Paee Twelve THE KT.AMATH NEWS WOMEN TO STRIKE! LONDON. April 1. News) In J0,00 British homes 8atnrdsy thera will be no veniuc tetlt awaiting husbands when they Hit urn tram (heir day's labor. The feed will be unmade and little evi dences of the housewife's touches will be entirely larking. The condition of three British bosses will be part of a strike wives. j i. Thin demonstration will be par-; tktpated In by London women and Others from various suburban dis tricts, all determined that the epi sode of strikes ' and threatened striken In England shall end. The protest of these thoussnds of wom en, coming as it does when a strike of millions Is threatened by the fail pre of the rosl miners snd operators to reach an agreement. Is attract ing attention throughout England. . Scotland Yard has made prepara tions for extraordinary police pro tection, for the parade and meeting ol the women strikers Saturday, duej tp hints that the unemployed thou sands of London will try to break ep the demonstration. Labor lead era hare opposed the project since It wan announced. They claim that th demonstration is a capitalistic effort to hurt the labor cause in Kngland. Pacific Coast Radio Programs (United ,TK ALL-IMPORTANT Ql'KSTIONi to earth again to receive hla own. Text, Matt. 17:11, "Pilate saith crime. He demonstrated the unto them, what shall I do. then. ! love n Pf '" "ry of with Jesus which is called Christ? ' Ko1- tui a"1" unto men and They all say unto him. Let him he frT '' wicked men ssld. "Let him ! crucified." ' crucified." We are therefore brought fare to face with the fact This is the question of Pilste. the! I thst unbelief waa the cause of I Christ's condemnation unbelief creates doubt, rejects evidence, re- f4ctJj lusrs iu iisien to reason, ucmee pruui. mbu generates natrea. i. n- Roman governor of Judea, at the or-; , ) raslon of the so-called trial of Jeitus Christ the Son of God. Pilate with out knowing it, waa face to with a rriid lr, the hlfttnrv nf the world. He was facing a situation be"f- """nlsed. Produces disbelief. which would go down to (he end of the ages, the decision of which would be either to his credit or dis honor. Jesus Christ is on trial. The This waa without doubt the condl- 7 tion of these Jews, for Jesus had I said unto them. "Ye will not come demanded crucifixion, as the manner, unto me that ye might have life." He thus puts the msttcr squarely up to their own will. This very fart Is ...ill 1. .. a : 1 1 solved upon his destruction. The i unbelief, until we fear words of this text, sre the word of "u niinu, ana neart. says is rignt. tn April IN. KK mS-r, Hmii r'rail.i ruaro U:.1 a. m., umkmimiimlltiii-j al service. Rev. Will Urn J. Owen, I Asliburr M. K. chun-li: IO:4.t a. m.. j nruKrami A p. tuM organ, Marnliall W. (iiaelmaui p. lu.. Mates lira-! taurant orrliralra; tltH.l p. in.. Pal-' are hotel nrvbmiirai N:it.t p. in.. I r'airinout Hotel orrurtnl. j Milt, ant tlielrrm Oakland It a.! tti., Hrt M. K. rhurrli, 'Onklaiiil; ! S::IO p. m., firacw Callirtlral vraM-ra; I T:30 p. ui.. Kim M. K. ilinrrh. Oak.j ami. I KKI. ttIT meter, Lim AngHea 10 a. lu., l.oa Anarlra rhuivh r'rtt eratlon; It a. ni Tempi llapthl church; 4 p. ni.,; 0:4,1 p. ui., nialc appreciation rliat; T p. in., program; H p. in., organ, llau I.. Mm r'arlxnil; U p. in., to p. m music. KHJ, 805 Dieters, Loa Angrl 10 a. at., Himt. O. A. Watson. llrlrti supcrliitrmlnii, ter MiMImmIUU church; IO:,ilt a. iu., r'lwl M. K. church j 4 p. ui., Miixmk service N ! i, in., II i. ill., miumIc pruKrauis I KNX. H.1T Hollywood 10 a. ni r'lint Pmliyleelan rhurrli, ; Hollywood; 111:4.1 p. in., il p. in., I programs: a:;io , rincnm ,it.l rhal; OitIO p. in., I'uiiarlaii church, I Hollywood; T p. in., prram s M p. in., First Presliyterlaii rhurrli, HiillyMiMxl; II p. in., progrnm. KiW, 4HI.S ttu-tio. Portlnn.l I'sumI Huliday Matures. AtwmerEjent ' RADIO' Fresh Radio Batteries. Tuboa. and Aerial Materials. Free Radio Programs and Log Sheets. Earl Shepherd, 507 Main. Christ's Judge. The plea of the prisoner is abso- he waa afflicted, yet be opened not bis, mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, snd ss a sheep before her shearer ia dumb, so he openeth not his mouth." The declaration of his Judge, is, with all the evidence In "1 find no fault in this man." "1 find no . belief is the ouly sin which will be ute silence, tnlfillinr the nrooherv CDOcl"'d UP "a",", n," . ludg- oflsa. 51:7, "He waa oppressed and! meau ior CnrU,t did ' "n- hf ranreiea an otner sin. ana oy many Infallible proofs, proved himself the Son of Ood. If the Son of Cod. then the Saviour of men. "He that helieveth on the Son hath everlast ing .lite! and he that believeth not ! the Son shall not see life, but the! abideth on him." his Son the . i wrath nf flmi cause or: I A.,t. I. VI u. rr- . I '". rur u slll OUI , nromle Tb.. . ,h,.. n,.h " worm ip ronaemn "won'd the!?- this 'due--; k7 H. world m?ugh aaaas aseifraaAM MM 4). ..itflhall I fh th(IV Vlth jMIIlt' Wt 6,tw- .h. Ik. ...I 'J notice first: Some truth. hrou.h, ; "lh on the Son Is not condemned rivers' strike or any of the doiens out in this trial, of world-wide. and,!ut heJ lh1al b"""" " .!. ... K,.v v Lt..tin. i i.,..- , demncd already, because m tb. past or ar. threatened for d character and word, and work. I y ' "'"T"0 th. future.- announces Miss M. E. I demonstrated that he was auper- n y, be,E0 ,en Sn. ' Cod' I ..t t ijwu ui .rum, auu denies is con he hath Waddell. secretary of the guild Which will handle Saturday's dem onstration. h . - f LONE PINE man, "Son of Man" "Son of Cod I Men on trial, whether innocent ! guilty ahow more or less anxiety at I the outcome, but Jesus Christ, with calmness, and without emotion, heard himself maligned, misrepre- rhtlpa Lewis called at the school sented and falsely accused. He bad house! Monday. Mid I"? down my life, for my f. Mrs. Henry Semaa. Cretchen and heep." He waa not guilty of trea i'harllo Seman visited with Mrs. j n. of which he was accused of any B. E. Enman Sunday. kind. Not against the emperor, for F Mrs. Basil, Hall, who Is visiting ! n had specifically stated "Render . . . '. ntttn. rnsii Kss. hie. U 4 - is on me sick , c tuiun umi ! t Hltrminl .linhallnf talruai rat fuse In excuses. J inconsistencies, and sometimes stubbornness and untruth, ! land sometimes denies its own refu-i tatlon. These Jews were unbelievers, in j spite of the prophecies of God. and I the miraclea of Jesus Christ, which were the proofs of his divine Son ship, and without reason or excuse, and receiving no benefit' from it. they say "Let him be crucified." Pilate had this stubborn unbelief with Its testimony all In. before him and said "I find no fault lu this man." The Jewa say "Let him be crucified." "What shall I do then crucified." "Shall I cruelty your king?" This waa Pilule's dilemma. He had the Son of (iod as we term It. on his hands. The derision Is his: What shall I do with Jesus Christ? By inspiration this Question ia brought down to us. II rannot be shifted. We are reauired to an swer "He by the grace of Ood tasted j death for every man." "He that be lieveth on him. hath everlasting' life." What shall I do with JtiJ Christ. Is our most absorbing ques tion. The benefits of receiving hltn! are all mine. He died lor me. That' I might be forgiven, born again. , child of Ood. to have everlasting happlnesa. Joy aud unspeakable blisa lu the mansions of the eternal one. Shall we not say. I will now take' Jesus Christ as my earthly hope. as ' my assurance in death, as my Advo-j- cale in the courts of hesven. Let us: . : n,.f nv t.fft him k. f.r.iirii.,1 ' f A. K. SIMMONS. Pastor First llnptlst Church. crosses Koit ;iMTii spots More than loo white rrosses will be psinled or wooden rrosHV4 put up on streets anil rosila In ami near Indianapolis. 1ml. They will mark the places v. here perMottN have been killed in si'ilden s In the lu-t four years. fTAANCC on a smooth floor with plenty LJ of room wfih the people you pick out for the ocension. And dunce to the music of the orchestrus thut are crowd ing the most populur dimcing places in the country. BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The Winchester Store." SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER Man Man! Some Feoil. It's the Cook WHITE CAFE lion Pt'LAHKI C.KO. w. 0H-n o a. m. to I it. m. 1 1 IN Miiln HI. Pliuiin 1UO-J EVEN8 Another shlpmrnt met hat him Juki at Ht e II.' (tin Sn s':5;try"Ne,s class ads-get results relatives near Dly list. ,. . J Mrs. J. Tollman and Bessie Toll-' man are expected home from Klam ath Palki this week, f Jackie .. ..Taylor visited with his aunt, Mr. Johns, Saturday. ' Mrs. Myron Taylor and Mrs. R F. Beasly. visited Mrs. M neau Tuesday. . , . Fred Sleman, who has been In California visiting his sister, re- urned to this neighborhood lost week. Caesar's, and unto God the things that are t.'od's." . 1 . He was not a trespasser against ' the. Jaw of Mosea. for . be said ." Till', heaven and earth pass away, noij one Jot, or one tittle shall pass from i the law till all be fulfilled." "I came . P. Caliar-;not to destroy the law or the pro- paets, out to luitiii." He was guilty of no crime, nless the gospel of' eternal life be a crime unless! granting the forgiveness of sins be a crime unless the fact that God t 1 the second person of the trinity, hav-' COST OK ROAD COXSTRfCTION j ing taken upon himself a man's1 7 The average cost of the several types of hard-surfaced road con struction In the United States is about $33,200 a mile, and of gravel .toads about 110,000 a mile. iiesnty ooay in order to take upon himself the sins of man. be a crime. He was guilty of no crime, unless hia au.rtlAn flint V. .. 1 .1 . . . w .. , . i. u . u -UUIU V U 11 IJ LI r I death, rise from the dead and comci t Southwell Stationery Co. KVERTYTHINQ for THE OFFICK ...... WE INSTAIX BOORKEEPINO SYSTEMS KM M MaU St. Pfaoae 0O3 J XaaVTW TIRES 130x3V4 Cords $10.45 $1x4 Cords 19.50 .63x4 Cords 20.35 S9x440 Balloons .... 14.95 JATTERIES $10.95 - We will call for your far, wash it, polish it, and throughly vacuum the upholstery. It will then be returned to your garage. You'll appreci ate this service. ' Commercial - Rates on ' ! Storage. IMPERIAL GARAGE The Oarage Thai Never Closes ' 8rd anil slain Hts. Phone 1WI. 31 TWO THINGS TO REMEMBER By James W. Harrell 1. Remember not to let a woman turn your head. 2. Remember not to turn your head away from this ad until you grasp its saving signifi cance. STAR CARS Fours and Sixes Are still selling like hot cakes. We are unloading two cars Monday. Come in and get yours. Hamaker Motor Co. "Service Worth While." Phone 1040. 8th and Klamath Ave. aft F. O. B. FACTORY The New WillysFinance Platte Smaller down pay i merits and smaller monthly payments; f the lowest credit cost in the industry MILE in and mile out on the longest tours over rocky mountain roads up steep winding grades or swinging along the highway this Overland Six dominates by its great energy. ; The low swung, gravity balanced motor, sending its full power in a straight line to the rear axle, conquers every driving demand ic will out-run, out-pull, out accelerate any other power plant in anywhere near its price or size class. The1 gravity - balanced chassis and body, with the weight kept low to the ground, gives A road stability that affords an unusual feeling of comfort and safety on curves and where the going is rough. Back in town, the quick pickup, as you open the throttle to get out of the traffic jam, keeps you well ahead of the other cars on .the street. r In appearance, the graceful lines, rich color tones, luxurious upholstery and quality finish make this car look fully $500 better than its price. Try it out. Learn what gravity balance and real usable power can bring to light six performance. .... ; . . .. . rni mi Overland Knight Sales Co. Phone 899 4th and Klamath