...(I THE KLAMATH NEWS We dnpwlay, May 19, 1926 TO DECIDE MILL OF POOR MIXERS DoUon-Lewit Battle Let Co Limit and Then Declared Nix Bryan's Daughter Begins Campaign ELECTRIC SIGNS . Klamath fliclit- lulu woro treated lo a BiiriirlKii liinl uliilit when ri'f ereo Tiiiii Waloia rofiiard to alvo a decision nl llifi end of llio H-tii y Uotecn-Krankle UU lm ruuml main event. - The parked limine was nlmut evenly divided three ways ona Ihlrd pullliiK for a draw, ann-thlrd fur Ilodtou, and uue-thlrd fur l.rwls. Asked for a alati-ineiit Innm-dlalo-ly after tho flKht Walrra iiald: "I refused to kIvo a decision Nierause 1 figured liellhi-r one uf tlln boy vtero didnK llH'lr nest alt the way Ihrouich llm flfcht. In othrr words they were not KlvltiK the nwli cus tomers a run for their money. I did not consult the tioilnn comnila alon nr anybody else before mnk Init thin decision. They ran lake It or leave It. that la up to them." Miilii Ktenl The main event waa founht by two radically different flxhteri: flrnny Dolaon who la probably one of the clevereat boya who ever step 'd lu a Klamath rln. ran hit and hit hard from any ponltlon. and he ki a fighter who uaually tnkea dead ly advnnlaaa of every opening or weakneaa that an opponent shows. Lewis la a fighter who depend upon terrific awlnxa Hint aro duniteroua for a niedlorrn filthier but axulnnt Ikxlson appeared wild and Ill-limed. In the alx round annil-tlnal last night the event, flint waa amusing and then turned pitiful with (ireen lee o Completely til mauler of Wood thai he could have flnlsard Spec in a apllt aerond If he dca-'. Ired. Wood waa hit two blows'1 at i the opening of the aecond round.; the firm blow wa Creenlee'e glove on hla low. and the aerond , blow j waa Spec'a head agatnat the ran-' vas when he wua knocked cold. I Jack Mason of liend. proved' to be loo hard a hitter for Kid Caa aady of Kverett. Washington. In! their acheduled foiir-ruiind enrount- rr. Caaaldy stopped one over the, heart In the middle of the first round and after that waa up and down off the ranvaa until Tom Wat-: era atopped the alaughter. - The rurialn raler waa the beat alam bang exhibition of wild fight-; Ing Been here In many day. Dutch I Llnkenharh of Fresno. knheked j Waldorf Parker (rnlored) of Klam ath Kails, for a row In Hie first ' round. Parker explained after he. ramo too that ho would have won! but for tho fnrt that Link out weighed lilm 21 pounds. mm 1ft .v.iJI I Illumination Expert Sayt Klamath Branch Not Well Pointed Midland Will Put on Burnt Cork Minstrel Ilealdenta of the Midland eectlon will atage mlnatrel ahow at the Midland achool houea Thuraday night. May 20. according to Frank Heaton. bead of boya' and glrla' club work in. Klamath, county. The fundi derived from the mln-( alrel how will be turned over to finance; Midland boya' and . glrla' delegation to Ike O.,, A. C. eum mer school courie at (.orvallla dur ing the ummer. lu addition to the mlnmrel ahow program featured by old-time darky eon,, there will be a basket aoclal which will cloa the evening featlvitlea. Port of a rampulgn for better electric algna for the community. T. w. nintsiunu, rin."""ina i"n Kednral Klerlrlr rompany, advocat ea an up-to-date marker at the point where the Klamalh Kalla Asuland highway Interaeria tfie Pac ific hlihwuy. Arronllng lo Mr. Strickland, the present sign. I Inadequate to at- I tract attention to the gateway to j 'Klamath Kails. Many have a vague Idea that the only way to enter the irlly la by Crater Lake Park. Lying! Us it if.es off the main traveled, (y,, , "Portland achool DU ihlithWSiy of Hie state. Klamath Falla! chine" organ, the Oregr.n Voter: mutt make a epcrlul effort to ln-1 "... Purlland by Ita Immense I I i. 1 1 n - nnm. nr..f (.. 1 1 tf .nnlrnU the l..r...l lourl.l A large electric algn waa order OREGON or Portland Only? Know a maker's reputation and you know the service that his goods will render. '."Union Oil of California'9 has' been known in the West since 1883. Try Union Gasoline! Non-detonating ed I lei, yesterday by the Umpire ho according to Mr. Strickland. .tXNOlNCKMKNT Kewrat photo of Ruth Bryan Owen, daughter of the late Wil liam Jennings Bryan, ahowi her at the Bryan borne in Miami after ahe had begun hef active campaign for congress Irons the fourth Florida .district. ' The undersigned Cleaners and Dyers have agreed on standard price oil all cleaning, pre.elug and dyeing, which will make the price uniform In all fitir of Iheae establishment. HeetnniiiK Monday. May ?llh. Klnmaih Cleaning and t)ye Worka. Kaollol Cleaning aud Dye Worka. Polliorliim Cleaning and Dye Worka. Blxih Street Cleaning and Dv Worka. M 19-21 (inuong. Alfred Collier, II. K. el. 11. 11. Ogle, and U. V. Mathrwa were appointed to have complete charge of the holding of a celebra tion, y tHiii-r inn A boaiitlful blanket bearing the name and aeal of the American Legion waa preaenled to the legion by tho K. K. K. atore. llenldea thin gift the following hnvo linen received: flas . lUttrtnrd ..and flue from I'nderwood'a Urug Store, a clock" from Olovor'a Jewelry, porch IIbIiIh from The Klertrlo Shon. and nimihm. nf r..ll..M mllinlf.H tllrilK an, I nnlmala from Harney Cliam ber'a dun Store. DANCE AT KENO Wednesday Night Mualr by the Klraro M1it Owlt Kveryone Ladlea Free i FOURTH OF JULY HMIU HI T iM)l imilKIKI'OUT. Conn.. May 18. : Flfioen years ago ' Clarenro W. ' Kuhn faNlflrd tho hooka of hlal bunk to protect a woman clerk whoj had defaulted for Ml.ono. Judge John It. llooth haa Juflti given lilm n ono year aiiHpended aentencc for tho chivnlroua deed. I (Contlnuril from I'nue One) i on Salurdny night, a concert nnd poaaihly a liall gunio on Stindny, and the big reri'ltratlon on Mi-nday were favorably dlacuaaed. ft la planned to nk (he lui'liie.i houwa lo open on the day of the celebration for three or four houra to permit vleilora from a d hi a nee lo do their trading. A trupahnnt Ing match, a log-rolling content, a big pnrade, apeechca by prominent nun, and a barbecue were aomo of the progruni featurea considered. Both tho lnga for Iho contest innd the heet for tho barbecue have been promised, It waa mated. A committee composed of Win. Foreelght la bolter than hindsight. If you find that our uyea are troubling you let cur optomotrlat exiimln. them now. Hla scientific In slKht la complete protection for your vision. DR. H. J. WINTERS Eye Sight Hporinllat. We Clrlnil Our Own (ilassci. Sin Intern lluildlng. Klnninth Falla, Oro. STEIWER IS THE Strong Candidate More than 40 newspapers in Oregon have in dorsed Fred Steiwer for the republican nomi nation for United States Senator. What would be a better indication of strength? All of the other candidates for he nomination have centered their fire upon Steiwer and con tend that ho is the man they must defeat. No one ever attacks a weak man. Democratic leaders are exerting their efforts against Steiwer. They fear him. They know they cannot defeat him in the general election. A vote for Steiwer Friday is a vote for a republi can victory in November. VOTE 20 S STEIWER (Paid Adv. Steiwer for Senator Com., Issue Staples, Chairman) I I Welcome II Admission BSe II or - ? I ... ;tk.;:;.' : THROAT TABLETS t ' ' elnrtlda of auuerUiltndent. We have It In oW taMer to Impose our will on all the schools of Oregon cutslde! of Portland." The auperlntendent referred to la the stale Superintendent of Public Instruction, and thta I'machlne" la try log to. dictate to the voters the election of ITa choice for this Im portant office. Fred J. Toole, opposed by this machine, urgea alate-wide uniform ity of text' books. tComphre hla statement In the Candidates' Pam phlet with those of hla opponents.! He auDDorla definite normal achool policy for the entire atate, including a normal achool for Southern Ore- con: greater' emphasis on the fun damenul subjects, and vocational training: Immediate survey of the loan text-book plan for legislation: and Improved conditlona for the rural achoola. If yon want a achool auperlntend ent who fa under no obligations to any political machine, achool clique, or Individual, and thoroughly train ed In normal college and university, experienced and successful In rural, village and cliy schools. Vote for Fred J. Tooze Republican candidate (Paid Advertisement) .Union Gasoline provides, and always has provided to Western motorists, the non-detonating feature which supplies full power to the pistons throughout their entire stroke ana eliminates all explosive "knocking" or "pinging" on the hills or in heavy pulling a qualityfor which Eastern motorists are now buying "special gaso lines" and paying 3 cents per gallon in excess of usual prices for them. Yet Union costs no more than other high grade fuels. Always use Aristo Motor Oil with non detonating Union Gasoline because this combination minimizes carbon to the ex tent that motors in good condition are run for several years without it. IM-imQliConrpany "to inviTOo -eV;'- - - ' 6703 The cape " ensemble is very popular ior spring'. In size 36 you need only 5 yards of 40-inch materials. Canton crepe or heavy crepe de chine are among the ma terials recommended., 668o For the slender, average -or stout woman this coUarless coat is ideal. It comes in ail sizes from 3a to 48. . In size 48 it requires only 3V4 yds. of 1inch material. - I Your Choice for. Street Wear This Spring 6653 The two 'piece dress with box plaits in front gives a very youthful effect. In size 34 you need a'4 yds. of 54-inch material or 3 yds. of 39-inch material. iStyle 6703 f' IS hard to choose between these three Spring styles they are all so smart And with the aid of the Dehor you can duplicate ' the original model at very small cost. What is the Dehor? A wonderful dressmaking guide that 6hows you with pictures every 6tep in the making of a dress from start to finish. Buji Your BUTTERICK PATTERNS , including DELTOR and TV Style 6680 Style 6653 VOU can afford to buy the ubest materials, for you need only a small amount and you are sure of success. At our piece goods counter we have just put on display the new Spring ma' terials. Shop early and select the ones you like . best All the pop ular Spring shades are represented Visit Our PIECE-GOODS DEPARTMENT for Suitable Materials KLAMATH VTAV PALLS Golden Rule Values Are Distinct With Service and Quality Free. KLAMATH 'jff rTaTr I y