The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, February 28, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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( Oui
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Y-T "JJBp: "unuay, reDi-uarv ZH. li)2t
kTES For Sato Raal Ettete Cont'd
Kit Hal iir Kent gnn, run.h
1 imitation, an
n. r.. -ii.i
u 14, nnnn. ccwu. nay, griln. (arni
lllipiuie.l. IH.UII Inula. ri an.
urv. barn. J. II Knuglii
ll.manM, Or.
Ir Splendid I'M n W anal mid awmif
i Ml firrl from east Main. Price
"' i 1 ''' nil 0I Lincoln or
iiIiudr m.
Spli'tnllil corner lot wlih unlhil.h
, imI linua In Dlim addition, facing-
town, i'rlc luio. cn a
Lincoln or pluina & .1 a .
Un tUl-Uta lllll. modern thr. room
i all buna. Id good locution. Prlrs
12.1160. Colt 0l Uncoln St.
- Pima 534 11.
Too flv acr trjita on hluhwav
'a",K.r.'"l.l,i'. Kl-
Price 1 . 2 r. u rach
per cr. I'ndir lrrli.
lion and cultivation, till tot'
I.liiroln. I'hon 636-M.
Mm (lire room lurnl-lirj h"ui
Lara lot In Mills addition, prim
I1.4U0. a Wo lot In good location
In MIIU additluu Willi well liulll
on room hou 1214. fur 11,600
nun. mil vol Lincoln or pliun
Two modern liouin. on four room
uml un fir room, ch on a
quarter irn of Und In Altanmnl
acreage, riot In. Trie for the
J five room IISiD and for ihi
four roirm l:.U0. some iirint.
(all 901 Lincoln. I'hon 034 M.
Eleven room completely furnished
strictly modern lirlrk boom. Alio
four room furnlnhrd Apt. with
arCi-. un onn of tlm liaat clcne
Id rormra. paring almuat paid
up. I'rlc ft'.UOO nn tnrma. .
Call S01 Lincoln. I'bon 530 M.
Naw bom with fir room modern ;
i downilatra and tb aim all:
! upatalra. modern In ry way,'
' Inrg baenment, with furnac.
A lovely borne with $50 inrom
no upatalr Apt. I'rlc JS 000.
i Call at 01 Lincoln. I'bon
; . ,
Two of th few food loll left In
good location. I'rlc 11.000
! each, on tvrmi. Call at 101 Llo-i
r;n cuid ni. I'nona 9-m.
i per Four two-room bona on good cor-.
Itc: ner, on parement, bringing an
income oi lis pr moom. rrice .
1 13.600. on termi. Call at SOI,
Lincoln. Pbon ESI-.M.
Thirty-four acre of choice land.!
all In cultivation and under Irrl
gallon: ha four room bungalow,
span of horses, hay. In tact all
that Is on th plac goes with
It, Including weed potatoes. This
place la especially good potato
land and 1 located ten milea from
Klamath Fall, bordering on
l.u.l Itlver. I'rlc 15.750 A
soldier' loan mar assured
on this nrooorly. ('all 901 Lin -
rain or Phono 530-M.
Pacific Coast
nuiiiiiiy, rrorunrj- j
Kllti, 3S1 meters. tJiiKiunu u
m.. Trinity Kplsropal chtin-b:
.10 p. nr. KC1 Little Symphony:
45 p. m Trinity Kplhcopnl church
10 n m.
Oakland -
50S meiers,
337 meters. Hollywood
s' p m.. First Presbyterian
12:45 p. m.. program: 2
p. in., music; 9 p. m., program.
KIIJ, 405.2 meiers, Los Angeles
10 a. in, KIIJ studio sermon;
10:30 a. m.. First Methodist Epis
copal church; 4 p. m.. Masonic ser
vice; 7 p. m., First
church: 8 p. m music.
KFI, 467 meters, Los Angeles
10 a. in . religious serices; 4 p. m.
vesper service; 6:45 p. m weather;
7 p. in., string orchestra; 7:30 p
m musical trio; 8 p. m.. organ re
cllul; 9 p m.. dance orchestra.
Mniiiln), .Miirrli I
KI'O. 42S.3 meters. Sail Frnn-
cisco -Csiial feuliiies; 1 p. m., Sol
ger's orchestra; 2:30. 5:15 p. in..
progrnms; 11:40, 7 p. m.. orchestras;
8 p. in., organ recital: 9 p. m., re-,
bionilciisl from KFI; 10 p. m., dancoj
music. i
KCt). .161 meters, Oakland lis-,
mil features; :i p. ni.. classical'
music: 6:110 p. m., children's stor-.
Legal Notices
.NOTICE OF Al ' ''" l,ll)S
Sealed proposals fur the purchase
of a standard rnaii grimei "
scarifier for the city of hlamath
Fnills. Oregon, will le received at
the, offleo of the Poll''" '" "
the 15th day of March, 1920. at
(ho hour of 8:00 o'clock P. a
the city hull in Hie city of Klamath
Fulls, Klnmuth Cunnty, Oregon
The city Is desirous of purchas
ing a combined mad
scarifier, an in ninlnln d" f"J
dragging material lo ,,,,n .u'" win!
the street or road. K",'r.
trnclor and crawler or track-la ln
nttnchiiieiit on tractor.
F28-M11 inc. ' .PoMoo
PORTLAND. Keh. ;--(L"''?
Pre)8trlklng Alan l.nrsei. Willi
a eompany ft.'livcry irnrk cost the
-Real Estate (Con't)"
tn,.nA,A ... .
n Minn . .i.ii.i..
; location. l,U new ' 2, J
.-no. , Price ,,'J
I'Buo 63C-M.
0l l.lncy,a.
l."t 14 I) on Commercial ..reel. rai.
J"-' . Kl.m.lh Full.. Vrll,
fb rush or terms. Ull iui
Lincoln hi. Phon B20-M.
Two of the best strlr-tly tnodrn
rick linmaa of nln room- run .
In bt orolluos. Prices llo.Cuu
nil 115. uuu respectively, till
POIl HALB t.ots In ill parts of ih.
cll 'or 10 per rant down tod 24
"I""! Payments on unnald hi.... :
Call 0l Lincoln or pbou u H
Two .ood lots , Harrow AddUm,
cn on trm or,
124 cnali. Call ul Lincoln
btroet or I'hon 539 M.
; New Ihrca room plaatrd mcxlfrn
houa with (araitr on corner lot.
Tic, 11.7110. 1310 down und ,
130. 00 and Intermit moollily pay
mnla. Call 0l Lincoln Thone
Flrat rlaaa arrtuue with paid up
walrr right, about leren mlln
from el'., from 1125 to 1 1 o
Vr ncm, nil In ctiltlvatlon. Call
'Jill Lincoln. I'uon 538-M.
FOIt RALK Only a few cood lotr
left In Mill Addition; prlc ?60
rarh. I'bon 630 M or call Sol . . '
Low Interest. Ion term farm loam
126 Bo. Ttb 'it.
Heal Knale. Farm Loani
W HAVE SO MIC REAL bargain!.
In both city and farm property, I
opportunities to trad or x-l
Inturince Jcftersou. I'hone 935.
12 So. 7th St.
Real Eatat. Farm Loans iWnnt to rent aevon or eight room
Oltf I house. Kurnlahed or unfurnlah
1 ed. Must be close In. References.
IF YOU WANT to Mil your farm
or obtain a low Intereat rata,
long term loan on same. Be
129 Bo. 7th 81.
Real Estate. Farm Loans
House and lorge lot In Fores'
Orore. For sale cheap or will
trade for Klamath county pro
perly. 901 Lincoln. Phone
i Nln rity lots In Orland: price 2000
, for all
Ill trade or sell. Call 901
Lincoln. I'hon 530-M.
Radio Programs
. Ics; C p. m.. comiTt; 8 p.
I KLX. 6ns meters. Oaklnnd i p.
i m.. chllilien s hour: :3U p. m..
' dance orchestra;. 8
p. m., pro-
! KNX. .137 meiers, Hollywood
' I'smil features; 7 p. m., mirth con
test, stories: 7:30, S. 9 p. m., pro
arums; 10 p.
: ,., Cocounut
.. orchestra: 11 p.
drove orchestra.
meiers, iiKt.-ies
1 2 m I'lKKty Wlggly Rlrls: 8 p.
m., frost report.
KFI, 467 meiers. Los Angeles
Usual features: 6:30 p. ni.. dnnce
, ms,.; 7 p. m
southern songs; 8.
9. 10 p". m.. musical progrnms.
KFOA, 454.3 meters. Seattle
Usual features; 10 a. m.. 12:30 p.
m., programs;' S. 4 p. ra.. programs
Tor women: 7. S:30 p. ni.. sludio
Fresh Mudlo Pattcrics, Tubes,
and Aerial Materials. Free Radio
Programs and Log Sheets.
Earl Shepherd, 507 Main.
today when that sum as damages!
was awarded by a Jury 10 me
lt was Ihe largest personnl dam-
ago verdict in Ihe history of local j
courts and was brought out nflorj
brief deliberation. I
1, Jnirn !
Young Larson was ninu
by a company truck while riding
Ills motor cycle.
He was not in
court, and according to iesi. ....... , .
will be an invalid for life.
'EW Allt liAMHXO.
PORTLAND, reb. 27.-( I'nlled
News) The port of Portland will
to-opernlo wilh the army air service,
the post office department and tho
forest service In establishing a
Inndlng field on Hwn Island. If It
Is possible lo do so without conflict
with the plans of Ihe future to de
velop n free port ono on tho Isl
d. Harry L. Hudson, traffic man
ager of Ihe port.' told the Portland
really board at Its noon luncheon today.
r- fr.Acl on this Form a wor1 in each space. Mail or bring to Klamath News of
fice ONE CENT IN COIN OR STAMPS FOR EACH WORD-if ycfu want two insertions,
double the amount One Cent for Each Time the Word Is to Appear. The News will do the
rest It has paid others, it should pay you
Write in This Space "r" IS W0RD FREE -r Wanted, For Sale, Exchange,
The Kind of Ad. ij-"- J Lo8t. Found, For Rent, For Sale
r-iM. Reai Estate, Etc.
2 3 4 " I 5
6 7 8 9 10
" 12 13 il 7 :
,6 17 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 l27 1 28 1 29 30
MAN WANTED (City or country)
old eatabllahed company will aup
ply capital and Mart you In your
own permanent buftlnenn Belling;
nereialtlr people must buy every
day. Kiperlence unnereasary.
Writo McConnon t Co., Factory
ino Winona. Minn. S20
Women Work home. Make $5.
nix hours work. Dignified. No
eelliUK. ConHoJidated Card " Co.
' 128 No.. WellH St. Dept. 12S1,
Chicago. '
Rwiirable gentleman roomer.
I'hone 752-W.
A home for high school boy. room
and board. Phone Lenlie Rogers,
First National Hank or 265.
i A Lincoln Toadster for city pro
i perty. Write J. H. Box 1113.
1 Klamath Falls, Ore. '
TT' P TV "l Will
i (j III V. 01 MM J Will
; Try American Game
Vancouver, d. c. Feb. 27.
I (l imed News I By a referendum
voto University of British Columbia
students decided Friday to give
American football a tryout for one
The game was advocated to pro
vide Intercollegiate competition now
lacking owing to the great dis
tance to the nearest Canadian col
leges, the closest belns In Alberta.
The American schools in the
Puget Sound district, however, nro
only a day's run by tra!n or boat.
V. R. C, r.lll enjoy the (lltlim'.ion
. of being the only 11:1.1s.. nnlvcraiiy,. ,f Qf any
playing the Aac-kaa b.t.:o of fool-.ti 5g4 An lnfoTIlia.
. nn(
eene. Ore.. Feu. tsncciall
' ..... . i-,nrn,.,h Valu
a sophomore majoring 1n English,
has been named on one of the main
junior week-end committees which
will prepare for that spring event.
The committee on which Miss
Ulrlch is acting is composed of
representatives of each living or-
ganlzation on the campus who are
j responsible for the parts their res
pective bodies will play In Junior
week-end. Miss Ulrlch represents
! the PI Beta Phi sorority.
SAN QUENTLN. Cnl., Feb. 27.
(United Press) Robert Scott. Sun
Quentin prisoner, lute today was re-
rmoAy Ilerei only to
tHrned OV(,r ,0 Illinois nuthorl-
t,e8 , .
Sc()(t wM 1)0 retrned to Chicago,
where ho Is wanted to answer a
charge of murdering Joseph Maurcr,
J..... .l-.l. !
uiiik h
Tho prisoner was "paroled" to the
Illinois officers.. If he Is hot found
guilty there he will be roturned
here to complete nn eight-i-enr term
for robbery. ,
FRANKLIN, Pa., Fori. 27.
(United Press) Flood conditions
at Franklin and Oil City are grad
ually disappearing.
The Allegheny river tonight Is
receding at the rate of th'eo
tenths of a font each hour and rk
residential blocks of Frnnklin and
the greater part of the business sec
tion of Oil City are slowly emerg
ing from the lake of water.' which
ill Borne cases bad washed into the
FOR SALE Automobilei
Ford ton truck, good cabin body!
and rubber, (lood condition. In
quire Altumnnt Service Station.
Furnished apartment. Nice and
clean. Fuel, water, garage. 2301
Wuntland Ave.
Large furnished front room for one
or two people. 204 South River
side. Phone 473-M.
Front sleeping room. Use of
phone and bath. 303 Washing
ton. First class atcum heated apart
ment. Evan Apts. Phone 521
M. First class Apt,
Phone 621-11.
Evans Apt.
FOR RENT First class furnished
apartment, steam heated. Mc
Carthy Apartments, (30 Fia.
Phone 800. 014tf
Equipment for restaurant or camp.
Reasonable. Write Box 729,
Puppies, make good pets.
.. Phone 104 4-W.
second story windows at the peak
of the flood early today.
TAMPA DOWNS, Tampa, Fla.,
Beb. 27. (United Press) Torcher,
E. E. Major's speedy thre-year-old
with Jockey Griffin up. won the
first Florida derby and a 85000 add
ed stake here today. In the Inaug
ural of this classic.
Torcher won the rnco by more
than a length, flashing around the
mile and a sixteenth track In
1:51 1-5.
Mary Klnkaid was second and
McTir.kle third. Twelvo horses were
i tion will be strictly confidential.
FOR SALE MifrceTIaneou
Rhode Island Red hatching eggs.
Trapnested stock. Excellent egg
strain. Also O. A. C. Hocks.
Light Rrahmas baby chicks, i
Booking order now. Log Cabin
Poultry Farm. K no, Ore.
Boston bull terriers. 7 weeks old,
on display hatirday at Murphy s
Feed Store. Also Sunday at
1235 Sargent Ave.
Shingle mill with steam engine. A
sacrifice. Address L. B.-Nixon,
. Olene, Ore.
For Sal
Well established grocery!
in a select neighborhood. . Do
ing about $40 daily business
now, and still growing. Must
dispose of this because owner Is
celled east. Price, building and i
lot 13000, half' cash. , Stock atl
company7- Tbe Walton-Wright
IM Dwia $1,
Secures any article In our store.
Balance on easy payments. Con-
g oleum Rugs. Axminater Ruga,j
uianKeta, silverware, Bed spreads.
Electric Irons, Sheets, Silk Hose, etc.
See us before you buy.
JU4Q Main St. .8
Another Carload
of Stars Arrives
Another carload of Star cars. In
both sixes and four Coupsters, has
arrived In Klamath Falls to satis
fy the demand here. The cars are
handled by the Hamaker Motor
compnay. A number of the cars
have been delivered in response to
orders placed during the month.
The Star six, according, to a re
cent purchaser, "Is one of the great
est performers on the hills In high
gear, due to the remarkable eng
ineering that has gone into the
For results use News Class Ads.
Page Seven
We furnish competent, rielo for
me kitcnen, dining room, saw mills.
! construction camps, loggers, labor--.
era and farmers. Courtesy and .
--'Service our motto. W. E. Carter,
: manager. 615 Main St. in Stage
i Office. Phone 946. . n 614
( -
Loans. Money to build.
. 6 V ,
. P. O. Box 052.
Dr. E. O. Wlsecarrer
Dentist . ..,
Phone 645. Underwood Bldg.
Dictation, copying, billing. Invoic
ing, contracts, legal forms. Will :
assist or take entire cbarg4 of
books. Ten years' experience. :
Prices reasonable. Work day or
evening. - !
McCarthy Bldg., 120 N. 7tb Bt. ,
Phones: Office -58 Res. 24-J
489 '
! rt, Ys TIM,,KK LASD
i Sale of a 320 acre tract of tlm-:
; ber was recor'iei1 Friday in the
county cierK s ottice snowing pur-
chase by the Campbell-Towle Lum
ber company of Spraguo River from
the Gladstone Land & Timber
company. The land is located eight
miles southeast of Bly and brought
a consideration of 812,000. i
' WEST POINT, N..Y., Feb. 27.
(United Press) The Army bosket-,
hall team had little difficulty In
beating the Navy today, 21 to 12.
Anything you wish to sell? Or to .
buy? ' Tell all Klamath Falls about
it in the economical, efficient way '
through a little News Classified Ad.
tr HU I'ltrk and Kulb firm !" ""ru