The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, March 28, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Mmvli JS, liWi . . , ,
Paee Two
Name Delegates
To Arms Parley
Parly Is Warned
On Farm Relief
Arriving ntu. the ne- nulil
Franklin will l' ilisilal in the
how room of ihe KUuwtth Yallcv
Motor company.
la talking ihe a.t.lcd Im
provements on the new model
Fianklln. Mr. Kirkpatrick Mid:
"One detail after another makes
for easier and more convenient op-'
eration and maintenance. First
there la the complete equipment '
which makes the car nady for the
road. Other features lessen atten
tion, aurh as the oil pause on the'
dash and the large rapacity of the
battery, Points that make the car
easier to drive ure the eay stcr-:
lug due t special design for the
use of balloon tires, the clutch with'
hew method of engagement, and
the transmission type of brake that'
responds to the lightet pressure. '
Provisions, that make the oar aim-j
pie to care for include high-pros- j WASHINGTON
mre chassis lubruation and th" I'resT.MSt (Vo:?3
draining of the rrankcase by a turn impgrUfj, vi.;.
of the wrist without soiling hands th , , .y ion veto
or cuu lies, instructions that re-:.i.e f .,, ,., i-
ASIIlXdTO.V. March ST.-Am-erica
' delegation to ihc lirnrva
arms preparatory coinniision. was
named today by i'res.ueut i'ooh.tgc
and Hugh ilihson. ambassador to
: Switierlaiut. w:ll be in charge oi
' tha trip
: Itesidcs Oihson, memt'tls
party will be: Allan V. Dull
i IMrscy Richardson, representing th
'state department : Major
lenuis IV Nolan. Ilrig. Cen. II. II.
Smith and Major 1 It Strong, rep
rceenting ' the war department.
Kear AduuraJ Hilar IV Jones. Hear
Admiral Andrew Long and t'.ip'.am Atulivms. rpresen::ng the
navy dt pertinent.
Ali.i'i K. Winslow. .set re'ary of
the Atticihan letatMm at Heme will
.it as -.ccrvtary of the delet-.itlon
VilllViTtX. Mai
! riiUltuial relief ii't Indifference w.ll
trouslv was t.ul.i 'i.e
(iictVns e..upr"'-
.1 itlttw
botti bou
In tile up p. r I
ad I
and republican.
Irs some del mile
i'ixi.im1! ueiun mil u:r n '
Sell. it. ! H.'ta
ai ncd 1 b I in
tien ns ink
ki'llM tie il
Quality 'u
Tile W I fate.
Wed b. under III
el Hob I'liuiskl,
utile cf buslnes
. III. h opened
that li miprlied 1
cca the proprietor. I'"ih l'ulahl. i
and i:eorge Kan. Ie I" ' ''" j
bae t'cen In the lajaulaul
... ., in hl.iin.ilh Kails l"i
Ma s and baie mai fi lends
I'lilaskl a Iul lU"r: i In f In
l '.ill ( ale mi l lalei H
t alc For Mimal in. mill"
Hug ill I'a'l i
rt'-ti'ous. li is a tier p.
Moral! ileclaied.
liopreaentatue T'n.
can. KaosiN, .1 : !
force IV' lewei ttet
riciitture ooli'tnlttce's li e.- :i
Wiirnitig wa that the I I : f l
of tile t-itril I' It folltnttllee I
by the lies Mettles greiip It
i would MrlualW ruin IIn st... i
'I i' -'
iV II'. l"
l!l ttl
Mm. la
,"-i he
t it i c
bus bei'U
President at Last
Wins Appointment
' In
del- to g:e help
i.ii ir MtMrhiSHiiir
. V M vTfO. fa If March !
,.. ,'i, Hullock- W. ster
....I a'td t'talie (It I
Hi.- ImS w III t. e i (t here to-
tt.'v t i -tie nort'-rti r.itiforiiia
- :. torieo In Hill after
fttull plai "tl the llerv
. tub link
,1 t
1 h.'i
v..n hi
v.r the
-. .11 . i.
duco care and linure reliability are member of the l.::er:.ue comfi, -,--
,M" mrion oi wa.-er-, ,mniU.fon. W.khI:... k's name had
and the case-hardening of the crank ,. ,,, thr,.,, ,;f;,.rt.nt' ,,,,.
ahaft as insurant against wear. jnd IuvV..tcd twi.e.
n.en all of the Franklin design Th, SU(,sfu, ,,. of Uw a1.
pnndples are taken into account minMT.j,i Voctlk fight which
nd when, in addition, the refine- ha, !a,.e,, for a v,,r W ls ,,v
ments of Series 11. over 20 In', T of l2 ti)i,.
number are considered, it will be . Thf ,aal-, vi,.rv ,af
aeen that the s:yle and develop- . ., '
. . . W;M his maneuver m promising
ment and the eng neering develop- t . . .
mem h.v- , , , " Tennsylvania. thr fjtitj, and aouth-
ment have progressed side bv side .
re(.ulatlpK. body if the ti-opcsod lull,
for reorguniiing the commission
along geographical lines is enacted
Several votes were changed by
this pledge. '
SAX QVEXTIX. Calif.. March J7 1
-(United Press-Dorothy Ellison. KILLER PUTTING UP '
tiger girl" who killed her mother.' RATTI F FflD I IFr ;
must face the maximum ten years! 1 fUK Llrt
of her sentence, the etate prison I NEW YORK. March ( foiled j
directors decided here today, l-nderi presa) Eleven davs from the
the terms of Superior Judge Harold : noose. Oerald Chapman through h!sj
Iuderback-s sentence, her term of (attorney, is battling desperately fori
imprisonment was to be decided life. '
lTSbead. bee" ia PTim"1 sixi Coa,"1 '"r " ho i!
months. The : board acted promptly. ! sentenced to hang en April for
Xtorothy would be eligible for par-l.he .murder of a New Britain,
oe when she will have served five! Conn., policeman, will invoke an,
' j old common law writ known as1
GOOD TKlt'K TO KNOW j 'Coram Nobifi " rit '
at habeas cornua In the United
States dlstrttt court and will makei
a motion for a new trial In the,
state courts on grounds of newly1
me result makes the Franklin, in
appeoranee. performance and value.
car for the neit ten years."
Ta Included
Four-Door, Full Five
Passenger Sdan
Four-Whetl Brakes
Balloon Tires
Before using the chamois to drv
of a clean but wet car. it is best to
make rw A v. .
. iuICT- Murupr stops in:
the garage. The purpose of this is ' di"'CTere1 evidence, the lawye
to force the water out of the lead-j noanci Friday.
era or conductors which run along
the doors. Unless the waior 1. 1.... , Anything you wish to eii?
out of these, it will drip down oh . .r
Or to .
Tell all Klamath Falls hem
It In the economical, efficient way 1
lha nn-l .i .. . . .
. w-, .uuuiiuam- and be a ,. : :
utant source of annoyance """"" llttl8 New" Classified Ad.
the drying process.
Just 50c a month thafa all it
costs for the prompt and regular de-,
llverr of The Klamath News to your !
home or place of business. Phona
S77 now and service will atart as I
aoon as yon wish It to. I
To the people of Klamath Falls and I
vicinity: :
We have just Installed the Pros
perity Press. This is the altest 1
achievement in a garment pres.
The only press of its kind in K!am-I
nth County. During the month of!
January the Hart-Shafefr and Marx!
Company of Chicago, one of the'
leading clothing companies of the,
wor.d. discarded S6 presses of an-l
other make and replaced them all
with the Prosperity. Now whv
There s a reason. If you will give,
us a trial we will ,h0w von the
reason. With this new method the
nap of the garment :, rais-d. not i
preestri down as in tile past when1
using other methods. The Pros
perity produce three tinvii as'
much heat on the ganm-nt as any
other press made, thfrefore pro
ducing a dry garment. ant j,. ,
creases will last three times as
long as when prc.el with anvi
other machine. j
The head of this machine i cov
ered with a veiy fine silver wire:
in place of canvas as ud on other1
machines; this make? t impossible 1
to scorch or shl:ie the finest of ma
terial. Silk, satins and all ladies1
fine wear are pressed on this ma-'
chine. This fine work in Hie past'
had to be all done by band. '
In crder to give the peup. nf
this district the very best survirn
obtainable we have emploved the
aervice of an expert who tonk t
charge of the press March Jfith. 1
Mr. C. Haverly is one of the highest i
paid men In his line in Southern!
Oregon, and thoroughly understand , I
the Prosperity AfT Imj,
We believe that the licit Is none1
too ftood fr our customers, and
our desire to be deserving of llteiri
patronage at till times is the rea-1
son of this added improvement.
e win continue to make
provements whenever possible
(ive us a trial and let us
to you the superiority of the
perltv Method.
Phone 1 0 1.1 and let us call
your work.
Baker Universal Motor company
plans brick building, to cost t:n,.
000. ' .
Sound Investment
You'll be proud pf its
beauty, its comfort and the
fact that it has all the sound,
paying investment value
for which Hupmbbife"!Has v
always been notecl.
8th and Klamath. Phone 890.
court OK COACH
ooiit aT ritasa g . j p j'r' j
The Brilliance and
Snap of a Real Big Engine
HUFPFn i .1 1
pOWERED by the larRCSt
engine usea in any six priced
below $1000, the Pontiac Six
has created an entirely new basis
of comparison in the ticld of low
priced tixes.
Here you find af your com
mana what has heretofore been
generally considered impossible
m a car of this price the stamina,
IPan nnr! r.iin f.
. ....v. v-i a nig f,x
Cylinder engine.
It is literally and emphatically
true that the Pontiac Six. both in
traffic and on the open highway,
exhibits speed and flexibility that
verKe on the revolutionary. Yet
breath-takinu performance is but
one of the reasons under! yina tha
spectacular buccck. of this new
General Motors Six.
- ,,unuin w tnt ,,WUu. Six$975 to JI29S. Aap,i,ulfactQry
K, R. IL fJAl?AHF.
Klamath. Three Recrulnr FIU.
c. " 0
ioy, Kex, and Kay.
Kapitol Kleaners
"Klenncra with a Konsrlcnce.
.spcclullst.s In Dry Cleaning
Steam Cleanlna.
1115 South K.'vi'ttlh. I'liime 1015
11. Vir-t-'lf... I
it lm-i ,Vi'A ' -( '
prove! ;vt.- t.W.: :jV-ic,;: 00 1 R
Prow-1 ' -'i.twkWk.-.vI'r..
in an Oldsmobile ei:
tends to the smallest,
most hidden part
that is the reason for
Perfowtance Plus,
4 4
' 1 4'
tTlHnl .SSL
Klamath Valley Motor Co.
"Hie Hoiwe Thnt Service Will BjillcJ':
Cor. 7th and Kamath Phone"5$8
Another Carload Arrived Today. Thes
all Been Sold. But Wc Hare
Two more
on the way. See
new models on
play in our sales ro
Hamaker Motor
service wortn wnnc.
Phone 1040
Eighth aw