Pape Two Twsjiiy, April 27.' 102( TIIR KLAMATH NEWS ITALY WARS I BEHEST, FEAR Glory of Rome Project Held Menace to Peace of Europe PARIS. April . (United Newt) A saw Euro peat war vat forecast her today by enemies of Premier Huuollnt, who chart that hit plant for n "Italian empire" and hit promise to "reatora the glorious days of the Roman empire." will throw Europe Into bloodshed. Mussolini, , accordini: to word pread by anti-fascists, it planning war against England and France and perhaps Turkey, and hopes to gain Germany and Russia at allies. They make this dcductton, they say. from information supplied by anti fascists holding responsible gorern menl posts. Italian political obserrers express the opinion that the German-Russian treaty gives color to the pessimistic prognostications of the sntt-fsscistl. pointing' out that Germany will thus acquire, first ' through politics and later through militarism, supremacy oyer central Europe. BEETLE PLAN (Continued Iron Tmge One) umoodylHemn?''Agaih:anArm 1A U 1 - passed to be forewarded to the own ers of the Tawkey timber tract north of Fort Klamath, where the private owners hare obtained remarkable results in wiping out the bugs. Governor Explains One good natured clash between Governor Pierce and C. S. Chapman, forester for Weyerhaeuser, enlivened yesterday's meeting. The governor brought up the point that he gloried In his atand on vetoing the refor estation measures which came before him at- the close of the last session of the legislature. In which meas ures it appeared according to the governor, that the timber owners were trying to crawl oat from under lust taxes on cut over lands. ' Cat Over Lands. Chapman pointed out that if the lands were presented to the state or government after being cut over, owing to fire fighting casta, bug eradication;' taxes, etc., by the time a merchantable crop of timber was grown, the cost on the stum page would have reached a big price. Jack Kimball, head of the Klamath Forest Protective association, added "Yes it takes an optimist with a whole lot oi money to figure on carrying a reforestation project through to a successful' conclusion." :. Second Growth Captain Woods, chief forester for the Long-Bell Timber company, pointed out that reforestation had proved to be the salvation of many sections in the south, but In that country, there was an abundance of moisture and a new crop of timber could be grown in .from 40 to 70 years." The cut down there now is from 7 to 80 per cent on cut over lands," he said. Closing the meeting the governor thanked the tlmbermen for their co operation and assistance in the study of local conditions, which have taken the time of the board during the past two days. "You have the absolute sympathy and backing of the Btate board," the governor con eluded. SAVINGS BANK (Continued from Page One) Hcrrin, la Illinois' "Bloody Williamson" county, is again an armed camp, after having had peace for 14 months.' State troops are on guard as a result of primary election 'riots 'Lin which three Klansmen and three Ean foes were killed. Photot' show "the square," in the heart f the city, scene of some of tho disorders, and militiamen patrol-' . . - 41 line the streets. ' . a si y tl. Dry' i.T""""."? 1 . -. &&m s . at . RESCUE PLANE FAiLS TO FLY t WEATHER EAST FOR SPORTS payment of over 190,000 is coming at a time when it will be most wel come to many Klamath people who have had their funds tied up for practically four years. Many are farmers who are in need of help to finance their planting for the sea son. Bramwell last night would not risk an estimate when another dlvl- dent from the bank assets would be forthcoming. "We have pared down expenses to the bone and will continue to exert every effort to save as much as possible for the de posltors," he said. Anything you wlsli to sell 7 Or to buy? - Tell all Klamath Falls about It In the economical, efficient way ' through a little News Classified Ad. The weather man has not yet ap preciated the tact that the baseball season is now in full swing, com weather Monday caused postpone ment of a game in each league. . Icy weather in Boston caused the scheduled tilt ,betw,een the Robins and Braves to be 'called off. The Philadelphia Athletics and Yankees called oft tbeir game in New York The Giants met the Phillies in their first encounter at Philadelphia. A last inning rally by the Phillies, however, enabled them to take the game, 3 to 2. This was the Giants' third straight setback. In a game featured by a pitchers' parade the Pirates defeated the Cubs by the score of 8 to 6. Four Cub pitchers were used. Lee Meadows burled six Innings for the Pirates. : In Cincinnati the Reds and Cards engaged in a ten-inning pitchers' battle between Huntzkiger and Donohue, the latter giving way to Jakle May In the ninth. The Reds won in the tenth, 3 to 2. In the American league Ted Blankenship and Gibson put on an other pretty pitchers' duel for seven innings, the -White Sox getting to Gibson in thee losing Innings tor three runs and defeating the Tig era, 5 to 1. The heaviest hitting of the day was furnished by the Senators against the Red Sox. They sent Ehmke to the showers early, and won, 6 to 2. The Senators made IS hits off the elongated Boston hurler and Kiefer, who relieved him. Cleveland continued Its heavy hitting of last week, getting 14 hits, including three homers, off Glard. Bolen and Ballou of the Browns. The Indians won, 12 to 1, again t Ic ing up the American league leader ship between Cleveland and New York. "Yea. sir," said the' voice with a ! tmile. , Presumably the got the number. tat the acquaintance which began the telephone, conversation resulted In the marriage of William Hedge cook, vice presldont of the American Car and Foundry company, and Miss Ethel Archer, telephone operator at the Waldorf hotel, the principals in the dialogue. The nalr Irit nn nn thlr i tZt Zet"Zd '" tmUt ' Dr.w, Good Card for Hand''" " " honeymoon. FANS GROGGY I IMTFR-ST ATF BALTIMORE. Mr.. . April 2. (United News) Baltimore and Syracuse International league teams LEAGUE FILLS FAIUtlANkS, Alaska. April ! (I'nlted Newt) Running Into dif (IrttltlM on lit flight In search of. Captulii Geurge II. Wtlklna, the; monoplane Dntrolter of tho Detroit Arctic expedition, returned to Fair banks Monday aftt-rnnoii. Sergeant ('. M. Wisely, pilot of, the machine, said that atttr an hour of Clght which took the Pelrnlter, north of the Yuil.m rlvor. i had developed with the compass and that tine of the three motors' wat performing badly. j The plana ahowed a conatanl ten-j drnry to 'head toward the ground; and wat kept In the air with ex-i treuie difficulty. Wisely said. j The Bitot added that he believed that the Dntrolter la impracticable for crossing the Kudlcotl range, between here and Point Uarrow, The big three englneed Fokkor monoplane took the air at 11 a. m. after two previous attempta to leave the ground had fulled. After cir cling about Fairbanks the Drtrolter pointed toward Alaska's northnuiost tip. following the route taken by Wltkint 11 days ago. "Will You Get?" Indeed She Got , , NRW YORK. April 2. (United NW8 "Will yon not mo that num ber, petai." '.'. 1 GRAND OPENING at Chiloquin Louie Polin's Confectionery and Stationery Store Everybody, Invited High Clns Entertainment 7 p. m. Saturday to 5 a. m. Sunday season Saturday. Baltimore won by a score of 30 to 5. Baltimore batsmen got 26 hits. Syracuse made eight errors. ( Balti more scored In every Inning and in the second and third Innings got seven runs each. . Syracuse used four pitchers Barnes. Wayenberg. Lahais and Grabowski. Baltimore ; got six home rnns. one of them by When Aihland Drop The Southern Oregon-orthorn California baseball league is prac-1 tlcally lined up for a alx-team clr- cuit as follows: Klamath Falls, Med turd. Grants Pass. Yreka, Sis-' son and Dunsmulr. " Tho good people'' of Ashland ' For results use Neva Cists Ads. 1 ' I . . . . r 1 Walker, while Roettger and Syra-j smacking a veto on --Sunday baBe- ense gorbne.- 'ln "addition Baltimore had six two-base hits and two three-baggers. Despite all the free bitting the game was played in two hours and 55 minutes. I ball, the live 9. -P. dtvlston towa.ot Dunsmuir has come forward with a bid to fill the gap. , according to word received by the Klamath ball "magnates" several days ago. A meeting will be held, probably ! Lumber We retail lumber. Drive out and see our grades and get our prices. Pelican feay Lumber Co. j in Medford tonight to draw up t lie j l official schedule of (tip league and . lnlil!ii IxAillrjOi will be expected to post their for-. COASTERS BUNCH KlTIOVAl. I l?Arf'o Brooklyn at Boston, cold weather.' cIuD8' postponed. I SAM FRANCISCO. April (United News) With only games separating first and last place clubs in the Coast league, the standings probably will be changed considerably at the end of the week's series which start Tuesday. Los Angeles, leading the race by half a t,ame over Mission and Sac ramento, entertains the fourth place Seattle team for seven game3. The 1 Angels are only two games ahead of the Indians. Mission has a chance to Improve its status ' In the Oakland series, while Sacramento will be playing Hollywood at Sacramento. The Stars are in fifth place, a half game behind Seattle and a game ahead of Oakland, so the standings among the middle clubs seem due for considerable scrambling before the weak is over. The San Francisco Seals Portland, in eighth and seventh places respectively, will battle It out at the bottom of the list. Only half a game now separates felts. The play will get undor way 56. around May 15 and tbe local fans. three are clamoring for action, according to the expressions heard around the various billiard rooms. . Last Sunday the local aspirants i tor the official Klamath club turned ' out at the fair grounds for a prac tice game and Field Director Rip. King put the . boys through their j spring paces. A scattering of fant ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE Given by the . Reserve Officers AtVn and II) rt R VKTRIMVR ME.MOIM.U, Thursday, April 29 ' Benefit American Legion Piano Lea Sailing's New Orchestra Tickets 11.00 were on hand to form their opln- ,r Inn nf Iho 1. 1 1 u nil n 1 1 war mAaf ir enthusiastic. , "All .we need, now is to get thlsj league .membership matter and the schedule definitely decided to the boys will know .what to figure on.; Then we will gel down to serious work which will bring results," said King last night. "I think we have; the makings of a club that' can go through the league like, tbe prover-! btal niirrnHra ' cnnMiirioif Iho hiv ' and backstop. Score R. H. E. New York 6 9 1 Philadelphia 6 13 2 Scott. Davies. McQuillan and Snyder; Mitchell and Wilson. AMERICAN LEAGUE Score K. H. Chicahu 5 8 Detroit 1 1 I TIT KOH T.4T KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 26. News) Frank Dean stolo from fits grocer In order to obtain money with which to pay his gro-Us eery bill. 1 tne! (United I Southwell Stationery Co. KVfcKTYTHIVrt FOK THK OWICH WK TNBTALTj BOOKKKEPIN01 SYSTEMS 026 M Main St. Phone 609 I Blankenship and Crouse; Gibson I and Bassler. E. Score . R. h. Pittsburgh 8 12 1 Chicago 6 11 2 Meadows, Oldham and Spencer, Cooch; Cooper. Plercy, Blake, Root and Gonzales, Hartnett. Wife and Husband Both 111 With Gas "For years I had gas on tbe stom ach. The first dose of Adlerlka helped. I now sleep well and alt gas is gone. It slso helped my hus band." (signed) Mrs. B. Brlnkley. ONE spoonful Adlerlka removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach, Stopa that full, bloated fueling. - Brings out old, waste matter you never thought was In yonr system. This excellent Intestinal evacnant Is wonderful for constipation. Whitman Drug Co. dvt. Score . R. ii, e. St. Louis- 2 7 2 Cincinnati 3 7 1 Huntzinger and O'Farrell; Dono hue, May and Hargrave, Picinich. i'ort llnmg Visitors August West 'and Charley Dahl are In Klamath Falls tor several days 'to look Into husluess conditions hore. They are resident of Fort Bragg. While In Klamath they have made several brief trip) to Chiloquin, In terested in conditions on the reser vation.- Philadelphia at New. game, cold weather. York. ni'W Score R. H. E. Boston 2 8 1 Washington 6 15 2 Ehmke. Kiefer and Gaston; Itiie thcr and Ruel. II. 14 Score R. Cleveland 12 St. Louis 1 6 Shaute and L. Sewell; Glard len, Ballou and Dixon. 1 Bo- PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. No games scheduled. I Anything you wish to tell? Or t( j buy? Tell all Klamath falls about It In the economical, efficient way j through a little Klamath Newt Class- Ifled Ad. i MOTORCYCLE Messenger and Delivery SERVICE Packages delivered anywhere In the city between the hours of 8 a. m. ami 6 p. m. Nieht service and tray work. Estimates gladly furnished for service on bulky articles. 'T.' Phone 1099 mI'sM m 5 ca-JsAuro V it sat anal fTMlE mir.u! you put your feet In a "Tij" ba'.Ii you feel r:n being drawn imt and comfort just r;..Huig in. How need ycur tired, twol lcn, burnui.f fert fceL "Tit" draws out the poisons t)ut cause under, achuig feet. "Tit" ta!tct all the soreness out of cornt and callouses. Get a box of "Tit" at any drug or department ttors for a few cents. End foot torture forever at s ii I tttwiitjss sIiah lrJti your feet fresh, tweet and jjf comiort4Di. Mi . ! .1. 1 J I .i PUMPS WIRING REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Electric Contractors Agents for The Western Electric Motor Phones: Shop T71-W Nigbt 771-R 703 South Histb St, K. L. 1UI1 F. U. Dresner famous Mystic Comes Here on Thursday Opens In Scandia Hall With Exhibition .f l ii f 1 1 i Aba Ney, famous Arabian Mystic, stages. a big free Reance of Occult Science in the Scandia Hall Thurs day night. He comes here from the state Armory at Medford where he has been showing to capacity crowds the past week. Thursday night he presents ' Sir Oiver Lodge's great Cabinet, ueapce, with Conan Doyle' Spirit pictures. Gives wonderful tests in mind reading, answering any and all questions for members of his nudience. Aba Ney hag been a sen sation in Portland, Salem, Eugene and Medford. , He Is the only phsychic in America to stage a full spirit seance under the full glare of, all the house lights, surrounded by a committee of local people. He gives remarkable testa with the Ouija board, tabje rap ping, slate writing and Materialization. All adult persons are welcome, to attend tho opening perform-" ance free of charge ; special seating , arrangements are being made for the large kcrowd expected. This is Aba Ney's second trip here. Doom open 7 p. m. Seance 8 p. m. No one under 18 year of age admitted.