1 . Page Seven- ITS OT Sl Rl EttmeCont'j For Sa(e U inl:i7 f'-waiu-y 1020 i ww nr-ziL. Tri- a - i"-- - .. . . .j . . ... ... aWAD PAGE A ffl . . ' ; ! ; . 'J" . .1 I I di' tld t7i it in tsolre. I SOU 0. urn to M '"I hard JI.J.2. in- II U. Itloiid, blond, blood, points of 2 ft Its JOc. ISt; la it.. c per (HpletS, fiplets. ht to ie--&'u 2 Te le tur- Tii first si-re) tracts on litjchwitv liiitr miles mat il Klmuttb Fulls. Price $1,250 i-, er 2f per acre, t'ndnr irrln turn and cultivation fait Lincoln. Phone 6 30M, New three room piairrd modern hiM with garage n corner lot fill $1,750 J50 d0 -arf I35 uu and tn(rt monthly ,. -"- -U ol Lincoln phm, . Nice three rooni fiirnlah.d ,ot i.Unt in-sim. .i.iiuon. i'fi. $I.. ,1... I l ,, ,,. . .d,i.n..(l ,,, . t,llt, " " ",H "f FHm U v U ,i Ti muili.ru houses, on four room and ua five muni, i-iih us 3 iitirlor arr of lan.t in tii.Mnh ""t.,r - 1 rice fur ta nve room u.iuo ana fur ihi l.ur room J, uu, some tcrm I nil 901 Lincoln. Phone IJt M Klmi elm mrirnfm Mh piij ttp , inr rlUt, about n-ti-o Irmil ri, fmm tlli lo $i5J, l.r arr, all In cultivation. Call !i l.lnruln. I'liuna t3.M, New bnmo lth fit rooma mod'm ilowtmtatra and th aims aic untatr, nimlirn in tirry ay, lar hafiiiint, it h furnarv A im.l)r hum with $50 ltirom i' Htmlalra Atit. Trlra t Outt. ( alt at U0 1 Lincoln i'boti To of tho frw (and luti lift In Itooil loiotlnn. I'rr ll.Uoii each, on term. Call at 801 Lla- ruin tit. I'hdtl, 53S-M. , . , . . IT VOU WANT to aU our farm or obtain a loir Intrrcat rata, long tnrtn loan oa aama. See WISHAftn REALTY CO. i: 8.1. Tth St. iouratti Ileal Katate. Farm f.oana Ultt , KInirn room romtStr!jr furnlhd atrlctly modern brick bouap. Alao fuitr room furnlhfd Apt. with garage. n on of tl; bent clone In corttcra, pavlna- alntoet paid up, I'rlre I!,(ii0 on terina fall 901 Lincoln. I'hone f3-l. Four two-room bouse on good cor ner, on pavement, bringing an Income of IH per mnntb. Price 1.1.1,1)0. oa terms. Call at 981 Lincoln. Phone 534-M. 1 Pacific Coast Radio Programs Tucla, February -tl 1 Kl'O, 4i'J( I nirtcrr. Han Fran-: ! ciacu -t'attal features; 1 p. m., Sei.: ' ger orrbratra: J;S P tn , matinee; (.1:30 p. tn., I'alare orchestra: 5:15 1. HI, children's hour. etotk; :4tt I p. m., Klate orchestra; T p. at . ' Ni lgur ir bestra; S P m . travel tulk; 9 p m . vocal trio ami duo; 10 p. ut.. Palace dance or hrstra. KtiO, .Itil iiiilcnt. Oaklutnl- i's unl fentttres; 4 p. tit., St. Francis iirchnaira; S;3 p. m , "As u Woman I Thltikoth." Louise l.iinjla; g p. m., Itrokaw iirrbestra; 6:55 p. tn.. news, j weather, stocks, markets; K p. nt., I violin recital; 9 p. m., travel talk: Misery ; r, ,., Taniuliwla high school plain! musicians. HID p. m.. attitlon hrldtte; IK p. tn . fornia collegians. dance music. Call - Legal Notices 11ES4H'TWN" The City Engineer, pursuant to resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having on the 21st dav of Itecember. 1925, Iliett plans-, specification and estimates of the cost of Improving Main Street from Spring Street easterly to the: city limits of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, including Intersec tions, and tho Council having taken! sumo under advisement and find-j lug said plnns, specifications ano j estimates to be satisfactory; ai DM tT AND IT IS HEREBY RE-I tiort at. SOLVED that eald plans, specific-; I lions and estimates lor tne im-; 1 pritvement of said street be and tlwr T St me are nerroy iiei,.,....,. NeW HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' Council hereby ideclitres Its Intention to Improve ( I said portions of said streets In ac-, Icordance with P11" f jciri I cations and estlmntes. Said Inu; : nrovement to consist of paving said -I streets with concrete pavement, Warrenito bilttllthlc pavemeiii blltiminons concrcle base. VVarron He bitiiitthlc pavement with rock base or water bound rock Macndam Mvement, at an estimated " -eluding cement sidewalks, curbing.. glitters, drains If'?....! concrete or Warrenlte bittt ithlcl Pavement wltb rnr.l. hill of $-19,313.-! 54, for Warrenito Wtollthfc- Pvej- ment with rock base, and for water bound Macadam r.ive- itnent with rock Macadam "" ' 3SO.ilO. Said Improven ei.i ..i y ovenfto include grading, rol Ing. sewerage, drainage and 1 ":!'h"n Jt SSi ""', h Southern Pac .no east mm wi .- - ... Michigan Iflc Co. rlttht of way Avonite, Inclusive. t.u turn enst llnft 3 feet of Miehl tho city f1 'Afcta gun Avenue eaalcrly to Tii ill .Mm.m,.. "WHll I una ttcln.t.in u i We ntt Sum Tbr.-room, -juojo, enmptetaiy faratah. : ?.""" 1 ,n"- " " PraM ; "ast aaoat tour- wf nous OS II. B., car Num. S'Jil row hai.e,,, i .-,zrrr,TTr ell, t,1V ''t d, lll v,tp;Lt.oaVbTtL Two Mi In Djrr,,, A()iH ram 2a term or -2: rash Street or t all oi l,j0foln Phone Sli-M. a '-'"M'oroienf Agency IKK from Ia Main t cl Mala, M(u nmjs uisue. dil Tlilrtv-four atr of chole land.' all In rtiltfvnllon and under Irri nation; haa four room bunitalotr, Inn of hcimt-a, hajr. In fact all thai la on im fila w with; It. Inrlud.nt aU potatt. This lar la iwr;lallsf lUui potato land and la located ten iSIa from Klamath Kalla. bordrrini; on l,wt liivcr,, lrlce IS.tSO. A aoldlrr'a loan nioy 1 nsureil on tin protwrty. Call Sol Lin coin or I'hone 5SC M. roit SA1.K Ool f mnai !nl. Itft In Jtilla Addition: price $?50 each, i'iiosa 838-M or call tol L r.ccjls. j in (rut Inn f.rin ! I.... - ' . ' fmtat 1UBUI WISIIARI) HEALTY CO. Insurance. 1U 8o. 7tb "il. Real Enato. Farm l.on Oltf WB IIAVK SOME HEAL, bargains la both city and farm propartr. opportulllet to trade Chang. WISIIARI) REALTY Inauranco or ex- CO. ISe So. ?th St. Heal Estate, Farm Loans' out I LOST lloaton Hull Terrier. Kfcht side of face white, dark brown body. Mewaril if returned to Mrs. Fred lirvant. 431 North Mb St. Phone 41.1-J. KLX, SOS meters. Oakland T p. m . tiewa. KNX. 33T mclers. Hollytvood t's ual features; 2 p. m., mothers hour; 7 p. m.. program; ":4a p. m., health talk; K, 9 p. m , programs; 10 p. tn.. Went orcb.-stra. KIIJ, 405.2 mctcfj, Lo Angelej I'stint features; 12 m.. Friars or chestra: 2:30 p. m.. attrfion bridge; .1:30 p. m., French lewtott; 8 p. m., children's hour: T:3u p. tit., "Maill aoti Siiuare C.arden." H. tt. liohert aott: 7:45 p. m.. "American His tory," Prof. Walter Sylvester; 8 p. m., program. KKI. 46T tneter.i, lis Angeles 5:30 p. tn., tenor and pianist; ? p. m., musical program: S p. tn.. Wes son orchestra: 9 p. m., liaise Klos 1 Instrumental trio i art! hsilsd hour. 10 p. m., Pack- limits, with concrete sidewalks 5 feet wide on both sides thereof throughout the entire iensth of said Improvement, with parking strips leveled throughout on both sidos. I1K IT FURTHKR HKSOLVED by the Common Council that the nronertv hereinafter desermea oe , , hereby declared to be ben- ,,i t,jt- lita 6 tn 11, IndttRtvo, of IHovk R: Lots t" 13. inclu sive, of Block - 5S: Lots 12 to 15. Inclusive of Block ST. all in Second Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Fall. Oregon. Lots 1. S, 3. 4, S, . 7 and 8 of Block 5. and all of Block 4. Williams Addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon. Also beginning at tho north east corner of L mck 6 Williams Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, thence due east lo the Intersection of aid due rait line with the southerly boundary of the right of way of the t'nited States tlovernment canal right of way, being the A" Cittai; thence southeaster ly along the southerly w,t: erly border of the said united States tlovernment main Canal, being "A" Canal, right of way to tho Intersection thereof with the city limits of Klamath Falls, Oregon: thence southeasterly to the point sh1 Ih M "Jr limits of Klamath Fails, Otwon. Intersects tho center of Mam Street ; thence westerly to the southeaslerty corner of Lot . Itlock S, VIHIams Aiiditlos o k-iomti, Falls. Oregon; thence -,i..i in the northcat cor ner of Lot 1. Block Wllllnms Addition. 10 of said the place tit liegiiiiiios. , , , t ..- i n sit tnenistvs Block 2.1; l-oln S.i '?cli'; i. r ninck 22: i-ots i ' Inclusive of Block IV. tots to 37 and 7 to 2S t"il"sl 23 of Indu a veof lil'ork 10. ail in Industrial Addition to Klamath Falls, Ore- on- ... included All of the pruprnj , .- I 1 KLAMATH NEWS CLASSIFIED TRIAL1 COUPON r ffeJ ,64 on this Form a word " each space. Mali or bring to Klamath News of fice. ONE CENT IN COIN OR STAMPS FOR EACH WORD-if you want two insertions, double the amount One Cent for Each Time the Word Is to Appear. The News will do the rest It has paid others, it should pay you Write in This Space T THIS W0RD FREE Wanted, For Sale, Exchange, The Kind of Ad.Jr-" . ?,X Lot, Found, For Rent, For Sale . H?m. Re)t Ertate, Etc ;l 2 1 3 1 , 5 I 6 I 8 9 10 12 13 14 IS ,6 17 IS i5 20 21 22 5 24 25 !26 27 28 1 29 1 30 FOR SALE OR TRADE Se.l or trade SO nanza. llox ST" acrea near Xews. Hume and large tot In Fors tme. For jiale cbcap or wilt trade for Klamath county pro iwrty. 901 Lincoln. Pbons Nine dty Mi In Orlaad; price $2008 for all; wilt trade or sell. Call 01 Lincoln. Phone SJS-Sf. FOR SALE Automobiles 1 S 'J 1 Chevrolet touring car. Rood hap. Witt aelt cheap. 19 "Wal-I tsttt Ave. I TO EXCHANGE A Lincoln roadster for city pro perty. Write J, H. Box 11 1J. Klamath Falls, Ore. WANTED A girl for housework, i after a p. m. Wilt pay cash for ttscd lste model rlowd car. Mast be In first class condition. Write Box S9S, News. The address of Vernon. Burton by tieo, Carrico. Worsen, Ore. Meading. Alt kinds of mpTtdiny nr..,.5 ami " "f '" i ." 1 """'" DRESSMAKING " " 1 . , If you dua t waat yottr dress t have that home-made look go to Mrs. H. CliriJtofterson. l.tttertyi Itootas, Apt. . Pbcim 419. Alt! work guaranteed. i .1, FOR RENT rxm, two 23J So. 5th t.tocks St. from Main. House. Main Furnished. Call S22 , " ' St bcts-een JIaia Street, B.ocS 19, of Industrial Addition to Klam ath Falls. Oregon, and -Sprine Street, and a Hne dividing lots 2 ! and 27 of Block 10 of Indus- , trial Add'.t Urn to Klamath Falls, Oregon, extend dae west to the j norlhwe.tt corner of Lot 1-1. Block S 1. Itailtoa.i Addition to Klam- f ath Fails. Oregon, (sometimes called Railroad Addition No. J) being on the easterly line ot Spring Street. Said property Is more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 85, Block 10. In dustrial Addition to Klamath Fails, Oregon, thence southeast erly along the westerly boundary of said Block 1 to the eottth east corner of Lot 27, Block 10 of said addition; thence due west to the northeast corner of Lot 13, Block 1, of Hatlroad Addi tion; thence westerly along the northerly border of said Lot IS, Block 1. of Railroad Addition to Spring Street: thence aorth weslerly along the easterly border of Spring Street to the intersec tion of Spring and Main Streets; thence easterly to the point of beginning. And that said property above described be and hereby Is declared in hn henefileri nno assessed for the expense of eald tmprovement; sndj BE IT FIRTIIKR RESOLVED that Monday, the 1st day of March, 192S, at the hour of 8 octock P. H , at tho Council Chambers tn the City Hall of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, be fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections and remonstrances against said proposal improvement. And the Police Jtstlge be and ha Is hereby directed to causa notice of said hearing to bo published as by charter provided. STATE OF OR BOOM, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Fails, aa. I, Lent L, Gaghagcn. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, do hereby certify that the i foregoing Js a duly enrolled copy of a Resolution adopted by the rnmrann Council at Its Tegular meet- Ina held on Monday, tits em aay FOR RENT (Con'd) Bo- i Two aleeptns rooms la private fam I Hy. hot and cold water. Private i entrance. S2tt WaahtnstOB. Phone) j I7S-J. Room and Sjoard. Kat street. IntjaSre 1126 Nicely ItttnMted room on pavement. Two Work from Mote, $20 pet raontb. $m lileli St. Erase Apt. fit First class Apt. Phone E21-M. at oiiicouiu jiitio rooutrra Karea room house, in good location. Price) $2,650. Cali 901 Lincoln St. Pbone S3S-M, FOR RENT First class farajahed apartment, steam heated, Mc Carthy - Apartments, tiO Ffae. Phone S00. 014 FOR SALE Eiectric washing machine in A-l condition. Price $35. Call 585-J. Wiiagle M ill with steam engine. A bacrlftce. Address L. B. - Oiene, Ore. Nimn. Fir and pine body wood, $9,50 eord. Prompt delivery. Phone 971-J. SSS ui reoruary, isit, aecjanng s in - tention to -Improve Main Street from Spring Street easterly to fiie city limits of the City of KI : Falls, Oregon, Including intersee- 7 ' ' ' " ' tfications and estimates of cost hereof sUbmi"tcrby th? City EnTl- oiution. oiution i LEJt L. Fllto21 tec. GAGHAGEX, Police Jud-je. XOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution and or- i der of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Coun- , ty of Klamath, State of Oregon, dated the 25th d-;y of January. 192S. in a certain action in the fir.'uit Court for said County and S!a:t!. wherein George L. Chand-i tr, as plaintilf, recovered ittdg- iu.n; i:gainst J. "W, Siemens for 1'. Tvitnv.fva tiontrrf 1 ti-.CUO.OO) Dollars, and costs aodt BILLY'S UNCLE HPf I 0- oUBCW X THOUGHT J TW5, HOTti. m -THt A t0 vX" PsBGSjiT J MtS BUf OUT TO fXf W S,TM:K.M I NM M USCK ME WHK? TO t0 -Hm H 1 UlAKlT Nfftl Spi CHAWfi !J WlTHTHt fiiW M 72. Ki )fS 4 fii Mm tmxr wc Ym tJsTOU I J FOR SALE Miacellaneoua I BarreJ Rock, Rhode Island Red K.SVe -- From heavy layine hens on free' range. Every chick guaranteed tot he pare-bsid. utrrcpr and sturdy. S $1T per hundrert, t:nd we pay thef parcel po.i. Mhtral redact Jon en ' i iarser orders. Wi- nin. aa ntm.!1"1" camps, joggers, labor- : the Bank of Orlajtl. Casile Craney - ; Crow Itanch. s. O. Koons, Prop. I Orland, Calif l or baie 1 fc.p, launcJt. molOT good condition. J. s Mitt, ii Son. th and Klamath. Photat I- English Springer Spaniel puppy, j tmnorttfit Avonitsts ht-eif tj.. iated against distemper, 4 mooths ehl Price reasonable. Phone 1944-W. Kennel 2111 Pelican Bay Road. M Bowa $1.00 Secures any article la oar stars. Balance on easy payments. Con- : gotettra Jtngs. Axminster Kttgs. Rlsskets, Silverware, Bed Spreads, See its before yoa buy. KLAMATH HOME SUPPLY CO. 1140 Main SL (111 : aisuy rpemems taxea at M- teea 60-100 Dollar, and attorneys fee in the sum of Two-huntlred f.?.! 'JttT' !23'0) Dolt!rt- n the lmh'' itersee-ldav of Januarv. 1J26. , Notice is h p r p h v mnn Ins I: wiu OB the 2Ith my 01 febraary.! jKtomajtai County Court Houss in Ktatnatit Falls la satd Const?, , . J -- - i v . i . n u .i t . ii . day. sell at onMie auction to the (highest bidder, for cash, the foSIow ! tng described property, to-wtt j Situate la Klamath County, Oregon, the ondhideU one-half interest tn and to lot 5 of block V 4 of Klamath Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, That npon the sale of the afore said property ail rights, title and Interest therein of J. WV Siemens. Lariada Siemens and Roy Fouch are subjected to and wui be aold to satisfy the aforesaid sums adjudged MISCELLANEOUS . . , , , . We turuUh competent help tor the kitchen, dining room, saw mill. S Ed Urmm, Coartesy and ; s"ice ou motto- E- Carter, t anaeer. 1S Mala Si. la Stage ! Loans. Money to Box 652. boild. Address iJ P. O. Dr. E, O. WIsesarrer r I UestiSt phon Usderafssd BIdg. i SU PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Dictation, pyIos, WBIbb, Invoic ing, contracts, legal forms. Will assist or take entire e&args of books. Tea years experience. Prices reasonable. Work day or evening. ELS A. C. SATJEEBERQ McCarthy Bldg., IS S. ?tb St Pbones: OIHc iSS Rest. 24-J , 48 due ptamtifr, pursttant to de-, . cree of the afaresKtM coart." ' vst, ,i i..,- .. , i. . Property of the said J. W. Siemens i ... o; . thereof a may he aecessary to sat- Isfy the said Judgment in -favor of J. W . Siemens, with Interest thereon, at together with all costs sad dis- uui ortiir ii -.1 . 1. d Utl ' c w i slay p crue. - s BCRT E f huh. tfHiiiiac -a, ijjs, - . JSi F2.MC23 - ! MRS. BKLAHCO VIES. j NEW YORK, Feb. JJ. (Catted i News) Mrs. David Belases, wife of 1 the theatrical magnate, died Monday ' at the home of her sea-ls-Jaw, Stor I ris Gest. -