Thursday, March 11. 102C Page nv r jof KST I I Consider Public Domain Grazing Regulations ty, Worse Cm in. ,,.lor. ar I denounce ; ,f liiluulty j Lrw lhan !' 1,1, dltl'renri.. , pi causht. I , cme ( tun. I U th hu ,,d bli nil' rhl'f of pollm. irr no 11111" other city a. 4 lle. ijfrir uep:' tit they know ,),, law K ar thing, among; . i ;KMi' populu- IKS increased to. iff mil lr; Inrrr.sftl IS 6! i i profound Jl.inK'nraticin itic world ran ; canal of lh run. dleor-l rrlra." i I YOUNG RICH TO Convicts Mutiny ' GET LIFE TERM in Prison Camp Jury of Farmers Decide Young Battle Creek ! . Man Is Guilty - -. r fUwLIO LANDS COMMITTEE OP THE SENATE considers the Interior Dapartment propo sition of importance to the West. Left to right are: T. W. Marshall, cecretary, National Y7aaI r.rnwm1 A f lAeinf inn Renntcr Rnlnh r?ntrtrnn nf Arizona! Senator Tasker L. s.uon oi importance 10 me win. ..en 10 ngui are: r . w. iiiarsnau, secretary, n-uuuu Wool C rowers' Association; Senator Ralph Cameron, of Arizona; Senator Ta3ker L. OJdK tf Nevada; Oeorge B. Bowden, attorney for the committee; Vernon Metcalf, of Ibvuda, representing stock interest! of West; Senator Eobcrt N. Stanfield, of Oregon, 'naii-man cf public lands committee; Bi.a'or Key Pittman, of Nevada; Senator John 1. Kendrick. cf Wyoming; ra'r, f';f of irsnection division. General Land Office; William Spry, Comnrssioner Cc:al Lard Office; Fran'.. V. Mondc.ll, former Kcpublitaa floor leader of the Eou. ' EBATE IS UP TIME L Pe Owe) UNDER SHERIFFS ' big ewauna mill PURSUE BANDIT PREPA--D T0 ADD i (('imtinucil from Page One) Officers Coldtrail Colo Bandit, Cattle Rust ler and Bad Man " YOCTH BEATS ACE DAYTONA BEACH, Fla, March 10 (United News) Nine year-old Bobble Jones Wellington of Bouth Bond, Ind., defeated O. J. Parker. 82-year-old golfer from Lo Ang eles, In a nine bole golf match here. Tiiey were even until the last hole, which the youngster i won. 'critic appoint. rranltimy for, MONTKOHK. Coin . March 10 (Palled frees! Two deputies "I the sheriff force of Moatrosc country are "somewhere" In Dry Creek basin tonight where they went lo search for Kd Williams. alleged rattle rustler, tunflithtcr dry Democrat, .n,i a, mon " It nd light wine, Although the men lift hiT I'rl- day and have not o n heard from. j-WT)TUp IITWAPd little anlety U felt for fader Fher-1 KUiiEjK IVliJll iI O Iff U,iy Koaf ap. and Ih-puty riyie IITOV PII YSIl I M .. Ill H I 1 H KI M. 1 per day. and th.n year aspect to cut (JO. 000 feet of lumber dally. Muted In their new enulpmcent la the limtiilluilou of a uliotmm feet i carrloae with automntlc iiIrkt. new lleet tractor with hydraulic wheels and portable loader. The log pond la alao to be doubled III capacity. The liaielle mill la buying atump uae from private Individuals in the near vicinity of the mill ut the present time. urn Vlrclula tins f it ant to know ikatlng or not," r Murtcd. t drop In my ri indiKnanlly. ' icr tamt lola. IM. All Informs fly confidential. fUARY Kmmeraon, I Mr and Mrs. ( hlUiquln. Williams. They are as hamly witb rifles as the man for whom they are searching. Williams, convicted lal January of stealing rattle, was granted a I new trial, lie was released on I 1 1 GOO bond. It wss thought he had J disappeared until he turned up ; Thursday at the ranch of Klrhard i Kreal. There Williams Is alleged toi Man At Point of Death, Mut Wait Until Dr. Is Released by Thief THK DAI.I.KS. March 10. ifnlt ' ed Newal With a patient waiting I In a serious condition to be trans- t...,... mm Crass Valley to The WHAT HO! ROYAL STAMJSONFIRE Incendiarism or Short Cir cuit Endangers Prince's Prized Chargers LONDON, March 10. (United Newal -Klre In the stablea of the I'rliue of Wales- Devonshire farm in Prlncelown did considerable damage Tuesday, although all of 1 the prince's horses were saved. ; The fire was the tenth mysterl , oun blare on country estates of prominent Ilrltlshera within the last few weeks. Araonc several totally) destroyed were the historic man-l lelons of Sir I'bllip (irey-Kgerlon.! ! Karl firey. Lady Kenron. Lord Hill-1 ; ingdon. Kir Thomas (iooch and Mad- amo Saruh liranil. Modernising old houses with elec tric light ayslems Is believed re sponsible for the fires, although some fire lasurance underwriters believe Incunillarism was the cause ', In some instates. 'fontKlit, have oreclnlialed an argument with .. ., a ruicured appendix i the rancher over a horse belonging be removed. Hr TU.1IX KIM-! INDEPENDENT K C 1.. Poley'lo. ll'nited News) Mra.-J. WOMAN'. Ore.. March K. hjltal Wednesday rang". V., Ill IMUiU'-l - COUIU w ....... ----- . , rti.l'to him which had been on Kreel'a f ,.,.,, valley Sunday night was draves, SO,' is dead here today as A fight followed aim vtii-. ,,naped by a bandit at me puiiu a rcsuu w -. - a I ho youngest nm ' Kmu.rr.on la'""" ,M"M """ ,mo """""""' tny agent at thoi ,nm A TV The remain will, Us"! UN tlwi . born. Tallf. today, FOR GOV. U HtKfc nk-Towey. r of Mr. and Mrs roraitienl rancher ; Chlloquln (roi.llnue.1 from rage One) of a gun at the door or ;. t. Kontnera raciuc num. iKIeld'a Biiago nd forced to drive she was the mother of IMward I the hold-up man to a point several (Haves. Kan Francisco; Mark rmlciiendence; William the direction of The Dalle. (Haves. Salem: Hobert Oruvea, and i lieaplte Dr Polo's entreaties re-; Mrs. Delia Young. Portland, nndi !. hi. patient, the bandit.: Mrs. Sadie Zumwalt. Bakersflcld.. i, been aurprised In the act Calif. , .who n.iu - , On Sunday ho leaves ' of the garage, would not re-; - , , , ,,i u.11iiintii tinni nnu Id, died Tueaduy for Ashland. I lease mm uuui h,ilal and thai A.Mice-e loor. been renclieu, w..e. a. the Unkvlllel Delegate, from all ''" . nckl0, r under th. dlr- Men. were P . " ' ' . r . ' . T,,., .. .Ide.l over by Mr. lirass iiuir,. -- ,0c. , siueti " ' .... .... ..i..; nt !, ,.iiirreneo y y puffy and t:piona m.i. to notny poi"" - i ..... . i uiih aeneral favor hoff Goes'Affer . 'New World Marks March to. (fnlted!owlnR to tho fad that ho has rip- outlm were In Jail j r,nted this district In the ai i . . .... i ... .iw wsslons tti"lr arreael "" ., in for tnn i' 110.000 burglary I knnw tho needs of Oregon home was cleared "ve tha names of 's Kdger Hpencer, IK, and Helmet nie as the rwinlt of ie of part of the ..... n.nnnlsatlnna that vawn for ia""' e ..M .he member, of their craft "n : ;,n. nrRiinUatlons to X Ills I'l-u-r In ,..,,, nd a mutual Kan.. March i,)r"'K .",.,. i the Joint purtner- ew,)slrt,ley ciroen. ""' . .,,.veioplnR Industry." he n in conilnited. HIS I'KKT UTII who nus lies himself "lea Vlni form mount i"iall wheels, began year sentence at pnltenllary hero for larrlson act. Ho wa n Kranrlsco and l rushed hi. pall-lit over more ,..,. fifty miles of curving canyon rond. arriving shortly after midnight, when a successful operation was performed. rnr1 Settlement Work Well Along i futon. I1 nnrt-rt.AXD. March 10. (United th prlaon donra Newa)-or,.anlsatinn of eminty thai, . . n...m ItlllAfl In CO and settiemeni i" - operate with the state land settle ment program being conducted by tho chamber of commerce and state chamber of commerce, virluully has . . i.. .,A.inen nnrl been completed in -.i-.. southern Oregon and similar work The right 01 orgau - - bargain collectively In order to bring about better living condl "r in now rec- . . -nnnklnd." ald rigni - v innffer no .inl,rt . aouinern m--e "Oregon needs a Korernor who n(lnB ,olnpWrcl In eastern and ' - . .!.-. (f hts.1 ... nnnntlM ,regon ,,,, rr;.:;0.::.. admin. ed w .he aanie economy ana ffloirnoy ihnt ih w" " ,, i -.r-P-.n rounuen Klamath is among the counties having completed organisation. FIGHT (if AHANTKKt'. MIAMI Fla.. March 10.-(fnltd "ii one or tno mosi Ussnll Ciovernur, jiia.hi. r n.ier peddlers on the. PnC- . ' ,nuld. If ho were ,wll)Mianil ' ot D0 an0'" " " . , L.ufAaH OI i ......It... ,,,n.. .... - , E-nfii,-. . .lined ng . .. ..i.inir (.nmoa Kii, i time tiin.."-. ' With those ringing word, four en of Miami piea IT uivvi-it .-.onil ng l"B " ' , , .v rrom his ottice, cm- bnainraa men u. lard, in. (fnlted .peeche f,on , 10 nd- rt Wednesday lo guarantee tha , "-nau.,. Canadian ,,,-t .he Wn mM.. conl. ollt betw.n Gene Tunney a d 1'ami.lon. won ' de- mlnlBtrallin 01 .. o.-ihllng would bo held rrl - . ....I nnll pai w tuu..n I leans Hngiiero. Cuban I pens "miplnn, In a fast 12- Arenea Colon Wed- 1 "n" ;.-,iw . . : i.h. .chedmed. .IlleUm I II ML I 11117 . l1.t I n iu""" m .i.,rI WOrKillRn i" i lie uinsi.v l-hV'"r o ;"i.i, ered with and!pll, a. res, ..fMiMH ' ... nl I 111! IH'W n HT I'ltONT. March 10, (Ttnlled r 'roHt east of tho I '"ins and llghler froal mnnlnlns Is forocaat "'f nlficB fr Thura- AVs WITH HHII'. 'al., March 10. -Abandoned by her ccept cnpialn Dan irefiiynil lH .1 . 1. n. . ' urnt'ri lint. ,0,"r, lumber aehonn- "Hrniinrt on 'rocky -'orinln tonight. hampered ami corralled z ofB,ow pomlcn' prnselyl"". ovkk piiom.. ...miTON. March 10. WA8'" sXr ' Th IIMU' Telephone t)tcir le by can gel r" ' . ,nr a comblna- paylnlt rt rndlo receiving "0" ",,"P ""corillnK to information apparalii". npnrtment here, at the rommerM .py paiJlW.f.iuiono... eql u II Li 1a'JU'ilH " "X I" inoq nSw "0 n,"XaV 01 JO al to havo ..ill be atnged at mo " t llinlenh. -r... Miiaels" refused ,holr Identity make public. jilAIOXK WINS. .,fiiKn. Cal.. March u J l .lock Mulone of St joe Itoche. San he a teciinicui 10. Paul won over Francisco Italian, knockout In the iy . ..... r iwir 10-rotind bout ;L?e We night. Mnlone led X Tmlddt fight to save the coast middle weight champion from further pttn-Ishnient. i I I ... MAa. - - x . , II ATLANTA, Gav March 10 (United News) Eight white pri soners eacaped, on gujrd was shot and two others were badly beaten un Tueadav nlcht In a mutiny of MA HON.- Mich.. March 10. 'convict at the north aide prison (United Newa) A Jury of farm-: camp here. era here haa decided that the ultra-! The three guards were' returning , modern way of the college co-ed , the eight convict to camp in a hav not lowered her morality. j truck, when at a aigna.1, the guards i Even though .he admits that she were overpowered and tossed from occasionally alpa wine, roll her the machine. The convict fled to 'stocking, pet. and amokea cigareta.j safety. she is still entitled to chlvalric A large posse of officers and clti- i treatment by her male ecort. the tens immediately formed a aearch- Jury held. ing party, nrougnc diwiuhouum The verdict came late Wednesday the acene and aet out after the I In the form of a declalon finding escaped prisoners. 'Arthur C. Itlch, wealthy young Hat- tie Creek sportsman, guilty of a criminal assault on Mlsa Louise, I King, his companion In a golf (course peulng party laat May 25. Illch's attorneya had claimed that I the pretty co-ed's conduct and mode ! of dresa Invited hia advancea, but I the lurv of farmer, three of whom have daughtera of their own, threw the argument overboard. Out 29 Minute. The Jury deliberated only twen ty-five minutes. Immediately after it had renorted - Judge Cbarlea B. Collingwood sentenced Rich to a life term in prison, which la the penalty for criminal assault under the law of Michigan. Rich, whose father is a wealthy Michigan steel manufacturer, seem ed prepared for an adverse verdict, but be winced noticeably when the Judge imposed the full penalty. He tainted earlier In the day at the mere mention of Imprisonment by one of the prosecutors in his cloa i Ing argument. Miaa King. who. In addition to pushing -the proaecution of her tra ducer, baa sued him for f 100,000 damages, seemed pleased with the I verdict, despite the fact that It prob- ably will defeat her plan lo collect! any damages. Was Retrinl. The hearing here was a retrial, the first at Battle Creek several months ago, having ended In a dis agreement and dismissal of the I Jury. It stirred up so much senti j ment in Battle Creek, however, that the case bad to be brought to Mason on a change of venue. Probably more than any other case of Its kind In recent years, tho, trial of young Rich brought to the fore many of the problems of youth that are bidding for the attention; of educators and sociologists. Governor Croesbeck aent Assist ant Attorney General O. L. Smith here to bead the prosecution after the cose had attracted state wide attention through the prominence of the defendant and the nature of I the questions raised by the chargea. Will Appeal. : William Barnard, chief of the; defense counsel, indicated he would appeal. ' During hi closing arguments! Barnard delivored an attack on the, ways of modern girls. Rich badj every reason to auapect that Miss King woe. Immoral, he sold, because she wore flimsy clothes and yielded readily to the youth love-making. Barnard also cited Miss King's admission that she- occasionally sip ped wine and smoked cigaret as evidence of her "alleged impurity." Misa King. Rich and another con- pie had gone for an automobile ride! on the night of the, attack. When Miss King was returned to her dor mitory at the Battle Creek college her face was badly bruised and her Jaw had been fractured. Os the witness stand ahe testified that Rich struck her In the face with his fists. Rich's defense was that she became Intoxicated and fell down. Southwell Stationery Co. EVEnTYTHIXa FOR TUB OKf'ICB B INSTALL BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS IS6M Mala St. Pbono 002 Vaudeville Bonanza Town Hall Friday, March 12th. 8 p. m. Basketball County Championship CHILOQUIN VS. KLAMATH CARDINALS HENLEY COMMVXITY HALL Admission 30c and 28c. Do You KNOW That 58 houses were built in Buena Vista addi tion' tfuririg theyear) of 1925,' and that most oE them fire places of residence with a classifi cation of moderate, stable, well erected, for family homes occupied by the owners? Do you know how many homes are in the pro cess of erection now in Buena Vista addition? Drive out, or let one of our men drive you through, and count the progress being made by people who have purchased lots in Buena Vista addition. Phone 1. Open Evenings. The KlamathDevelopmentCo. Pine Tree Theatre Building CROWD HEARS CANDIDATE. ' The largest parent-teacher meet-; Ing of the year was held in Med- ford Monday night when Charles A. Howard, candldato for state super-1 Intendent of public instruction, spoke on "Home and School Rela tions." Howard Is superintendent of the Marshfield city schools, and Is well known In this section of the .tiA lin vm formerly nrinclnal of the Eugene high school and was; a teacher In Klamath county high school several years ago. As unsatisfied with hi achieve ments as Alexander the Great, Charles Hoff, world's champion pole vaultrr and all-around Nor wegian athlete, Is in training at Georgetown University, Wash ington, D. C. to smash some more records. Photo shows hits In S broad Iuom p - Easter la April 4lh. suit now for Easter lnteat fashiona from "Men's Togs." Order your and get the N. B. Drew. Mll-K. MORE JOIN HTIHKK. PASSAIC. N. J.. March 10. (fnlted News) four hundrod workers of the United Piece Dye u-rb. nt Ijidl. on finishing their work Tuesday Joined the picket! line of the striking textile workers. ; who were holding a demonstration before the mill. More of the 6000 fnlted Work ers will be "converted" over night, according to strike leaders. Hereto fore, worker in thla factory have not participated in the strike. OPENING of New Wall Paper and Paint Store jstinctive Wall Paper SATURDAY March 13th F. R. OLDS 9th and Klamath. Phone 43. iir i