Pafre Two Sunday, April 11, 102(. THE KLAMATH NEWS INDIANS TO; WIN HOSPITAL FIGHT armycouut;to rnilNTV PI FMdlS OPEN ATlONtKU"unii uluiiiiiu cfeiBUSIEST OFFICIAL Clalartug thai the erection of tuberculosis hospital In Chlloqula tor toe use ot the Indian on In ,Terra(loa would Up too hearlly on e tribal fund, a petition haa been, circulated by le Jackion. Klamath county tribesman, among loral Indiana to kill tha measure. Pram tha atanii now taken by Robert N. Slanflrld, senator from Oregon, tha proapecta ot tha hos pital ara fading away. Following ta a copy of tha letter received by Jackson from Senator St-afleld: Mr. Ue, Jackson, Spratue, Oregon: ' I am wy glad to hare. your let tar ot tha lSth Instant and hasten to Inform you that In response to tha objections from tha Indiana and their Mead In Oregon, I waa able to hare the Item for a tubercular hospital atrlckaa out, ao there will bo o mora trouble about that for (ho present.' I am very-glad to hoar from yon and hop that you will alwaya write me with reference to anything In Whkh yon ara Interested. It la mag nificent of jroa to go atxty mllea to writ- a ' letter la too Interest of yoar people. - With all food wishes. I am. Most sincerely yours, ROBERT N. STAXFIELD. Businesswomen : Meet on Monday "Tha Intimate Life ot Helen of Troy" will be one ot the Interesting features ot the meeting ta Monday rvalng In the White Pelican hotel, when members ot the Business and Professional Woman's club ot Klam ath Falls bold their April dinner. Mr. Maids Marwood will giro the book rerlew. All 'those members and guests who birthday tall la March or April WRI be honored at the meet ing Monday night The remainder the program, equally as Interest ing,! Includes parliamentary law. Mrs. Lea Dennis; vocal solo by Mm.' Esther Dunlran, and .current erenla from one other member. Movie: Team. Is . Winner ' Again BAN FRANCISCO. April 1. Al thought Williams of the San Fran cisco Seals pitched tight ' ball and truck out eeren Hollywood Stars, he let them get two hit at a bad ltn In the third Inning, when they 'were fatal, resulting In the Stars beating the Seal 2 to 0 today. Snellen bach pitched good ball for the Star. He let the San Fran ciscans get four scattered hits and truck ' out two. ' while he himself clouted out two bit. Score R. ' H. E. Hollywood i 5 3 San Francisco 0 4! Batteries Shellenbach and Cook; Williams and Telle, Agnew. TROUT SEASON TO OPEN THIS WEEK, THURSDAY, APR. IS (OoaCUraed rrata rasa Owe) . Drinking Party Pacific Coast Radio Programs BRIDEGROOM TO BE ! UP FOR BURGLARY v Hunilsy, April It Kll. i.J merer. Snn Francisco :4J . a. m.. lnilvimuitiiiitliwul church service: I p. m.. orgun, Mar shall W, tJuwlman: 6 H . m.. Put- Yesterday the county clerk ! SAN 1HKGO. I'sllf., April 10. ' ssuvd three marriage liceusra to res-1 ace hulel orchsalra: S: a (United. Press), Rear Admiral ijeata of Klauialh county, anil there ! wont .hutul orchustrn. Thomas Washington, commandant wara two other weddings. i KUO. 361 meters. Oakland II of tha twelfth aaTsI district, Sau Mls Creasa Vlnup. II. aud a -. Nrat Congregational Francisco. 1 due to arrlr here to- teacher In the Toe Valley school.!4!" rVunclSeo; 3:30 p. m f..r th. nuH.i , ' t auicurni. nan r renr.-.,; .... . - . mil, eu VKI1 iiiuiiv. o . ,n ,v , . . morrow to prepare I martial of Colonel Alexander WIIJtna pe A'alley rouutry. Both are Hams on charge of Intoxication. w,,i known In Klamath county. Capt. Joel R. P. Prlngle of tho where they will reside. Oruhb la a battle fleet, San Pedro, will arrive thinner Mr. Jennie Hum. . tomorrow also. The other six mem- Rlgga Sconrhtn. 31. logger of bers ot the board are already here. Sprague River, waa glveu a license General Smedley D. Butler, who ,0 Wfj yn Wluotia Crume. IS. Instigated the court martial, wasi Miss Crume Is also ot Sprague River still at the naval hospital tonight. ,nd , member of a reservstlon tarn He plana to leave hla lck bed long lly- Tney wer, marrld Ly Judge enough to teetlfy. returning to the Emmltt Saturday a'frnoon. hospital after he haa been heard. Ralph Rollenbaugh. St. who gave It wa rumored In naval circles hi. malilenn as Canvonville. Ote- piea.u ; Kon ill wed Stella Condra of lm., church. , tirare 7:45 p. FlrsrCongregatlonarchurch, Sau that Colonel Williams would guilty and forego making a defense to shield fellow officers, whom Gen eral Butler asserted were drinking also on (he night ot the "wet" party of welcome tendered him by the (reused colonel. By pleading guilty it will not be necessary to call a number of "eye witnesses" ot the "cocktail" party at the Williams home. It waa said. Jupe Hands Game : to Portland Nine Francisco. KHJ.. ta.I .meters,' Vos Angeles ,t'K.. KFI. 47 meters. Lor Angeles 10 a. ni., Los Angeles' church feder ation: 4 p. m., Beverly Hills Com munity church choir; T p.m., 7:30 p. ill., proirrains I p. in., organ. Dan I. MucFarland: p. m . 10 p. ni., programs. . KNX. 337 meters, llollvvuiad 10 r'alr-ja. m., Flral Presbyterian church; 11:43 p. in., i p. r.i.. programs; 4:30 p. in., cinema chit-chat; (:30 p. ni.. First I'nltarlsn church. Ixia Angeles; 8 p. in., First Presbyterian church; 9 p. m., progTam. KI'SN, 313 ( nielers, Pasadena Morning church services:, 8:43 p. m., program. rtland reahyterla Hide Hap-! program. and lloverluy llllta hotels and so. other una at lb Zulu cafe ou the cnlitra rosd. ' With l.hrlstlo was hi Intended UHI ANKI.KS. April 10.-( Unit- rlUo KiituUvtU rr, ,7, ia ,0 u ed News) l.ylo Chrlstl. 31. .., ullu,hlM. f ,Ue we.,hy prc,. ou hi way to be married when lm,u,llt nl , K1 PMOi rttt toek .d lice arrwled him Tuesday Kr,Vel nmcern. Hhe waa released, charges of burglary. 1 Seversl hours Inter, according to I I -Miles' Wrlat Watrhea rHalred the arresllug officers, Christie ad.!"1''1 gusranieed to keep time by H.m.rf h. h.rf ,k. . Jesse Kvsus, Jnwelnr, 133 Mala SL milted that he had ataged the re- K,.n,.h v.. .,, ,,,,, , rent robberies at Ihe Ambassador' Hinp. Alt -sj , ::.Z."Zr?.l K..SV. 413 meters. P odlst KPP.1 church "-J &; o. m- Masonic service 7 p.m., Mrst,., . . piscopal church; p.m.. "" "u"n; ' , 1c- U Crescent, according lo the county clerk's marriage book. Mrs. Con dra gave her age as 30 and her oc cupation as a housewife. Judge Emmltt united In marriage' Mrs. Pearl M. Splllana of Baa Fran cisco, a former Klamath Falls resi dent, and Oakley Welch, who la em ployed 4y the Klamath Falls Cream ery. Mr. and Mr. Welch will make their home In Klvnsth Falls. Wit nesses ot the marriage were Miss Kin Jcnson and Joe Klmsey. Last niKhl Miss Lolaa Too ley ot !aleiH. Oregnn. "a married to Luke W. Ferry of Albany y Rev. Thoa. W. Yarnee, local Methodist minister. The young couple plan to. make Klamath their future home. Ferry la a construction foreman. The wed clnng took place at the horn of Mr. nd Mrs. Walter West at 204 South WALLA WAU.t MAX llltill. PORTLAND,' Ore.. April 10. (United News) Chsrles W. Mc Kean of Wall' Wslla. Wash., led the field of more than 70 gunners In the Rom City Irapshootlng tournament here today, when he broke 193 targets out ot a possible 100. . Fresa Radio Batteries, Tube, and Aerial Material. Free Radio Program and Log Shea Earl Shepherd, 507 . Main. PORTLAND. April 10. (United Press) Old Jupe took a hand today and helped the Beaver out ot a tight hole "and gave them a T to 6 victory over the Seattle Indians. With the score T to against them in-the eighth Inning, the Indians cahie to bat in thetr halt of the Riverside. 9th and by a slugging rally scored I three runs, and still had men on GETS DAMAGES FOR bases with but one out when old j PICTURE DISPLAYED . jupe came lo mo xicavers rescue. It rained too hard and the game waa called off in the first halt of the ninth, the score reverting to the eighth Inning, and giving the Bear er the Victory. Score R. H. E. SeaUte-.i.-. S 14 Oi Portland -.,....v. -. 7 11 i i Batteries j Miljua,. Lee. and E. Baldwin; Burns, Ortman and Berry. II.VMMT WOUKrt FAST. PORTLAND, April 10. (United Press) While a street car was turning a 'corner In an bptown dis trict today a lone bandit leaped ou the rear.-; fht form and robbed R. A. Davis, ..quductor of $17, After rifling, the conductor's pockets the bandit fled down the street and escaped in nearby railroad yards. ATTENTION! EGG PRODUCERS! SWIFT & CO We are paying !Ec per doien for fresh ranch eggs delivered to our warehouse. WIO Market Ht, ON MAGAZINE COVER Klamath Keynotes Mailed .Saturday NEW YORK. April 10. (United News)r Miss Vassar Pan, a promi nent young society girl of Nashville.- Tenn., who found a picture I ot herself In a one-piece bathing suit prominently displayed in a magaxine advertisement has sued Carl G. Fischer, wealthy Miami promoter, and - the International Magaxine company for 1100.000 damages. 1. The photograph had been taken THE MARS HOTEL New Grizzle Building Rooms newly furnished, modern and ste:im Seated, for rent by the day or the week. '.Corner of Main and 11th Entrance 112 S. 11th. -I,-. -. . . '. Phone 784 MRS. NELL BECKLEY, Manager Fortify Your Child's Success i With a Savings Account How important it U.for every father and mother to start a Savings account for- their Chldren; A few dollars no wand then,- when you won't miss them, deposited to a savings ac count, will some day be the nest egg for that ed ucation or to establish him in business. When your child is older, he will understand what it means to SAVE and HAVE. The start is the important thing. Help him build for character and thrift. FIRST- NATIONAL BANK Resources Over $3,000,000. Member Federal Reserve Bank. 4.000 feet 'below the mouth ot Spen cer creek, or 2.000 feet above the same. ' Dont fish In the north end ot Diamond lake, beyond the red ' hlrth yesterday when Mr. whpn. ehe yap she' said, and Actl'iries of the" Klamath ' county thorlied chamber ot commerce, and they were numerous during the past week?, Jf-ere?told'ln a compact. In teresting form with the appearance last night ot the weekly edition ot Klamath. Keynotes. ' Among' the Items discussed was the creation ot the new office ot as sistant secretary ot the man .who supervises the Information bureau to be located at the junction ot ihe Ashland-Klamath Falls and Pa cific highways, by the hoard ot di rectors at their last meeting. It was also annonnced that American Forest Week is scheduled! ror tne week or April is to 14. ac cording to Information from the state chamber. , fpur years a ue Jwai 'uni go. unau- aealed verdict ... TWO BIRTHS SATURDAY. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparlln of Modoc Point are the parents of an Infant girl, welshing pounds, bom to them st 11:40 a. m. yes terday. The child has been named Mildred Arlyss. Both mother and child are In the private sanitarium. That Institution boasted another and Mrs. A Jury returned awarding her $7000. Mlsa Pan was formerly known as Miss Panganlpolost her late father having been Creek consul general to the southern states. .. ROBS QUARANTINED HOME ... PORTLAND.. April 1 0. ( United News) There Is a burglar In Port land, who has no fear ol diphtheria, as he entered and robbed a home under quarantine,; according to po lios records. Mrs. J. H. Hinckle, whose home Is under quarantine, discovered a man In her room last night. When he saw her he fled. The matter was reported to police who tnvestlgsted from the outside. Dr. J. G. G6ble-Dr. L- J.' Coble TOO Main &t4 jCc OPTOMETRISTS n- rui KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. Ur. LfOblC Eyes Examined. O lasses Fitted, Lenses ground in our own fso tory to yonr Individual requirements. Quick aorvice. We re 1 . place any lense. AN INVITATION TO OUR NEW FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PINE AT NINTH ST. 0. J. LAW Formerly of Grants Pass, will Preach 11:00 A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School At 10 o'Clock You Will Be Welcome MANUFACTURE YOUR OWN FEED!. buoys. Incidentally Lloyd Tucker ; M. Petee became the parents of ot the Diamond lake hatchery crew : an infant eon. weighing 8 pounds, waa In town Saturday, and stated 1 The child was torn at I:"S0 and that cars would be able to make! will be named Raymond Edward. the trip to the lake by May first. ! Here la a final reminder ot a If a know of any game -tola- change made since last season: The daily limit of rout caught la any lake Is l&i pounds and one fish.' The lake and stream limit differs to this exteat. C.ET EXTENSION PORTLAVD. April 10. (United Press) Oregon corporations may obtain an extension of time for til ing income tax returns, provided an application for auch extension is made and accompanied by at least !5 per cent of the tax. A statement to this effect was issued todsy by Clyde 0. Humphrey, collector of In ternal revenue here. in the Oregon lss. .,."-,,,V,,DO" " 7- - . i nuu wi ifj -icxit rani ia eo nil. OFFICERS STAGE , FRUITFUL RAID (OoatlsBed prom rage One) Phone 10!-W Painting Paperhaaging Tinting RAY PIERCE Dcrnnaor Ccntrsct or Day Work Hi Calif. Ave. In the middle of the kitchen floor.! Officers participating were C. H.j Bennett, leader' Jack Lewis. Mit-i rhell and Swindler. White will bej taken before Juatire R. C. Spink at Chiloquln, since the raid wss made on a search warrant from the nor-1 them Judge'e court. While escorting the crowd from It? Klamath avenue to the roan house. R. E. Knowles picked up Frank Taboke on Main street, con aiderablr under the Influence ot llq-i nor. according to Knowles. and Pahoke waa ordered to Join the parade. He started off faster than, the rest, but finally broke Into a ran, but was unable to outdistance j Knowles. Who nreratlerf huni Pah. oke with hla sap to hold hia place' THROAT TABLETS ta lint. f j Jiia 'Chew y p. . V- srsi lsl see JSaSJ-ia -.JWaVaaVAlaW Office 6 IS Main St. KUmath Falls, Ore. PhovMi SO. -Offle- tXage Depot Medford, Ore. Pnone SOQ. TRAVEL BY ; . MOTOR STAGE SWIFTLY SAFELY COMFORTABLY By the HOWARD GRIMES . STAGES To Ashland Medford Portland Marshfield Direct Connection at Junction With Plrkwlrlt States to All Points South Fares Klamath Falls to: Ashland -... 4.7i Redding S 0 Sacramento .. San Francisco lxy Angeles Sao Diego San Jose El Centro . IJ.70 IS. 00 "5 Se OS 1S . Leaving Time Medford. t, 10.11 a. m.. 1 JO p. m : Klamath Kails. ":4S a. m.. 1:00 and 1:it p. m. We ase heatevl Cadillac bwasea. Springtime is a song of Service, the social helpfulness that makes commun ities and governments possible. 'Ours is a service of sincerity and tact. EARL WHITLOCK1? PHONE FUNEIUL COR.6TH, 46 HOmF -ANDPINES7 Wssa-sa sBJiswl MIXED iMEALiMAKER Reduces cost of, feed 25 to 50-iA ana ( Increases production 15 to 30 PHONE JOHNNY-ON-THEPOT for LUMBER (toe know. LUMBER FROMTHF WOUND UP i LI s -Phone 128 " You expect " to get comfort out of your home when it is built why not take comfort while building it by purchasing your material, here? For you are sure to be comforted by our combination of reliable service, quality materials and reasonable prices. IT you want to make a new house out of an old one at small cost find out about Magnesite Stucco, foe which we are agents in Klamath county. This material will help you build a new home for less money, too.. N LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. Phone 128 Center & KUmath iM 1 FolUw thm Lrt mfmlmrn -rf tWJinc n4 WtAf bMh Mlnvi proAu. AniMa Int rMulUl Nthln mUm Ilk HI . Uf mni pmk ml tuWltw Mtl Turn loM t praAtl You (raw li to -wrMl( t . Iot lijf tsmtWyt 7J 4M 30S 201 The Lets Dixie grinder cirlt, reeula, mixes snd grinds comslalks, alraw, har. it-u and tines with the grains Into a bulky, Ustr, balanced ration that produces surprising results. No brain racking study required. Just plain common sense, lamedl ately spp ied. will put your cattle on so enUrely new and highly pront. able feeding basis. ' r .r0n.' T tl" and get the tU pamphlrt. A lesion On Four 8tooecba." It exposes s-alaaUe facts about cud-cbtwmg aniaaala, J. W. KERNS Moline Diitributor Farm Implements, Cream Separators,. Milking Mach ines, Fencing, Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds. 1303 South Sixth St. then SST-J KUmath Fall, Ore. on