Rlj l&SOCIETY Sunday, February 28. 192(1 (Cmillnunl From I'ajgn Tlrnw) Mra 111 i.kh ny. ion titi: ok roMi'i.:.io N auap nnil watar alnul tuui li a woman a (arc If ahr dmlm la i.minlaln a goml romili-ilnn, r'aunlr Main'" waul. 1 )rr old In-aiily, alio looka IjI! inm h -it it. luld a mrvtlng of Joo Lii i .mMy tauiiiin lu re Tliur.day, II1 IWi'lln. Mia. Harry liu ka, Mra Ihirliin llrvrii, Mra (urila Hiullh. . .114- Mia. II. A. Km in II t. Mra U'ini.,n ... pa,n Hlrlnnirii, mra iikimi I hrlnr, Mra. j if. nainrr. wra a. i.un.l. Mia Krnl Murlli. Mra. Maurlc Ilryan. Mia. W. I). f'uftr. MIm liarlrudr. ('iifrr uiiil Mra. Maurlr l.ralia Outfield Job Awaits George Uhle "tier aus to Lomeback on Mound ISfte Page Five .in". (iiini. aMl rtl I" D !) 5 Si M- i. llmiii. alnrlr'l Wan Im' fjlM alv Colli rrraill all.l nlla ahould I tniil rki lualvrly. aha aalil. Ah'tantlrr I. Muurn, furintr am l Bilnr lo Kimlu. hiialmnil ut I ho li.tn Lillian HiK.ai.ll, Inlroiluml ' M: War. I III TI KVH I HUM Hill TMI IIV ( tl II IIIM Mra Laura Chaiubarlln. mothrr of Mra. I' II, I'nitnrwxnl. rlurnrrf Krl luVrn lUy rvniiliiK Irnm Hoiilhrn ('alitor W.d ma, where aha hail Imii vlalllhit (UMirr ollh frlrnda anil nlallvra for tln . jl j " tnrr mouth. Nha Tlaltfil In, ,raphl.-1 lli . I-"" Anlra. Kan Krao-' (,rr, . 'Im-" nu oilier I alllurnla tlllo. 11 V WO00 I H5r vj ' w i B Al Police Colonel in Two Drowned in MAitrH 1.1KK I.A.MB CHICAGO. Feb. 27. (Uoltart Real Estate Jam Mass. Bath Tubs ! !:e",TMr!Llh.: .'TJZ j Kl, I'AHO, Te.taa. P-'i. :7. : BOSTON'. Feb. S7. (Tnlted : ( I'nltrd No-Join P. It -yet. New I Two pr-raona were drowned 1 formerly In' i tor of i I'm' NVw bathliiba In MaaxachusKtta Friday.! York City, ami colonel In tiiu New '; Fraud ClegK. enKineer at thej , York police reacrvc, wa bsltm held planl of the Standard Fabric corn In the Kl 1'nao rlly Jail Frltli.y aa puny at Fall Ulver? lint his life In a fuxltlve from JuHlli-e, fullov. '.ug a an undetermined manner while bath- I charge of embezzlement placed iiiK In a large tub In the washroom ' against bitn at Miami, Fla. of the factory. j Dwyer atlrlbutea bin arrest to A few hours before, Mlsa Ethel J defalcations on the part of a part- Calmanata. school teacher, was 1 ner whom he hud In the Florida city found dead in a bathtub at her I in real estate deals, and nsKerts he home In Lawrence. Deatb was due will be able lo clear hlmxelf of any to accidental drowning, "according i wrong doing. to police. of the year's months, will make Its mid-western debut Monday morn ing more like a lamb than a lion, according to the Chicago- weather bureau. Unusually mild weather will pre-, vail about this section of the coun' try during the next few days. For ISCOMK TAX KKTinXS See W. W. KOITHWF.LL 020 H Main St. ! . George uhu. ME ll'nllr.l krra of ra(tir nl d I v t - it Into in T. n tlie and I r hj ..iry nf the Irg. I Ml KM T HIM HH IS MMt.tV llltlliK Mini Klale Ma Toombs, dsugh-1 ler of Mra. Haiti Toomba, liecamel th bride nf l-vjiie Tiffany 8unday afternoon at I uVlo. with Hev. A I.. Hire rradlng the ring ceremony. The wedding look plare at the home cf th bride's mother, MIS Crearenl avenue. i Mlaa Toomba wore a frock of pule I lose with banda of dove gray. She carried an arm nonuet of pink rar- nalloua. Mlaa Toomba was attend-1 rtl by Mlaa Alleen Murdoff. KreeUnd Slalry altcncliil the! groom. , Ihtlorea Toomba. frockcil in pink ' crepe, mad a charming flower; girl. She carried a baaket of aweet pea. i Following a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mra. Tlflany are at home lo their many friends at 90S I'lnei CrlARUE JAMltSOf t'!rvrlanil. wlucli liaa had great success in maltinR uitful ou firlilcra ol uaelraa pitchers, ii flouring on tryinji (iconic l hlc in art outfield pgat If Ibr bia; riglilhandrr faila to conic throueii on ihe SBotinil. Since l!iv.'l, when he won 2d and lost It), hr hair, t been mneh use to Ihe Indian.. He wleldi a big stick, and Speaker may icoil dim oul t pcrforai alnn(iilc Cliarlic Juuiiescn, another former plUJ.rr. in Ihe umr garden where Joe Wood, uld alab .tar, perform-. eJ so lung and frrdil.lr PUBLIC SALE Pa. If Ir l"tely the p.i- pin year ku.sher- i ttorta. Ike bn-h ho rame mi, llal- .r 1(4ruc. Ift..m laat training Ithn llinv- Inay s.inln i with nn rnn.ider- trnlnlng '! winter ph atn.nger t' y ir. sal JsSoon "y man Plri i-h. la 'ollowlng and will In from llonanza yesterday to.desto, Culifornlu. whore they plan spend the day. They were accom- net! to muke lueir home but have panted by Mlaa Marguerite Crank.', decided lo remain In Klamath. The Miaaee Lytle and Miss Crank - - - ' klrt,, i are memoers oi me lacuny or uie A wedding hreakfaat waa served ! Honunra achnnls. by Mra. Toomba. aanlated by Mrs. A.! i. Pearson with rovers laid lor the llclatp HcIN lo lloliiilay Thenler following gueata: Mr. and Mrs. Dick ( h d,up has sold to C. L. llolliday Toomba, Mrs. A. (1. Pearson, Mls , ,Prtlnn of land In the Midland Alleen Mordolf. Miss Fern Hanks, j counlry ,or , consideration of ..... ..... r. e.. tI5oo. sccordin; to deeds filed In itusNeii, riaeiana marcy. Aitreo llobin and Mr. and Mra. Tiffany. the office of the county clerk yea I terday. . fSOO. Wm. ""ling fin- ""en. llow- flark. I Product ion hi" respects funath Fulls. "liialn anil rn-oneiaiion nnipany. nhers were " re. This Prnilneiion economic "-'rluloy. xtirici niP I nl' ttiie ... an nw. iMitknt IS IMlhTLHS j HleigiT Ijinil J. J. Slclrajr has Mrs. Ie Parker, assisted by Miss, sold lot 13 In block 4 and lot 1 Lucille Larkey. entertained the of block U In West Chl!otuin. nc W llllng Workers clans of the liu- j cording to a deed filed ycoierduy n.Hiiuel Iluptlst church on Friday 1 1 n,n county clerk's office. The evening. (lame and atunta wero(in( Drol.ht a consideration under enlnve.l fliroii. until in. evenlne 1 after which delicious refreshments were served lo the following guests: Virginia Larkey. Alice Mull. Kath- New Table Inalallixl A counter, erlne Hall, Dorothy Williams. Ma-to aerve the public which tuny hap riah (irlmea. Itose Ijrley. Minnie i pen into the i.tflce of L. L. (lagha- Tracy, (ienrude (lenrhart, Klvlrn ,.ity c,,r, an,i poll. o Judge. Itoldlsrlier. l-aurn (Jolrtamlth. , hM r6(.entIy )(.n installed In the lwla Williams. lanac Larkey. , , ,, Tll(, Helen Hhlvea and Alice Hector. W irkBr , m I 1 counter is fitted with oors, locnor.-t ,.() STHV HTOHK !anu drawers in which records muy M iltl.il KlrTII ' jbe kept without referring to the Sponsored by the Kedron club.'l various desks In Mm room. onn of Ihe most active organizations! of the First Presbyterian church.! I'.clurn from Modiulo Mr. and a country store will be held on I Mr, jtolicrt Lytle. former rc.l Mnrch t In tho church parlors tojj o( Kam,,th county have re raise money for tho club. ....a . .heir former home In "Fair euouct' ! T1'' 'u J To estimates we make today We'll give yon tnts of time to pay Van Fleet's Sorvlreman Says: Kv"ry man who owns a houe ran Imve It ,wr " while lie is enjoying It's iM-neflts. A-k us uliout Hie nrnnnnnent. Winter's comUiK. Bonanza to rcaliie permanently. Mrs. It. C. Croesbcrk Is general i chairman or tne siiair. ,niss jean f .,. Perry will handle publicity and The, left some time ago Mra. Kbba Dennett Is handling the -., . ... t . : " ....lnlnmi.nl Dthltl-a .'tin Will All. i " sist ns committee chairmen Include J .Mrs. D. N. Clemens. Miss Feme Hanks, and Mrs. ('. II. Landls. . At the J. F. Pospisil Ranch one-half mile North and one and one-half miles West of Malin - Sale begins March. 6, at 1 o'clock p. m.' I Brown Mare, 11 years old, weight 1750 lbs. I Brown Mare, 10 years old, weight 1800 lbs. 1 Brown Mare, 14 years bid, weight 1800 lbs. 1 Bay Gelding, 8 years old, weight 1400 lbs. 1 Montana derrick, complete, ropes, pulleys, nets. 1 McCormick mower, good as new. 1 Thomas drill, 6 feet with alfalfa seeder. 1 Harrow, 2-section. 1 Spring-tooth Harrow, 2-section. 1 Oliver riding plow, single, 14 in. 1 Farm wagon, Bend. 1 Hay rack, new. 1 Grindstone, with frame, good as new. 1 King Separator. 1 Two-horse buggy. 1 Single buggy. 2 Sets harness, double. 1 Set harness, single. And articles of household furniture too numerous to mention ' " ' . - . . TERMS: $25 cash and balance on eight months' note at 8 per cent interest. Five per cent discount for cash. I GUY MERRILL, Auctioneer. GEORGE OFFIELD, Clerk v.ir VAN FLEET'S MOTOR SHOP 2H8 Main St. I)ny Phone Nlulit 571 Local Briefs ""'""'i. n-in- "f 'Is scenic 1,1 that every 'iinliy WH, Iter. 1 AGENT 2 STILLS Feb, 27. ' M'-Knlght. '"" "I during Unvllie was ""1 HinrRed ""fliliio stills. K'HIons of f. -Rullon enpne. "'Kiillon en- "r lr. Lin. 0 f Aslorln work I bill,, hare o for Diiuglileis of Joli Thursday evening Daughters of Job will hold Interesting meeting at 7:1 JO p. in. In the Masonic nan. MnrriiiKO License Vernle Clur-1 enr Davidson. 602 Oak street, and j F.athor Williams. 405 South Fifth t trcot, were Issued a llconso to .,i m the county "lerk'a office yesterday. They are both residents of Klnmnth Falls. Davidson gave his occupation ns an employe; of a locnl box factory. Itcmms Oscar j Klamath Falls; Oscnr Peyton rnuin- nrntniticnt roeldent has returned I" tho city, nor spending tn Pl 'w """' l the mlddlewes, vlel.lng wl h his relative, .nd llh reto.lve, of Mr-J Peyton. According W P'?'0"' h farther I went, the more I nnrt tho mora I Khtnia'h, Knll.. It feels great nnnn, Vlsl.ors-Ino "Hcrl ta tho many out of town visl im . I Klamath F.H. !-' Chiropractic for Stomach Trouble Few persons Buffering from stomach trouble real ize that the source of their complaint may be in their spine, vet a very great number of organic dis orders may be traced to an impinged, or pinched nerve in the spinal column. This impingement is the result of the slight dis nf nne or more vertebrae, and in most in ?ance can o corrected in a remarkably short time through 5 few painless chiropractic adjustments. Free Examination If von arc suffering from ""V n''"? Tcn11 nJ once for n free examination. If I find that' I cannot once ior ii ii d thcre w,j be n0 hhirwhVtev"" "Myxaminaon is made with the th. fr the PATHO-NEUBOMETKB. a new scientific Srtiment. whkh with unfailing accuracy will trace your trouble to its origin. Do not hesitate to avail yourself of this service. DR. C. R. LUCAS J Phone 420-W. Chiropractor Underwood Bldg. YMJ AM EABIN WITH EVEEY TU1HN and Ball-Bearings Make It Easy! Unless you've tried a McCormick-Deering Primrose you have no idea what a mechanical masterpiece this machine is perfectly simple, yet as accurate as the finest clock. Our plan makes it easy for you to know this machine. At your request we'll set up a machine on your farm for your close inspection. AH we ask is that you Compare the McCormick-Deering Primrose With Any Cream Separator You Ever Saw or Owned A trial will tell the story! You'll soon realize that you cannot afford to be without this thoroughly modern machine. Remember, it is easy to try, easy to turn, and easy to pay for! We Want Youto Own the World's Easiest-Running Cream Separator IX Months to Pay and You Don't Have to Pay Much! IS 'if i t - si I ft ..X 12 Full Months to Pay! McCormick -Deering Primrose Ball-Besrlng Cream Separators ; - SOLD BY J. S. Mills & Son Implement House Phone 9 6th and Klamath I another It nnnnnta .0 "i" brln, Ma Al.ce 1 -J lytlO Wllh iHIir"