The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 25, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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In Dwlhl
fx ,hlBiic liiiruc(ir tiled
r ui yr ln KlBh,lh
m " W,, wilh hi. brother,
k rrlvrd lo Klam-
V" rns;4 h" oul
V4n,',. k"""1 rf ,,"n,,
V"'7 (oulhull and nth.
p ,Hrh pulnla toward
Vd Kl.uiath "'n'1-
t'i.ll.ira J. T. l.o-
r. & ion ar among III
In . i;i.mik trull.
'jlJll '" Tl'" roinl,",,'r
!,H Kln",h ,0,Uy lo l""ld
1 iTTir Here Mr. (lid
I I Wolf. accompanied liy
imll M",or Howard
,n moim I"" inir.nn
la tlit clly III rly part
get, from their noma lo
hulni-M Mim noro II.
l Balciti. well known uu.l-
I t th r.pllul clly. In In
S rail for a urici umea
it'lih (lid KrlcmU When
LflMm and hi. wlfa. walked
,w. iiMk of the While Fell.
L, 8undy night they did
Luri the unuaual or a aur-
Ll received one whon Ihey
Lrrelrd hy Ihe nlaht cleric.
( n.rnM. Willi whom' Ihey
l,,KUled In the Julian hotel
lind. Calif. Another friend
i auia tlicy were In the hotel
kt a AH'ort f. aiorrinon
ineved the friendship at onto.
,i Mr. Knelling are reildentn
in where Knelling la manager
I braarb cf the Standard OH
iltort In Kluniath Kalla yo
itltori In hlumath Kalla ye
laclude J. T. Pulford. well
rtaldeni of Macduwl.
lam VMlor In 1". I. Roll,
f tlardorl ramp at Klrkford
iwicilnR huslnes In Ihe city
klu Winn Anhlnnd Mra. Kra
r "
ol Ashland la la Klamath
Ttaitlncs for kihii llmo with
Sha spent Monday after-
with Mia. Mary Walker and
Irlenda ifrom the vallity.
L1 In'lnmt Mi-rrlll Harry
pun, rancher of -Itm Morrill
iptit yesterday In Klaiaath
itlotlatinx affair.
fill It... I... ,
Nl.hol. of Kirk. ! . ,
a. In Kl.rn.ll. ,, bulnm,
Monday .Nfriiiiiiii.
MhIIii IIimIiio, VUlior-fiut of
town u...ik m Klmui, Kail. In
dude :, W. Cotton of M,.ih. ......
pent aome lime ,h) ri)llrt hoUl((J
tranaaciing huinia aaf rulra.
II urn l--r..iu hit t.t
Mr. and Mr.. iwi ir.n .... .
late last nlaht f,, Ukn of ,h,
noou. wnere Ihey UB ,., ,,,
weekend iu Ihclr collage. Mull
denied the rumored r..,...i. ..t
rold at ll.o lake and raid Ilia awlm-
"" yoaieruay , urand."
VWla In Al.b.iH(-ar Coleman
.pool Hunday inotorliiR to Aahlund
.nrt returnlnn over the ren
.unilM-rniaii KlHiiiihlMr
and Mr.. W. A. lUw, ro.ldonU
of lliqulnm. Walilngton. are In
Klamath Kalla, combining bualuoM
and pleaaure. Dawaon la a promt
nent luinbermau of aouthern Wn.h-
lullf.M-lila Toui-UU Vlaltora In
tllO city from California and 11....-
to rexl.tcr fcrrtan car. In Ibo
rhamher of commerce yeaterday In
cluded Jamea Walker of Wilming
ton; Joa norgard. Oakland; Auguat
Moller, Oakland; .Mr., (leorge Page,
San llafael; K. A. Currell. San
Joee; F. A. Ilammergren, Ban A. J. luaak. Santa Itoaa;
Mra. Donald V. MucKlllop, 8anla
Roaa; Charle. P. Carter, Ban Kran; J. n. Otey. Dorrl.: J. L.
Dower., Oakland; Arthur L. Win
ter; J. n. Orton, Monlo Park:
llaei M, Uaiioy, i-ixloy; leorge It.
Rpenrer. Ban Kr.nrliwo; Itlrhard H.
John.ton. C'reawell; I). U. Camer
oon, San Franrlwo; L. It. Wllaon.
Ilorkeloy; E. L. Slmpaon, Bjin Kran
cUco; Peter Mcllugh, San Kran; F. K. Millard. Kagle Rock:
L. W. O'Kouke, Barramento; J. M.
Owen. Oakland: II. II. Itameay. Los
Angela.; It. McDonald, San Prnn-
cliwo; II. A. Bchlpgan, San Fran-!
rlaco: It. g. McLean, Sacramento;
w. N. O'llalr. Coluaa: Cal Willi.
Waillard; J.' It. Ilurhannn, Ontario; i
C. II. .Moore, Caleilco; C. E. l)ay,
Uoosicrs Ask Presidential Pardon
for McCray, Imvrisoncd Hx-G over not
8 ' , I
rwrf;j : .1
i t V f
KVi-t.' t'"!. A,i4..JJ- JfW'ii
Page Fit)
MhIIii Viallor lli-rr John Llkey.
well known ram her of the Matin'
dlKlriit .pent M.,nd:iy In the -city!
transacting bunineaa yeaterday. I
Prominent Incllansns, includinir Ororire Ade, (;un'us arllior,
hi lirothcr-in-law, are petitioning the jieeaUlcnt to pirdon Warren
T. McCray, aentenred to federal priaor: whlls governor of Indiana
on the charge of uting the mail, to defraud. He li.ia .crvcil more
than a year. Mrmheti of a delegation arf. iiccn rnllinp; at the de
partment of justice, Washington, for si coifivcme wi.Ii tin attorney-general.
. . "
Mla 111 I it it VIkIiIiik .Mia. Edlth
llllnn. aunt of Mra. It. J. Rea, la
In the city for mime time viiltlnc
at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. itea
frt.m hr home In Oaklanu.
Vlalt Al Kort KluuiHlli Mr. and'
Mra. W. C. Dallon .pent Hunrtay'
viKltlng wllh frlenda In Fort Klam-
ath from their ranrh near Mal.n. I
Mm. Congo at A mule Mr.. L.
Congo and her young win I. .topping
for a time al the Arcade hotel.
Iteturu To kbunnlli Full Don
Vratch. min of Mr. and Mr. Fiber!
Veutch haa relumed to .Klamath
Falla after .iendlug .ix' week. with
the Kurveying rrew of the O. C. &
K. In I ho likevlew country. Ho
will ciDlinuo high bcIkmiI.
Trai'jr lIHiirna Toin Tracy, dep
uty ahoriff and very mtuh a man
of affair around the court house,
re l ii rued orer the week-end from
Lake of the Weeds, where he spent
IiIh aumnicr vacation camping. He
wait accompanied by Mr. and Mr.
Zeno Wela. Mr. Welaa connected
with the faculty of Klamath county
high school. According to Tom,
ho obtained six gallons of huckle
berries while hU companions came
homo with 12.
Iteno, !ll'-'l J. 11. Fowler of Itenn
lias reglatored In a Klamath Fall,
hotel a. 'l(eno 192ti" which .bow.
to a groat extent Ibo 'cnthuf ;.m
in the manner by which the Iteno
c!t!en. are advertising their com
munity affair. Fowler 1. accom
panied to Klamath by W.. T. Power
of Kan Franrlwo.
conalflorod an exceptionally favorable
arrangement for Ibo purchaser.
. Conaidiiriii);. the libvrui term, and
the Interest already diaplayed. Wish
ard la of the opinion that Ihe tracta
will sell in a short fliiie.
Medfonl Men In hluninlli Mej-,
ford resident. In Ihe cily Include a''
prominent visitor. George Maddos, !
well known .incer. who ha. volun-1
leered lo lake a part In the Pirate j
of Penzance. Ho la accompanied to
the city from Medford i by Charles,
1 1. IlazelrlKg, who is directing the
musical comedy. j
tend Yiftiloi- MiTe Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Drown of Rend are among the
victors in tbu city from their home
in Rend.
Malm Itcldcnt Visit I. B.
Young, Malin resident, I Included
In the cut of town visitor, in Klam
ath Fall, yesterday.
On llu-duowi In Clly Among the
bualness visitors In Klumath Falls
yeaterday wa Joseph II. Helster,
rouldent of Ontario.
IhhI PlircliiiNc! Ily Jiditiston
Mr. and Mrj, Ralph J. Ralson of
Chicago huve comploti d the sale for
lots !. 2, S and 4 to Lloyd E. John
ston of Klumath Falls, the deed be
ing filed yesterday in Ihe county
clerk's office.
DiiKlnc-T In Klmiurli E. S.
Clark, engineer and head of the
surveying crew that has been work-j
Ing in the Lakeview district for
the O. C. & E. Is In Klamath Fallal
for tho remainder of the' week on'
buiincs and pleasure. '
Curvalll Visitor Hero T. 8. Mai-1
ley, resident 'of Corvallls, Is making
a brlof business Visit to Klamath1
Fulls. - - ' -1 ;
Hovey Duys Ijind J. J. Stelger
Jr., has sold a section of timberland
In the lily . district to .Richard
Hovey, for a consideration of $2000,
Hovey who is a well known lum
berman a. is Stelger, I. Increasing
his holdings In the Dly section of
the county.
Warranty Deeds To
Be Given On First
Altamont Payments
' Mr. Siemens, representing the
Ncdra company, and A. L. Wlshard
have been ln Portland arranging the
final details for Ihe .ale of Altamont
acres. The terms upon which the
tracts wIM be sold will be ' 20 per
cent down and the balance In month
ly Installments of 10 per cent each,
and the purchaser will be given a
warranty deed at the time of mak
ing the initial payment. This being
Build with '
Ily using Stone-Tllo foundation
for frame dwelling you save the
delay and expense of building and
tripping form and hauling .
mlxor to th Job. Vou avoid Ihe
wiistn of materials that always
occurs where tha volume of con
crete Is small. , !
Build your foundations of dense,
hard Stone-Tile. In fraction of
the time. They are substantial,
aUraictlve in appearance and ave
you money.
The footing may be Stone-Tile
"solid" block, tutned endwise.
Klamath Concrete
Pipe Co.
703 Market
Phone M2-W
Allcml Klnuulll ..(inine Miss
Evelyn Amlrkn, Miss Addlo Jenkins
and Kenneth Malor worn among I lie
young attendant, of tho Wcod
Klamath gamo . Sunday, driving
south In Malor' cur.
art From Hnn Frniiclaco
Grimes, iu company with, his
r. Miss Marlah Crimes and
Sum, all of Klamath Falls.
Mirard to the clly after a
pi and pleasure trip to San
I'wrl House Mr. Annie
fl known resident of Jleal
tta reservation, apent Mon-
:i(rnmn In tho city cal'ing
rndi md transacting business
frl house,
I'lniiclav To Hliop Mrs. t! P.
"t mil Mrs. Walter Rolil
'b well known rosldent. of
'rrill country woro In Klam-
'l to enjoy a brlel abopplng
Monday. j
I'ml Visitor. Sunday Among
!itora to attend . tho Sigma
niiuet Saturday night 'rom
r'T were: K. F. Kngle. Wll-
rter, Floyd Hart, of Med-
' J: B. Kerri of Oranta Pas..
Irom Medford Included
crrMt. Ned Vila, and D.
1 Hiunphrey At Work Miss
" Hraphr(.y, daughter of Mr.
n. Omtue Humphrey, who
' III over trio nasi few davs.
r"' Improved and wa able to
1' r work ln tho offlco of
i-iican Ilav Lumhnr crrmnanv
csn Merrill M,i,lv Rev.
""I mado one of his fre-
"" to I lie ellv. vn.forluv
ome in Merrill. . . Bov.
' Mr. and Mn r . M
r'' I Council Grove. Kansas.
f ' Mtlclpating entering busl-
milllath Fall or Klumath
' middle wot vlsllora
E urns nil 1 1. n-1 , - 1-
, vmnmorco wnicn
t l use to advantage. Thoy ii .
L "i iimir western
Joan A. John.on. res-
roriinnj .
wnw eniovea
. ' Crater lake from where
1 rsrnnll. . .
h T T'lay Regular
'"uuanriH .. . -
ni. . "i tna nnftrfl nr
fnttol thf Klamath chamber
ih.. o hold Mt 1..1R
Vlsll At laikn ' WimnIs Mr. mid
Mrs. Leslie Rogers and family
.pent an enjoyable week-end at
their cottHge at Iikn of tho Woods.
In r-nmi Klamalli AgriM-y L. D.
Arnold, superintendent of Ihe Klam
ath Indian rcnervatlon .pent Mon
ti. y In Klamath Fall, transacting
business affairs.
Knjoy Visit To Aslilnwl Dr. and
Mr.. II. J. Rea and their children,
accompanied by Misa Killth Rlinn,
spent Sunday visiting In Ashlund.
enjoying Ihe ride to the valley.
Motor To Wiiil fianie Among
the parlies to attend the Weed
guilio Sunday w-ere .Mr. and .Mrs.
.Ihi-h Ileal and Mr. and Mrs. K1.
Merrill Visitors ln--Among tho
visitors In Klomtitir Fiills yesler
day from out of town ' was Grace
K. llnaklns, who transacted business
In tho court house.
Itnys I.Iciminc Among those who
have taken advantage of Ihe half
year llrenso plates to visit in Klam
ath Falls yesterday waa Walter
Rouss, resident of Algimia.
Conquers Bad Breath '
. and is Popular Again
In Victrolas Still on at
Young Wife Afraid
to Eat Anything
"I was afraid lo cat becauso I nl-
ways bad stomarh trouble pftor
wards. Since Inking Adlerlka I can
eut and feel flno." (signed) Mr.. A.
Howard. ONK spoonful Adlerlka re
moves GAS and ofton brings sur
prising relief to the stomach. Stops
that full, bloated feeling. Removes
old waste matter from intostines and
makes you feel happy and hungry.
Excellent for olmtinuto constipation
Whitman Drug Co.
( Advertisement
Reduced Roundtrip Fares
between Pacific Coast points now effective. '
Make this your happiest summer. 1
These reductions permit trlpi to several
vacation playgrounds instead of only one.
Aak our agents about them. Visit tha
beachea, mountain raerti, San Franciico,
Lo. Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Diego.
Or go to Yoiemlte, Lake T.hoe, Del
Monte. Santa Crui, wondroua-blue Crater i
Lake, or north into the "Evergreen Play-
ground In the fuget souna country.
m? No matter where, Southern Pacific Linra
and connectioni carl take you. : . ,
Southern Pacific tisies
J. J. MILLER. Phone 709. ,,
. m i . o n...Aniraii Affsnt.
District Freight r-B- . ' c
Room 205 Hopka Bldg. . 8th and Mam St
tri u rlU Ore.
"The dty I stirttt) taking Carter's
Little liver FitK" mm Mr. John A.
Perry mi New York City, "my habitual
tl breath and had ftinmach mopped.
I strnnely 'recommend them to all those
. (flirted with these naMy troubles. I
aure )ou that my nun case was
Kid one, rallying me nntnld embarrass
mrnt, and Carter's helped me right
(mm the start."
Had breath rnme from sour stomach
and ran mitally be relieved quickly by
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
, I hey are wondrrtul for ennstipatioft,
sick-headache and tmligestinn and they
phtr the syMem in a mild and gentle
manner, no had after effects, ' -
Uerrtmmrnded and lor sale by all
tliug sturek
A cool room
on a kot day
is like an oasis
in tke desert .
Set a .
Ilccomine; styles of are
worn l-y people who feared that
lensea wn-uld interfere with their
appearance. Wo furnish appro
priate styles ' for various occa
sions. . .
...,.7.'.l...y'ii.; i-MAtiiN:
you might need glass
es you KNOW you
need an examination."
Eyo SiKht Specialist.
We irind Our (rwn (ilasm:.
Klnroath Fall, Ore.
Lrawtord reaches
Wrapped and fancy. : '
' Wrapped and fancy, $1.10 "
... . . Per crate $LG0 ;
-. . ! . .WILD PLUMS ' ,. ; !.
Fer pound lOc1- ' -' ! ' ;
Targe""Heartii" of !G6ld'VtorV.:l:Z:.TZZ2Sl
Ball Mason quart jars, per doz.' :..l 70c
Public Market
Phone 169. 126 No. 6th.
Link River s Electric Co.
" 7lh At Klntnhlh Ave. '
Phono 171.
Just get ten new three months' subscribers to The Klamath News and
we will give you one of the new Disc Wheel Scooters! More fun to ride
than anything you have ever tried. Rubber tires disc wheels. It's a
beauty and. all yours for just getting ten of your neighbors or friends to
take The News! You don't even have to collect any money. Just get the
new subscribers to sign the subscription blanks. Bring or send them to
us, and, as soon as they are verified, we will give you your Disc Wheel
Get blanks and send subscriptions to
A. E. LADIEU, Circulation Manager
Klamath Daily News
102-122 So. Fifth St
. .y..." .- .-, vi . . . : .
Ln,, "n ln 'he chnmhnr lln-