TV? Fight LOCALS f H.-r. from M'trlll J. n. J 'ui of Mt-rrllt. is iinoliK th cut ii tun visitors to spinj in the city. Merrill Vi-iuw K. U . Pyr i't Morrill, nit- liu-lu.iod iu the out of town bu5lr.o visitor in Klamath Kalis Jurius tlu- past fow we. k.. In on lliisim-xi Mrs. II. K. Mar liorh ot the Kenj Jistriil whtve t!ii Murdoch ranch is located. spoilt yrater.lay in the city visions it"i friends and tranai-ttrir. husinc. I'luc :rove Viilr Mrs. li. J. Hllyard of Tine Crove. is a shopper and business visitor in Klama'.ri Kails this week-end. San Uike Wkw ' J Cull.nan i a visitor in the court lioue ye.fer!.ty t.i tranvict busl noli affa.r from hi hi-rn. in the Swan '-ie louiury. Vilrill ilni- Mrs. It K Prown of the Merrill road, aiv.nn p.mie.1 t.y !-cr JaUfhter Mm. P II K.iylor if tl'e Merrill road, sp.-it Saturday vis.t ill In Klamath Kal'-i with her many friends. In lfm M.-rt ill Mi" T'.iirra .Xnders.-a and Miss. Helen Ander son ere trt-tiirs In trio c:t over (he week end from their home in Merri!. They viite.l .tti tlir!r t.ranilp.ire:ii. M" and Vrs Thomas, fur a time. . At Court Iloun' Among the re cnt visitors !n the court house to obtain licenses for automobiles was Bernard Wills of Alfoma. On IluiJuev Jens Edwards of Modoc Point, was a business visi tor in Klamath Falls yesterday for' a time to visit with friends and to transact business affairs. In Sat unlay For the first timo In several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Ceorre Stevenson and daushter Teeny have been able to reach Klamath Falls by car from their ranch home on Caledonia Marsh. The roads are Just passable, accord ion Mr. and Mm. Stevenson who spent yesterday in the city. K.siurns fnim K-saM H. J- Jl-1-ard of Pine Krcve. recently re turned from a to months' visit to his f rnier home In Kansas City. Kansas. Hilyard also spent some time visiting in ether middle wet em states w ith former acquai iMtir ps and members of his family. I'i-turn frvm S..111I1 After an ex tended visit iu southern California and San Francis,,!. Mr. and Mrs K It Hall have returne, to Klam ath Falls. Ha l has made frequent trips south sinie the holidays which Mr. and Vrs. Hall spent In I-os Angeles with friends. Kl.uu l'ir v-oui toe visitors m tl.e ..nut house vestcr day a K.t Ivhn or fine Ki!.:e IW Vall.'V lUti.ti.r In F'attci r'rrurr. ran. her of the foe .Vmirv. sum! .--'. i.t' t: i 'e , :t traasai-rtli' s Merrill Isiti'i livorae t'l'ieM of Merrill, is in. laded :t ..ill of town visitors in KlauiJt'.l '''.-' this week. From lj.l.11.1 s:n;els and ''' itlrsa viMlors in l!.ir:-.,lrl F.i!'s . trrJay from out o.' ion in. l.ide Mr. and Mrs ..: t'anif!--:! of l.orella. SIii.hiij S.itnnl.i M s .1 ,'iti Jones of la!rv. fh ! r dauthte' Lucille and M ss M i.iel I! .to", spent S.itur,t.iv in M.imi.iiIi KalN visitins'l fnelol.- and sil'i' r.eluin. from s..ulh Vf er v's t Ing f.-r several weeks In s-'uiher i Cal. forma. S.n Frjt.isco and bav citi.yl. Mrs. Ada I'.nsons has re turned to lier home in the Itonanra ounirv She arrive, I in K'.imath the ni .l.ile of the week. NalMl'lat hll'iilll M' Mai1 Wllllama of the Mt l.s distil. I. , t. In. In led In lit. ore. of -bop- , .. is and Vl.lton In hl'-'iatll 'all this week. uliinj fi..Ml III.' p-,ohltirai rviauiain Ken.. iith.r V"d . , ... a'ld Miss Mil ..-li 4 hi'.'' well In .on yonng ladle, of the Keu.i il s'M, t iiet yosti-:.'. .. 1 ut'i Fall visiting 'li f' 1 shopp'ng Klatll I. and Wall, is K.J:. laud V urdlng to deeds III. d In Ih. . . , 1. clerk's olfi.e v-.ti.rdav Merle F Waller, of We.'.l h is s.ild to I.I sd I. laiw lot :. of bloek .1") :n H Springs a.M'.i on for a ...n.i.l-ailon 'f jt'.oo. ' Ix-avinc for AshUnd Mrs. Ber tha Bell, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Driscoll for several weeka. in leaving this morn ing for Ashland, where she will spend several days ' visiting w-ith her many frie&da and relatives be fore returning- to her home in Bly. Returns from Tmpic Charles Badenfield. prominent old Klam ath pioneer, has returned to Klam ath Falls, arriving this week from the tropics. Badenfield has been absent for the past year and has included in his travels Mexico. Cuba, the Panama Canal lone and other southern countries. His many frienda welcome his return to the city. Itiiitiliug IVrtiiils The foil in K bu.l.r.n.: permits were issued from the office if I.. I., (iaghagen. c!t .lerk vested lav. swelling ttie Febru ary total n in.s;S: Jack Uruih . n. tiu addition: A. J. He. k. f .l'.o" home i'tt I.iucoln street: P.ot.ert Frv. renr. in addition: V. K tFXell. $101111 b-into on Portland street. IleturtiitiK to As-hlnm! M'as Marv Walker Is returning to Ashland where she will make her home. Ac cording to present plans Min Walker will remain In the city dur ing the coining week, leaving Sal urday for the valley city where he. parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Walk er. reside For the past few weeks she has bi-cn viitlng with Mr and Mrs. Orb Campbell. Mr. nnd Mrs James tlr.mes and Mr. and Mrs t). I. Brown ln-l-ap Iu IVIaii- I'errv O Pe l.. -,i his sold to C It I'etJI' a sec-1 lion of land 111 Hat .Sp.-higa add!- -t on. ac -online l deed, on file In ' the count rlerka office veaterdav. A r nslderatlon of IX' 0 a n .1 nit-.l M.irrlne I ln-n A marriage li cense a tsaued from I'.mniv Clerk pel.ap's offlie Fri.tsv to Arthur : l.undiiuist, lalnirer. and Craee Shep-, ard. Iiousi keeper. Both gave their addresses an Klamath Falls Merrill Ultor Mrs V F Jin-, rirtte of Merrill, ac.ompan.ed bv her daughter Miss Fave J nnette. Is Included In the vi.lur. shop ping In the rlty vesterdav MKIF.S PHIIIIT Nut nl.liled JACK FROST SLSSSSSS"1) '1 fcr' I' 1 ' i!? in isui Si.ahsssaWjej-wy tret jas .vjnjJ7js"-- WaiaBBaaiaaM t J a M Mr. Workin The opportunity to make money is here NOW. The well planned BUENA VISTA Sub-division is now be mjr of fered for public sale Its location is ideal for IN VESTING. Situated right in the path of the city's expan sion. Values here will rise rapidly. Phone today tor appointment between I 2 and 3 p. m. Open evenings on week days A Real Chance To Make Money The Klamath Development Co. Located in the Pine Tree theater building $100.00 LOTS SIO Down. ?.j a Month. $400.00 LOTS $40 Down. 10 a Month. Ihe Klamath Dov(.I)mcnt Company is a .dial,!,, com pany of long stand injr in the community. Its ,,,,, v u placed at a price which' en ables you to make a profit when you sell. 1 Phone I Snatched io Safety After Facing Death 10 Days in Ocean Storm .a, Caker ,u i.-sl.litt aM.I latl.nrr of I He l'i -. (11. at in the iln I ' .'.! ila nh Ins ilauahlrr an. I ' ln Mi a nil Mrs, Jamii 1"'- "" . f i : it ' l i Tlirse ilort farril ilr.lh fur Irn ilan In nne n iar.l rmtlh Atlaiilx stimii trt mini trr Ttiry are in tttin nnw. rrriturrihg Ir.'llt lltrir liarmwltitf rstrrlrn-r. Isrfurr .11.1 aflrr ffHimtrrittg nf t iti.l. utiiniui I jri alaikar " t..t (I in r) n l.l vrllt n. I'lat) ..rirr V. Mi itun, ( Ur.lllr Hi. Iisr.l. K,iiiuJ III. I't. I U ,'t.f II Manlrt king. I. lis Jrn-iui. 4. obi , I Ik. . UHJ tfc w 1'lin it.) r IlKlb At The Women's There Are New Si COATS and FRO ft For Every Type and l In New Spring Coats As to coats for the Spring Season Faihia ticmaniic'il that the separate coat fall tot. frock's hem. In utility coats as well asthos of a mure i!nKsy character is this tendew ii'iliciil. . Vou'll find your ideal in a Spring Cot :.min the various models of rich .nil wooi fabrics, lustrosa eponge, pi)i1s mixtum ar.d plait!.; that we are offering. Frocks For Soring It s a season for I "rooks. And here are models sure M most fastidious tastes. There are models of P""" ciepc, soft satin, taffeta and peorKette in slim straign 'is and youthful flares. And the beautiful new shad cenainiy suit your taste. Dressy Nc w Fabrics You'll See at M 4v'-' Thi sl" iK there arc so many lovely -0 :0 I to choose from-in the ff,..; -f UK'' are liayolene, Flannel Hay, Pa? f 'V I Ull , ,s 'ii't'-'ta, f at uepe, i u'' ,nt I' .It. CI,;,,,. !...:...' i iri. ,,-A. nnd It1"10! (.eoi'KeUes. Choose the design .tor j mt w frock and ask for su1'0"3 a material. i .SHOP IN FASHION 1.ANI5 Truth in Advcrtiinl;