Page Sir Thnmlar. March IS, 1020 !40AfltA CIIAITKK XXXlll The ToM When the dominoed figure loom- I m afraid ! ".-Pi" '- ' '"' , Her lip. ' " her table Joanna looked p.'bee..,e 1 know you .re UUhonca. ' B- for ,.:,!, ,h'" V V .When she rcrognltcd li .honest wilt, me. and ithMVO h,r ,.,.. h.r dr. am. T ..' ,, .,f hi. .houl.leis went to the ton.. I'ltjr. fn'l It. to a iruiini for vou to be harried by. A. w : .hru. hi. ah. I (( . h hall k.-P r ' ,.....n, t ihe.l.,11"' xx nen in, wan. - - .named, !li,. IrJ t hi. hapa. and ou "'' " f"" ,K ,IJ:iltll .mnra hlin lh l kli.-h.ii. end .4-.ill.rl... til deposit It "II "" Wa. lit.lUKIIl III l" I "'"'I . v.. ...... hi,.. i,, ..f the lixilll. Ji' She made . Hole move a - m, , Mltrl. . " . . ...... ... i... bracing, again-.! ii"' wife yon . . - .111 he mren you per- more miw. -- - , ....... .lu ...II ..f r..ll.M Millie tlllllll'...ll' ... .. ih. Irav. Iliaiidoa .lined mine. . , ,, ,.i,i. i Now .he gathered Micnum 1 i iu.tlflrd. If I hadn't feared am -,i h .. .. liked vou. . As It it if ... .,. mi lo h I ill . I"" ed . When .he reeo. lifted the unmasked face she .tuned. The Yvonne who love. you. I thai Hie av ,,,.,, relieved ircellug she would answer yon . anyone close to her. who "Not cxactlx. e a. r.' III. llraU Ihe balcony The gti.idlan waller nieiieil Ihe door fur htm. Ilraudoira , eyelid, wei.i beginning lu quiver. The excitable waller would hate lunged nut f lh. iuviii with a try ty and' luxury and pearl. : " and diamond and pil.elc.a fur-- but It will aerve. ,. .;., and at the same lime. .mile Dial o an ,ul Anlolne ilut.hed hlui many people had never undersold hovered pbaiut her III" lliau.ion went al once lu Ihe Pacific """"), Mink i. KI'O. I m.teri, (I . rUeo-l'.ual feature.: a. B 1 g.r'. r.lrinniit hotel ...v'1"" I 9 . malliiMi .. .r?; f p ni tra. til" p HI P in , t p P. in . thlld...', ulaht provide Intimate cxmpanlon- .surpo.e i .noma . ,. - ,.,e n. r. u ..." " ,,,, ,j ,r the .ham ... . w ....h. m. ir.." l... hear.l no ee hip torouKO tne rest oi sum an .- - naane lo open It ..... ,r.i,i...i f, ..I "Yea used lo tell me that you .,,.r. she turned to o out the l" ' " Instant at her tongue. But some- miKht do thai, some day. I've al- llol,r ,lradou. the torlurln .mile ' numbeJ ways nau in . piuviui;. new. i-"... m- never marry you .brejuae I could ri h.r .ileully. coolly, unmoveii never lore you. If I could love you I I wouldn't marry you because, by .; 'trAl . to Ihe hi inn and a ml lured III a.iun.l In II "xjiilellv Hiilelly." he grumbled "There'a ol.ielhllK Li hide hue. Ilol lo r.,areil; p verllae llrlnt me prnprieior hi. aul.laul quietly " MalW 'riliHtiu .'SJ . .....a.. T p hi laklrl...'. .1 . .ur frirn.1! f'i,r.i. n.m. am meler., 0kl, u. i'i.itr., HID 1 m i. 'HIM ... M. thine In Brandon's face her lip. She rose to her feet, hand up over her breast, with a faint recoil At the door she hesitated, stood I minute leaning aialust the The fear that she had never all the laws of decency, you belong camnt ,K,v.ltiK down lul l the rl Joanna Mood oer him and watched the iiins..u trickle from his ( ill.' I.roken ne.k of the chiai'.itiiie bollle still . h.w.. -fr ,.v,.i h.r'to Yvonne whom you allowed to to a tumult the unformed, un-; love you before you decided to utterable fear that came to her! laugh at her for her pretension when he first touched her fingers that the would be worthy of you." at the table across from Egsleston examined his clgarci flame. In the bank when she had written and then drew in lis smoke, her first check against her niys- , "That establishes our position to terlou money. ward each other." he oh rv. d. and "You here!" she breathed: "I was silent for anolhi.' in erval didn't know have you been " i "But the situation' I. that .iu are "I have only arrived." he said, going to marry me. nevertheless. his word suave but Irritatinrly because you will have to." ironic. "I am happy to find you I She swayed. Her slender white alone!" , hand went to her throat again. She Joanna knew, from his tone and J knew he was not talking Idly. She bald scene on the dance floor that blurred Into a whirling black pool with swimming on the surface. Suddenly the little body stiffen ed ilutchi'd In til, hand. i! Hilly grip i f her X' . or . nnceri ot. ; u W. Ludlow, 'rriend A I Al the eud of an hour , patient 0 '"ur one a. t plxii "'j j nilnl.lialloii. b.hla.1 the Im k.d ; V '" ' UlMit, r' , noor i.r.uuoo. .u.i.iiwi .... m mi-i 1.-11. . - I )a"': van. held hi. eve. open and ga.ed . h V U' MW ie null . ,. H . - ... . . H.n,n, niBr- M i rounn nun. in. iir.i iw w. hi .i,..i... . v. . i ju p m . mu.le 1 . l . kn.i ' e w proar.m. 7 la t HAITIU IV The l llglll tered aue.tloti wa.; i "Where'. Ihe girl. Th. health talk. Ur Philip M Lotsii", ! inokelt." J D m P"'grain. I The clou bou.e dlreelur would 4,7 meter.. Ao, IM.wn lalm ihe danced, danced have .llen.i-d Anlolne'. cmuplalnt I l .nal features. ' p a . nrrk- , bit of the Mown came back uml ahouted xx.tty. taunting, mock ' that .h. had .I..I.-B hi. ear. hut vn ,.,,.' "...,! - V " lulo the ees Somethliig of the ,g thing, at ea.h other Un.'"" Monega.nue would n..l be re-,, , ,0 p m , prntr',m, " scarlet returned to Ihe quivering tivl-itlng serpentm... thrown from .trained Through the bandage hps. She swung around slowly and dancer lo dancer In carnival aban malted ntx.ul'. head wmie-, h thing of a fleeing smile e.eape.1 , "," u walked irmly hack Into liie room don. spread a rippling blanket of hnn lrl.,.1 .1. .1 l until she stood so close lo Brandon tawdry colors eier ihe rlub house "H l" a. vrell." ho murmured fullBl, hj(I ( Jt(i( anf, !' that her body was almosl against floor. And gated down "Hc of eheor. mr 1omI Aaloin.! I ri,ri hf,y brhtn'l''11 ' uur "- wi ..; ' rro l'r re.. ,,,' j mom lo a draped ar.h tlut p,M '' .Muni u.ed dra.iag r ."1 I .i,.am, .h. ...,.ir.i. f,.rm ih. i lulled, but I fancy you and our . ' ' ' ."Dull e -- ..... . ner war arro.x a n... I Arrows this sttd . bar aince that day in the bank. tor him to go on. ' Oat on the dance floor, and at' He threw the cigaret into ihe the tables near, she saw men and ! fireplace and fared her across the. women look Lift at them enrloosly; ' table. I at her, the golden girl whom every one recognised and for whom many Import of what I am about to say." yebrows had been raised when she he breathed. "Yon have wondered came In with the bedragsTod troop where your money came from; you - "I want to keep my money. Kran- lay at her fret, the crimson stilt iris." she said, her voice quavering trickling- In aha.tlv nerststenc. from little practice lonlght " hit manner, that a climax purpend- had gone through one sort of bat-1 hut fft ad ln,.f r.,t! v plea.ilng "l!the white forehead "Hot will giv. lh. alarm ed. A climax of some sort: some-1 tie with Kenllworth: now. she .. - . .... .... .... . i...- .. .h... ...i. i...i m.. , mi i Ei ii i ui. ..iiii.'u. i. u.i. ..u. aurr w niiie .nnp inn opeueat"". " M' . ir-M. , thing associated with Ihe nleht. sensed she wa at Ihe herinnlnr of'. . ... ... , . . . ,.t . .. . . . .. ... ' "all from . ! am very mucn in love wuil some- ner linger, and trie pn.ken wns-l tur' nn.rnins. jnr u.wn i. snuiq with her, wi-1 whatever Brandon another, and. In some unsuspected , dae t,.(i v,.rv mlI,h in lo,r. Frun. , n ,he r,mplI:, fr lo lh, he futile, we ...nteniplaud an alarm I nau .won .or in nis reiationsnip n sir, a more uesperarc one. waueo . f AnJ ,,. h ,,,, , yoll i shf r,wJ hrr . hy ,,.. ,n0 ,h, ma ,., dl,w0 would never uuder.uand. I don't lifted hrr fare, from whTch all the "nl not before' You did not keep undcrstend it myself. Nor does he j color had fled j her her. -till dawn, at you the man. 1 mean, that I'm In love This waa a pose Joanna had never agreed'" with. You'll be kind to me. won't struck before. It waa ou .ha-rf Again llraadon smiled weakly. Be pleased to understand the you? y0U'l tell me why the money ; never practiced Sh.'d nev.r thought and Indicated the bandage.. "Mb. WA. elVStl mu X'ni.'M foil ma Vh.l nf .nv.hli.a ....I,- lib- ! t. Im ... t.1. n,M f. itimt tl... I a.. Ma. rre done that's wron. so that I ' as It pht wasn't voUm at all thlutt .h. UI iivr an alarm. Thai rVat eufUlM fc,ld" aJ Uu ...... .v cvui. inru IQt WH, ( l-iribllFU con room T.o'iM lilt h irn in in. hi, finn.. u-v . . wa. afrnn.i op In the h.a. doiklt ,Jj dr. I.e. ttlilch hin i. riH door .lis .upprd. udilrnly. ilween th. rurialut a linn of lit 111 Z ! .hone .Lie hi-ard Ih. murmar el'. ; vole. ( eatlnceit Ih.t II would at1 .waiting her peihapt. sat' ) .1' kt ' ah.ll! n. ,1. I. aviln. I'll k. anv. !... k..l.ll- . . . L .. .'will .I. . t. . . l iw. ih.t h.a u. ..... a v.-.. ... ' j ,. . " -"' I ""luiua wr n.e lowaiu nraren -" ' r".' uu"p"'a '"v " 'thing yoj y. If may have my I with her eve. closed It .fr.i.l . barn. The imllc. will not b. c.uo nouse oy tne bngands. Look- you. I am about to solve for you. mon,T, lne momr tna. ha, made coutemnlatei .he m,... ,h.. ..h. ' crn.d much, when xa b... r! The voire, sw-IUU .. ata k. kT" y!at " POr"n ' TUr beautful-wlth money and be written there j turned to them Ih. plunder you eo. , ' """ h.,.' also knew. Her chin went up a teries. . . . ' ..i v. ,k . little, and she braced hor.clt in-! "I control the source of vnB, ; ' B' onl ,ne blr'""'i 'XM . .. . I wardly. your i money. I guard Its secret and Its' Luu i tuvuvj, x Kuaru ua secret auu us. llfnm X. I , i - - . . . . .... .. . saw llieta hMfi.r lha .l t .m n , . ,. . . . . ... auuu. u iuiu.( UBC. 5llD OOUUeq (U IflC Waller WHO BlOOd UOUD.f.. .v. 1 am alone Only bV Chance. ' she. reason nnA Ir. nnrnnio 1 am h. ... . . I 1 ! i.. . . . . . .. .rwf. - "'" at nT inoae nle.,lln. -nr.l. -k n..rf,v ri. - v. u. . i. xfc - . . l . . -. ill m. ureuiace. ice oniv lllufnl.a.iM f III her. .ih i . i. a. . ' " ' I '-" u,u, ...uring, if oi., - - 7 . " '"ur .shrank at If he had atruck her.'. mile that ..n hi the rlub h...... .,ri,i.i h.a I "'" 10 th aaid. coolly. Tknow" b. tokTta 'ZrZt ltJ, ,1 aCCUnt,n:, in ah. heard him aaying: wa. enjoying herself tremendously 1 heard the rryp.le conversallon r''u -onntaTband f .,. back In ! ... .. show . ..m of,-! ' . vi a T l - ' - ""'""" gin. I would not Interfere with moment. standing you nere so ; mood. In every choice of the paths;, hat. .... ,ou , WIn, for ....( Iv .... .!.., lk. - ... 7" . only d.t.lln. U M - . . - ' . ..nicu mo nance " ' ..." .....m-mi wm.n rbu n-ni in. ..1Bt i ana purposes of my own; not your floor and threaded her way among group of bait hysterical wom.n ,n1 .listened like a myriad of iot. i mow me ono you mean; ! the table, to) foyer. The red roate.1 bark to hi. bo.pll. Hue. . Anlolne j I know the man to whom you've attendant bowod to her. "It la still noted and shifted, uneasily. Hran .given the love that neither you nori black uulalde. mademoiselle." he doa. loo. alert deaplle ni. Palo. saw. you to know. Why have you come? "I do not s.v th.! I lov. v fo, U... Z ... .. . " 'l down. me man m me eoucm I feel that you are here because I do not .... .... nis in return II you , nuw. It morning.; o not ba concerned be that everyone may know that fori you have elected to follow! your relaxations yon choose a so- "Your accounting has been fully elety and a surrounding that are, 'made. It is totalled up by me. to say the least, daring." j i give you now. the results. I de- "That, of course, If what pleases mand that vou marrv ma room. Yvoaa.. gar- ntq gmiua and flrcelike. her tlnsost:"" wrapped In th. mm taint.i . .1 . - - - - . ,.i i curious nnderstaadlng- nu 01 txa' "a burgutdy. ker rll i - UK "Mm turning fires In the gentle flnllibt m i glow, leaned forward la a cushioned to U- of me" I .it a . . "' A" ol lant "nttl1 e "I am he said ' . M'' " ' r"BeCt the b"'n- orgaln of today! i am, ne said, shortly. "I am, you, for I despise you, as you tfave "The m.rii. . here to tell you. at last, that the professed to dlspl.e me. I '.h.dder and the convenUon Play Is over. A, you have put your j before all that you stand for; the they .tr , M 1 v mask for the rest of the night. I abortive of you. the sham .re Jl 7h. lrt of T f" U your interesting ...tie masquer-j of you. the deceit and cheapneaa of Zr kind 1 of loxe Z ado must bo droDDed. Yon ,.. your kind of Joxo the sacrament glldesl chair. And at h.r fel al th. np here, I imagine, to color an: "Yet I am saying to you that l! i that It used to be. "I am asking you to be my wife inn .upper. Deter worn by Jo-f. y, anna'a feel." .a Rrandon had, Uust-'ttn ea nor was John! For one brief Inatanl lb. thlai before her muddled, and assumed t VI- though. I llltl. drama In Ihe mint tonight." h. "Just the aame." the returned. '"Id. between hla laborious breath "pleaae lo call for Mr. Ilrandnn'a ' '"t"- "Your patron, who were rob- rar. I Ihirk he will have me. parked ' o"1 IH receive their valuable. I Cuniorted shape. Then In the yard." bavo reo.on to believe. They will d" In Ihe fireplace burst Tho flunkey would have protested ' nun the worse for their eiper- "ame of bell, and died nut Jounna ailebred him with an lence. They may not know ef a. toinolhlng thai flared arrogant gesture. .Muttering, he courM. bat Ihey played thelril" mockery. Joanna, wrap went onto tho veranda. Joanna fol-' P"" tonight Id a great adventure " from her .houldera. Her llltl. hands Irtlv It .wuvieil . ( ' l i th. tmool- t urt Into a, At( 1 again Itto I x a. a irotre- I '. wrap fell , l . miiuu you are about to .m .n k. . i. discover what you're made of." I Joanna had stood as If trans- T K'V' B" Toor"'lf only. lowln him. and called to a knot ' Meanwhile. Joanna, her wrap un-''u Into her breasts, but gave Ihe She sank back into her chair. 1 fixed. Her eyes widened The i ' YU may S',e our lore ou ' of l'nBurf,M,r wlo stood In the mist-; fastened again, her .Urn h.nd. grip-1 en.elr body no pain. The lltll. Her face blanched. Her brain ach-' brown deepened to black The1!111 " ' be recelv,d ana take j dulla Klare of powerful headlight P"'l to the wheel of the gray car.! 'Inure In black Mood. ihen. utterly ed with the knowledge of an animal; scarlet of her lips became ashen I whatevr P'""'" you In exchange. I dltcnsslng. no doubl. the affairs of fought her way along the narrow l""t to every thought but of whal that In some mysteriou. faahinn : h.-.i. Surely you. who have plnyed tho;tno'r masters. None of these r.. ' road. When ah. roun.l..i . ...,. the aaw.n.l hr.l had been caught in a trap. Before! ho .nL. . . . .. . i " --" 'augnea. a ehort.l brain rang the one phrase muuiu.ii.ui lauKn. as II BhA ... hA . - . . a , . . . ing riot of her blood Tkm,.i, k.,!? ' " ,u":' "ol "nrl"k be- 'w,w ,,,B name "I am I kindles! your x-ery ettenco wrnI ,,. ,nl0 hf JU ,uov ,no vm. of TurnlBi .., n.,a knoma lo1t uo, yard and among the parked cart. ''"' PH Points of light shone up now! All elae ha. lu.l beed I tin TflMtlll t I. i. . . k. 1 . . 1 ..... I . - ,"" """""" '""P" An-! ror oown, out over Ihe a.-a. light 'chimera. It la. vou who have thowa love's glory la! I'leaae, my amused by the foolishness of her j those other sentence,,' sharp and ! k LD color:1 camB n v, e, ari)lis 1 tolne. wondering, agreed that .Von- house ut the bu.e of Cap- Martin 1 what I TCUallncr tlx.. .. . . l .. .... I . , tlfr Turn bk. .U..J l . . leant. Irrn...i. t , I uneriy naicuiousi bitter, that emerged from hit llns'.. . ner ryn- Bnd ! " "'" Pulr"" gioweu like a far away eye of the looking down at her unsmiling, un-! collapsed Into a chair and threw i """" l""1' ""moone ; mo"ler wonderful dear, will you take .nt feeling, the i 1 1 W n .h .i,i. . ",cu openeo uiem slowly, to oulrklv ''ry well then." the .it..n.i.-. nlrhi Th. . .... I . ... ,. .... . i "i cniuion on i.h. i . ... ....... uemre , in- ana com tort mei waTelT H h died abruptly and shoi battlefield, pierced her with th. "'y'S .. fc "mmnnded. "be ao good as ,..,, the threat of dn.D. Ileyond U John', voice, thai w..; Joh.' waicnea tne man who still stood: nreeiainn nf . rf,n f..;u.a. o.. ,ou mean, she aaid. "that i , your car to the entrance v....; Turblo ihn enimlrv .likm.-l. , ' ... . , . ........ . ,ii ' dik nu. m .... . . -. - - mi . nau-, a.tion ana n railing ana nunuuu. ,. tin love tomeone ""'" to be r mnlnlug ! He. was y,,.. Th Innin. .. i i. ait ....... - ..!... unconsiderate. ! her hai.rU,. h ...... .. ,. "nn ,nvlt" him to lore me? i,.. his young lade ...I ilia .ea hoi.l...r.i . !... ... . . "I have a great deal to say to shut out a Tu," " ' " " ' ! That .t K will be-oui,e ! " bring, hi. ,, V Z.! The ,. . . uZ," "n?,M,r'. yon." Brandon rleei.e. tr. . a a" right, with you. ...,.'... I to tnko h. a ... .' I ...".. ' " ! yearning mat Joanna nsu " Uui uranaon, moving over to her ...... ... ' """.' . .e mountn in pnve wun tne otter men i. it,.' h...a . .. nna mat ir I do all ihi. . ; You can't mt,. i. . .... . .. . " may keen mv ....... ih..t u k.. .... . "'"'' - . . ''""". both- Now. Vronue'a low. silvery c. ' uer nini r ... I'rvi iimp r..p a m. ...... . - i , . ... ' - nn impulse "Just that! he ahswered .hr.n. : n,'n'' "iiujine Cut Brandon, movine over tn h.. moment, and then continued: went on cruelly, relentlessly: There is a rooma small sup-, -of Jour enormous gift of money per room, just off the balcony. If! ,,,, have made . fare. v... v,.. you ao not object, may we talk 8ed it to enhance not the world. I " our n,"")r' and otir love ' room. not MclMy, but th8 ,ure ,he ge When she did not speak, at once bhe got to her feet silently, and. (appeal, the woman of you. You 1,0 wva- on with a merclles, sllcer' ZT, "u" n' "CKnoxvledg- have created nothing with your gift. "The man you are tbinklne of Mm to the" Wa'kCd WUh bUt l0VP; he kin'i lhat '" not hesitate, I tm'aKine to'nke him to the circular stairway that, thrills but I, nothing of nohi.i.v full advant... , ..l.-1" tBk1 At the door You have shown what th irinH ,ment. i(. hn. aiige- ' . . -""n nimseir to bo cam. i lurn ,,rounj unA w(t( (lo growled tils dnuhia .,r, road nurtlallv rl,.., . ...... . surh . I .' ' ner . u nrUUimn. f.,,v ...... led to the mezzanine, oi me private banquet room be grl ynu represent ah.ll ...r.w k.. t .... " " ". " .. ., , . ' 1 ",uu oi conditions. "huh wo are Here. i,.nii.. . " --....iii. ii. in your feet. with him You ...... ... . ' Jumna hnrwif, ho ap peared suddenly at Ihe nlde of the car In the ake or I d" not d,.,, lo u. lk:n 0()Wn the moumaln." Hhe declared "Your master l:,,,ver teluir.n ynn , ...,. ,)a(,k man, at onre. i am to i.-.u ..J slu.i i.i. . return , Hh him perhaps. , lh, The ground, of' villa Amen, 1 . i'u.iuk niisi. a so - way l,ek to the hut alio was rer "im she would recognize, crinl, I .1.. ......,. . "oainereii, pirn up aoniecne at 1m Turble to help her awaken the countryside. Kho i... linen iiKalnst this .1.. however. and i. j, .. . i ...... ,j ... uu .er nuzzh.rl h..i . . ... ... ... . uvim oispenea. ine:-""." mkc to have done oy ' , 'a, "m"k" , "ary K"t. n-ar the entrance gale hi .. . '" "' r ilencea, Infinitely eweel, tad Inll" Itely toothing: "Are you content will yo be content to accept from me Ihe love Khe.lhat It tho only kind that I ly give you? The love Ihtl hat blos somed and withered ao many, many times? Mine ran never be a pure lovo. my friend. And I may nevor promise Ha constancy. It It "" crown thnt ynu may wear only while you ran defend, and keep It- ntl Is Vhal la tnld of me, nl m'r my dear, and I must not say to rou Ihnt what I. .aid I. untrue. If v.'C ttood aside that she might enter come if given .u.u ml mm. a waiter met hm: .n.. ... . , - ..ii .... . . nt the door. 1 a " " ' er- 1 "a,d i " "tin slippers that "W .hall ... a.. ..uc. your,, "merer worn ... . ... ,,cu, .iran-imoney is dispelled or you may , nav aalu io me man. "but as I shall i count It as be 1 o ira ikn J . I --- xiui uucil, Ul-rilUIIH vnil r ni hnr mi'. r.e -.I.I.U a. . . 1 en .. t ... J xuiu niisi in f.hitirliw. i ' .. i ering on the balcony." ,ralllty of you , wan. you . . marrv an S"... .",al 1 Mn "r master's r(1(.r. ' I . . " ", ",","n T"ai '""I " Portion ! may spare yoa. m Joanna faced him when he step-, me. I fanev h ' l.. . ay 8nd 'i"'"'! 'o Iheni! The au..n ." ! ry "n,'P" uut u. ... ...... ,j . I "" not ne so e I, ,.. r " iiere."- m , - .v.u.u. ... iiesuoio. "Don't spend your wits in skir mishing," Bhe challenged him. "What Is It?" "And If you do not, will not be .r. ...... aiieniiant here or the arbors ...i ... ., I I k... . 7 '"live. "HI snow lha ... .. " l"llla mere win "io i migntadd thni hv .i. I a. . .. "' :,r. "ran-i pavinont w hich i huve will bo taken from you even ' tOnleht! U'hafr.vr.r 1. v.... He Ignored her challenge for a gained by fraud must be surren moment while he lighted a cigaret. I dered. You will be Miss Twenty first offering her his platinum case. Seven of the sika ngain. if your old When he had evened his light to; Job Is still open to you hit eatlsfaction he went to the fire-, "Are yon. by any chance, still of place and dropped the burnt match the mind not to be my wife'" Into it. For another moment he The crumpled figure In the chair stun nuaiy. men turned to face straightened a little. ft tflAft 1 rrma ... sir., ..o leanea uncle against: rise but sank down again. Us hands fancy, he u,n, . ... . . "" 10 ,n"m! low you the way . ,. ...... -,,,.. u l ' " -"- l n ... ... '.. ' mving , an. He aw.ii. . 1.. ..... - 1. unomer few ' '"ai you 1 jourseit. as mv w f.. i-j ... . " private 1 nours. wen. 1,. 1.. . ... . ' ' "".hi you ' room, on 11... ...1 uiazing. lanta.. Z. ! 'OB. rG"" ney. !. abou h u Zm. d,'ub- her hrHllant and She .,. ,. I ' u" matkorg in ,h. it.-..., ... ' ' 'or n ssarsrt2 s: r -- --- ..-. ,uU miuq.- she other man !. .., , ...u-.. nave is i . Iuken . asked, "orderlna me am,i.i. ..... " '"" rum bed into Th drink? Mv ..." 7- I "e had vacated, u...... "? mor" money!" . pwrenea." tnelr two fn. a, . ""en sne drew nn In r,. . "'"appeared arm.. m.. '' '" a o veranda .he f.,11 ,,. ... "'r"cn 10 tn. 'or the starter, found .. .."! .. ' lh" " H-lf she other .nn . " navo ih to he luk.n ..... .lie D.jiiieiiung to tne Ben. 1. . . My throat U parched." ,hl " ' " hd. seated. Thiin ui.n i.i.ui. j 1 .... . . """'s uinaaiiftn ro,i i.ij "iuiku ner neaa in hnr hn wr,. . . nn i entranrn to - t.wj nn w 1la..l . iim.i . niariflr. Tfitinrt It 1.1.1... . ... " Wll glllin Unrlr the table In the corner of the room. (fluttered a bit. The gir T.ooi ,d th ddo . lw ? h '" ,"0,h" "" h,,'h"r " nnt "Would -you mind," he asked, up. at last. I who 5 remained !n tl ' " ,h "ay car toward Z g" I' T, " "nni Wl,h h" '"". aoftly. deliberately. "teHlng M. ..., I eouldn'l marry yon- It In the ic7ni v " f . h T be" h' '"'y through , Jr , 10 l",,vn lh. what ityour genera, Impression of could never be. , don't love' yo I m, r l , B'y i.rZon ! Th ""n ' m l ' T', """ me? Not nn analysis of my char-: I said. You wouldn't want nie-i turned u. t e el i f , . ' . 'hauffeur, l0 ' '"" '"r - lnenes. f acter. pleaae. but an expression of! without! Yot, are nlayln. ,...! tho "rTh." "L' "U,.d .by I alch,d W maneuver lu'd ''""m-,h- "m which Ihronned ,h. inn .ri'it. ...1.1 . ... .... " ."luen ueu. the quality of your regard for me?" She replied without hesitation. "I have always t!:.:rusted you, hut t bare novor been convincuj thai m' . . , , lrl' touched her body relent- Not playing; very earno.t, and lossly. She put up her hand in final, and definite." he assured her. mule anneal f.,r him ...... ("Aa I Bald, time I, dm now niystury1 Hu liesltaled and then, ' with a "tho of her h,., aimorbed by thn ,h u ' mo.nhv.,. y..Lh 'hl,k "'" al- can .'unl'.th' "no or th. ,lriv'' expiolne(, M one th, I In mnipnn Al lh,. .... was ir . '" "" """ ' oois she ,h. h "" U"S Uy th ""'"Khl that h had never found I, necessary , ZZ.r.' -van,s must bo content. It can never i" a holy love there must alwsyt be aomelhlng wanton in It. " B1""1 bo the kind wo tuke and P"t asl''0 Will (hat then, aatlsfy you?" He crept closer to her. She put "r hand, about hi, face. warm. mesmeric , hands. Her ricn, " round llp lip Hint were "H" nil lovo-niadnost tlnco the world began went down lo his. Then U was John's voice again: "Them can be no other love wonderful at you can give. In ay that I may have It, " ,.M Pure or (lefilotl, I wnnl It!" ' A acream, a torrent of them. frenzy f ihem, atirged to Jot""14' Hp, and halted there. H " Yvonn, who rose, alowly. gln-iiM'' ei.r,,.r..n.. i...... .nw. at If " n. ... -, U. 1 , .......... "- - ' wi.r. ...... ......n fantastic 'n ' .....i. .......v. jii. I'l Inking fotm at Ihe rim of a o itnt horizon. arnll. lined, q,ie,r. and flitting miw. " v. ..... .... l.J InhB tt"'1 I TkiW Bow) R0 lit ral uueu ,,nr return, but thoy .....iiiut reu up..