THE KLAMATH NEWS Friday. April 9, 102G Pace Fivf WANT AD t 1 4 : 't 1 ' ' 1 CLASSIFIED AD RATES la, pr word ach llm d It ; printed. Sam d run on WMk 10 dis count. Sm ad , run oo month 40 discount. 1 , lo, per word cb tlmo d Is printed. , TELEPHONE 877 iTIIB IIIU MARKET PI.ACH FOR SALE Rsal Eiltlt Restaurant. Pixil end Card Room very reuionable; n'd Income. Bmnll. ranch:-' Irrigated; on rlvrr bottom; e-r. house; good esndy loam soli ; good air dralnugu. A Snap: lot on Highway; also out In Hot Bprlnga, HO It RENT Business locullnn; ihnp; more or office; Urdu win dow; llou. i I 1 10 or 40 cre for subdivision, on highway; I3.U00 will haudl. Rooming lluus. paying 24 par cent. A. A. BELLMAN CD. 110 North 7th. McCarthy lllclg. . I'hon 108 MODERN 4-rooin hone on Lincoln at.; reasonably priced. Terms. Inquire 1233 Kual at. Confectionery and grocery atora on Main Ht. with two year lean, 'vary reasonable rent. Room In ' back could ba used for living quartera. Prlr. 130O0. Call U1 Lincoln Bt. f'hon 536-M. 8plandld corner lot In Hot Springs, clow In. Call tul Uncoln alt. Price 1S00 cash, i'hona 636-M. A number of good lota In different parte of tb city. Prices reason able. Call vOl Lincoln Bt. 1'hom 614-M. ... 120 acres of land on river road to Bonanaa. Nice little houae, gar age, partly fenced. A bargain. : Price 11200. Call (01 Uncoln fit. Pbone 636-M. Four room modem home, furnish ed. Corner lot, on pavement. Two block from Main. Call at 436 High St. l'hone 003-J. Choice land In amaU acreage tracts, of from one end a Quarter to sis crea, three and a quarter ml lea ' from Klamath Falla. all under Irrigation, flood roada will be made to reach thtae tracta from highway. Prlco at the rate of .1330 par acre up to April 1, Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 636-M. First claai acreage with paid up water right, about seven mlls from clt. from 1125 to 11S0 per acre, all In cultivation. Call 01 Lincoln. Phone 636-M. Lot 14-D on Commercial street, rail road to Klamath Falla. Price 575 cash or terma. Call 901 Lincoln St. Phone S26-M. IF TOD WANT to tail yonr farm or obtain low Inter eat rate, long term loan on came. Bee WKHARD REALTY CO. 120 Bo. 7th Bt. Insurance Real Eatate. Farm Loana Oltf Splendid little modern three room houae. In good location. Price 12.860. Call (01 Uncoln St. ' Phone E34-M. Two five ecre tracta on highway four mllea east of Klamath Falla. Price 11.260 each or 1260 per acre. Dndor Irriga tion and cultivation. Call (01 Uncoln. . Phone E3S-M. Low Internet, long term farm loeni W1SUARD REALTY CO. Insurance 114 8o. 7th .It. It sal Eatate. Farm Loana ... Oltf WS HAVE BOMB REAL bargain la both city and farm property, opportunltle to trad or ex change. ' WIBRARD REALTY CO. Inauranc ' IK Bo. 7th Bt. Real Catat. Farm Loana . Oltf The Klamath News j Owned and Published by KLAMATH, NJWI rCBLllHIPIO CO. OTflosr and Directors! Nat Otter bsln, president: byron H. Hurd, vice president; Ban H. Btevsnson, aeore tary; Walter stronach. treasurer. ' fCoostttutlns; the ownsrs of th ) 'tire outstanding stock Issue.) a H. gTEVHNSON Menacing Sdltor atered at th Postofric at Klamath faiia, ore., ae seoond-olass matter. . nbllahed every morning except Mon day. Off loe, I. O. o. P. Building, ' l-lll South Fifth streak Telephone BTT ft. I. Address all oemmunloatlona and make all ramlttsnees to Th Klamath Nswe Publishing Company. ubterlbera falling to reeelv their pa- Far, call Circulation Department t ween I and 9 a. m. and a eopy will unsomrTioN rate All nbserlptlons Payable In Advene Delivered by carrier, per week f .1 Delivered by earrlor, per month . Delivered by Carrier, on year gjee uvisiae aumma i.vuair .. For Slo Real Estat) Cont'd Now atrlrtly modern four room nouns Willi double garage and mall lioiw In back. 1'rlca 135011. 'i'griui. A aulendld buy In a five room I hungiilnw Willi apartment In 1 basement, In good location. Price 141)00. Two lota 6014U with unfinished bouaa and guraga. 1'rlct 116u. For Rent New three room modern unfiirulxhed houae, near pava meal. Price )u per month. Kor Kent Three room unfurnished house, on pavement. Price 126 per month. Two 2 room furnished houaea wllh garugea. near Hlith atreat. Price 121,00 for the two. , A good In- veiiment. Both rented, 150 por month Income. New four room modern bona with garage. In good location. ' Price 13400. New four room modern bungalow, furnlahed wllh moat all new fur niture, In good location. Price 14000. Call 901 Lincoln Street. Phone 634 M. W The W ALTON. WRIOHT Co. VI W VI yy w W Come lo 1IOMEDALB V W und know the Joy of W W l.vlng out where the W W eoll 4a rich aondy-loam, XV V and where gardene end W W lawne need but the W W planting plenty of Ir- W W rlgatlon water, plenty W W of room YOUR OWN V W 1IOMK. Buy it on eany W V paymeut plan. NOW, W W W w w w Phone 441-W w W . w w w W The WALTON, WRIOHT Co. W 1.000 ACHES atock ranch, im mllee from I'alla; all fenced and good bulldlnga: etock and machinery It deetred. Alao 400 tona of hay; 110 per acre. Alan 320 acrea of good timber, 13.(0 per thnuwnd. Addreaa P. O. box 617, Klamath Falla. Ore. 800 ACKK etock ranch, t mi Ice. from Klu me. lb Falla: choice hud . all fehcoe; eaay terma; 120 per acre. Ailitrena P. O. Lox 617 Klamath Falla. Or. 50x1 20-foot Int. MAia add'n. lena than half a block from Kant Main 2 block from echool. Price 1550 A real home In a new four room bungalow. Garage In baaement. on pavement. Price (3660. 1600 down and monthly pay vnenta at 160 per month. Call at 901 Lincoln. Phone 636-M FOR SALE cial Sal ROGERS' SILVERWARE Fancy serving tray free with each aet. Only $1.00 down, balnnce on easy monthly payment. See our large line of useful home furnlah- Inga before you buy. KLAMATH HOME SUPPLY CO. The Liberal Credit Store. 1134 Main Bt. OR WILL trade. Dairy rancCi, Dairy. Ore. John Shook. SECOND-HAND piano; a bargain. Phone 854-J. . General merchandise store with en tire Block, Including post office fixtures. Mr. Edna Flower. Midland. Ore. Pure bred Rhode Island Red eccs. per setting 60c. Phone, write or call Mr. J. ,. WbiUatcb, Morrill Ore. Used roll top desk. Oak finish. 54-xl-. Price $50. Southwell Stationary Co. Barred Rock Rhode Island Rod Bby Chick Reduced to $16 per 100.. High grade chicks. 100 lire del ivery guaranteed. Castle-Craney-Crow Ranch. 8. D. Koons, Prop. Orland. Calif. . For Result Use Newg Class Ad BRINGING DP HELLO HI2 PAPP I 3VAMV "TO ASt Yon SDMETHIMQ FOR SALE Automobile POHP1HIL MOTOR CO. I Used Car LUt, March 26, 1(26 BTI UKUAKUR. BP. BIX 1924 Touring ' IlI'ICK MABTtR 19K4 Touring. OL1MMOIIILK 1W4 Touring IMJlMiK IK 5 Touring i ClIKVItOLKT 1924 Touring Del.uie CIIKVHOI.KT 1923 Itoadater UUICK 1923 Touring BTKI'IIKNB 123 Tourlnf FOltli 1923 2-boor Sedun K(llll) 1921 Coupe IIL'ICK 1922 Touring PACKARD TWIN ( 1922 Touring MAXWKI.I, 1M22 Touring BTCIiEilAKER 1B1B Touring CADILLAC ' 1914 Truck Body BUICK 4 1917 Truck Body FORD truck or will trade for car. Addreaa Khaata Way, half mile euat of (that. FORD touring, with 1924 llcenie. 136; good running condition, Hug, S12, practically new, cheap. I email ruga: one canary bird and cago, good ainger, 16;. good couch cover. At Blue houae on Pelican road, acroee from Frank ford 'a wood yard. FOIIU TRUCK. 192S model; firat claaa condition; a bargain for cli. 804 Main at. Ford one ton truck. Will trade for lot. Inquire Templar Motor Co. Juat Ilka new, Oakland eedan. 2019 Garden Ave. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two auburban lota, nearly halt acre, very dcnlrable location, on pavement. Will trade fur acre age property In county or aell reaaonable. Addreaa I). 8. S. Hotel Holland. Klamath Falla. FOR SALE Miacellaneou POLICE female, reacsnable. 2111 Pelican City road. Phone 1044W. THE ART DEPARTMENT of the Northern Fur Shop. A prospec tive buyer can step right In and continue a good business. The best of It kind 'to anyone who hue had some experience in art work. Come in and eee ua about It. The Northern Fur. Shop. 810 Main st. Phone 374-J." WHITE rotary sewing machine, first oloas condition. Phone 162, 1336 Lookout. 14 -SACK cement mixer In good shape, ready to go, $126. Used car lot. 8th and Pine. Sewing machine, late model. Cheap. Call 1346 .Sargent Ave.. Young Holateln cow. Fresh. In quire 303 Washington. 200 head ewes and lamb. See me at Quality Paint Shop. 619 So. th. W. W. Holloway. LOST WILL party who haa drygoods pack ages put Into their car by mistake pleaao return to News office. Lib eral reward. MISCELLANEOUS GET your chimney swept. Furnaces cleaned. Phone 65. VALLEY HIDE & JUNK Co. -Highest prices paid tor hides, pelt, wool and mohair. 903 Klamath ve opposite postoffice. JOHN ANDERSON Roghtered mail at Klamath Fall Post Office for you. We Collect Honest Debts Anywhere in the united State and Canada KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE , , 110 South Fifth St. Phone 238 Collections: :Crollt Rating Service M, L. BORLAND . Public Accounting, Bookkeeping. Phone 1017-R. 420 Main St Dr. H. O. Wlsecarvar , . Dentist !. Phone 445. Underwood Bid 626 BILL HELP WANTED City. EmpltayiaeM W farnlib competent help for the kitchen, dining room, law mil la, construction campa, logger, labor er and farmer. Courtety and Service ar motto. W. B. Carter, manager;, 41,6 Mala St. Howard A Urlmea gUg Depot. Phone 944. , 14 BAI.KH.mKN and aalUdlea wanted. Klamath Home Supply Co., 1134 .Mull: t; . - . WANTED Portion RKLIABI.K colored lady wlsliea work a mold la hotel or rooming houae or conk In private home; will go out of city. Phone 638. YOl'.Nt), MAN ilenlrca poeltlon a bookkeeper, can furnlah excellent reference. .An. P. O. box 824, Klamath Fall. WANTED FOKDHCj Uactor. Phoo 33U-M. KKWINtl wanted by the day. Phone 66. Mr. George Fry. .... .. PEVhltAL good residence lota In exchange for good automobile at 1460 and no me caah; price muat be right; give price; and location - firat letter. 'Addren Public Market. Klamath Falla. FOR RENT PASTURE 'for about 2)0 tucka. Burr Weatbrook, Merrill, Ore. TWO-ROOM furnished apt.- adults cnly. 22& 8 6th at. Phone 112-J THRKE-ROOM furnlahed houae. 226 B. 6th at. Phone 112-J. STEAM-HEATED furnUlu-d, apart ment, oai Mtgn at. i-none 39-w. FIH8T-CLA6S . Apt. Evan Apt. Phone 621-.M or 200. CABIN, 1124 East etreet. Pbone 1037-W. - - FOUR-ROOM modern house, on Lin coln st. Inquire 1233 East a. FOUR-ROOM bouae, 240 Nevada Ave. Enquire next door or 711 Third at. t ONE 5-room hOase. Beat residen tial section In town. Apply 201 Wllllta bldg. . Pbone 670. Flr.o room modem house, partlv furnished. Call 1018. 1309 Sargent. Furnished 6 room home. Call S5S, FOR RENT First " class furnlahed apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy Apartments, 430 Pine. Phone 800. Olltf Legal Notices NOTICE To any honorably discharged Union Soldier or Sailor, or their wives. (or the widow remaining unmar ried of such soldier or sailor) of the Mexican War, the War of the Rebellion, Indian Wars of the State of Oregon: . You are hereby notified that ex emptions on property as required by Chapter 165. Law. of Oregon. 1921. will be taken for the year 1926. at j the office of the County Asavssr. not later than tho 17th day of April. 1924. All persons unable to make claim I at office please notify AaneReor. and, j proper blanks will be lurnlffhcd. Dntcd this 8th izy of April, 1936 W. T. LEE, Assessor. By Deloh C. Terrlll, Deputy. NOTICE TO ELECTORS All registrations within the City Limit of Klamath Fall hare been checked, and in cases where thl office was not certain as to resi dence of Elector, card were mail ed out, and in all case where do answer was received from Elector, such registrations bare been, can celled. . It you did not receive and answer communication sent by this office, please phone or call In per son In order that your name will appear on the Registration Books In the Proper Precinct on Elealion day, which will be May 21st, 1926. . More than 1000 unclaimed Jot ters within the City Limits were returned to this office. C. R. DE LAP, v County Clerk. M16 All Inc. . (X AT ALL J7LLIE- j . fat xutsT- zr: 1X11 ' ' 'WU OMUW 1 D r-I- Tt-JA-r- Ik I I f1 . tt TWT-!-4JaSl'-a--e-l I 1 . "TVi I CLEANERS AND DYERS SpecUliat In dry and eteam cleaning. Hata cleaned and block ed. Altering and repairing. Wei uae the "Proaperlly 1'reae," lateat1 achievement In garment preaa. We: call and deliver. 106 South Bev-j coin, rnone iui. PUBUC STENOGRAPHER Dictation, copying, billing. Invoic ing, contract, legal forma. WU1 uaalat or tax entire charge of book. Ten year' experience. Price reasonable.' Work day of evening. ELBA C. 8AUERBERO McCarthy Bldg., 120 N. 7tn 8L Phone: Office 166. Re. 2 4-J 489 SUMMONS Equity No. aUiM. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND! . FOK KLAMATH COUNTY. DELLA L. PURCEXL. Plaintiff,! vs. ED. PURCELL. Defendant To ED. PURCELL. Defendant. In the Name of the Bute of Ore- gon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint on file In the above entitled suit on or before the 26th day of April. 1924, that being tbe tost day pres cribed for such appearance in tbei order of the court for the publica tion of thl Bummooa, and If yon' fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief pray ed for in her complaint. Tlx: for the dissolution of tbe bonds of mat rimony heretofore and now existing between yourself and plaintiff upon the grounda of desertion by you of plaintiff for more than one year Immediately preceding the com mencement of' thla suit. Thl summons la served upon you by publication In the Klam ath News, a dally newapapre print ed, published and of general cir culation in Klamath County, Oregon, for six successive weeka pursuant to order of the Hon. A. L. Leavltt. Judge of the above entitled court, dated March. 11, 1924, the first publication being March 12,- 1926, and the lost publication being April 23. 192. WM. MARX. , Attorney for Plaintiff. 214 Will It, Bldg., Klamath Fall. Ore. M12.19.26 A2.9.14.2J ' BILLY'S UNCLE wet-L. wwa-r vou),vtim.6UT wv's I h - Air just & coopls. o. cv''ra 5!?- "V M -E.V-V -rDMJt ltd S ACO HE. ulfcur AJLS ?ttrSK K . -our vwk kotS, m wvth iousi fu,vwy A to BociXturaT- -J- JKJ r- -$Z aTWkM AUSAV 3 VAAC1M6. -vu&rr , rW-V - LVtV J! v wuet"svo 4 ' J7"TBNwict 8bJ SS?4 Jt? xtousS . AVSV oS My ALSE TETH - HA XOTICE FOK PCBLICATI05 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Or. March i. l2f. NOTICE 1 hereby given that John Meek, of Rocky point,' Ore gon, who, era March 13, 123, made Foreat Homeatead Entry, No. 012009. for E '.4j HE M NE hi , EH - NEUSEU EHWKBEUNEK and EttWMNEUSEtt. Section 26, Township 368.. Rang 4E., Wil lamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. R. DeLirpi. Clerk of the County Conrt, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 16th day of April 1921. Claimant namea as witnesses: Oak Bogxa, of Klamath Falls, Ore. A. E. Wampler, of Rocky Point, Ore. M. H. Wampler, of Rocky Point, Or. j Grant Foncb, of .Rocky Point, Ore. jr. P. LIGHT, M9 At inc. Register. XOTICK FOK PUBLICATION 012031 United Bute Land. Office. Lake view, Oregon, April 1. 1926. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the State of Oregon, did, mi the 1st day of February, 1924, file In this office Ita application to select aa an indemnity school land eelection, un der the act of February 14.; 1869 (11 Stat.. 383),. and the act sup plementary and amendatory thereto, the ' SWii Section 24. Townahlp 27 S.. Range 1' E., Willamette Me ridian. Any and c!l person claiming ad versely the landa described, or de airing to object because of the min eral character of the land, or for any other reason, lo the disposal to the applicant, should file their affi davits of nrotest in this office, on or before the 20th ' dav - of Mav ' 1926. F. P. LIGHT, Register. United State Land Office, Lake view, Oregon, April 1. 1926. Notice of the above intention to select will be published in The Klamath New. . Klamath . Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. ' for a period of five weeks or 40 consecu tive days, which I hereby designate aa the newsnapr published In the county in which aa1d land 1 located and nearest the land above de scribed. - . , F. P. LIGHT, Register. AS to MS. inc. - HA WHy 0 -8 ffiarkef$'t Han Franctaco,' April S. ' ' . POTATOEH Cjllfornla river. 14.76; Waah- lnytcn gema, $3.76614.60; aweeta No. 1. $S5ttc; yo. t, 4C. CATTI.K Cattle steady; steers, good, $1.(0 19.00; cows, good and chole, $.75fc$7.25. , , , Cdve. steady; 190 lb, and ai der, $9.O0$1O.5O; over 160 lb., .50t $11.00. Hogs, steady; light, $14.25 4 $14.75; medium, $13.50$1S.00. Sheep, steady: lamb, media to choice. $U.60j$13.26; ewe. $4.00 &$8.00; wethers,, $9.00 $10.40. Portland, April 8. -WHEAT , Big Bend blues tern, $1.47; bard whit. $1.44; soft white. $1.49; western white, $1.49; bard winter. $1.41; northern spring, $1.43; west ern red, $1.40. WOOL r Nominal: valley, fine half blood, 32c; medium three-quarter blood, 32c; coarse or three-quarter blood, 30c; braid, 30c. At valley point, price are 2c to 6e higher (or1 se lected lots. BUTTER ' ' W .'...'I'. Selling price, box lot, creamery, price: Prints, extras, 43c for plain wrappers, subject to discount of 1 3 per cent; dalty buying price. 18c EGGS . Buying price, current receipt. 6 22c dozen; hennery whites, 24c; 25c; hennery pullets, 22c. ' CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook county triplets 27 He; loot, 28 Vic; Oregon triplets, not branded. 26c; Tilla mook, f o b. triple'. 25c; loaf 24c; Coos county triplets, 29c; loaf, 30c , LIVE POULTRY . ., Heavy hens. 37c 29c: light to medium, 24c 24c; broilers, 36e 40c; Pekin ducks, 27c 30c; color ed. 22c 25c; dressed turkeys, 44 45c; lire turkey. SOc. Classified adVertiainr b m morning; paper proposition aL, ways. Use the News. -. - ,. by JACK FABR ny mom . omiu' yuu wuct- r-iCfrs - Enough td steal youa. FATHERS' . FALSE TEETH X -AND WANNA StE. 1 WHAT. THEy LOOI4, LIKE. rail Leased Wire nmo m icw a vnitbo rain (Liongeet in tne woriai orriniAL parr.n Bf tmm CI1TV OF KLAMATH FALL