The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 11, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Sunday, April 11, 192G.
, Merrill Rancher In F. N. Mover
( (he Merrill district, where his
ranch U located. waa a business vis
itor In Klamath Falla yesterday
f From Sprajcue Kiver Ward Mc
Nalr of Sprague River la a business
rial tor la the city this week from
his home on the reservation.
t..Prom Merrill Road Mr. and Mra.
Joe Cox and their daughter spent
Saturday in Klamath Falla shopping
and visiting -with friends. They
conduct a ranch on the Merrill road.
j . In to Wiop Mrs. Ernest Wiley
from the experimental farm station
near Klamath Agency, waa In the
tity Saturday afternoon to shop and
visit with friends.
'- Visiting frYum Merrill Miss Thir
an Anderson and Miss Helen Ander
aon were visiting In the city yester
day to spend Saturday with their
many friends and to shop.
Keno ltanrher J. F. Ward,
rancher of the Keno road, is Includ
ed In the many out of town visitors
la the city yesterday from his home
in the neighboring district.
; Fur Weok-Kml Mra. Ray Tay
lor, accompanied by her daughter
: aud a companion, visited over the
jpast week-end. in Klamath Falla.
spending Friday night and Saturday
here. Taylors own the Fort Klam-
jath hotel and are well known In the
Fort Klamath country.
I From Henley U. K. Reeder was
, in the city yesterday to spend the
' afternoon looking into huainesa af
; fairs and attending the meeting of
i the approval committee of the fed
erated board. Reeder ia a promt
' nent rancher of Henley and prest-
dent of the board,
i .
. Operation SucceWul Tha many
friends of Mrs. C. L. Baiter will be
happy to learn that her condition,
following a major operation on her
throat, is satisfactory. Mrs. Baxter
was operated on lu the Cottage hos
pital In Santa Barbara at 10 a. m.
Saturday and a wire reached Klam
ath Falls yesterday saying her
"chances were good." Baiter ia ad
vertising manager and decorator of
Moe's store.
;i MJaa Vlnnp In Miss Creasa Vin
np of Poo Valley school was In the
city late yesterday afternoon with
trienda to shop. Miss Vinup will be
married to Carl Grubb in the near
i. Child Improves According to
late word from the George Steven
eon ranch at Caledonia Marsh. Peg
gy alyler Stevenson Is showing a
marked, yet alow, improvement in
her condition.
In Klamath Saturday Mra. C. A.
Bowman, wife of a prominent Mer
rill rancher, accompanied by her
daughter. Marjorle. spent yesterday
in Klamath Falla: visiting with
' friends and shopping in local stores.
Well Known RancherGeorge
Offleld,well known rancher of the
Merrill country, was a business vis
itor in Klamath Falls yesterday
from his home. . Offield 1s aspirant
for the office of county judge.
Foreign Cars The following for
eign cars registered yesterday at the
chaml-er of commerce Triple A
booth: Mrs. Leroy T. Williams. Oak
land: W. T. Maddox. Alvarado; J.
F. Cox. Dallas. Texas: Florence
Campbell Ross, Sacramento; E. H.
Best, Crescent City; A. M. Green
field, Los Angeles; Viola Blanche
Means, Baird: Dave Fong, Edge
wood: W. F. Mahoney, Sacramento:
A. O. Anderson, Vancouver, Wash.;
J. C. Evans, Burley, Idaho; W. L.
James, Dnnsmulr.
To-iFM Pulpit O. J. Law of
Oraata Pass will speak from the
pulpit of the First Christian church !
here this morning at the 11 o'clock
services, it was announced yester
day. .
- Rancher in Yesterday Henry J.1
Gordon, prominent stockman - and
ranoher of the Fort Klamath coun
try, was in the city yosterday for a
short time to look Into business af
fairs and visit with his many
Miss I'lrich Active Friends of
Miss Katharine Ulrlch. daughter' of
Mr. and Mrs. George Ulrlch of Con
ger avenue, will he heppy to learn
that she la leaving today for Los
Angeles, where she will attend a
conference of Women's League sup
porters of the Pacific coast. With
Miss Ulrlch, who was recently elect
ed president of the Women's League
on the University of Oregon campus.
, went Miss Anna DeWitt. retiring
i president, and Virginia iudy East
erly, dean cf women of U. of O. The
three will be absent a period of ten
HONOLULU. April 10. (United
Press) Following a severe earth
quake, which ahook the entire Is
land of Hawaii and a tidal wave,
which swept the west coast. Maun
aloa, fantoua active volcano, was In
eruption today. The road from
llilo, (he principal port of the
Island, Is crowded with uutoiala
rushing to view from a distance
the great atreama of lava, which
are sweeping down the aides of the
mountain from a height of 13.000
Today's eruption Is Just a year
late, the famous volcanologiat. Or.
Thomas Augustus Jager, Jr.. having
predicted it for last April.
Observers SMHacle j
From his study In Volcano House,
the hotel on the brink of Kllauea.
Hawaii's other famoua volcano. Dr.
Jagger today observed the spect
acle from a scientific viewpoint,
and watched carefully for any In
dication for a rise of the lava In
Kllauea, which often erupts in
The earthquake rocked houses
throughout the Island, the largest
of the group, but It ia believed did
little damage to property. The tidal
wave swept the shores carrying
with it some small boats. Full re
ports of the tidal wave have not
reached Honolulu.
Learning that Maunaloa. one of
the highest active volcanoes in the
world, was in eruption, residents
of Hilo pressed . every available
automobile into service, and went
to' Volcano House to view the spect
acle from a safe distance.
Stanford Walks Away With
Track Meet by Score
of 121 to 10
April 10. United I'roM Doing Itf
more as a favor than anything else,
the track and field squad of the
University of Oregon rame to I'nlo
Alto to meet 'Stanford Unlvurslty
this afternoon.
The acore was Incidental. It
ended: Stanford 111, Oregon 10.
The principal purpose of the
meet admitted by the roarhea of
both schools waa to provide Stan
ford with the finishing off consid
ered necessary tor Its big annual
clash with the University of Cali
fornia next week.
Oregon'a men had had virtually
no training. They had participated
In only one event, and (hat au inter
claw affair. Rut at that, they did
a bit leas than was expected of
them.. They were figured to take at
least 35 poluta.
SKAT-TLB. April 10 (Unlled
News) Afier months of uegoluv
lions John Humrlrk, well knuwn
theatrical owner of the northwest,
defiiiltoly closed Willi representa
tives of Warner Druthers (or the
purchuku of the Kgyplion theater
here late this afternoon.
Claasitted advertising In TIIK
KLAMATH NEWS pays big divi
dends. Use them tor profit.
RALEIGN. N. C. April 10. Fire
broke out in the west wing of the
main building of the state hospital
for the insane here this afternoon,
spreading terror among the Inmates.
Two were reported to have lost
their lives.
The fire threatened to sweep the
entire Institution. Fire companies
from Durham and Raleigh were
hampered In their work by short
age of water.
From the Fort Mr. and Mrs.
JamesVPeltbn Of Fort Klamath were
in the city shopping yesterday.
COLISEUM, Los Angelea, April
10. United Press Charlie Pad
dock, sprint king, set a new world'a
record for the ISO meter dash here
this afternoon, clipping the distance
la 15 5 seconds! The former rec
ord of 10 seconds flat was estab
lished by Kii!Llndberg of Sweden
In 1907. I
Paddock ran under the colors of
the Los Angelea A. C. in a trian
gular meet with the Olympic club
of San Francisco and the University;
of Southern California.
Built and Rebuilt
We do rug cleaning,
binding, fringing, siz
ing and rcfittnig.
Stewart & Newton
1855 Fortland St.
Hot Springs Addition.
Stationery Co.
VIES N A. April 10. (United ;
Press) Unconfirmed reports reach
ing here, from Belgrade regarding
the mutiny at Salonlkl said that
the outbreak waa not suppressed:
until after there had been bloody!
fighting. !
Both sides are described as using j
airplanes and as dropping bombs, (
but poor aim resulted In more wo-
men and children than combatants
being killed. The dispatches said a j
total of 100 were killed or wounded.
02O H Main HI. Phone MI2
There are no secrete about the design of Mc-CORMICK-DEERING
you above juet what you could see if you could
look through the high-grade steel and iron and
view the important working parti. Look this
drawing over carefully, then come and ee the
tractors themselves. We'll gladly give you any
information you desire, and will furnish a list of
loctl owners, from whom you can get inform
tion covering their actual experiences with these
good tractors.
J. S. Mills & Son
Sixth and Klamath
Phone 9
McCormick-Deering Primrose
"Good Equipment Makes a Good Farmer Better"
I sell the beet watches' In the!
world. 19 Jewels.-'?! Jewels and!
23 Jewels in Klgln. Waltham. Ham-1
lllon- Howard and Illinois. Come
in and see them. Jesse Evans.
Jeweler.. 832 1 Main . St... Klamath
Falls. I T A11
- HprBua Hirer Visitor Mrs. C.
Crume, prominent resident of the
reservation, was In the city yester
day from her home in the Sprague
River country, to visit with friends
and transact 'business in the county
court house.
; Whopping Haturtlay Mrs. 11. N
Bogne of Merrill accompanied by
Miss Ellen McVeigh, Miss Swea
Lungdahl and Miss Catherine Pope,
spent Saturday afternoon visiting in
Klamath Falls shopping and visit
ing frleuds.
' Mrs. ' Villalr In Mrs. J. J. VII
lalr of the Forest Lumber company
at Pine Ridge, where her husband is
Interested with the company, Is in
cluded In the many out of town vis
itors and shoppers in Klamath Falls
' Campbell Hti D. B. Campbell,
prominent Klamath Falls resident,
who spends his winters In the south
and bis summers north, has return
ed to the city for the remainder of
the season. Campbell Is being wel
comed to Klamath Falls 'by his!
many friends, and will open his
summer home at Lake of the Woods
early this season.
En Route to Kirk Mr. and Mrs.
Elza Holderman passed through
Klamath Falla from Medford yester
day en route to Kirk, where they
will Temain for the summer. Holder
man Is a government scaler and has
been with the Medford forest office
during the past winter months. He
will have charge of scaling govern
ment lumber at Kirk during the re
mainder of the spring and summer. ;
What Do You Do
With Your
Money ?
Db you spend your surplus above living require-
ments for unnecessary things or put it in a savings ac
count or invest in a real estate which will be the basis for
a home? ,. .
' ..
!. '..I
. ;,,,,
Home Owning Is Easy
Do you spend or save and invest, or do you save by investing?
Investing in Klamath Falls property is wise buying. Such investment
is assured of increased value by the strategic position Klamath Falls
holds in the railroad and lumber industry. To buy. a lot, on which to
build a home in Buena Vista addition, or other section, is easy. You
can save and make money by buying property within the city limits v
of Klamath Falls where light, water and schools and sanitary con-'"1'
veniences are obtainable. Lots are $20, $30, $40 down payment, $5 to -$10
a month. Our salesmen will show you without obligation at any
X ''M
time. : .
Phone for Appointment
Open Evenings '
Klamath Development Co.
Are Very Smart
There is something ultrta fashionable
' about u silk coat and these of glisten
ing satin and Bengaline are no exception.
They are very dressy and
are lined with plain and
brocaded Crepe do Chine
to assure warmth. They
are light in weight but
extremely comfortable.
Even if you have a cloth
coat you will enjoy wear
ing a silk one on many oc
casions, particularly as
the days get warmer.
They arc here in flared
cape and plain models. .
The collars are hand
somely trimmed with fur
of dyed squirrel and dyed
These are coats appropri
ate to every spring 'and
summer occasion and of
fer a very interesting se
lection. This assortment
has just been received.
Ring Moe's Beauty Shoppe for an Appointment
- - , Work Gloves
119 So. Hth St.
First Door From Mala St.
Phone 1
Pine Tree Theatre Bldg.
SiTruth in Advertising