jjWS A M A v ' 12( - - Page Sever! KTrl Ten t room furnl.h- "'(toot). . - - ! ,., V 1 Car: I the bet- on KrMt ir,( lY CO. It I Prop! nil udn I Tom I Mi 'hiC( v. fir Wf rl. uL h id. U'l in hard l naif l r for se- loli P'count of "DC price SO I" receipts, 22 ' white "nook Irn.led, 26o per 0 l. triplets. '"nty, triplets, TRV. r: UrIiI to me- "er, 3D40c- r'46c: live tiir. h News "'ISIUNO CO. ?.IL"urd. vie,. -"-"n, score- "ch. tr...,... " "i.iiw en- r .us.) L""' Edltoi K ill lrs. ?5B mtanr, "n urn; . s.oo Lr" lM rL"iATn rALw . Mi ' - 'nan Willi " "WHii 11 I 1 ' wbhmmmhb '. ' " ""r,l HllUme Will, ( Ml. .. urur HI. 1 1, ,,., .. . tr in, ,, A ,oy" ve.iinriil. uih rfitli-l l.'.o .. . . ' ilh ivi , """in nou. nn 21 Turn latltxii. v,.i u.t.iii I'll .,. '";" r""" ,,,r '! '""I I'M. partly ""led III MIL .1 SI la and Ujulii .n I1M( iiioiiil, liiriuni Ne tour room oio.I.th huu jiaiaae. Ill tiiiiil loiuiioi, $3400 , New f nr roiim ii,,,ril ,ulltl, f itriil.lH , Hh , trw Uo'tv i0 "r"Unt '"' JrllrHI cur, 24 m.,,1,,1, ., ., ' "or ,, j ".?" .". neer 'I"., in. ,.,! ,,:.'". TV. ., : . . """ ""! ". ni,.rt.,K,.' ;" uli- .,r irn.l,.. nr. a. A. llIM I'lllicl. Phone - 'H el Ul l.m..ln I " pr...rly .., l,e Iwuxhl rt'.i.iinul c ,!, ,, -nd MTIIM lllbH I ' I ... . . . ,,, ()U ((i l.on u4.llll.Mi. or. will tr.,,1, fllri., , , ... !!' "',. 315 Main W. mm,,.', i L'i- Unlnlli. ,y ,.rm , llflnr II o'cliuli. , l.lirKn lul olll Immllc, I'lmn 4 4 :4 M. JW r"rn'"' '" '" unflnUh- ,nr,l 1 ri ,n '"" "'I'llHon. fnr- Cr "',n ,,r,r ,Mf' (' l.lurolu or iiIioiik 414 M, "rail- Kpli-Oilld ll In Mill, tdilllion In I'rlrn lrtlun. uh n.w lbiu UI i on-rooni houn. Prf (.,o ro, nariiia. 101 IJni-3l : fclev.n room romplfioiy rurnlslied irlrily modern brUk home. Al.o luur room turnlnlied Apt, wltll imrar.a. on on of the bm't clou In cornnri. pairlnr ilm,,,, .H k- i. d,vun( on 'i ui unroln. Icrmi. , Phone 63S-M' KLAMATH NEWS CLA SSIFIED TRIAL COUPON ficNE CENT IN cSlN FOTCTA FOm WoRn' b(g ' K,amath NeW" , Write in This Space T The Kind of Ad.J- THIS WORD FREE Wanted, For Sale, Exchange, Lost. Founr) Pn. Dn C C-I- wai iiaic, Lie, 11 16 21 26 12 17 22 27 13 18 23 28 14 19 24 29 10 15 20 25 30 Than 636M. food loll 1,'HO 'I t.a. nrrnaK WHh paid UP F.(. ,0j wumr nitlil, alioul ,rrn mllfi I '"" c'l. from 1125 , 1 1 so1 irr rr. an in tulllailun prka Low Inliroat, lon t.rm frm loam WlSIIAIin IIEALTT CO. I Inauranrt . I2 So 7ll. ".I I Firm Ollf HELP WANTED FOR SALE Miscellaneous Loan.; Cltj ElEffijpEyEClmlt i Win WANTED ! MISCELLANEOUS Con'd four 01 Mnri'ln. I'bnn o3-.i. Call farm ral. B,, Kplrndld Hill mod.ra Ihrra room i nomn. la ood loca'lon. lvire I5.S10. (all till Lincoln HI , I'liona S3 M. . r.tl'llil y 1 . I M.MRHI.Kh U'hm . ine Kap Applea 11.00! h" r , '.""""orK L. lnc - AruMie wallpaper. 1926 pattern. . In. Rnn Ai.nio. it "uu rnone most romnlelp Iln -In h .. - AnMifr Yellow Newtown' Apples, "Kan- I - -LI. l Jlake onT "elections and dates" eJ&2 ct ' ti s Wnrit c. k.. ... I to r paper hunscr in adnsu. i.k v.,- Carrots, lb oaJ wm. .. in9 J Patterson's Cootractinit Painter.. . Star mii,T. '25. CnR wh P(llliD.:,he Kilch.n. Inl.r room, saw mills. Turnln. 0 03c I 26-S0 South 6th. Phone BS2-J. . mint ovi.r 50. Will ..II fnr . conntructlon carnna. loEer. labor. lb. 03c j inree salcjmcn. salary and com-; f.OR SALE Automobiles irm I.oan..Two , ,h, f00 oU tff n nicni. Motor Co.. 379. Lew thai, $200 down pay-1 era and farmers. Courtesy and ' "TJ Onions, lh 01c to 03c terms on lialanre. llowlel Sertlce our motto. W. B. Jar tor. "" """. :ets- in. Rood location. Prlca ll.Oooi each, on Urms. Call at 01 Lin-j roln Ht. Phon 636-M. 1 l:ih and Main. Phone manager. 61S Main St. Howard & Crimes Stage Depot. Pbone 946. ! 614 111 !5C1 SO; , per ' 4i04c:l New bom with flrt rooms modern downstairs and (be earn alia upstairs, modern in erery war. larfe baaement, with furnace. ' A lovely home with ISO Income on upstairs Apt. Pries K.O0O. t an at sol Lincoln. 034-M. I.'r. lll'PMf.DILE 8 roadster: :.s Is Hie best luy in city; see this -ar. 1123 Stephnns Six, 6-iaafentor tour-1 iS. A-i snnpe, new painl. rabbage, lb. 03cj mission. Apply Mr.- Wyatt Per-' t-arPcnter work and palntlusrddna kins Furniture House. i hy day or contract. Box SOS news. . . i. . Klamaih Employment Agency fur nishes all kinds of competent help for mills, factories, woods, far-1 mors, kitchen, construction camps. Phone 157. James It van still in business. 601 Main St. Rick nrd's suae office ' Orders of (5 or more delivered free.' Roomerj and boarders at 503 Plum i ' SCOTTI FRUIT & PRODUCE .. .j St. II. H. TRAVIS Exclusive agent lor 201 East Main. Phone 927 IC ; ' I Klamath county for Marcell Mir- nurB wonl maternity or acle Mineral. R-138 Mortimer Rhode Island Red hatching eggs. Trapnosted stock. Excellent egg strain. Also O. A. C. Rocks, Light Ilrahmas baby chicks. Rooking orders now. Log Cabin Poultry Farm, Keno, Ore. Call at 357 East Are. Phone S41-M. Phone l!1 ESSEX 4 Tourini!; new paint. I nay nice- guarantee. FOR SALE ; Shingle mill with steam engine. A nuu.dg I., 1. .I1AU11, Olene, Ore. other nursing. .Main. O C I . Tho Painter - -, - .1 Painting and CaJsomfnln 1- lionse and large lot In Cottage i "oms aisomlned 50c to 3.S0 FOR SALE OR TRADE , fund. ID 50 bolrc, 6 50 ' !'in choice, in :u ''61.1 on. I sie.llura to ' '". 14 on Two mod.ru houses, one four room i ' sad one fire room . esch on sijs Kurd Coupe with RuckKtoll tx quarter acre of land In Altamont ,,. uoa maay olnpr ,ra. five room 11 ITS 13.(00 and for the: four room 12.800, some term. I 1 n 2 .-; CHEVROLET Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 536-M. Touring. A fine lot of home grown Caro lina Poplars. Elmer L. Applc gute. Phone 14-F-2. Klamuth Faliii. $1.0' Dcswiia $L Secures any article in our store. 1 Balance on easy payments. Con- gleum Rugs. Axmineter Rugs, Grove. For sale cheap or will ner room. Estimates trade for Klamath county pro- work. Phone 175. perty. sui Lincoln. Phone B36-.M. given on . Nine city lots In Orland; price 12000 for all: will trade or sell. Call 901 Lincoln. Fhone 536-M. Have you heard It? Heard wharf Thnt the Coxy Corner1 CSonfeo. . tionery la now open at 119 No.. 4th St. MISCELLANEOUS Four two-room houses on good cor-;.,.,. m.,,,K . Tr,. ner. on pavement, bringing an l9"3 CjTourlng. Income of $72 per month. Prlie 13.500. on terms. Call st (01 ' 192 BUICK 6 Touring. Lincoln. Phone S16-M. I Manure for lawns and-', gardens... j Refuse hauled away;: . Address,. 1 ai. c7..." S. " o-"r5T- u- nv .i, .,i ,.!. a: f rare newi. . .. jllnrreu llo.k librae Jslo..l p - Eleotrlc IronSi 8heetBi sk Ho,e eU ell for less, pulnts, oU and. var-; If its a quality sign you'll see our : :Hdured to $15 per 100 High K.AMATH fvv nn and .jag. PtlBronn. fis.sS .i .. ..k ..!. inne? Ua tui.i u. ww. i - - ii hard 47; wln- flo. $1.43; blood, blood, blood, points Two five acre (rjcta on highway! .u 1 1 . .. i-1 k ' l.'HF U. . I T, THI H n.fl.l.UlU rails. Price ll.Jt.0 each or $i0 per acre. Under Irriga tion and cultivation. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 536-M. WE. HAVE BOMB REAL bargains In both city sod fsrm property, opportunities to trsds or ex change. WISIUTID REALTY CO. Insurance 120 So. 7th St. Real Estate. Farm Lf.jna Oltf PORPISIU MOTOR CO.. , ElRhth and Klamath Are. ivery guaranteed. Castle-Crnney-Crow Kama. S. I). Koons, Prop. Orland. ' Calif;"' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Trailer. Good paint and ' uses 3"i:iVi tires. First class con dition. J. C. Muncrlef, 1019 Crescent. Dictation, copying, billing, .avokv ; chk Protector, quite new. Call 1140 Main St. 63f I So. Cth St. I name. Quality Paint Shop. O. M. Taylor and W. W. Holiiwsj. rnone isd. BILLY'S UNCLE lng. contracts, legal forma. Willi assist or lake entire charge ofTwo Ben cl, jq egB incubators, books. Ten years experience.! t.a 19.j Prices reasonable. Work day oi ; evening. I ELSA C. SAUERBERO McCarthy Bids., 120 N. 7th St. Phones: Office ICS. Res. 24-J 489 ! Dr. E. 0. WiBecarver Dentist Phone 645. Underwood Bid? 626 FOR RENT creamery for plain 2 Oe. f t IVT J. " 'ho n Ml,r'n 192,1' I .PflH I INIOrlPPS" Forest Homestead Entry, A-rfCgai ilUlItW(1,,() f KHSEWNE14, on .March 13. 192.1, made ! Furnished cabin. No. rii. XOTICK or lOM HAI.K kHWHNEVSEU.' Section 25. Sealed bids will be received by Township .ICS.. Banco SE., Wil W C Hnlfoiir. School Clerk, ut Inmette Merldliin, has filed notice k,n.'uin nreion. unill tho hour i of intention to make Threo Year of seven o'clock p. m . on tho 20th Proof, to establish claim to tho Four Phone 544-J. Three room house, fall at houie 225 south Fifth or Phono 112-J. Eureka vacuum I $1.00 per day. House. clealior to rent. Perkins Furniture IGifT un- nlry 320J3c: . .. i. llltd .. l,nnid,lla.n.l lun.1 shnvn dn.iirl hfft. hefOrO C R. iiiiv oi .iinrcn. i.'-w. ..." .,., ......... - - -- . ly lliereafter opened by the School Del-ap, Clerk of the County Court.) iinnni of hllnouln High honooi i at " Klnmatn rails. oreRnn, on me room furnished apartment. Adults only. Apply Leo Apts. Fifth and Walnut. District. Kliimuth County, (Jiegnn. ut Hotel Hnlfoiir. Chiloquln. Ore gun, for tho ptirchaso of bond of Mild District In the sum of $25. oon Oil. said bonds bearing Interest .., m cTceed f. ner annum, , nr. dated April 1, 1926, duo and pay-. M. H. Wanip!er. of Rocky Point, able April 1. 1946. hut optional I ore. , f i ,' (.rant . ocn, or uocay i iniii, 15th day of April 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: Oak.-Uoags. of Klamath Falls, Ore. A. K. Wampler, of Rocky Point, Furnished liouic. Phono 41-W; . FOR RKNT First etasa furnished apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy Apartments, (SO FiBe. Phone 800. 014tf lulldlng, ,,.! ,ier Anrll I. 1S3J. nms must ho accompanied by certified check for flvo per cent (5) of the par vnlno of tho Issue. The School Board reserves the right to reject liny mid all bids. Dated this 25lh duy of robruury, ,9:!' W. C. BALFOUR, Clerk. F25 M4.ll XOTICK VOtl IH'IILK'ATION Depariiiienl. of llio Interior, j IT S Land Offlco at Lakevlow, Ore. j Mnrch B. 12- , VOTICB Is herohy given that John Meek, of Hocky Point. Ore- Ore. M9 A9 Inc. F. P. LIOHT. Register. SHEET METAL AND PLUMBING Fresh Radio Batteries, Tubes, and Aerial Materials. Free Radio Programs and Log Sheots. Earl Shepherd, 507 Main. J. G. WRIGHT Heating expert. . If you hare a poorly working plant call me. No charge for advice. WRIOHT-LINFESTY CO. 1023 Main St. Pbone 712 WRIGHT-LINFESTY CO. Plumbing, heating, sheet metal work. All heating plants guaran teed. 1023 Main St. Phone 718. What you no longer have use for may be Just the thing another Is seeking. News Classified Ads bring buyers and sellers together. ( HEX'. --OU'U- VltVtC ( llEMHt S T vr DON'T 4 I A MiV-UOVi fcCA-A-MiS I CO TS?SES THE K - V THAT -WMMTTK VMACYTWi UJVTV VT SHfvvaMC ITJ : llVJ 7il?iii51 (TT0MA,KE sLfr . WELL - : ... ALOJrVYS V:.VitWBR WW vOHEM I I . . : Xj ( A C.OCW.,0.eVlV OTHf. MAOWUE. YjZJf " OOU'T VuMCTVOU RXCUT THtRE. . .. T-A MUST 6E SOMfW WRONC J . . , KVT 7 t ( PROfeTV TWt VAfsjC,TTiVlC J iT V . TOO TQVT 0. USxl y ' tvVl wNiSiM Vwfe y BRINGING UP BILL H(2 DIWH WILU FIPPLE MR. - r I by JACK FAftB MA-MA - HE. Puy A PlPPLE -"TT-IAT Good - what MADE. YOU THIMU I RAyEO A tinoiP w . Yes Yoo do - CAUSE POP SAID Voo'VrZ FLAYEP ' SECONO RPDLE Evec siwce Yoo GOT HAI2R.IEO ! '. t. -.'.