tlo ;vs Kecipt8- 1 PTH Klamath TMew: C-jMorninR Except Monday) United News and United Press Telegraph Services Two Sections 16 Pages rniiniTTrr Bs.jvauw.i ...... I IIWlwll I Irr M l IN YVKFK uun,m11 JIM" a'rLJtN YEAR LhASFJ .. FOR BUREAU SHE KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1926 Price Five Cents PLAN TO REMOVE 60 DEAD CATTLE Foreman of Fort Klamath Meadows Co. Ranch Starts Task I sired c ELESS COUNTY FACING OFFICERS SUIT FOR fcone Silo About S day. l ""k." . I Ull UUElIi.'lU JUL1 The carcasses of about fclxty head nuhl Itolierl K Hlinliorn ywirr.lny. of cattle owned by the Ft. Klam- wh-n ankcd when a ileclnlou from i " lath Meadowa compuuy, which mired lh lnir:t- i"nih-rr oiiiriM.binj If I p 1 -OAA f 'aiiii died at th upper end of might be txpifiil, a.l'llni: "My 1 IIvlIllS 1 dill tplOUU lUlj Klamath luke are to be removed at ,n,i u aliou.1 an good an anyone: 1 Icp nf 1 inH 1 once, according to report reaching jk. v ...u..v. i)r K i Newsom, county heaitn "Th romiulnaimi at.nreclulcn 1 lit i ! officer Importance of the cane boforn It, In which all Klamath county In Inter filed, " Htrahorn continued. "No ilnubl It l making every effort to arrive at an earl) dccln'on In order UNLAWFUL ACTION clwj'a.' Man Held 3 Months Without Trial WILL INSTALL EXHIBIT work may lint Effort to Be Made At Once To Divert Tourists Via Klamath Falls IS FINALLY LIBERATED Dr. Nowsom haa been In confer ence with W. C. Hacklcr, foreman of the Meaduwa company, and reporta inai liacKier in uiukidk every enuii If I to remove the en'reaaaea and burn I E. L. Elliott, Burt HaWKinS, that development under way. "No one known Jut.1 when the de ! v'Ulon will be forthcoming, hut we i i ,hlnk word wm t n... wiinin , Klomath fBmy,n Bpe.luI . d,.,c. 'rki." i .....a. u.. ......... .istrtlay. ' tnuoa on ounau u. tnu nuumnu . ,.,..t.. .t wt lOrrnon Tuurmi iiurrnu yesieriw W Al IVL oUiNo 1IN look be liie i KlAlimlb INtUl-tl'll re Ha. l o t'hre- rll the it' ll. II'H aunt ail- Iftupet'led iulk bla v vtnttd lie a Mil the it Oter- ,li'kn tn wit At MlhUy. 4 la arrl- l.-c'l.e of jp W lull - Now lle'n hiVt bin U enillMV drnlrahle today, it- I'll till ha no He In ml. will i e"JH num. v II. or nation ronunls "iiu:y leal Vetierday ii nun. und '!iwa man. pie rniiimla- Kalln pro. l invent ign ore, and 'oailructlnn ' Klamnth Krtlrular- "on of the to upend 'fating the county. "l arc dl- Into fields fbh Hcrcona lied linmeill- Kll. "lied Press) mlcil writer. murry a hul- a domestic. fraiiec mart- m (tlll'lntr n HUSH TO REACH Los Angeles Gets Temper ature Up to 90 De grees Saturday I.OH ANCKI.K. Keb. 27. -(t'nlt-ed l'roal Thouanda of Southern Callfornlnnn denerlcd their homes! and office Saturday afternoon and trekked to the beaches for relief from he mlilwlnter heat wave, grip ping: thla region. Teniperature rone lo an average of kt to !" degree In I.OH Allgil and other cltien of the Ciillfnrnln oiitblund. the balmiest r'ebruary weather In yearn. The beaclicn were lined with week-end vlHora. many of them In t.aiblna nll enloylng cool plungea In the tail I f . Ileucll lllgllWuyH Jammed With autoinobllen. imt of them ocean bound. Kuilro fauillle-i embarked 111 their innchnna ir weekn nd vlnlta at the nceiin.lde. augge.llve of the mldniiin nier poiiulurlly of the nurf renortn. Wenlher offlciula predict the balmv te m pent I urea will prevail un- ii i i,.v n.i lennt and there was no let up In the bench rimh. them. When the front went out of the ground the cattle were unable to ex tricate themaelvea from the soften ed niarah. Ratlmatea of the numbor of cattle dead run between 30 nnd 70 head. HlRiidtip a ten year leuno of the A. I. Holm property at the nnuth ..rn ii of the function- of' the I Klamath. Kalln-Aahland hlghwuy, paid $1800 10 the llelma ihen the 1 1 u'lin conntimmated and re turned lant night without having. vlnlted- Anbland. Tho delegation wen headed by ft ('. (iroenbeck. director of the chamber of commerce, who acted a. legal advlnor. With him were (leorge Walton. Lynn I". Sabin, chamber aecretary. and Hen H. Stevenaon. t..mhnra nf the delegation paid the hlghcal trihulo to the public ...iriiedneea of Mr. and Mra. Helm lo ugren fully with, tho plana as formulated by the bureuu. Both of them appreciate the enhance ni of their properly value by reunon of the entahllnhmcnt of the bureau, and gave the delegation a ...-I-vaMlnritnV W'hcn H WUrm wrnm . GRANDFATHER E. X. Kendall and Store Man Are Named IS SLAIN FOR GOLD Two Youths Beat Old Man To Death Steal Cash, Then Burn Body Three county officials unlawfully held John Iwla. laborer, nearly three monlha In the county jail. It ... ,.iih in a civil suit filed on hhnif of Lewla In the '. Klamath enimtv circuit court by . .William Mr hla attorney. Damages to taling S5362 are aBked Jointly of 'the defendants. District Attorney E. L. Elliott, uhoriff Hurt E. Hawkins and for- mne netlne lustice of the peace, b. v Kendall, together with Angelo iw.-hi atore keeper, are made de- fendanta in the ault. I.ewln was jailed November 24 on complaint of Bocchl, but the com- niaini was never sworn to. accora lng to Attorney Marx. He was re leased February 19, without having TOM DIXON IS NOW INSURED County Road Master Will Be Protected From Future Wrecks Tnm Dixon, county roadmaater, was given a warm welcome In The News Inaurance department yester day. it irti congratulated on hla hap py escape from an accident at the tllvlh at rent M irnnit crossing, where hi. inin haa twice been wrecked by an engine, a pen wa put In hla band and he went out feeling mucn safer with one of the well known tt sn insurance policies. "I'd like lo know can't you in sure those engines against hitting me?" he asked, smiling broadly. Well, now " began A. E. La Dleu innurance department manager But Dixon was on hla way out Sixth street. DEADLY ELECTRIC SHOCK FATAL TO ROBERT KESSLER Pelican Bay Electric-; . vara . r ' ' lan Hits wire FOUND BY WATCHMAN City Pulmotor Rushed to Scene By rre Uept. .. Is Ineffectual CAHSON, N. D., Feb. 27. (United Press) Goaded into n murderous frenzy by visions of an dlred been given a trial or p.Um.nary ex 111 " 1 " " were i arrived to undertake tho lease. PORTLAND LOTS CO TO OIL MAN Millionaire of California Makes Huge Invest ment In City FORK inliTI.An. Feb. 27. Tnlted rreas) HH"h lAoA- n,llllon- nlre oil operator of Lon Angeles an nounced laic today the purchaso of 2. 000. 000 worth of property noui- Ingn in the eanl man Portland. Thla l '"O aldo real estate transaction In th history of the city. The purchase Included an elghl acre Industrial .He nor Knlon nnd approximately 900 lots. t will he Improved at once, according to , 1.....1 Ho rontnmiilnles tho crec- ' - . nnn eni theatre, a mar- t on oi . . . . . .ii a first clnsa ho , at an enllm.Ued cost of nrtft nrtn. Lloyd Is the discoverer oi u ' ..Illnrnb. and Ventura oil Hems m ..- -- ,, wealth Is 000,000. Af,er announcing completion of the deal Lloyd said: j careful study or pJfTcou; c,s and my Hint IjOS iiiH"" ' Innliill Kvlilhlt Plana will he developed lmmed lutcly by the chamber of commerce , Install a permanent Klamath county In Hie commodious hotel building at the highway Junction. Every available means ' . k. ....inrtaken to acquaint Will , . ns the scenic, agrlcul- tral and other resources of Klam .ih tniintV. " m . J... i..nrtIon of tho highway v 1 . . ' . ....rii.,. who have niany or iio-m - . j.t the opportunities of- . county because rerca " . , they have not been apprised of its adages. The K.nm.i.h .coun y chamber of commerce "" w,de,y complimented on Its eu o -prlse ,n effecting bed tho body and then attempted to hide their crime by fire, they ad mitted to police today. One of tho youths was a grand son of the 72-year-old victim. The youths, Aman Horst and William Stoller, both confessed ..i. -fior hour of Questioning ty police and state penitentiary aumor- T.-u Mnr.nM the Oiner tot llief. vvu w... the actual er'" amlnatton. it Is alleged. Bocchl charged that Lewla had given him a forged check and tttls cnarge ap pears 'against him on the Jail rec ord. . - " Sun It y Examined. During the course of the man's confinement ho was taken before h eonntv court and examined for bis sanity by Drs. E. C. Newsom and H . I.. Stewart, but they vouno BEARS WIN IN FINAL CONTEST Oreson Pushes California To Limit to Win the Final Game OAKLAND, Calif., ( -Feb. 27. riTnlied Press) The University erf California tasketbaU team took iU econd atralght game from the uni versity of Oregon here tonight 2 to 23, and won the conference championship. The game, however, was in doubt vntn the last whistle blew. At half time, the score was California 12, Oregon 11, the contestants ep-j arated by but a single point. Five minutes before the end of the game California and Oregon were tied at 23 points eacn. me northerners bad staged some des perate playing to overcome the one point lead of the Bruins in the first half. . ... - few minutes Robert B. Kessler. 3$, chief .elec trician of the Pelican Bar Lumber company, was electrocuted shortly after t o'clock last night while re pairing the pony carriage at th mill. He had come in contact wita the deadly 440 volt current which, according to experts, haa reaulted in a high percentage ot fatalities. Checking in at 6 o'clock, K easier went to work on the electrically driven carriage.- When found . a short time later by the watchman he was lying prone, his testing ant kiHa him. . The ciaYftrat haO passed from hla right middle fto ger on which was a small bllater, and burned Its way out tnrougn the inside of his left thumb, hav ing passed through hto body., Death was instanteous, it is believed. Call lor Pulmotor . a eii for the pulmotor was sent h, Klamath Falls fire depart- . ment and Chief Keith Ambrose. Blatant chief O. R. Bienn ana v Boggs made a fast run to reuca City. - Before the arrival oi we on . truck Dr. E. D. .LamD maa new. called to the scene, and It was nrt for the nulmotor. - Mem- ru on II wn. "8 is on a nbout ns '"'o monot- ' ho need out?!) Dry "II the voi'k iron t rt'llHnn. V'peop.; dally w, be told of Klamath county s m sources. Dr. Chase Gives His Answer won. M -..I ....i.lon of Dr. Hurry Unlvernily of Norm "" . J . .. . i. will accept the presi :"T he ' 'vernl.y of Oregon t'irrh w'ithhe... until Monday U I "me known today. wa a te.e- pnrtment, a scno.. Chase. of. Dr. .. . .itiriNr. T.OMING BACK FROM HOSPITAL oiniie w-aa iri the habit of car rying a considerable amount of money, sewed i ' ,! ot hla work coat, according to the con fession. Monday the two boys went to his home, while, other members of tho Stoller family were away and immediately started beating the aged man. "o Pleaded with them to stop, even oiier.iiB part of his money. The heating continued until the old man was dead. After ripping open the coat ano. stealing approximately $3000 8to i ler'e body was thrown on to a led and kerosene was poured on the body, -rovers, also saturatea oil. were piled about it. The boys ignited the keroeene-eoaked bed clothing and fled. When the members of the fam ily returned homo they found the room in flames. Later young Stroller and Horst were arrested for wine selling, and they were suspected of the murder. n iin ntarted tnen anu ed with the confession today. ttinn .tolen from oionei found hidden In young homo. Senate Exonerates Atrv fienl. Sarcent hy Very Slim Vote WASHINGTON Pross) By ami n t. - -- ' imr etAuetfcCs W tifeanity!" un. - the county court remanded him to the custody of the aherlff. Someone believed that he had been bound over to the grand Jury on the check charge for a pencilled entry to this effecet appears oppo--ma. his name on the Jail register. Tho grand Jury has met twice, but r.o,iu was flreotten. apparently. The complaint sets forth that Boc- M in renoonslble for having lllea ho emnnlalnt before Kendall. Dis trict Attorney Elliott is named for havinir asked for the warrant and failing to bring tho action" to trial. Kendall Is cited for having failet t hi.l the hearing. Sheriff Haw kins is held liable for having held I ..I. m.lnwfllllv without a com mltment. been brilliant in the game thus far forged ahead. California's winning rally started with a difficult shot by Milton Butts. that narrow margin of six nnlntn California was again declared conference winner for the third con secutive year. I tigs a" , Angeles nirning ,the fir Portland stand out above "'" Klama.h Kali". as places In which ' m eslnle." , ...nir. former district V"1""" " ' in ro of iviuuii" - firm week in marc.. . alturney The was Horat's .llhwtMi iltytiTl.- But In thoso last few minutes! 0r the Callfornia-Orego,Pow OUlA-lkMti .mnnv'-laO WOXW Called, - The Schaeffer method practiced by the power company employees .to resuscitate electrocuted persona was ..h Anil later the pulmotor was .!.... ,ithAiit rAAtnrinrr eigne ' of aijiicu " -. CALM PREVAS IN RUM TRIALS Judge Leavitt Has Several Petitions and Writs Under Advisement tRY Shrine Honors Dr. E. U. Jonnsun 07. (Special) POUTLANP, Kfh. r.r I.V II. Jiuiiin" i ... o.t.H. Kulls bn " . shrine I Al Ivllilt'i 'i T.-.il1illl(1. f,,r lo nn nnnonncenie." trlotts Polcnl""' Tho selecium . ,,,.,! by of tho nntlrlni? . Dr. .loin."""' on ' " (lf shrluo. The n nn.-. - (, rJH dur M ".Bl.w of rt nn pcrnonnl ri nr ttor, per ontulo MetcM " , , tnlnlng l ' "'' ,,.., Klamath Fs ',lfl,rlp1. Klamnth led a rujiili t 1926. ncconling mutln by H'- Mclsclinn. .. , renin. ner . behulf "f Inly of l,n lo nel Klumutn raim. . n Thl, .."""- w.. Ih '' ,v h where Clanong has Walla. Wash., wl , heeii a patient in in' ;1;';;rpie '-;arrthe N menllon was made n llonlth inu-rovenu-nt o Oanongi(!ii lo letter sent to Wend .JtLholtalu-'-n"-1 h. hcnlih materially- !,. being Injured' 1,1 Ml""- Tho two enrs of the pa"en- " ..lied while two 7 l"e ,rack' engines nnd two Feb. 27. (Unit- ed Pross) uy c""0 the senme - oy General Sargent ot charge, of procrastination and lack of faith In the recent department of ........ invt.,eatlon of the Alum inum Company of America. This action was taken Friday d, rejection of he Walsh report as tTcllma of an acrid debate in which personall'lns figured .on- splcuously. Tho vole against the Walsh re port was 36 to 33. Two flemo- Bruce of Binrymu.. republic...- Tho insurgent to "T JOted with the demo- punio"" crats. JlrKSKK IN WUOXO. SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 27. (United PrusO-Tho stock of Billy Moeske. Ausfalla'a light heavy weight wrostlln. champion, took a decided tumble lure tonight when ,t became known thu he "ran out on his scheduled meetl..l with John Kllonls of Boston. 2 Oil Comnanies Plan Big Merger vp.V YORK. Feb. 27. (United Newa) Negotiations are ;under way for a merger of the Tidewater Oil company and the Associated Oil company if was learned. The combination, definite an n.,mvment of which is expected n..i u-eek. will form one of the largest units in the country. Tho control ot Associated Oil 'until recently, was owned by the Pacific Oil company, but this block of stock was placed on ithe market when the latter company was merg ed with the Standard Oil company of California. The Tidewater and As sociated companies have carried on a close working agreement for some time. Circuit Judge A. "It. Leavitt gave the battling bottleggers, their le- zal battery and the enforcement league headed by Justice R. C. Spink ot Wood River time to cooi off yesterday, and kept under ad vtnement the various petitions dlr- ..J ina the luStlce Of t&0 UVWU Bftu."." - oeace. A oetitlon asking that Justice Spink be cited tor contempt tor his rofoaal to obey a peremptory w.ii. of mandamus and permit Attorney Wm. Marx to have the record ana appear in the George Hlland case has been filed by Marx. Also a notition for an order directing Spink to transfer the Hlland case to the Llnkville district. It Is these two petitions that. the circuit court has under advisement. New Way Out Attnt-nova vesterday saw an op portunity for Justice Spink to Quiet ly relieve himself ot responsiDini-y of having accepted the S500 check (Continued On Page two) life. Assistance was prompt in each Instance. The call reached tho tire department at :45 'ocioca, -within 45 minutes ot the time Kess ler had gone to work and other aid Teached him shortly before. It is thought he was found within i to 20 minutes from the tlme ot the fatal shock. Th hnnv was 'taken In chargs by County Coroner Whltlock and an inquest will be held. Kessler is survived by a wue. Ethel KesBler, . and two child ren, one ot the children being a babv three months ' old, and two - brothers in California. It is the first time that the put motor donated the city by the Am- erican Legion has been put to prae tlcal use. BAHN BROUGHT BACK . j, Lestern C. Hahn, who was arrest ed a year ago on charges of non support, will be sentenced Frldar In Judge A, I Leavltt s coun a parole Jumper, Becoming w - announcement made yesterday. Hahn nosted a bond or siu n- fore Judge Leavitt as evidence ot his good faith to support his lam- Hn later left the state ana was recently returned to Klamath Falls from Los Angeles where ne was located by local authorities. Fire Threatens in Newspaper Plant Fire in the pressroom of the Herald shortly after 1 o'clock yes terday destroyed five 'composition Ink rollers on the press, causing damage estimated at $100. A eall to the Klamath Falls fire department after several of the prlntors had worked frantically to extinguish the blaze, put an end to the fire that threatened me whole P'nnt. Cause of the fire was found to he a short circuit in an electric, heater kept under the press to warm .the ink. WEATHKIt HEltlRT OREGON Cloudy on coast; fair In tho interior, not much chnngu In temperature. Moderate west and northwest wlnda along tho coast. Women's New Plan to Pave Oak St. to the Depot Klamath Falls may be served by another thoroughfare to the S. P. depot it Plans now under way In the office ot the city engineer ma,- torlalizo. A petition to pave Oak street frnm Ninth to Soring street will be presented to the city dads In the immediate future. Papers are being circulated among the resi dents of that district, according to word from E. B. Henry. Included in the provisions of the netition 1 the feature ot providing a quicker and easior way to the an..ihern Pacific depot. It aiso .late, that it will relievo Main street traffic materially it the pave ment is put in, SMppsifs New patent one strap with tan and grey kid appliques and moderate heels. Trim patent step-in D'Orsey buckle pump with newer and higher heel. . , Center of Shopping District. Vil iailiiMilinLWtH - ' J