The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 20, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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Page Eight
Thuiyjay, May SO. 192tt
gjr LOCALS $
I tvaw Burns Included Id the
. bualnea visitors In the clly recently!
lit Ed Reiner of Burst, Oregon. I
. From Alsoana 8. A. Uaatera is I IHvon In Out of (own business
Included In the out of town busl
Mt visitors In Klamath Katie this
week from hU home near Algoma.
1 Front Boaanaa John Rom, well
known rancher ot the Bonania
country. Is Included in the out of
town' buaiseaa visitors in Klamath
Falls recently.
visitors yesterday Included R. Pixon.
rancher ot the Bonania country.
Hera from Valley J. V. Cork-
t.anftl In V. T. tiarrett waa
In the city visiting with friends
yesterday from hla home In the!
Bly country. I
Electric Signs
Ordered By Three
Progressive Firms
Continuing hla campaign Ut bet
ter meet slims in Klamath Fall.
- F. O. Strickland of the Federal
From Merrill Mr. aud Mrs. Will Electric company, cooperating with
Hammond were la the city shop- ,h ,1lir,.e01, Ki.0,t0 shop, "haa re
plui yesterday from their hotue,w, r.i.. ... , ,.,
ry ot Langell valley, was in ths MtlUt WBtr, Hammond ltr(c ,, Klamath Falls bust-
city on business tor a ahort time, ranch la located. !llfM tlrnu. Thl flr,t of ,.
1 1 Empire hotel, the second the
Bonsna, VUI,orR. H. Roper! Child I. llum-Mr. and Mr.. 1 Klanmlh ,J &mptu,.
aa in the city on business yester- Frank Ewiog ot Keho. are ths Par- ,,,,, h. rd ,. ,.,,,.,
day from hla home in Bonanaa. , ente ot an Infant son born ot the UB Btm A (h(M,0 1(.n
Ounwllon Huereaaful A dellrsls
operation performed on Mrs. K
Hllllua of Klamath Falls, in the
Klamath Valley hospital yesterday
waa reported aurceaaful. according
In allendanta. The - opera! Inn l
knoan ss suirem operation.
So Our Fin
Awortintnt of Tirture
Frames. Let Ua Do Your
Kuilttk Finiliiiitf.
In Ihs Hopka Hldg
-In .
tin iu t 00
III l.lfe Hoy
la fron Algous Included In the ' Roper is a rancher of the neigh- j Private sanitarium Tuesday even-of porceli
boring district.
log. The child weighed TVs pounds
at birth.
out. at town visitors in Klamath
Falls this week is F. Swlgsrt ot
Algoma, who apent Tuesday here' Ctiiloquin Visitor Mrs. L. W.
from his home. King, wife ot Dr. King ot Chilo-
' louln. was In Klamath Falls yea-
Om Business) Mr. Berths L.terday for a brief shopping tourj00 Saturday, all day. May
Phelps ot Midland, where ahs la j and business vialt. Baldwin s Hardwars store
many gooa aaiaus. pastries
ultl steel.
teaoher in the Midland schools,
waa In ths city yesterday to visit
with friends snd shop.
' Mrs. Emery in Included in the
out ot town shoppers in Klamath
Falls during the past few days waa
Mrs. E. Emery who spent Wednes
day in the city visiting.
Friendship 'tun The Friendahlp
club will hold a cooked food aale
1. In
To Leave Soon Mrs. Allen B.
Jones expect to
Blue snd white I'.us been found
a very effective calor combination,
according la Mr. Strickland, slio
cites the enormoui amount of ad
vertising don In this combination
by Henry Ford. Dodge llrothera.
j YVeatern Union anil ether great
j corporations. Electric lgna have
I been found ' to prnctlrally double,
breads are expected to be ready
leave within the J , . . v. ...... . n
coming fortnight for Eureka, where
aha will join her husband who
haa been south for ths paat month.
leaves .for Bend Rev. T. D.
Values, pastor of ths First Meth
odist church in Klamath Falls, left I
ways have a benefiriiil effect. But
from the standpoint of the com-
Lariir Aid Members nf the
Ladies Aid of Emmanuel Baptist j mun,,5r- Mr' S'lUoa mpha.Ued
church will meet this afternoon.
Thursday, at 1:30 p. m. in the
church parlors tor a businesa and
: aoclal hour. Mrs. James Rlrbey
the Improvement of the appearanre
ot ths streets and the added Il
lumination atfcrde.1 by the signs
sre of great value. The mctrnpoll-
Rhoppias Tmtmhr Alice Ferg-j 5 etterday by motor for Bend, where i , no,,CM of ,n aj,ornoon ! tan appearance given the streets
' p. . n ... . ..1.1. I . k - - J
uson wms in niamaia raua yesier-iue n "uu I sell as leader
lay to visit with her many friends Unto matters In connection with
and to shop. 6hs is a resident of
ths Fort Klamath country.
Ob Dostnees Gilbert .Harrison
was in the city yesterday to visit
with Klamath merchants and trans
act business affairs. Harrison con
ducts a ranch in the Bonania coun
try. .
the Klamath Fall church.
Its a Rood advertisement for the
I town, be plated.
Making Borne H
Mrs. George
From Beany Out of town busi
ness visitors and shoppers in Klam
ath Falls yesterday afternoon In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tay
lor, who conduct the general mer
chandise store at Betty on the
Klamath Indian reservation.
Dance? Tonight A large number
of the younger set from Klamath
I Falls are planning to attend
dance given tonight In the cora-i
munlty club house ot the Pelican 1 K
have been Issued to a large number,
ot people throughout Klamath Falls;
and Pelican City. ,
See the pretty silk dresses that
Are on aale for 114 95 at IIpa He-
the tin's Store. VII-!!
To Drive South Mrs. Floyd Mc
Millan ot the California Oregon
Miss Campbell H
M'ss Alice
Myron Mordoff of Medford. I. in ' , comp,ny wllh Mi Paniy j Campbell arrived in Klamath Falls
Kobertson of the Pine Tree thea- ueiay evenmg irom ner nome
Klamath Falls to make her home
with ker son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mordoff, Ninth
and High streets.
tre. are planning to leave shortly
after June 1 for San Francisco and
Los Angeles to visit with friends.
in Los Angeles, to visit here for
a fortnight with her brothers and
'Other relatives. Miss Campbell re-
I cently submitted to an emergency
Missionary Te A mlrslonary ... , , , A operation for annendloitls and her
tea under the auspices of the "-u;d,eyi ,,augh,er rt Mr. , Mrs"P Klamath Fall, la mad. In
f,M Pr"byteKr, George R. Llndley. ha. been eonfln-j" " el "
Aid will be an enjoyable event of. . .... . ., k v . with friend, and relatives. She is
cti, iu s,aai7 miuiii uvuis lui tun paua i
few days suffering from a severe j'h d"r:hter of the late John,
cold. She plans to return to her iampnen.
studies in Klamath county
school this morning.
this afternoon at the home of Mra.
Arthur Wilson on 130 Washington
to Work Mrs. Msude
Hoed of the Pacific Telephone ft
Telegraph office haa resumed her
poaltiow after a- ten days absence
pent in California with Miss Vera
Thompson and Mrs, Benjamin H.
From California Mrs. Charles
, Bnrkhart ot Dcrrls. and Mrs. Plum
raer, her sister, from Mt. Hebron,
were In the city yesterday to
with their many friend, and shop in
Klamath Falls from their homes
In northern California.
Barnrkoff Here A. O. Barne
koff, who makes Klamath Falls
frequently In the Interest of Glass
and Prudhomme. bookmaker and
mtlcnery firm of Portland. Is In
the city for sereral days and .sent
a busy" day Tuesday around the
Klamath county court house. '
To Go South Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Amicke of Falls Mercantile com
pany, accompanied by their daugh
ter Misa Evelyn Aralcke, are plan
ning to leave early In June for
southern California, where they will
enjoy a fortnight's vacation. They
plan to go as tar south as Tia
We are now delivering
16 inch Green Slab.
This economical wood
may be dried on your own
yard and save you money.
Also prompt delivery
on Blockwood.
Blocks l.SO
Blocks 90.00
Peyton & Co.
Hawkins Returns Bert C. Haw
kins, sheriff ot Klamath county,
SAfiimAit tMttrRV frnm Vnni-ftlla
where he made bu.ines, trip inJ" befo" tettt""' nor,h
the Interest of his office. He re-
ported traffic heavy on the Pacific I
highway and many tourist, already j n
going both north and south for an,,; ,eft yeaterday for Portlana
Leaves for Fast John D. New
born, civil engineer and brother or
G. S. Newsom, county health
"I wouldn't walk a mile for
theU. S.Mint!"
"Boy, you're mlsslnj more
than a blind man In Flori
da. What you need U a pair
of Arch Preserver Shoes!
Then you can talk about
"Wood to Burn"
Main Phono)
III . ,
Armstrong's Linole um
for Every Floor in (he House
New on the Market
Linseed soap recommended for the efficient cleaning
of Linoleum. Cleanses thoroughly and at the same time
Claud H. Davis, Furniture
Phone 581-W.
"The House of Quality."
Located in the McCarthy Bids
arty vacation.
.Merrill Visitor Madison Brown
was In the city yesterday for ' a
abort - time to transact business
affairs. Brown resides on his
ranch on the Merrill road. While
in yesterday be passed out the
cigars over the arrival ot an infant
daughter to the Brown household
this week.
; In Hospital Henry O'Brien, well
known pld pioneer of the Bonansa
country. ras brought Into the Klam
ath Valley hospital yesterday morn-
rnfc nffprin m from fin Infprtlnn fnl. I
lowing a spider bite. Q-Brlen i.'1"" ,or La"" Altur...
to spend several days before going
to bis old home In the east, where
he will follow his profession. New
som has been employed as civil
engineer for the Southern Pacific
to. the past year.
Miss Hayes Hero Miss Hayes,
advance agent for the Elll.on
Whlte Chautauqua circuit which
will play in Klamath Fall, begin-
Houston & Jester
' "Quality Footwear"
515 Main St.
nlng Wednesday afternoon May ltty
to Monday afternoon May 31, has
been In Klamath Fall, for a brief : arranging things for the com-'
pany's arrival. Miss Hayes left yes-
well known by old Klamath county
residents and he has made his home
on his ranch near Bonanza for many
year.. I
where she outlined the company's
playing In both cities. She is ex-'
pec-ted to return today.
Teacher to Ieavs After spend
ing the past winter in Klamath
county, serving as teacher In the
Plevna school. Mis. Marie Munson
la planning to leave this- morning
tor her borne In Bellingham, Wash.,
to spend the coming vacation with
her parents. Misa Munson will re
turn to Klamath county In Sept
amber, having accepted a position as
teacher in the Henley school. While
la Klamath Falls yesterday M1n.
Munson halted with Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Offleld.
While Yoa Walt
110 So. Oth 8t.
First Door From Main St.
Stationery Co.
S26 5, Main fit. Phone 003
Inter-state Cars Tno following
Interstate cars were registered In
the chamber . of commerce. Triple
A. booth, yesterday. Thl. was one
of ths slackest days this season,
according to Mrs. Leah Smith In
charge of registration: Claude F.
Allen, Mt. View; C. L. Ryan. Chlco:
P. T. Hooran. Aberdeen; Karley J.
Braudry. San Francisco; Shell Oil
company, San Francisco; R. W.
Stevenson, Mt. Vernon; Louie C.
Vann LaMolne: Oeorge Jarls, South
Bend, Wash; E. A. Prltchard, Red
Bluff: Ole Oundemon. Roko, Minn;
J. J, HUtlckcr, Los Angeles.
Dr. J. G. Goble-Dr. L- J. Goble 700 Main
mme. vcctS zo
Dr. Goble
Eyes Examined. Glauses Fitted, Lenses ground In our own fac
tory to your Individual requlrementa. Quick aervice. Wi re
place any lense.
awBSwaswatslcri;ill.sii iB"wsawwaawaawaaw"M
1 It ';VT-.'tir
M Mia . -. ao-ea. M aV j .V. - l v r : ; , (.
W U 7 U T rJ a m A aw m -t .
Improves Your Location
It draws customers from blocks in each direction as well as from
cross streets.
It puts your store on the corner and gets the people in. New cus
tomers as well as old can't miss your store if you have n beautiful
porceluin steel Federal Sign working 24 hoiffs a day for you. ,
Cannot rot, fade or runt. Never needs refinishing. An occasion
al washing keeps it sparkling like new.
Talk with the factory representative who is hero now. Phone
today for full information on our 12 Months to Pay Plan.
735 Main St. Phone 127
Garceion's The Electric Shop Garcelon's
lil ex