton, officials' motive Engineers. Among the Ira
Holds High Plarp j lona in the hands of the sheriffs; of the factory, decided to name it in j p,,rtant problems are head-lamp II
"The Studebaker car holds a high of twelve counties in that state. In honor of the Arliona sheriffs. In lumination. leather substitutes, bat
place In the minds of the Western fact, this was the way the Stude-' that the car combined all the quul-tery sizes, bumpers anil enamels.
sheriffs, because of the performance: baker earned Its name for the Big1 Hies of power, speed, stamina and! '
' It renders, where the-going , Is the'Six five-passenger duplex model. In long life under the hardest usage."1 For results om News Class Ads.
New Low Chrysler Prices
Chrysler Supreme Six-Cylinder Quality and Performance
Now Offered at Sensationally Low Prices
Chrysler "60" 4 F Chrysler"70"
Chrysler Achievement
Touring - - -r-1075
Roadster - - - - . . 1145
Coupe 1165
Coach - - . ... , - 1195
Sedan . . . - . - 1295
(AH prices f. o. b. Detroit,
subject to current Federal excise tax)
Chrysler Quality and Value
in a New Low-Priced Six
In this third great Chrysler Six, first presented only
a week ago, are the same quality and value that
have won such public acclaim in each of the other
Chrysler Sixes.
Sixty miles, and more, per hour; unprecedented ac
celeration; gas economy of 22 mile per gallon; the
striking beauty of Chrysler dynamic symmetry;
astonishing riding ease and readability; the safety of
Chrysler four-wheel hydraulic brakes; oil-filter and
air-cleaner, full pressure lubrication; seven-bearing
crankshaft; road levelizers front and rear; roomy
luxurious bodies.
The lower price of the "60" the lowest price at
which a Chrysler Six has ever been sold is merely
a difference of sire, of speed capacity, of special
performance. ,
Reductions of $50 to $200
Coach 1395
Phaeton .... jsrou., 1395
Roadster - . . - nu,( 1525
Royal Coupe - nw, 1695
Brougham ... Nou, 1745
Sedan ... 1545
Royal Sedan Now, 1795
Crown Sedan Now, 1895
f All prices . o. h. Detroit,
subject to current Federal excise tax)
Changed in No Way
Except Lower Prices
With a production of over 800 cars per day, all of the
best for which the name Chrysler stands is now
offered you in the Chrysler "70" at sensationally new
lower prices which make it the outstanding motorcar
value of all time. In the accomplishment of these new
lower prices there if absolutely no change in the per
formance, quality, comfort, style, equipment, design,
materials or workmanship in body or chassis, which
have won such universal preference and admiration
among more than 1 10,000 owners.
Among these thousands and thousands of enthusiastic
owners, the Chrysler "70" has an unrivalled record for
durability, long life, performance and comfort.
At the new sensationally lower prices these features of
supremacy are made even more outstanding the
results of inherent fineness of Chrysler nualitv of
m design, materials and workmanship.
You will find us eager to demonstrate to you the extraordinary Chrysler qualities which make the Chrysler '
70" and the Chrysler "60" at these new.low pricei the most sensational values in all motor car history
12th and Main. . Phone 379.
Thousands of ownera pub
licly confirm our repeated
alutcment: . . ."OUhmobilo
ranks as an outstanding
performance car of all
time. " Vou may, perhupa,
wonder how a car to mod
erately priced can rcptetent
the strictest standards of
desicn and manulacture--how
it can show auch ex
ceptional qualities of ac
celeration, hiuh gear power
and gcncrul readability. But
in justice to youfscll and
your acie ot salislaction,
get behind the wheel and
lem n the truth.
r i re." tvr!" i
$1130 i:iiki
Klamath Valley Motor Co.
7th and Klamath. Phone C68.
Standard Six Coach
THE engine in this Standard Six Coach is the most
powerful in any car of its size and weight, accord
ing to the rating of the Society of Automotive Engineers.
And whether you buy this quality Studebaker Coacli
at $1195, or the Big Six Studebaker Sedan ct $2l45,
you buy with the assurance that in quality there is but
one Studebaker.
Thus to surpassing power, Studebaker addssupcrb
quality a combination you'll look far to equal, even
in the highest priced cars.
Accept our invitation to drive the Standard Six Coach
anywhere any time.
f. o. b. factory
' ir ... .,'111.' - . f
Phope 52-W.
403 So. 6th St.