The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, February 28, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    , """a "mi ijiurmUy,
Sunday, February 28r 1920
rn.l..y i.v,.inK. Manl, 5th. In ih..' A' r "IB N,-w Y",k ban
" l"lr.i bus.,,,..,,,, , KM along nicely fur )llie ,,,
.Plum cr HI,. i,i.. r Hie upriml " ni"l"r' I"'. "Tho Creak-
' ."I o.,k,, t, n K l"H hair" w Introduced this
. fr'nllowhu- Hi.. I....I... ' W.S'k lit tlio Lyceum II
I! . . -,.ll lUf.Mllll! . - '
! . . . . . . '' ' Mr "'""' Lin. Ixnii v,,, ,. I I' l I ho play l i,l.n Tallulah
III..!,.. Applng,,.,, Solomon. , " " "'"lllunktieaa .tarred for a ,k
Page Three
, II C. frmiililltl, Mia. Mvtii i,.
lMr" " K ' M'- H..vll Auv!ll:Vl: Foil THE
jlln. Mm Iran -,.u, M, Av,,Imh in 'IIISIIW
M.I-OI..I.JI. Mr-. Alfred ,,,,. M A g Kl,.u, Kltll,
(I A. kru, Mr. J..I... d. ,, vH.Ing , . ,," '
Ml- hallietli,. Uu ,,,, ,,,, ,11IH. ,, flrUiR Ht
IDll.'H. Ml., All!,, a llru.llM.r,. M,, Thomas Wl ),.X1. , Mr, (
Ji-hii Ferry und V., I.. I..,,,,. v.v,i,ii and daughter. Null. y. '
!uhn. m.mi:hm ';;',:;:, ',,;'',;',,,,wm vhl! h,r
I .... r.i,, evening. February! Mr
ir. unil ri. II , CI,.,,,,.,,, ,,
(I'tli, iiiiin
mm daughter arc
XIX'I Iffl , 'i' ii en I.. ... l-l.. ,
i..r,nln..,l i.l II I .. .. r.n.
" .nrili fun mm, I.ini,
.r-l. Ilir II jtroliu lit rri.iiil- fi.r u Mm..
i.'HKi'.n. u railed ii register with
I" critic or audiences, una Is oho of thorn- melodramas which
i.i funny etiuugu Id survive for a
while. If It does not lake Itself tou
All.m Tuppcr Wilkes la the
author, and In the program the pro
ducer Jius made an attempt to apol
ogize for the play's Krotemjuinciw by
pr.l.uillrin that he kni-w It was
rl.ll, ulous all the time.
inrei. of ,., ,.,,,,,,
il.irli.K Hit. fvotiliiri. Willi IiIkIi ,.
Wll.-I I. Ilii.y vlallml
Willi II r j. liuninii.n'a
iiMithrr ami falln r. I
itoliiit to Mr.
illnii.r u miiio.-i. wiiH
.rnil t.u,.i inilii,i.., Mr ,,
Mr.. Jnul Jm l,,,,,. .Mr ,, Mr
I rank Mill., Mr iu,. .vrH
I.HIIKH'II, Mr in, I Mr.
Kor Mm WWW nud Ja k Koyle.
traUTiilly liroiln-m of K.'imHIi s i
"rry, mr ivrry iiUTiiilncl
N'l'W riliyn
llil wuh a nihil week ail fur an
n.w wan concerocd. Ue-
kiuih i no vreiiKing i nutr, ttiere
aa "Tho Virgin," at Maxiue Kl
lloU'ti lln'Ulre, and "Mamma Loves
I'upa," ut the Forriit.
The laHt named la by Jack Mo
In-1 (iiixiui iin.i ttnnn Papa an1 (u (.i
11.1. km '"""ally Slimlnv nfli.rn,.,.n ni kl .1.1.. n.v
1 mn.C, , , . K,UI.h...n.. on Ninth u-,.. ubr Ja,k aIIard .lay, (aM)ar.
. .liik.H.n ,.,! Mr Mr. I,, s j Mill, and Foyl.. vi,,, uv,.t ltox,rated throu(!n lhr(!u
. .'.k ..nt at i. j.. . Mllu hom,,,-!.. an1 , lhB only for thB-
. . ,r'"" " A- ' I play. ;
vr I'.iri.'M til 11.11 A awlniminc art rli.iwo,i i.v , '
IHS TIMIIHIItV M::tI; i url"T waa cnloyrd l,v All......
Al Iho Waller Wr.t home on Klv-i J' rry. Klna Je:on. . Vi,.i t. .k. ... .
er.l..e .trr,,. Mr. W. and Mr, . '!-. 1N-U. Mil... Ja.k Koyle. !
!. liathlany enteiialned for more "l Mewuri and Kenuitli I'erry.
than forty nienilr of Hi. fnul'n '
linll.t of Kt. l-aul'a Kpl.ropal' '" N'N,: Ml:.V
..n 1lmr.ay aft-rnoon. ut the ml,l-' M,:f '' MiiMMY HVKMVtJ
Hnrklv l.ii.lf-n N...iit.M I Vill faVi.i. .Vnilu.ll.. nf
ii.. i . '. . ! l,,nl,,i.. r !-..r.,..' u-,.i.i ... ...jallenlata.
."..i7 i noma, aimke ;iioii, uiei
i.rteii) oii the meaning of l.iu and i H'"iiie and 1'role.nlonal Women
I'h told of a numlier of that ; ' "Joyed a .upper parly In the II-
l.nve lie.a ilnnuteil to the rhur.'h ',r'f)' "lull rootna Monday evening.
Ii) uraunlrulloii. lliriii:liiHit the!"''1 hatiheta and patriotic color.
city. .were attractive motif.. I
The K I ft .ale t t,e b.-ltl late In K.dlowlim tho aupper liridKe waai alrU'aI news of ,he week " tbat
May waa alan ill.ruse enjoyed. (lue.ta Included l.orenei J",,n Ure " to rcturn ,0 ,he Btage
I t)u Thuradav e. ,..,. M i, i ! I'. a.ley. I.edH Parker. I'ollv lll,,n I ahout Kiuiter time. The yeterau
"f Hie in Hi. newly rompleted parl.h hou.n' i l'lknr. I.ulu If'utchln., Kbha al'",r '"' PPear ,n "Tne Two r-
..... ......-. I ..... i 1 ,1.IaI. lllu Hm Jtt anil
"Tile Virgin"
'gin" la ahou
Canadian who thlnka he has discov-
Icred the Virgin Mary. 'There Is
jalao a crazed preacher and a num
j her of other characters whose sun-
Ity would not stand the test of
Nor would that of the
person who declared "The Virgin"
was a really worth while affair.
Drew to Return
About the most interesting the-
q l, ill i Her. Thouiaa and Mr and Mia O Bennett. I.ol. Itynon. Lynn Zlm
la the Ii. Hurkn will renort on the ,... , merman. Kdith M.Cann. (iertrude
II tho' ration held recently In l.a (irnnde. I Mathers. Clara Calkins, Ida II. Mom
tlliwhlrh Ihey attended aa d.-l.-aatea ' ''"r- Kranrea Ileatty. Jean Perry.
from the Klamath Parl.h There ; '''"a J,,n,,, hsther Duiiivan. Lena
will he no itulld meotlng on ;hat ! ""n"'"' ,n" 3"',ert. Klin Wlllltt,
day. due to the ereninit me-tlux. I Kl'"'',,"n Hr-hnffer and (Iertrude
m m m ' J.'hnKon.
l h'tK
I Malsrae.
I aaa'iful
phans," In which Alice Itrady and
Kay Ilalnter play the title rolea.
Franrca Htarr Again
Another absentee from the Broad
way hoards Is Frances Starr, who,
after four years of Inactivity, has
started rehearsal In "The Boet of
la hrll
find out
! A number turned out for bnskot- l's," by Itoland O. Edmunds and
i bull on Thursilny evening und cn-Nu Keek well.
Ilonorliig pu.t i.itriis of Aloha ! J",'1 Mlsa Klla Wlllllt was
Ka.tern Star.!
elected uiunager. Walter Fo.ter,
Mia. W. C. Van Kiiioti entenalnrd ' "h" ha" ,,a'1 'Merience
LlBl Mere' mi Friday afternoon with a prettily rurh"- "'lleRo men's teams, haa
h K l nnoolnie.1 l,i.l.n l-iii. ...!'ffered In assist In coaching the
tjr own luneli.ii ,r the remainder of the I slr1"- Tllc n",t Pra,',l Rame will
l Miter
. e,. Ml,,
wMy drisxa
i-. K.-llcy
til" .'IKIflt
i. !!.--
m., wore j afternoon a .pent In business.
inuleihnn a ,
(nrKoouai 111 V Kit ILIM FS
the pnn on f ,), .,, r,,.,!,,, ,.f.
fnlrs of tho aen.on was (ho dinner
dance given Tuesday evening In the
dining room of tho While Pelican
hotel. The duticea nr to be enjoy
ed by society during the spring
", mouths every Tuesday and reserva-l"w-
(ton. have been madfl for ninny
parties ilurhii; the mouth of March.
C. N.
li.jile over
,U by
I'l -.
be Weduidiiy evening at 7:30
the American Legion building.
On Wednesday afternoon a group
of friends of Mm. It. M. Smith hon
ored her with a surprise house
warming 111 her new home on Pres
perut st reel. Bridge was played
during the afternoon. The guests
brought a daintily prepnred lunch
eon as well as lovely gifts for the
new home.
Those present were Mrs. Victor
t Palmer. Mrs. Joe Avery. Mrs. K. I.
Sloau. Mrs. E. C. Knight, Mrs. E.
T. Pat, man. Mrs. Joseph Pospisil,
! Mrs. H II. Ilnnscom. Mrs. W. I).
AT I'OT-M CK Hl i'l'KIt
One of tha prettiest affairs en
joyed by the younger set was a pot
lurk supper for which Misa Nelle El
liott was hostess on Friday evening
at her home. 523 Lincoln street.
An Interesting evening followed
the supper to which the following
had been bidden: Misses Jennie
Cniver, Charlotte Crover, Marlon
Weal. Zepha, Thalma (Jrli
tle, iieulah May, Iteta Stewart, Itutu
Christy, Ethelywnne O'Flaherty and
me iiostces, .Miss Elliott.
Miss Katherine llorbelt, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilorhelt, 718
North Eleventh atreet, was honored
on Friday evening with a pretty. In
formal party when her mother en
tertained a group of the younger
girls. The occasion was Miaa Hor
belfg twelfth birthday.
Followlne an evenloe of wnmn
the guests enjoyed a luncheon serv
ed In campflre circle. Tho maiorliv
of the girls, who were guests tit
Ihe llorbelt home.
of the campflre circles In the city.
uuests or tne even ni to hnnnr
Miss llorbelt were the Misses Har
riett Uratton. Katherine derhnrn
Rose Darley, Marie Duffy, Mar(ah
Grimes, Alysse Hector. Letta Ken-
yon, Lllllam lied key, Helen Shlve,
Ituth Vannlce, Kuth McNealy, Jan
nette Jones, Janet Bedford, Roberta
Bedford, Margaret Young, Dorothy
Deltz and Catherine Chastaln.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed and son,
Howard, were dinner guests on Mon
day evening at the E. L. Cramblitt
home In honor of Mr. Cramblitt's
birthday. Following dinner the
guests adjourned to the Reed home,
where a radio concert was enjoyed.
Covers were laid at dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed, Howard
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cramblitt
and Mary VI Cramblitt.
For the pleasure of the Friend
ship club, Mrs. Louis Bradford en
tertained delightfully at her home
on Friday afternoon.
A dainty luncheon was served at
a late hour. The Bradford home
was especially attractive with cut
spring flowers.
ituv i'l I'll, h nf:
Five pupils of Mrs. A. J. Voye
si rvod us hosts, received the Attests
.. , r range., ., e,r ol. VY I Puller, Mrs. 11. K. Smith. Mrs. C.
I...I night at the lovely home of Mrs. Q Stevens. Mrs.
Fred KKhnlloek on Pacific Terrace. . " , ' , . ,,., .
Hit h,mps j A large number of guest enjoyed 1 ... , ' ' .'i,r m
.Imoiher's, the affair. I ,...' ' ". . ' .,, , h mp
v nil. .e. (iiiiiiii . .
lth net The buys. Jerome Henry. Howard
'arming I (irahiim. Ward Dwlghl, Clifford
purple Hogue and Jack Whitney, were as-
I '! of a aisled by three oilier pupils of Mrs.
I inn by. Voye, Mln. Irene Anderson, Miss
' 'In inlnit Evelyn Amlcke ami Miss Marie
f i com- Davenport.
'Ihe high Mrs. Elsie Baxter delighted with
("nulla tola reading of her nan composition.
r crimson Accompanlnls for Iho evening
a hand- were Mrs. (icorgo I'lrirh and Mrs.
A. J. Voye.
vU""n wore
'he court MHS. CLEMENS IS
I'-oyal Chris- For the pleasure of a few lntl-
". Ii favor- male friend and neighbors, Mrs. I).
N. Clemens enlerlnlned Informnlly
on Monday afternoon. Lovely gold
en daffodils In low howls added to
Ihe attractiveness of Iho rooms.
(luests who culled during tho nf
ternnon were Mrs. Junior Daggett,
Mrs W. S. Slough. Mrs. Arthur
Wilson. Mrs. W. W. Southwell, Mrs.
Charles Cosebonm, Mrs. I. t.. nm
mlngs, Mrs. I.. L. Sleln. Mrs. A. L.
Ulce. Mrs. W. C. Mall. Mrs. Marlon
Hunks, Mrs. Olio Lnngslett, Mrs.
Ed McLaughlin, Miss Feme Hanks.
Miss Mury Hall and Mrs. Clemens.
It. M. Smith.
"A NlKlit la Paris"
Still another performer to return
to the stago in New York is Jan
Oy-ra, of "A Night in Parte." who
plays eight parts, the principal of
which Is that of a knife thrower.
Ui a Chinese r$io ' Jun throws
knives at a man tied lo'a door, and
up to tho time of going to press
had not missed tho door once.
Late In the month of May tho
women of St. Paul's Episcopal
church guild will have a gift sole
end sprinz bazaar to sell gifts for
the graduates of both Ihe nign
schools and grade schools wherever
one may have a young friend to be
Thn Ainpt nate hag not been set.
nor the place, however, the sale will
bo held on Main street. Mrs. H. b.
Ceta is ceueral chairman of the
sale and is appointing her commit
"Not even the boy will be forglt-
len in our sale," said Mrs. C.etg.
Mrs. W. L. Bandera entertained
on Monday afternoon In honor of
the third birthday of her daughter,
Betty Jane Bandera, at the family
residence. More than twenty guests
were present during the afternoon.
The children enjoyed a luncheon
with gay spring motifs following an
afternoon at games. Mrs. Sanders
was assisted In serving by Mrs. Her
man Foster and Mrs. Byron Noud.
Yollow daffodils formed the center
pieces of the tables where the chil
dren were seated.
Those who attended Betty Jane's
party were Francos Jean Foster,
Herman Foster, Phyllis Foster. Pat
ty Fleet. Virginia Crego, Marlon Cre
go. Jack Noud, Carolyn Noud, Cecil
Drew, Claim Hector, Patricia Avery,
Donald Smith, Duncan Dunbar,
Kathryn Dunbar,. Virginia qubb, .
Janice Bubb. David Cox, Jean Cox,
Virginia Pease and Betty Ann bun
Ivan. I
At the home of Mrs. L. J. Bean,
C21 Washington street, Mrs. 8. R.
Redkey was honored by the mem
bers of the Ladles Auxiliary to Cra
ter Canton, I. O. O. F. Many dain--ty
gifts were received by Mrs. Rerl-'
key during the evening. '
Following the shower a ouppeV
was served by Mrs. Bean to her
gueats Including Mrs. Redkey, Mrg.
Nate Olterbeln, Mrs. Earl Tllton.'
Mrs. Alec Tllton, Mrs. A. Weat--fall,
Mrs. Wm. Beck, Mr. Carl San-1
dell, Mrs. Charles House, Mrs. Carl'
(Continued on Page Five) '
Dine and Dance
at the
Every Night Except Thursday
From Six to Eight O'clock
Special George Washington Dinner Dance
From Seven to Eleven
;l1 'ul adar
""h is the
lf Hie Klam.
l.e Aninri....
"' Women,
"f Snt
1:1. In
Nltig. Tea
r'clnrk until
'""nt in ii,
'"lis. have
I'"' occsuliin.
f"" 'hati one
Dr. J. G. Goblei Dr. L' J. Coble 700 Main
Dr. Goble
Fves Fx iniineil. Classes Fitted. Lenses ground in our own fac
tory lo' your Individual requirements. Quick service. We re
place nn'y lense. ,-aMinaanaaaaaaaaaM
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas en
tertained for niemb.-rs of Ihe young
er ... 1 on Friday evening nt thulr
T''"se who I homo on Wantlatid avenue. Honor-
1 arn nHked
j '"o coming
harRe of u10
L"' Av' Me
?"wnr,l, MrB.
K. Wat
"fllnsnn and
h'l Program
f'fs. Wull
"'"'"K the
r"l he h.,..
"re Mr. ,
r'y Ackiev
Mrs. ,.
' M. R, D.
Inx their son nnd daiighler. Beverly
nn,, i.v, n Thomas.
Following an evening; of music
nnd games a dalniy luncheon was,
""uuests who honored Miss Thomas j
and Ilovorly Thomas were H e Misses,
Dohlln Hawkins, JV Miller. Eva
Miller, Edna Dunbar. Ruth (ofer
und Forrest M r, Charles Mack,
Ken Ilolllsler. Elbert Sllles. Waller
Ilroadland. firmly San'l'" and hen
nelh Thomas. j
MEETS AT II.UNK "'' .. .
i.r. of the Mnlhodlst
Lad 7A d n;Vat.he U N. ,
1 .,. r. Haines nd Mrs.i
It Will Pay You to Investigate
My Chiropractic Health Service
Dr. 0. H. Mather
715 Main St.
Opposite Pine Tree Theater
Phone 404
Music By the Tantalizera jj
I ' Lovely Womeh, New Clothes, ' Dashing Styles i;
1 Fabrics pyT a Colors ' Sj
I Sheens ' Wren
Cheviots T I Singe w
g Tweeds If IfSv Crficklehead
Coatings ' i t Blue Check V
!r Lonsdales J 1 J J I Brown Check
: J
j u Authentic Modes iWX 1
; Wif Creations and- ty
$ I i Iff iW Adaptations in r
K 1 1 i With dash, verve l ' V
I rrr jf and color of the . i a - f
f A ( i ll virginal season ) j '
JL New styles, new wardrobes, new coats, express mental-freshness, 'awakened
K senses, renewed vigor and appreciation of the beautiful in the earthly, the ,ft
J) social, the spiritual, for the coming Easter season and spring's entrancingly jrl
profuse garnishure by the elfs of natu re. ' j
yi ' Tilihlilililililiiilmrr tiLoilLLUiVC Vfe- Jlil I tirilTlt I ll) litMilf rililiLilLtII3 ,J u,