0 and The Klamath' ews Morning Except Monday) i s F MAIU. IN GLEE AS SUIT DROPS I! . lnikd Ncws i United Press Telegraph Services ' ComicS j Kl.A 1 ATII tUltn r,. c. "SSE: : mi.un, UiUi., JSUiSUAY. FEBRUARY 28. 192fl SECTION TWO Automobile and Comics Mir Rambcau Gets Out of Co-respondent Trouble In Divorce Action I irilT HITrnrnT . i riUlli N t to nnT , JI Vr. lA MJUlliF HIIRRYlCIark Estate Pays , Americans Flnafly iT HfillTC U C i i: JLtJH,.?,,e rt ii1H5.J2E.fJ TaxoWOO.000 Win Tenms Doubles ni HiiiiL iitrti ..Su ssMBft , ii pa mm rtiit.i on'' lrtuw ,11 1. 4ii u" f.Mt kid bo gf lCtl0 cle lm- ilurncy brriod ,rratrd , soman ile th; rune Jul lid t tUtM j lie tb If to bt, at ountca ami fUtrani It. Ikr 4 ciih ' i M ! - lent X Sn aire r reach- that lis (ntl- Be fraud tied hi. lii amun- Mad the j DKNVKR, Feb. S?. (United j News I Opponent of the prohilil- j J "on law, acknowledged by dry- Af't'f a routitn i,f (!v tin,,,..!,...' eat aertion of the nBtt, as n NKW YOttK. K-li, ST - I'mieJ "t ilalln hi. lungs to tli!un favorites over their opnonenta, NVwal Hio Manton divorce ise "''; of atmosphere. KU Hmrkcy " Jubilant oyer the outcome of nmt to h a Itr ronrtulia fur ' '"'"X ix-'Ur So bis workouts t!l newspaper referendum carried ixrynnu except Marjorle Itatnlu uu '"r Ta",ll,f ntkht'a ten-round alter-; "B by the Denver 1'ojt. Friday night, when It wee aniiuunr. """ "h loin. Hut star ' The Hocky Mountain region, hith- i.l th! William Kevlt Manton hd y M s '" t!, "ilt' unal ; i-rtii runliiurcd an Impregnable .... " ,h 1''DlH lronhold of tb V(,!t.ad forces. "la co take thl for lite book," ' twin to hT been captured by the !! 8:ark,.y on Katunlay. "if liot-jweta. Nearly 20,040 perron have on l. an ,,.a t,t he a (njac to) declared them'selvia opponed to the .,ue ana irauo punrbsa I II . eighteenth amendment. Only 20,- 7a6 were In fa.vor at It Vnr vinos HELENA, Moat,, Feb, 11 Uatt-l ,ed Sew,3c, A Jlasmaisen, eo!- SEVENTH REG1MEKT ARafORT, leetor of interna! revenue for Mon-,Ke,r yrk- Feb- IT (Coite4 Neira) liieB rcolirlled With lit wife, hii Imd ailed him for dlturta and named the ailrn.a na ro-reiond-nt. , Tha reconrtllatlnn oa reached u. I aa tha Jury launrhi d Ititu lt , i . tilth hour of d'lilTiit!iin of Ihe i u. it had aloud lo 4 for the ' ilifeiidant, which meant K to 4 to rtonerata Marjorle f Ihe aenaa tlunat rbaricea brnuaht Bftaln.t her in tha iMilmony during Ihe trial. With sew of the roeimriliaiiun, the Jury wae diamhuvd ahurtly after! " ii'doik without harlna: be-u re. i.ulred to reach a tterl.lnn Marjorln KamtHu heard anal, aha dearrlbed "the bel newa I ever' heard In my life." when Mr. and Mr, William Kerlt Manttm ki-il and siade up In aupreine court early I KrliUy niaht. endln Ihe divorce a,ull of Mr. .Mabel Manlun in which the aetreaa had een named aa co defendant. Hhe thin went on ihe utaite In the t.lay In which he I. the leadlnit lady and a ari.clni hy unuxually rnthuftiaatir aptiiaitMe from Ihe audience when ahe aitpeared. Aa I ha jury i dimfed after! debatlnc for aeveo hnura Mariorie and her Jubilant friend of lltoad way hailed the outcome aa a vindi cation of the popular atar. Mra. ; Manton had rharited and wltneaaea had teatlflcd that Mlaa iiamlxau and Manton hud been found In the latler'a auite In an early mornlnK raid. Ihe former covered only by bed clolhea. SHASTA VIEW S i ? and beera there were 83,335 votea oppoaed by I8,9S. "The reautts of our referendum how that the eighteenth amend ment never vllt make the people either law-abiding or temperate," declared . Q. Iluotila, publisher of the Denver Poat. Eritih Captain Who Wed Fair Constance Says He I Luckiest SAN KATEO, Calif.. Feb. I?. tana, aa handed ail sad sail mil lion dollars here thte morning urn a preliminary payment of the fed eral inheritance tax on the eatate left by the lata W. A. Clark, rain ing magnate and one tints Waited States senator from Montana. The payment was made by J. C. Phillint iLnnca rreeej amors a very . oI jsaUc euaUor ioT ,he Ciar3t jB. mail audience. Including ehlefiyj tereau is Montana. ; -lne goTcrnmeat aa not eons- atanee Talmadge, winsome screen; pt,ted , (!aal appraJsa, of the CJk comedienne, and Alastair William i estate ta lia, tbe f;nal taI gcttie. Mackintosh, former British fnjy 1 ment cannot bs made for some time, captain, were married here this aft-; trnuoo. 1 tell Britisher explained it. "Vm the The wedding took place at the i Sackiest raaa aiive." horns of Jsaa de Bt. Cyr. one of Eanl atir.tosft said he Bad "oo occa- Maten1. hnw nlim tneall far! PaOB, When the Couple Secared S back within the grounds of an ea- carriage license at Redwood City. tate covering three blocks. V Guards natroiied outside the high ' walls. - Daring the ceremony fit. i The United States took the lead is the International tea is match Friday when William T. Tildes, ii, and Vincent Richards defeated Ran Lacoste fid jacaec Brssasa of France in five-set doublet match. ( ever played. The seerss ws i-t, 141, s-i, M. : ; The result leaves the standing two matches to one in favor sf th i t'dited Btatea, with two singiaa matches to be played Saturday after noon. Francs mast aria both of them to score a victory Is tbs first Indoor tennis mateae of their kind ' If yoa know of as; sum Ttobv. tisss, call phone 184, Ait inform. ' tion will be strictly confidential. . ; entertainment, are speculating on how ably lioss will handle Crlm. iCyr'a chauffeur wielded a monkey Sunday afternoon two hours will wrench and pruning shears at the be givea over to last practice ap-f front entrance, intent on keeping pearanres. .At 2:30 Dotson, Crlm s newspaper reporters and curious ; and IJaw wilt show their stuff, and I townsfolk outside, an hour later Btarkey, Rons and j judge Elliott McAllister official-' Fleming" wlli take possession of thejecj at the ceremony. Constance was ; ring and after their work Is done J attended by her actress sister, Noj- Scandla hail wilt be cleared of box- ma, while Mackiatoch had William ' era until the gong sounds Tuesday j Hhinelander Stewart, Jr., a close, niKht. i friend, at his side. i Hecauae of the large crowd ofj 0thtr, who wi(Bessed the Bf!B.l st-ectators attending the workouts.. were Mr8 Taimadge, Joseph the boxing commissioners have de-j gchenck. Norma's husband; Xataiiej cioeo to erect a fibr ib tune tor Sunday's practice, and furnish plen ty of seats tor which a nominal charge of 1 cents per chair will be made. "A sell out," was the terse re port at Scandla hail Saturday when the subjecet of "gate" probabilities was brought up, and judging by the interest among the fans the esti mate is likeley to be correcet. Taintadge Keaton aad her husband,! Blister Keaton. Following the ceremony the coti- pie sped away for Del Monte, on a! brief honeymoon, and will then! proceed to Hollywood. Miss Talmadge and Mackintosh; have been acquainted for four years. ! "Persistence" was the way hei woa the actress consent to wed,' the 1 6-VoIt $15.50 Wood or Rubber Superior Performance from a storage battery comes from knowing: haw to build quality aad long life into every part o a bat tery. . Today Prest-O-Lite prices are the surprise of the in dustry. Their value is unmistakable. New Low Prices on the Famous COLUMBIA d 1 as s A A Volt Storage Batteries Imprerial Garage Phone 130 "The Garage That Never Closes," Third aad Mala ht start-1 A baby boy waa born to Mr. and er had Mrs. Dli k Stevenson of Mulln last i nd en- Wednesday. i;nr fca l Mr. Cox. who hui been working rented near Malln on the Irrigation canal, Miairatedjliaa coropletod the drilling for the 'wit lin-1 blasting and has movod his tractor if .f his. m olher jobs. f a ftn. The acalnit tfri went ", hut at dix iiv- ered that Carroll had made the moat of his opportunity and fled. What went on within the grand Jury room, Burkner and hia aides declined to d inclose. KM Ktarke), pride of Ctilco, who ntrrva finally llenny !itaii Tuewlay nlrht. v r put In with him. I'm alwaya will ing to oblige a boxer who likes that kind of going." Starkey appears to be In fine condition. He should loso a couple of pounds before Tuesday night, and that reduction should put him right on edge. At While Heat. , Interest in Ihe itoas-Crim slx ronnd seml-wimlup Is steaming up to the boiling point. The customers who saw the fu'!us battle between ! Boss and Frankio lioyle at the last A STAR ours and Sixes Womor void's Car Today nloaded a carload. They are going fast, in and look them over. ;ix pulls Fifth and Fourth street in high Hh ease. Touring delivered at your door $862.00. maker Motor Co. "Service Worth While" 1040 . Eighth and Klamath SIM MOTOR mm w x at 'r i .j i' a 'i kinr i r - -, w t.: t- i aw. 11 r aav. - TO5 P.O. 8. FACTOR The New WILLYS FINANCE PLAN Extended Lime pay ments al the lowest cost in the industry. The Northwea is turning to the Overland grayity-iial-aaced Six. The motor performance of this car Is amaiiog. It outperforms any other ix near It price or size class, la speed, climbing, acceleration. The low swung, gravity-balanced motor deliver it fall horsepower in a straight line direct to tbe rear axle-greater real, usable power per pound of weight than is found in any other light six. The gravity-balanced body keeps the car weigbt close to the ground remarkable stability oa winding mountain roads unfailing power oa steep, rocky grades unmatched getaway in traffic. In appearance, this remarkable car looks $500 mora than its price in riding ease, the long springs and the low swung body dampen road shocks and give it comfort that makes all trips a source of real enjoyment. See it-ride in it-learn what it will really do. f. Overland-Knight Sales Co. Phone 899 4th and Klamath