TH NEWS STY Tbiw)' J ualneaa wo- ja with the N 00, "A Ho!- I lor a Heller jtereatlng meet , member of the i Id when they rs. C'brl Jiarn l fUrnoon. . meeting Mr. i by Mr. Keu . Bmltb erved ' ' luncheon. A (or the apron eale completed and turn .jtlltM la charge of aproa and cooked i b bald In Mlllern Jin to declalon made -sday'a meeting. There vrl Kaaternf apevlaltUn j. ' ' . " who atUDdad tba afralr r Included tka following: aea T. R. Skllllngton, Jae. a. Fred 0. Hobn, Wm. II , Attoa: Hartta. ' H."B. Mo C; C. taiwlB,. D. Wllkaraon. Templar, l. L, -Dawla. C. Sarah A.' Bmltb, r. Aubrey. J Boldlng, J.'H. P i: W. J. aan, VC.'" , John C. V J!, ft. J' .Foster, redltb, I -.Jonald. II. fed, Idattla I ..t. W. 8. Wll- rrHBH kiu, aay base, ,C. Millar, , A. rulguaru. "araaa, J..0rbr. 8. R. Ber rett 0. Nord, II. E. Pelli. Kendall'and Us. boetese. ; , . . . ;.!,'.; ', ., . OCGT WttH- ANK WARD Frank Ward entertained tor ( of St Paul' Episcopal t kar bona oa Main aireet 7 afternoon. She" was aa- rial (bo attornooo. by aev- aa gueete. i praaaat. during. he after- Meadaase Charles Mar r. Weat, Mollis Stewart, aaaby. E. D- .Lamb, Thoa. , Jamas Wllaoa. A. R. Mor- C.Seetey, J. Henry Thorn . BatblanaV, Baker, V.' E 1 Frank W4rd. :;:. ,.;.' NVEIX '; at 'McCeanell entertained followed by luncheon on anlug "to number of embera of tho committee 4ra. McCopnall u chnir- fae benefit fridge toa glv iaaera'JQ -the 1 American of University, Women. ..--'. RDM NO j- . H TVKMDAV to, March 23. 1 ST. ,'tjr In Nerada. Auatln cdrract, Mlaa . Racbael ma .the bride of Kd 'i ; Tuesday, March J3, ( 1 Mra, Bdward Yanroy , ietr golden wedding i : tba a oat beautiful at v. e winter aiontha. I ware laid tor 38 guests t r H!:!r appointed dinner ' x had tor Ita center piece. i (lowers and form. .. B. R.'Tancey honored oey'a parenta at their home. ad 'Mra. Yancey have reald- KlamaUi Falla and Oregon jre than .thirty yearn, and ,ade acorea ot friends in that ; of time. . he wadding ware eovon of the children, bo to Mr. and Mra. if. One -of moiA Inioroat iueata raa K.i. Emrny roren rlnevlPv Oraao.. Kitty yeara ritirrrv party kvkxt or WKKK One of the pretlleal purl lea en joyed by the younger aui during the puat week waa that given by Mlaa Kllaalieth llrowu lo a number of In timate frttiuda. Tho parly waa from two uutll four o'clock, and gaim-a, mualr and a prnitlly arranged lunch eon Includud the party houra. A rolor achmie of yellow and pink with favora, flowore and deco-l rutlona Oil lllH luni'h,,n tnltl mmU ! the affair qulle complete. The gueata of Mlaa llroan In cludud Ktuve Kuljo. 1'aul (iabo, Dor othy Itcl.ap. Ikimlhy llrown. Hilly Hodge, Lucille llodgo and llulen llolford. VINITIMi IV KI..1M.ITH FA 1,1.8 Mr. and Mra. Vernon Mnilaey and ann. Vernon Junior, are v lull ing In Klamath KalU from their home In Hprague Hlver, with Mra. Lindauy'a mother, Mra. 11. E. Chrbttlr. I. X. T. I'M II MKT HtlD.U Member of the I. N. T. club met with Mlaa Hetty Zimmerman In tho Walnut apartment Friday evening for aereral houra of mualc and danc ing. Krefreahmcnta wore acrved to the following gueata: Nadlnu O'Pla hemy, Alice Harvey, Detephlne Fun ler, Wyoming Koater, Marporlc 8linaon and Betty Zimmerman. Tho group will meet again thla week. . Mlaa O'Flaherty la scheduled to apeak on "Home llulo" and the Mlaaea Foater will give exhibitions: In aeathetlf daneln All,. tlovaw will give two nu inhere by Pade rewakl and Bach, and Mlaa Zimmer man will dramntUe "Away Out Weat." e WKIHHNi; OV t OI.I.KUK Ullth OF I.NTKRKNT Of lntereat to a large number of Klamath Falla atudenta Tf the Unl 'Veralty of Oregon I the announce ment of the wedding of Mlaa Mary Maurlne Buchanan lo Richard T. Carruthera In Aatorla, Haturdny eve ning, March 20. The ceremony waa read In . the Firat Preabyterlan church In the preaence of many col lege atudenta and Intimate frlenda of both famlllea. Mlaa Buchanan wore a frock of white aatln, aimply faahloned with a veil held In place by cluatera of orange blossom a. Sbo -a attend ed by ber alater. Mlaa Louise Bu chanan. John Tbulllnger. . frater nity brother cf Carruthera, waa : beat man. Mra. Carruthera la a niece of Mra. Jamea A. Perry of Klamath Falla. and baa atudled for tho paat throe Blouse Suggests Artists Smock Sunday, March 28, 1926 KAHTKRX STAR t Altl PARTY HKt'KMH One of the moat outatandlng so cial event of the week waa the benefit card party glvrn-on Friday Leland Wlllit. J. W. Oilllaple, Her- H- m,n Koalar. Wllllain Handara. Ia-'lr ter Offleld, Robert Klgga, Herman' (jrlavold, Leone Tiffany and the Mlaaea Jean Perry, Aileen ilordoff, ' Page Five ' . evening In the Masonic hall by;Francea Humphrey, Itutii IHaou, mt mbera of Aloha chapter, Order of Josephine Dudley, Katherint the Kastern 8lar. - ley, Lola Ilynon, Margarnt ilargua, More than twenty-aeven tables! I'eurl Patrick, Miriam Wortley, were In play during "the evening and funds from the affair were placed In a treaaury for the cbll dren'a department of the Maaonlc home In Foreat drove, Oregon. Thelma Khort, Mary Johnrau,' Klna Jenaon, Pauline C'llft and Ceorglana curt. e lll'MINKKH W OMKN High acorea at bridge were given KXJOV WAFFLK KlI'I'KIt to Mra. H. E. Hauger and Dr. II. J. A group of member of the Busl Itea. Ilrldga consolation, priie waainesa and Professional Women'a given to K. J. Mlxjugblin. Honors club, Klamath Falla chapter, en In ,,600" were given to Mra. J. J. joyed a swimming party followed Parker and Walter Wvat with con- by a waffle aupper at the home of eolation going, to Mra. Auatln Hay- their president, Mrs. Irma Dixon, den. ... ij; . ,;, 1 ion Monday evening. Refraalimenla were feerved Inter! Among thoae who attended the In the evening lo the ' many; guests, I affair were Lena Dennis, Gertrude who numbered nearly 12u,t, On tho committee f la serve wtre Mra. George-' llntnohrey, 'Mra. F. Hill Hunter, Mra. A. K. Pcaaley. Mra. Lena Dennia and Mra. Hoy Durbin. STILL DOING BUSINESS r -' At the' Same Old Stand ' OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE Ufa Vhotograhici Quality Photograph Picture ,. Frame ENLARGING AND TINTING Oppoaite f ourt House 327 Main Street ' Phone 39. l1 Cofer. Irfta Parker. Delpha Terrlll Lorene Peasley and Irma Dixon. The next meeting of the "group! will be held in the White Pelican I dinner. A book i-evlew will be given ! by Mra. M. C. Harwood, current! event by Mra. Inex Lambert, and parliamentary drill by Mra. Dennis. MIIRARY CI, t il TO KXtilA.VOK FLOW KI1S .' The annual flower exchango of the Women' Library club of Klam- a!h Fnlla will be tn event of April MATRONS IIOXORKD i . and much intent has .been ahown f OSK O't'IXK-K Ll'SCHKOX .Members of Aloha chapter, fast ' A summer jumper frock fea tures pleated skirt and blouse like a smock. Satin brocade is the material. ath Falla. the house guest of her uncle and aunt. Judge and Mrs. C. F. Btone. Covers for tho following guests, around an attractive center piece of soring flowors. Mixa Skclton, Miss Loretta Jennlni', Miss AVorden, Thomas B. Malarkey, Osmund Hague and Kdward Geary. at this early'dHte fn the affair. I'nder the direction of Mrs. R. C. Groealieck, chairman, Mra. H. W. Bathiany, Mrs. W; D. Miller and Mra.' R.'-J. Hloan and' Mrs. J. I. Beard, members and their friends are planning lo save flower soeds, plant.- and slips to bring to the meeting on Friday afternoon, April 9, and exchange with, those present. This very pleasant eumonT not only enliven the Interest of planting spring flower gardens, bnt also per mits the greater knowledge of plants and how to grow them. According to Mr.. Groesbeck there are many matron In the city who are unable to attend the meet ing, but who wish to donate seeds or plants. It these. person Will get In touch with Mrs. Robert Sloan they will be able tq send their do nations to the club meeting. Among the numbers on the pro gram Is a very Interesting talk scheduled. Mra. G. A. Grause will speak on "Perennials." Children of the fourth grade of Fremont-school will be on the program In musical number as well. KKMOR f!,AHS TO . UK HOXORKD MONDAY Members of the senior class of Klamath County high school, num- hkh FKRNK HANKS berlng more than fifty, will be issvks INVITATIONS honor guests at a luncneon given by members of the domestic science class under the direction ot Mbs Esther Martinson., teacher. i . m POSTPOXK IMNNF.R Matrons' club, were honored with a, beautifully appointed one o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. H.j K. Momyer on Friday afternoon 1 with Mrs. Momyer and Mrs. Frank Ankeny as hostesses for the affair.; Narcissus, Easter lilies and snap) dragons In pastel shades, made the centerpiece one of the prettiest. The next gathering of the group will be held with Mrs. Charles Mar-! tin and Mrs. Jennie Hunt late in April. ' I Covers were laid for the -following guests: Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. Ella McMillan, Mrs. H. W. Bathiany, Mrs. Nora Simpson,' Mrs. Marlon Hank. Mrs. C. L. Harvey, Mrs. Isabella Splker, Mr. W. C. Van Emon, Mr. Laura Willlta, Mrs. Frank Ward. Mrs. A. L., Leavltt, Mrs. H. F. Murdock and the. hos tesses Mrs. Momyer and Mrs.' An keney. ' years at the University of Oregon, "ANtE Tl l-JWAi whore ahe la affiliated with Alpha observance of Holy Week," tho Chi Omego, and alao a member of dinner dance, usually given on Kwama. Carruthera -I a mamhxrl Tueaday evening In the dining room of KanDa on th of the White Pellcau hotel, has What promises to-be one of the most Interesting affairs of . tha sea son .Is the bridge party glveti - by Miss Ferne Hanks at the Marion Hanks home on Eighth and Pine streets, Thursday evening, April I. The color scheme will evolve around spring flowers- and pastel shades COOKED FOOD SALE SATURDAY, APRIL, 3 The ladies of tho W. C. T. tl. will hold a food sale next Saturday, April 3, at Stone's Cash Store, be tween Seventh and Eighth on Main.; street. This Is a benefit for the children's farm Jiome at Corrallls, and Jt is hoped the public, vrlll be liberal In their patronage. Also do nations of foodstuffs to be sold will be gladly received. - ' BROOKLYN, March 27. (United will be used -imminently In 'both Lm im w uu.h.n An . favors and decorations. -v-r- y . II ULIltllUll, CUlUlUfLlCQ BUlUiUU UJ KUtRON ( LI B OX -THI ItHDAV KVKNINO ' Member of Kedrod wero enter Ulned on Thursday evening at tho club room In tha First Preabyterlan church, when the usual study hour and social evening was enjoyed. Hostesses for the evening wore Mr. L. L. Truax and Mlas Morle Root MRU. NARGKNT TO RETVRN TO KLAMATH Of Interest to her scores friends In the return of Mrs. John Sargent lo Klamath Fall. Mrs. Sar gent I expected to arrive In the city from tho south on Tueaday eve ning. She hoa spent tho paat two months visiting In Los Angeles and other southern cities. In the kitchen of InvltnMnm vara (aSAjalval rlnilntr' of Oregon campus and a major ln!bc011 Postponed. The next event of (ne pa( wwk jy. the fdiloWng thrusting his head Into 'an oven a rra i lecture. Mr. and Mra. Carruthera are spending a fortnight In British Columbia on their wedding trip. . Importance tn the hotel will be. the I Mejdimeg JaCQUe8 j. 8te,g. of . a gas range dinner dance of .the sixth. er QUO Nlcoor,, .MarTtn K. ,,,., hls hotne. . HAPPY HOUR TU B Mr, tora). tha girl trloncf. of ! 1TH MRS. HA.VDKI.L Tide, altanded bar and held1 - Members of the Happy Hour club bouquet while tho wedding! ero entertained on Tuesday afler 1 gliipid on Miss Rhodes' noon at the home of Mr. Carl San , "i doll with the fortnightly social hour a. 'symbolic of tho an- and afternoon of sowing. The East- reoeived By Mr. and "r au ) uneu mrougnoui tne Each o( the children' Sandoll home, coupled with pussy them a twenty dollar who honored Mr. coy were Mr. and Mra. ', Mr. and Mrs. Bay rid Mrs. Jess Yancey, wray Forcn ot Prlne Ira. Carl Yancey and ' I Lefa of . Aberdeen, K Mrs. Roy tlaroutto i- 'of Cottage Grove, d '. 1 rwln Yancey and ale tlenn of Tennant, Mr, sir,. Ivan Yancey lldft t..nd Mr. Fran Ad anoey, "Carl, Hnr Jlby g ayne Yancey, Mr: i.;Hal-vt Putman and thll I; Mr.; ind Mrs.-. U. It. Yan- ;'' Vi -T' ' ' a j" ' Mis' ' Martha 1 raciric Telephone lompany, who has re aneferrod from tho ant to the commer A, a number of lo ll and employe hon t a party on Wednes- Tha affair waa given m'S home, 836 Rnae. mt during tho evening Pardue, Hattle Evans, , Mae Denno, Wllma Moore, Maude Hood, LaDleu and son Carl e gttest. Miss Grimm willows and spring flowers. Mrs. W, J. Stelnmetx will enter lain In a fortnight, April 13, at her home. Special guests for tbo afternoon Included Mr. W. E. Evans, Mrs. Charles B. House and Mrs. Seeds. Others present were Mesdames Geo. Humphrey, Wm. Bock. R. A. Em mltt. 8. Summers, H. E. Jones, Wel lington Templar, W. P. Jphnson, W. J. Stelnmeti, W. D. Cofer and the hostess Mrs. Sandell. ICOOK FOOD SALE TO UK HKiiU man , . Of Interest lo many Is tho an nouncement of tho cooked food and linen salo to bo held at Kockard's auto termlnsl on Bsstcr Saturday by members of St. Mary's- Altar -aorie ty. Mrs. Charles Riley and Mrs. Joo Shirk are In charge of the sale at the meeting Wednesday evening. Mrs. Shirk was elected to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. C. Lough lln. who Is now residing In Salt Lako City. MIHS HKKLTOX I HONORED AT DINNER Complimenting Mlas Verna. 8kel ton of Montreal, Canada. Mis Mar garet Wordcn entertained on Tues day evening with a prettily appoint ed dinner at the White Pelican hotnl. Mlaa Skelton hae been .visiting MISH RUTH DeLAP j ANNOUNCES BETROTHAL . I One of the prettiest parties of the week was that of Friday ovenlng when MIbs Ruth DcLap announced her engagement to Ralph Turner at Mis DeLap'a borne on Eldorado treet. The party waa also given for Miss Geneva Drum, who Is visit ing Miss DeLap during the spring holidays from tho University of; Oregon. The betrothal of Miss Delap was told in a most fascinating manner. of I A centerpiece at the luncheon table waa a small window box tilled with scarlet tulips. Each guest was given a tulip as a favor and when taken from the box revealed the names of Miss DeLap and Mr. Turner In tho loaves. Mis It u 111 'Delap is the youngest' daughter of Mr. ond Mra. C. R. Le-j Lap, pioneer residents of Klamath Falls. She has attended tho. L'nl-j versity of Oregon for several years, where she majored In Journalism. At present she Is employed In the county, clerk's office. Turner Is the son of Mrs. R. E. Agoe or Klamath FallR. He is con nected wllh the Sixth Street Lum ber compauy. The wedding will be an event of early spring, according to the cards which bore tho announcement. . Miss Drum, the honor guest, Is leaving this morning for Eugene to resume her studies In the Journal ism department at the university. Those bidden to the affair Fri day evening wero Miss Drum and the Misses Pearle Colllster, Connie Crystal, Jo Upp. Bethel Nixon, Geneva Pence. Moe Crystal, Myrtle Colllster, Martha Upp, Miriam Wort ley, Lola Bynon, Anna Mlchaelaon. Zolda Cravcr, Betty Manning. Mrs. Burton Leo, Mrs. Lowell Ager and tbo hostess. Miss Dclip. . Presenting clobe considers & COURTEOUS CONSIDERATION for all of the formalities and an ar rangement of the details that is beyond criticism marks our Service of Sincerity . ". VATOz WHITLOCKS AND PINE 51 DINNER DANCE KSJOYKK TUESDAY "' on Tuesday evening the dinner dance given in the While Pelican hotel dining room was well attend ed by many of Klamath Falls so ciety. Interest, liowovor, is comer i, .bout the April dinner dance, to be given Tuesday evening, April A In the dining room of tho bntel. Special decorations of spring flow ers have been arranged for and a number of novelty feature for the xvenlna' entertainment. Ileservatlons for the dance ot April 6 includes many of Klamath Falls' prominent society people, and there are a nnmber of largo tables as well aa many smaller parties wbo No, the two month In Klsm-'nre anticipating the event. I .IIPHONtFUNERAL IT 46 HOME aaaasaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamasana It Wi ' "-'Culture 4 That Excels ' I m ;. :;,a. iff if - : W 3T t'n' The Anita IN BLACK PATENT LEATHER IN ROSE KID One of the Popular Arch Preserver Styles for " Easter "KkEPd THE FOOT WELL" Houston '6? Jester - .ii-;Vality Foot Wear." . : Easily, bperated from the Seat. , of ny4 Standard Tractor We are glad to say that we now caa furnish the disc harrow that you can control entirely1 from tHeedt of your tractor, a harrow , that completely disks the soil thtf entire width of K. the harrow even when going over depressions or bbstrutnonsl ! It is the ' '' . r v. JOHNSDEERE MODEL "L" TRACTOR DISC HARROW WITH YIELDING LOCK Node the two convenient cranks, one for each aaction. With these cranks you can set tha ranga of either or both aections from straight line to extreme working angle without Hopping or backing. This la not a rigid harrow. It h flexible. It can be mads to coiiorm to uneven ground aur facae. Patantadautomatlcyielding lock coupling locks rear section whan traveling straight ahead, preventing rear disca from trailing in furrowa mad by front discs. Whan turning;, this lock yields there IS ho dragging of harrow around corners Pivoted yoke on front section permits inner end of either gang to rise above the other without raising the entire harrow from ita work, v Ask ua to ahow you this harrow. Inquire about the align ing device an excluaiv John ' Deere feature; adjustable hitch; adjustable acmpera; convenient greae cup and slotted gang ' couplings feature that make thia an unuauaily Batiafactoffy tractor diac barrow, ;. .. . . .y BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. .. "The Winchester Store." . ...v If J' J il n