The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 23, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page Sir
Sunday, Mav 23. 192C
To Mm Member of the Happy. Kpprrwn la ltiort A. U. Epper
Itour club will meet st 2:30 p. m.Uon left thin week-end for Rtrhard
t boms of Mr. V. C. Deck on ton Spring for bit health. Kpper
Lewls streat Tuesday afternoon. on la recovering from a nervous
j breakdown, following a severe at-
IrttT Iniprovea O. T. Porter. iack of tntluenu.
eld resident of Klamath Pall. 1a .
gradually recovering In the Portland i rVrnllilp 1'lub Members of tbe
Surgical hospital, according to word Friendship club will postpone their
received In Klamath Tall by niem-, meeting which was originally called
hers of his family. He U now able, for Friday afternoon. May 28, to
to alt up said Mrs. Porter in a re- Friday afternoon, June 25, due to
rent letter, and he hopes to be the Chautauqua, according to an-j
out of the hospital in several weeks ' nouncement made yesterday. Mrs. '
when he will submit to special. R. A. Emmitt of Pine street, will'
X-ray treatments in Portland. be hostess on that day.
Business Manager,
Faithful Disagree
On Rise From Sea
True Believers Confident New .Testament
Duplicated at Least With Missing
Leader Up from Ocean; JKew Head of
Treasury Is Not So Sure."!
LOS ANGELES, May 22. (United 4 Press) TS. Bib.
lical feat of Christ's resurrection of Lazarus is to be dupli
cated here tomorrow night, in the opinion of many devout
Orubb of Keno, daughter of Tom ' Vnderwood has returned to Klamath ; worshippers of Aimee Semple Mcrherson, missing evange-
Grubb, has accepted a position in Falls, arriving Friday evening, from 1 list.
the ioldea Rule office. i Olympia. Wash.. Vancouver. It. C. Until the sea, in which the noted revivalist is believed
s, ljlkf T,urold vm-iji1 C!rto- P ''V"' f"' ! hv d" " Tuesday, has given up its dead, a mul
""' I e iMior itaroid .win-. Uuderwood went north with her... , - , .... , ,. . . , ., . ., .
ler. rancher and well known real- husbaod , allend tha Intension- l,lude of lho f,lnful c,f to ,hrea1 (. hoP h,t tnei'
dent of the Swan Lake country, was-a Rotary convention during the i leader is either alive or will come back to them from the dead
In Klamath Falls yesterday tojlMter part 0( April and has been ' at the time of her regular Sunday night sermon.
transact business affair and visit ' In the north visiting w ith a sister. William Wallhcrg. former body-1
with friends. Ung. w. U Bridgeford of Olympia. guard of the evangelist, la a lesd-0f adherents. She lias engaged the
er or the taction ot roiiowers wno. rov. John .Jrvln lean. of Pasa
I are firm in the belief of the divine dent to take" 'Aimee ', placs In the
(Continued from rs One)
HI'OKASK, Muy S2. (I'lilled
Press I Wliitman t'ollege defeated
:y i to 1 In Klamath county, the I Comas university In thrilling
'Vole luftt ,iloh .,..... II..-. fx..!, .1 l..l.u .1... I...
I'lerco 481 elded until the final event. The
Mrs. Webler 131 nolo waa to 2.
The vote 'between Duncan and '
A.hurst for district attorney from ' For result, nae H... rt... AAm
I return from 41 out of 4 precincts: i -- "--t-:- .
While Vou Walt
I lit Ho, 8tb HI.
r'lral Door Krum Mala Hi.
Accept,, rueltion Miss Marian; Return from North Mrs. C. H.
In Cbiloquin Mis Phyllis Ho
ts n ha been In Chiloquln for the
past few days working In the
Golden Rule store in the reservation
; since that time.
TV-turns Here Marshfield Field,
affiliated with the Munger Service
Laundry in Marshfield, has return
ed to Klamath Falls for a brief
business visit.
power of the missing woman. pulpit Sunday night, and deliver
t'p rYuni the Sen j the sermon she started to prepare
That she haa further deified hr-jt the beach at the tints of her
self by walking out to sea and will ' mysterious disappearance,
return to them in answer to their! Scribbled notes by lbs evange
prayer at an appointed hour la 'list on a scrap of paper, will be
the conviction of Wallberg and oth-'the basis of Her. Dean's sermon.
Ill III llilllflll er disciples. In thn meanwhile, the unceas-
"Mark me. she will preach as one ! lug search for the famoua revival
teturnlng from the dead Sunday 1st body was coul lulled by the
In Visiting Miss Ellen McVeigh I - j night." he exclaimed to excited authorities without avail. Seaplanes,
teacher In the Merrill schools and h Nevada Serbs Proud of Gas "rouls lonK the n"e the ; b0'" bo"1- UWD
. . . .. .ltrsuajCTOJ rnJUU OI U9 ,,,.i. Mi-Pheruin's hoilv .n nl v.t.r.n,iril wer.
Dead Brother Who I was continued unceasingly since : employed along the coastline, w ith.
Hilled lairl her disappearance while swimming cut success.
i m tne sun.
Richard Bogue, her brother, were
in Klamath Falls visiting with
friends from their home in Mer
rill. .
CARSON CITY. Nev.. May 52
"Yea. yea.
verllv murmured MIRACLES COME
At Diamond Lake E. S. Veatrh . . .. . ... ,ne fai,hful. "it is Oods will and j TO PASS AGAIN
of th. Klamath County Abstract!" J"Ka- ,ne. "ln Pln' she will return to us."
company, accompanied by his son
the lostrllj slightly burned from
Bobbr. left yesterday. fternoon tori ZTls Z ZoZl -- oximately 2S.000
A majority of the congregation.; ANflELES. May 22 (l-nit-
ed rressi A Hurry or excitement
Diamond lake to spend the week
end on a fishing trip.
as the ceremonial snd fraternal or-
hsve reconciled themselves to the,"1" cau'd b"1'-n n"r eKa
i M. . . . ,K I rark late today, wnen two succes-
mlwerl'.MrH It.'' "''r believe, with Mr,. Minnie K' ,hl A""fe " M-
Tolrrow thlre wm' be a .,.'"" "' "other, and : had f"Uni "alln'i
Tomorrow there will be a big, . .... : off shore, were circulated and nub-
i.u w muer 01 uie uutK. inai mince
1 asleep In the ocean."
i -Not So Sure
"She is with us in spirit only."
! Tha congregation will gather at
the foot of the rostrum in Angelus
llshed in Los Angeles newspapers.
A civilian aviator. Art (ioebel,
reported that something resembling
the body had been sighted while
be was flying above the surface.
Speed boat hurried to the scene.
Expected in Klamath Mrs. Elsie.
Hanna. mother of Miss Bern Ice Han- i
ns snd Mark Hanna. Is expected ' demonstration, an elaborate fnneral
home the early part of next wek:1" ,he Serbian lodge, whose es
from Portland and Independence, j ,eme offlcer- Juklch- commlt,ed
where she has been visiting themurder-
greater part of the sprins months. I JukicB Ml Ih world wlti
l"thank you."
. To Bins; in Chnrch An addedi Instead of resentment sad hate., u ,urned to be a j,fish. '
hterest 4a the sermon of the j sentence and execution appear i Orated to the McPherscn' l,,,, , amba,allce w 0lp.lcn.
First Presbyterian church this morn-i ' the' big Serb's jospel and pray s.lently and hope-l ( lncevUe wcr( wa, re.
lng will be the contralto solos bast a love for bis-fellow man. jf"r fr tlle o -occur. ' porte1 a haJ waBhed
given by: Mrs. Georgian Babcock.j In letter written one hour be-1 nlr D; " fai,n n(1 Pra'er'.chnTe. The find In this case was
according to announcement madv '" u execution, addressed to f he multitude can a resurrection a dead '
jesterday. ; 'ne Carsen City Appeal. Jukich , brought about, according to W all-
. Ithanked the world for the treat-i befS- por ResulU Oss New Class Ads
Child is Bom Mr. and Mrs. J. ; ment It sccorded him. ! Among the hopeful were those , -
S. McLaughlin. 923 Jefferson I Juklch was put to death by ev-'who believe Mrs. McPherscn was .
street, am the. nrent of a hiihv ads Friday for the slavine of Jm. i "shed ashore and is In hiding un- rff
boy born ysterday. May 22 at S a.inie Madek. 1. who refused his of-;,1! Sunday when she will appear
m. in the Klamath Valley hospital. ' fer of marriage. His death wan "aA teU ot hrr communion with
1 accomplished with lethal gas. which God- 'bs who trust In the dlv-
Mrs. Osborne Leaviur Mrs. Nell .Nevada use. in all Its executions. tolxr of their leader, believe she is
Osborne of the Blue Bird, is plan-;
nlng to leave in tbe coming week tor :
Denver, Colorado, to visit with I
friends and relatives in her formerj
home. Miss Helen Osborne, her
daughter. will accompany her
mother as far as San Francisco,
where she will visit for several
weeks with friends.
, actually dead, but will arise there
:as did Lazarus.
j "Even though they find the
j body." said Wallberg. "if It Is tak
en into the taberuaclc where she
has healed the afflicted with her
divine touch, she will arise from
Through the courtesy of the the dead."
Spanish war veterans and the RusinrAs Manager
county court, the Boy Hrout or-. Mrs. Kennedy, who was business
.unrhron (if in-' Ionization has hen allowed a very manager of Angelus temple and
n(7W both the communal and
Past Matron
tercst during the coming wfck is fin office in Ilnom B in the base- Is
the luncheon of the Past Matrons ' ment rf the county court house, the spiritual head of the great or
club of Aloha chapter. Order of Owing to the growjh of the organl- ganization. places no credence In
the Eastern Star, to be enjoyed on : nation and the business to be trans- the strange prophecy of this group
Friday afternoon. May 28. at one acted, it was necessary to find
o'clock at LInkhaven Tea room, j larger quarters, and the office was
S'rs. A. L. Leavitt, Mrs. Marion moved from the chamber of com
Hank, and Mrs. Wilbur Jones are j Bme yesterday. Until the tele
presiding as hostesses during the;'),lone Installed at the scout of
afternoon. j f,rc- a" calls should be made to
451-J, the residence of the scout
Stationery Co.
820 H Main St. Phone 602
executive, between 6:00 and 9:00
Dave Anderson visited Kamathj Complete set of merit badge pam-,
Falls Tuesday on business. . phlets has been received from the;
Wm. Birtley has returned to work San Franriseo office for the use of
after being away for some time, jail first-class scouts. Also, flags
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hyde and ' are in stock for the pine tree,!
Mrs. P. F. Shaw were fishing at , rattlesnake, beaver, wolf, pelican,'
Diamond lake on Sunday. They' flying eagle and eaxle patrols. '
reported a fine catch of fish. ! Fred Fleet, head of the sales de-!
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Nelson visit-' partment of the W. O. Smith Print-i
ed in Gazelle, Calif, last Saturday 'ng company, and former editor.l
and Sunday. ! bas accepted the chairmanship of
Wm. Godfrey was a Klamath ; 'be educational publicity committee JjjJ
Falls visitor this week on business. OI ln Klamath county council. Boy
while there he purchased himself j Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts '
a new car. ar assured an efficient admlnis-
Mr. and Mrs. L. Henderson and!tra,!on of 'bis department.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clement were "
at Diamond lake Saturday night BOLLATTI MAY BE
and Sunday fishing. j GONE LONG TIME
Roy Rice recently returned from , ,
a pleasure trip to Warm Springs.! V. Bollatti's patron of Pelican'
He reported a fine time while away. ; City will suffer for eight months!
Walter Meyer and W. Faganland 10 days if Bollatti is unable I
were ln Klamath Falls Sunday even-! to furnish his 1500 bond for po-:
lng, trying out their new car. session of Intoxicating liquor. He
Mr. snd Mr. P. F. Shaw made was given a preliminary hearing
s trip to Klamath Falls Monday In Judge R. A. Emmltt'a court yes-i
on business. jlerday afternoon. I
Caude Houghton was In Klamath! State men made a raid on Bol-
Falls on Tuesday evening to attend . lettl's home and found six gallons'
the fight. .1' alleged moonshine which they!
Martin Olson has returned to. brought Into Klaaiath Falls to bei
work after being swsy for omo!used ss evidence If Bollatti put
time with an Injured eye. - i up fight in court.
Kindest appreciation of the
support of my friends, both Demo
crats and Republicans.
A practical understanding of the situa
tion and absolute perfection in details
marks the service that we render with
system as well as sympathy.
Gosh. I'm jfoinif to trv
something original on Mc
Shaney's stenographer
In Spain the fellas always
serenade their sweethearts
Im goih' to feed mine
Diamond Dix.
Dr. J. G. Coble Dr. L J. Coble 700 iiia
a &tt J&n,t At Cv
yurt& efitut a U.
Dr. Gable
Kyo Kiamlnod. Fitted, .ente ground Id our own fac
tory to your Individual requlr I'Bionts. Quick service. Ws r
place auy lena. 1
In the following fluyors:
Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw
be:iy, Maplenut.
On sale at the following
l.lttle Brick Cure
The Blue lllrd
I'nlteit Cigar Store
T,-e Owl Cafe
Tin- Club Cafe
Mac's Cash tlrocery
Public Market N
t:ill)trt's tlricery
City t'reanu-ry
Hh;ita Cafe
(Tall for Diamond Iix for dessert
when dlnihf at restaurants.
Nothing can brinir more duliifht
To your home than proper lljrht
Van Fleet's Serviceman Says:
Huko dynamos are ninnufacturiiiK the blessings
of electricity that seek an inlet to your home. Ask
us the wirinir costs. You need the work (lone now.
208 Main St.
Day Phone 7S8. Niaht 571.
Klamath's Newest Sub-Division
Lots prlcod from
$100 to 12 5 0.
Terras of 10
down balunce
easy monthly payments.
Lots that are sell
. In for f loo now
will more than tre
. bio In t tow years.
FMw Tlhib Mw TnMd DevApmeiiatt
PROPERTY values have risen rapidly in the past 18 months they
are ever on the increase. Riverview Sub-Division offers you an
opportunity, situated as it is just a five minute ride on the Keno
road from the center of Klamath Falls' business district.
Kfow h th Tim It TMimlk f th Ftair
THIS is the time for you to think of the future and get in on the
ground floor of the Riverview Sub-Division. The city is ex
panding witn surprising rapidity. Get your lot today Seven
were sold last week.
City water, electricity and telephone service available now.
Let us show you these lots today if you nre a homeseeker you will find them
desirable in every respect.
The Riverview Company
Phone 1029.
Salet also handled by The Barnhisel Co.
Phone 292. 129 South 11th St.