I .',,'.'Vs"5l Alum's"1 Kdllur llualns Mansar Soffli' el Knnieth, PhTo Uih .tr..i. 18 'Jiw'"' 3w 5,T lo Til. Kl.ln.lb 'Alnl Company. iZuir" 'Um lhlr pa. ..1-11011 irprtinMU l. ffliitul'1.0" J,f . ,,. will , I ' " Sunjay,jAugUBt 231825. Pay Fly Vanderbilt Heiress to Wed j , - Va, - - ' ' ' LI ILL J; 1. .-.'V ' ; ' ' ' - W ... - .1 f fti 1 r OF 3 CONVICTS Mimed From Tihco One) tbrra that Crn met hlni. toot frolnht with him to x, hrr llicy plsnned n was while Canon turrotly prrfertlnK hi" plana 1 ibat ho l'ft the roomlnx ibrre they worn ataylnx, anil ,poa Charlos l'llllnn. mem i nlKht police forco. Iir Oeorite llarnor wn then j and the two oMeerB dim- i u outlnwa who were going part In the itirkup. Camon tknew them, .g look Murray to them, and it itaried to Introduce thorn urk their Kiina In tho back ny' rlha. itj rleer," Bald Murray, re- hil aa the rinxleader of the (rem tho Salem pen on tho IcfAnKiiiit 12, when J. M. Ilol- 4 John Hwecney, penitentiary ind "Orecoq" Jnnoa, convict, Htd In the break. :i SALMON. Wash., Aug. 22. nforcemont authorltlea took le trail ot James Willoa and Irth Kelly, two escaped Ore rarltu. Tho store ot A.. O. Mir hero, was robbed at khl, presumably by the con- Ottrlind automobllo was also and flt It the convicts woro t to bare beaded toward Olen- aortb ot here. Information Murray, who was captured war Csntralla, Indicated Kelly tevoro hiding noar bora. 1 -1ST WIUH WANTED f , j Behoof District No. 1 will receive sealed bids P to S:08 o'clock tiept ember I for composition or alate blackboard, delivered to Klemslh Palls, Oregon, dollvory to' be not later than October 1, 1925. All bids to be accompanied by certi fied check of 5 of bid. All bids to be sealed and addressed to Ida B. Momyer. Clerk of District. Hid on 262. lineal feet ot width. 32( lineal feet of S'-" width. 295 lineal feet of '-0" width. Successful bidder will be required to check lengths of Individual blackboards and furnish same In lengths a required. Specifications can be seen at the office f Harold I), Marsh, Archi tect. 421-422 Henry Building. Portland. Oregon. The' Board re serves (be right to reject any or all bids. . . : IDA B. MOMYER, Clerk. School District 'No. 1. Klamath Falls, Ore. . A22-2S Formal announcement of tho engagement of Consuelo Van ilcrbilt, daiiRhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. "W. K. Vanderbilt, and one of ! the Rreatcst heiresses in the country, to Earl E. T. Smith, Yalj ; student, is expected on tho return of Mrs. .Vanderbilt from Sara i toga. It is said tho younp; couple will bo married in January at ! St. Patrick's Cathedral, New. .York. .(Ml Nsrl.) ( liiS BRITAIN IS FACINP. tho newest effort of south China to drive British trade from the coun- CHINESE BOYCOTT try. The weak spot Is that the Chl- NEW YORK, Aug. 22. (United nose merchant Is a business man Press) A nation-wide Chinese boy- first and a patriot afterward. Ad- cott on British trade which ehtp- vices from CWna Indldate that ping Interests in British Columbia, Chlnoso merchants are willing to fear will take place unless the Brl-! handle British goods If thoy are un-" In American r. DAM.KS, Oro., Aug. 22. i'.i Willoa and Kully were seen r-erlff Warner ot Klickitat beaded toward Maryhlll, Is an Ororlnnd touring car 'his morning, according to 'elod heic by local police. ' old not know that Murray hn taken and that the fugt- "e along the Columbia gorge lie reached Bltgcn. fLE, Aug. 22 (United -In a lonely house on Baln- Wand, In Pugot sound, the N'erer In Oregon's present lrseay, was found today by Mt Norwich of Roattlo. ' " alierlff walked Into the 01 Nr. and Mrs. Jamos Mur- ,rta of the murderous Tom found a grlof-strlcken vlni on her bed. Rho had N I COllanfin ItiA knu r" V out of prison, and has "nromiy in ,,nc. th.t tlme of an officer aroused the 91 f the mnthar .mtiA atiA P Information. Whon told anderina hnv horf hin i" mother fainted away. FUND, Aug. 22.-l(Unlted orth Kolly and Jamos ""ion convicts, who wore unttht da., .. . u . VIU1I1UI11IUIV ' m me muiino' IT?,1" he tonight. l oe Uken on to the Ternary tomorrow. The ntrtlnnj .t . uopuiy sheriffs 'he fugitives, were continue the trip to NOTICE TO COJJTItACTOnS Notice Is hereby given, that seal. ed bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, at the County Court House up to 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, the 29th day of August, 1925, for the construction or the following: The grading of the Midland Mar ket Road from the Miller. Hill school to ' Midland In accordance with the 'plans and specifications now on , file In the office of the I County ' Engineer, the laying of corrugated iron pipe at points deslg- natea, suia tne constrnctlon of a concrete box culvert In an 'Irriga tion ditch at Station 231. And the doing of such work In connection with the above Improve ments as may be necessary to make a completed roadbed. Plana and specifications may te had at tn onice of the Countv Engineer upon deposit ot five dol-4 lara (15.00). Said deposit will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders upon the return of the plans and specifications to the County Engi Bids must he securely sealed, plainly marked "Bid tor Midland Market Road." and addressed to the County Clerk ot Klamath County. &acn nia must be accompanied by a certified check, bidder's bond or cash in a sum not leas than five per cent (5) ot the amount of the bid, said sum to be forfeited to Klamath County upon failure of the bidder to enter into con tract provided by said county with in ten (10) days after notice of HMH.1HD I U1U, The Count; Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge. BURRELL SHORT, ' Commissioner. C. J. MARTIN, A18-29Inc. Commissioner. News Classified Ads 1 Una 1 day 1 Un 2 days . CLASSIFIED ..10 I 1 Una I days AD RATIOS -16e i: line 4 days ..20c -ISO I! lint 1 week Una 1 month ..0 75o FOR SALE Real Estate 40 acres cf fine Irrigated land on Merrill highway, close to town, Just right for subdivision. You can easily double your money on this. A. A. Bellman & Co. TOO Main St. A23-29 FOR RENT (Con't) FOR RENT Modern, outside fur nished apartment. Winters build ing. Phone 63S-J. A23-25 FOR SALE 10 acre chicken ranch. 100 pure blood Ancona pullets, hover and brooder. Enough feed tor winter. Alice Orlgsby, Mer rill', R. F. D., Route 2. A21-2U FOR 8ALE Four good lots I In Chlloquln, on highway. Cheap. Inquire Robinson Tractor Co. Phone 822. A21-27 FOR BALE Three Iota. Mills Sec ond Addition. Just off 6th. Beat cash offer takes the three. Agents protected. Phone 475-J. A20-2S FOR SALE Miscellaneous RaumfoOTailkft Sal 200 purebred Ramboulllet rams. Yearling and 2-year-old. Sherlock St Hons. Lakeriew, tire. A23 WANTED (Con't) WANT TO TRAPK For lot. Have good new sn'rs'ile merchandise. Call or wrl'.o Yarside, (39 Ho, th. A23 WANTED '"nrrlorl man . wishes position n.i ranch for year. Ref errnc3S. Cox 140. News. A21-2S WANTED Experienced general of fice g!rl wants work. Can do stenographic - work.- Bog 138, News. . A20tf , FOR SALE New 3 Toorn. modern house, furnished or unfurnished. In fine residential district (450 down will handle. Write Box 13, News office. A20tt Must sell five sewing machines this week taken In en debt. 1 Singer Portable electric 244. 50 1 Singer Stand Rotary ....$18.09 Singer Stand Shuttle ... 15.09 1 White Late Model $18.00 1 Minnesota $10.00 AH In first class condition. Act quick. 1613 Menlo Way. : Phone 814-W.' ; A23-28 FOR SALE 100 Ramboulllet rams. Herrin stock. Box 323. Ash land. Ore. W. F. DeFord. A22-28 I AM KLAMATH FALLS agent fir the California Wall Bed; with Way Saglest Springs, and, all Macterbllt wall fixtures. , This . equipment will sell or rent your house or apartment, L. H. Mln- ler. 2140 Vine 8t; A19-23 FOR SALE Modern five room house. Between 10th and 11th on High. Full basement. Part cash, balance like rent. Inquire 1034 High. Phone 882-R. A14 S14 tlsh government enn avert It would bo ithe most serious commercial blow England could rocelva In the Orient next to the loss of India. Advices to Victoria shlppors, how ever, point out the weak spot tn labeled and carried ships. Real Estate FOR SALE Two-room house with bath, closet, large screened porch: good location. $3,350; $350 down. balance $35 per month. FOR SALE Splendid bargain; Deer Lodgo Auto Lamp; 33 miles north KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL should be Included In plans tor (he expected confinement. adv.-8 Legal Notices BIDS WANTED School District No. 1 6f Klamath Countv. Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 3:00 o'clock September 3, 1925, for the construction of a school roc-m at Mills Addition school house, according to tho plans and tirants Pans, ou highway; : 7 yoar, 8p0(.1(icaUon8 fiio in the office comparatively T ft... IP "at tk.... F"llT.i,, ' 1 "ou'dn't say a, ' unl 'relatively.' "''lr.l..Ch..!",Cl0 ' h1m inings." Stray Btorlea. lease on 2 acres; balance this year freo, next year $50, 6 years at $30 per month: fully equipped ramp and service station; small store, 4 living rooms in connection;: beau tiful grove, electric light plnnt for grove and houses; 2 cabins;; wa ter right; good well;; on line of trucks from 8 saw mills: business Inst winter averaged $1,000 per month; $1,700 last month;; uv orago $72.03 por day so fur this month. Sell for $3,000. FOR SALE Beautiful now 6-rooin bungalow, basement garage; splen did location for home. $5,250. FOR SALE Splendid resident lot In Hot Springs, In good location. Frlce $350, oft easy terms. ' NEW MODERN five room bunga low. Price $4,500. On forms. FOR SALE Only a few good lota loft for sale In Mills Addition. Trice $250 each. FIVE LOTS on Mnln streot, in In dustrial Addition. A bargain prlca of $275 each. SPLENDID RESIDENT lot In good location. Close In. Price $600. FIVE ROOM house, two porches, rnncrntn foundation, lawn and trees. Price $2,000. modern. ALMOST new three room house, furnished, large lot, $3,000. lrnnn nnOM modern house on Crescent, large lot, good location, Price (3.750. r FOR SALE 1 acres of Irrigated land In alfalfa and potntons, closo to town. Price $1,160, $750 casn, hnlnncA caftv terms. FOR SALE Now 8-room modern house. Price $2825, GOOD LOT on Crescent. Ave. for $300. 4 ROOM MODERN house and gar age on Lincoln street, noar iun street. Price $3,200, terms. SOME SPLENDID lots Mills Ad dition, very cheap. LOTS W MOST parts of tha city for 10 per cent down end 8( olull, payments on unpaid balance. MRS. NATB OTTKRBKIN 001 Llncon St. "ne BSfl-M of C. N Cosoboom. All bids to oe accompanied by certified check for 5 of smount of bid. Bids to be sealed and addressed to Ida B. Momver. Clerk of District. The Board reserves tho right to reject any or all fclds. IDA B. MOMYER, Clerk. School District No. 1, Klamath Falls, Ore. - A22-28 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lakeriew Ore., August 6, 132i. NOTICE Is hereby given - that Lulu A. Tuttle, ot Bonanta, Ore gon, who, on June (, 1923, made Additional Stock Raising Homestead Entry, No. 011729, for Lot 1, NEK 8WH, WHSWK. 8ec. 6. E48E, SWUSEtt and 8E4SW, Section 8, Township 393., Range 15E, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tha land above described, before J. O. Hamaker, U. S. Commissioner, at Bonania, Oregon, on the 26th day of September, 1925. Claimant names as wltnonsos: Bird McDonald, ot Langella Val ley. Oregon. Nelson Smith, ot Bonanxa, Ore-, son. K. I. Bold. Of Bonanta. Oregon. William Devaul, of Lorella, Ore gon. All Sll inc. Register NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given, that seal ed bids will be received y the County Court or Klamath County, at the County Court House up to 2 o'clock P. M. on saiuraay, me 29th dav of August, 1925, for the construction of the following: Separate bids will oe receivea on: (1) Concrete or stone masonry abutments for a bridge across Lost ltlver at Harpolds Dam. (2) Fill approaches to the above mentioned bridge. (3) The wrecking ot tna oia wooden bridge and the construc tion of a frame structure from tho material of the old. And the dolng of such work in connection with each of the above as may be necessary to make a com plete crossing ot Lost River at the point indicated. Plans and specifications may oe had at the office of the County Engineer upon the deposit ot five dollars ($5.00). Said deposit will h rnfunded to unsuccessful bid dere upon tho return of the plans and specifications to the County Engineer. . m,i must be securely sealed plainly marked "Bid for Bridge at llarnolds Dnm." and addressed to ,k rmintv Clerk. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or cash in a sum . - ,n iwf rant nf the not ices mu " " 1 . . : ,nt nf the bid, said sum to be forfeited to Klamath County upon fnllure of bidder to enter Into coa ', nrnvlded by said county with in ten days after notice ot accopi anco of his bid. The county court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 8 R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge. BURRELL HIIORT. Commissioner. C. J. MARTIN, A18-29lnc. Commissioner. Jim Nice five room modern bunga low on paved . street. Two large lots In Hot Springs Addition, Two good lots In Nichols Addition. It will pay you to' see this property, as It Is part ot an estate that has to be settled. Call 20S Fourth St. corner Pine. - ' A5tf REAL BARGAINS In real estate. See R. H. Maley. ' Phone 726-W. All Sll FOR SALE Four room modern bungalow on Lincoln St. Good location. Terms. Call 1237 East St. J9U FOR SALE AT, A BARGAIN I am the owner ot lota 1, 2, S and 4. block 24. ot the First Addition of Klamath Falls, corner ot 4th and Roosevelt streets. I will sell these four lota for $1,000 cash. They are bound to move quickly at this price so cbmm'tlnTc'a'te by wire or mail with Ralston & Com pany, 4750 Sheridan Road, Chi cago, 111. . J2tt WANTED Woman wants House work by the day.. : 'References. Call 324-R between 6 and' 8 n. m. . A22-$5 WANTED--To trade good residence property on paving, for rooming house or apartments, or will sell. Phone 868. A22-26 FOft BALE Logging team. Rea ' sonable. Inquire McCullom's Mill. A21-26 FOR SALE Model 51 S-cyllnder 7 passenger Cadillac, new. paint. A 1 mechanical condition; ' Will sell cheap. Also 1923 Dodge roadster, good slnpe, price $250 See Bill Lee at Assessor's Office. A19tt FOR , HAL3 OR TRADE One Dodge roads' er tor a town lot near in. Willing to pay a dlf ; ference la cash should there be any. Phone 271. . J. I. John stone. A20tt UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Good shape. Terms. Phone. 255 W at 7:00 o'clock mornings, or call 419 Main. A20-26 FOR SALE Paige touring car Looks and runs like new. Will sacrifice. Best buy in county. (19 Walnut Ave. Noon or even. tngs. A20-2S FOR SALE 17 room rooming house. Reasonable price. Good money maker. Call at 804 Main. Jltt FOR SALE Six room bungalow tn Hot springs Addition, 789 Eldor ado Ave. Furnace, oak floors, etc. See W. S. Wiley. L O. O. F. Bldg. M19tt FOR RENT Strictly modern, stoam heated, furnished apartments, McCarthy Apartments, 030 Tine St. rhonts 800. '. . A23-28 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house. 814 Lincoln. - A21-23 FOR RENT Furnished, modern three, room house and garage. Phone 768. ' A21-24 FOR SALE 15-27 J. I. Case trac tor. Priced right Lewis Kan- dra, Merrill, Ore. A19-25 mil r inii won;4 ot FOR SALE Or will trade 1923 Ford roadster, good condition 4 new oversized Goodyear tires. tor a building lot or small acre age tract. See Jack Hale, Sani tary Market. No real estate agent need apply. A18tf HELP WANTED Female 'rwwsr)rs WANTED Woman to cook on rancn, write oox itz. News. A23-J9 . LOST fSssSssSisasSsiMMasSissM LOST Fox Terrier near Acme Oar age. Black spot middle ot back. Reward. Box 141, News. A22-25 LOST Number plate. No. 435-700. Finder please leave at Blue Bird Confectionery. A22-25 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTING Prepared to do any kind of building, large or small. Prices right Give us a call. Pellett Campbell. Phone 894-R. A21-27 SECOND HAND GOODS AH kinds. uooding the Second-Hand Man. "I will trade with you." 28( Main. Below Court House. . A9 69 IF YOU WANT TO build or re pair see H. F- Hatton, 221$ ' Orchard Ave. , AS -88 DO YOU WANT to sell, buy or ex change? If so rail nt Till It'fl '-irnew store. " SDecIallifh'g 'In i iocs and clothing. 220 Main. St. A8-i-SS FOR SALE 1918 Ford light del ivery. $75. 1918 Wantland Ave.. A18-23 EOama(tlhi Tnr Helms Agents for Firestone and General Tires. 6th and Klamath. A7 S7 HOME COOKED foods, cold meats, salads, cakes, pies, etc Womans' Exchange. 119 North 4th St Phone 490-J. A7 87 WANTED IF ITS CLEANING or dying we do . It Klamath Dye Works. A7 87 BE WELL INFORMED Keep Bp your reading. We carry the latest v i fiction. Order your home paper. Hale's News Agency. A 7 87 IT'S BETTER Shoe repairing. Onr work is second to none. . Quality 8hoe Shop. 433 i Main. A7 S7 FURNITURE bought and sold. Prices right C. W. Williams. 624 Klamath Ave. - Aft S( -A circulation cotertna the city at Klamath Falls aoi the eonnty ot Klamath that's the Klamath News. LIST YOUR ROOMS . The Teachera KArvfra Rhtmii would like a list ot available rooms for the teachers.. Phone 867 or I 676. Tell what you have. A19-?5! DR. J. Q. GOBLI Glass e Fitted aa4 Qrousl TOO jfaaa atrett Fhoaae 1W-W - i , ' BIDS FOR SCHOOL BONDS - Sealed bids will " be' received by Ida B. Momyer, school clerk, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, until the hour of 7 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 24th day ot August, 1925. and immediately thereafter opened by the School Board ot School District No. 1 of Klamath County, Oregon, at the Central BChoot building In Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said district, In the sum ot Twenty Thousand Dollars; said bonds to bear Interest at a rate of not to exceed 5Vi per cent per an num, dated September 1st, 1925; due and payable twenty years from date, and optional for cah by the School Board ten years from date. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check tor 6 per cent of the par value of the Issue. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this 31st day ot July, 1925. Al-tt IfBg. NATB OTTERBEIH 01 taacola M. Fboae BSo-M fismfxrxJiJ w r ' rrraiiriiiii ,- - - - - Bring Us Your HIDES and I PELTS We are na tha xaarket tW Hides and Pelts, aad will pay the highest snarket tries. Lewis Grocery 223 S. 6th Phons 355 Na Bone Corsets, Elastic Re- daeers and Oorsetletta Made to Measure. Guaranteed. BOSS RANDALL Ml Jefferson St Rune B77-W IoOoOoFo DR. PHIUP COLE General Practice of Dentistry Open Evening by Appointment thoae MS 818 Mala Over Moe's Store Klamath Lodge Mo. 137 Meets every Friday night. S. R. Redkey N. G. . , Canton Crater No. T Meets every Wednesday evening. Carl SandelL Commandant EVANS Shoe Repairing doeei Worfc-FJgkt rrtoat 1014 Main Strut stlamatti stalls. Ore. Ewauna Encampment No. Meets every Tuesday night A. L. Westfall, C. P. it- Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 104 Meets first and third Thurs days. Mrs. Elisabeth Sanders, N. G. FRED BUESIXQ ' steal Estate, Beatais ami Fire Insurance 1090 Mala St. Fhoae IT4VW ' PELICAN LUNCH Xbe Borne ot the Pelican STEW th. Off Mala. W. P. MYERS LAWYER BOS Odd Fellows Bldg, , Klamath Falls . Z. PETERS Teacher ot Tlolln and Piano. Accredited by the Bureau ot Education. Phone 481-W Brownei's Paint Store 1029 Main Street. Phone 75 DR. F.'B. OODDARD Osteopathic PhyrddalSurgeoa Pboae 821 Office and Res. L O. O. F. Temple ' Klamath Falls, Oregon Phone lOtW. 10, Loomls Bids. DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist Specialist tn Extractions, Oral Surgery aad Diseases of the Mouth. t Edward B. Ashurst Attorney ana Counsellor at Law State and Federal Conrta Sutte No. S, Loomls Bldg. : Phone 227 TRIANGLE CAFE , XIm plae Co jut good eck OPEN ALL NIGHT 98 Mala Phone M