uf KLAMATHJIEV SOCIETY cll3BS - CHURCHES - LODGES , 'cr I ha world- fcJl f frull and r arsis I" bountiful r,ir ami l"'"u,, of bor rj, kindly to lowly P 1, Qtircn '' world L tribute of fruit and of ','. Ayroi. '"Ith Crov- rt.s i"-"" lias Ooriua. dnuahlar of T. i A. (iordon will lattar pert ' lhe ""onth ktur. ' W1" nll known caiuornia Ann Hud. Oordim ..lil smith bv her irevr""- ----- - 1,1 mother, who will return ,n,t in I 01 oopioni- IlllUt k GAMK If tb fair fana to Journey to fcdir will be tlis Misses jean nsrat Humphrey, tioornlnn- Coniunce Crystal, Inos sal Ruth Undsey. kiUl.KK HOtiTKSH hi Mrs. A. L. Harrey of llother of Mrs. Nate Ot Sir. and Mrs. Harry Ooel Liilned al their homo Friday ilU an Informal dinner. L laid for Mr. and Mra. ikoa of Medford. Mr. and t Ottcrhcln. Mr. and Mra lodlcr. Jack Hearer of Harry (iocllor Jr., Goann Nraneltx liopllnr, Adra Gnra Hnacland and Mr. Oltrrboln. a fcs Or' J'KNZ.INfK PRKSKNTF.H rUMN it falls will c-njoy thn log ol tho rirata of Pon- jiilral romrdy now being k sniior the direction of 1 MaiFlrlRK ot Medford (iwanla club. The pro ichrdulrrt for September HI. lit U an outline of the In- k atory: Plrila of Prnianro, comic p two parts by Gilbert and . produced In New York briar, (he only one of their due Its premier outaldo He curtain rlsoa tho plr ? ire celebrating lhe birth- Mr young apprentice, Fred- ' thunder struck when be thai having reached hla ud ended hla apprentlco- Bot only Intends do quit but feels It In hla duty finale them. Whllo (hoy ike tact, yet they feel they "Itr him much Inducement (or they do not aeem to r'7 pay, Frederic declare because ot faulty business tint as they never attack Party than themselves, hen they attack a strong er Invariably are "tbraah-'- fraadly, It had gotten about ever molest an orphan, lorphana themaelvea). tay capture declares hlm- ban and the laat three "ft to be manned entirely tiU. wtMeven year old nurao, '! him to take her with kl bride and he consents has Sworn Hhn hARil. no tknowlng the dlf ' the only woman "w alnco ho was eight takea nuth will, him ' counter lhA rthtera of Mnini- General M becoming enamoured fbe Yotltlcnvt Annniin, r Irlvea her. m. f t the alHtera are cap- other pirates, who arc them off to be mar tor of Divinity, who fnt. ' ""n lny by the arrival of tho Pit' Konoral qulck- Itu, ""'""Hon and obtains L,L,'ho hole party by u.. l0. I an orphan. l i! Ct dl,clwa the ma- '""tbaaJ Tum' 110 la . "Iln ancoslors i, " prey tn - me pirate. I. surprised by lh, llnk.(lve fc ...d the plra.o fctot wl,0 MtmM ""l " " born il. le. year on the 29thf February h la cotiaeniienll.. , ,,,, R ml0 oy((i. five years old and aa he was ap prenticed to tho pirates until his of the band. Frederic I. forced to o with them, first telling of (Inn- erai munley. subterfuge to escape. Whllo (hey are collecting the h.n.i for vengeance on the general, Frod- one niiis Mabel a fond good byo, promlslni to return imo ,hon ho Is of ago. The rest of the story la devoted to the struggle between the arared police and the pirates aftor the former are finally victorious. Con- eral Htanley consents to receive all of them aa sons-in-law after he finds oui mat tney are "all noblemen who have gone wrong" for aa he sings: "No F.ngllshman unmoved that statement hears Because with all our faults we love our House of Peers." The principal musical numbers are: the pirate klnr'a nln VrA. eric's number, Miibelts beautiful waits, "Poor Wandering One," Gen eral Stanley's "patter" song, tho second act trios. Itutb, Frederic and King, and the Sergeant's "a police man s lot la not a happy one," to gether with several wonderful en sembles, the best of which Is the big "Taranta-ra" number. The Pir ates of Penunce Is generally con sidered Gilbert and Sullivan's best, musically. Ill HIN KSS vfoMKX AUK KNTKHTAINKIi More than 14 members of the Dullness and Proteslsonal Women's organisation of Medford will bo en tertained I his, afternoon at 1:00 c clock In the sun room of the Whllo Pelican hotel with an Interest ing luncheon. Hostesses will he mem bers of the Klamath Falls group who are entertaining as a return favor for the visit to tho valley this spring. Following luncheon and an In teresting program, a swim will ho the Inst (en tu re of the afternoon In the pool of (he hole!. Those In charge of tho arrange ment of affHlrs were: Mrs. Lynn Zimmerman, Mrs. Myrtlo Helm, Mrs. Maude 1 1 mid, Mrs. Jackie Km monn. Miss Chloe Palmer and Miss Joe I'pp. Among the numbers on the pro gram will be a reading by Miss Helty Zimmerman, a danre by Miss Muxlne Olson, vocal number. Miss Geraldine Mara, piano solo. Miss nest r lie Walton and violin number by Miss Kathorlno Walton. I MltH. ltl(i1Altl.SON j IXHPIHATIOX Mrs. Harry Richardson proved the Inspiration for an Interesting after-1 noon purty when Mrs. It. A. Em-; mitt entertained In her honor on Saturday aftornnon. Mrs. Illthard-: son, who now rosldos In Yrokn, was a former rosldont of Klamath Falls and member of the Happy Hour club which has honored her during her visit here with her two chil dren. ! Those who called at the F.mmltt home yesterday were: Mrs. S. T. '. Summers, Mrs. J. J. Keller, Mrs.1 I-awrence Ruconich, Mrs. Ed. Propst, Mrs. W. P. Johnson. Mrs. Bertha McCollum, Mrs. W. E. Beck. Mrs. j O. M. Hector, Miss Ellis Emmltt an,d the hostess and honor guest. MIHH KAXIMtN PAItTY til i:ht Kor Miss MarnilU Handon uf Cor IMs, who Is the house guest of ir. and Mrs. (Ile Kent at their charming home on pacific Terrace, an Informal dinner party, dainty In Ha appointment was given on Fri day evening. Covers were laid for Miss Murrella Kandon Mi v..r. HouKlon, Mis , llernlco Pheiilelo. ferry Murray, Frank Moser and Carey Tally. MIKH HMITH Al tJI KT IIIIIKK A wedding of Interest to a num ber of Klamath Falls re. litem. I. that of Miss Agnes Smith of Klam ath Falls and William Keesee. also of Klamath Falls. Their llienso to wed wo obtained yeslurdsy In tho county clerk's office. The bride Is a prominent resident ot this city and Mr. Keosoe Is the son of Mrs. Rose Keesee, also of Klamath Fulls. MIIH. III'IIN VIMITIMJ (iltAMIDAI'tillTKR Mrs. Jennie Hum Is spending the week-end visiting St the Brookslde ranch, the ' house guest ' of her granddaughter, Miss Gretchen Hum who Is visiting In Klamath. SIGMA XI' FltATKIlXITY Memlwrs of the Sigma Nu fra ternity from several of the coast colleges, met last night In the White Pelican hotel for an Interest ing banquet and evening. Med ford and Ashland guests were pre sent as well as a number ot Klam ath Falls residents. (, 3ft Sf, MINN IlKDHtltl) IIO.VOItKI) AT PARTY The Interesting country place of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bedford, Choke Cherry Cabin on Agency lake, was the scene of a pretty party and swim when Mrs. Bedford entertain ed In honor of the tenth birthday ot her daughter, Mlsa Roberta Bed ford. Mrs. A. M. Collier and Mrs. J. C. Boyle assisted Mrs. Bedford with the guests, who were: Roberta Bedford, Marguerite Boyle, Ger trude Boyle, Marie Collier, Caroline Collier. Phyllis Collier. Betty Jones. Pearl Jean Wilson, Jane Bedford, Rob Mason, Wilbur Jones, Bob Gallagher, Jim Van Emon and Jack Bedford. WK8T HOJIK HTKMt OF KI PPER For members of lhe Tea Cup club who entertained their families with an out of door picnic, the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter West was the scene, of a lawn party on Thurs day evening. Mrs. K. C. Stuckcy will entertain for the club on Sept ember 17, at her homo on Canby street. Sunday, August 23, 1925. MltH. HI.OAV IIOHTKHH HATI'ltDAY Cor her little daughter, Mary Sloan, Mrs, Allan Sloan en tertained at ber home on Riverside street Saturday afternoon of the past week. Guest, were: Mrs. 1). V. Kuykendull, Mrs. Robert I. Sloan. Mrs. Mary Sloan of Ashland and Mrs. Earl Hill, who assisted the. hos tess entertain the young children. ' Others present to enjoy the affair wero: the Misses J :an fnd Hetty Haugor. Jane and Caroline Daggett, Jean and Nan Goellt-r, Marie and Caroline Collier, Margaret and Elis abeth Ann Daggett, Nancy Gammon, Thelma Possum, Audrey Hill, Pat ricia Gallagher, Arva Stevens, Mur cla lieu, Dorothy DcLup. Dotty and Barbara Coaeboom and tbo honor guest, Rosa Mary Sloan. HOY PATRICK HONORED FRIDAY In honor of tho birthday of Roy I.. Patrick a number of friends com plimented him Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Currln on Pacific Terrace with a delightfully appointed dinner. A centerpiece in a low Gounod- bowl sent trails of smllax to the covers. The color motif of orange was car ried out In the flowers, pluue cards and candles, H Latter in the even ing light refreshments were served after several Informal ' hours. Guests were: Miss Jean Perry, Miss Elna Jensen, Miss Lois By'non, Roy h. Patrick. J, Martin Adams and I. Neat Stewart.' , 3ft 3f 3ft MISS HECTOR VISITING IX OLKNE Miss Alysae, young daughter of Mr. and Mra. O. M. Hector Is the bouse guest for a week at the Gus Hlllyard ranch in the Olene district MRS. HAGMAX HONORED AT D1X.NER For the pleasure of the house mother of Zeta Tau. Alpha frater nity on the ' Oregon Agricultural campus. Mrs. Lillian Hagman was entertained on Friday evening at j the While Pelli sn hotel with an ln Rosii, teresting dinner. Roses were used as a centerpiece around which the coverings for the .guests were laid. Tb.y were: Mrs. Lillian Hagman, Mrs. Marvin Lucas, Miss Margaret Johnston, Miss Bertha Pelts and Miss Frances Humphrey. MIHH M'ANDREWH ENTERTAINED ' Miss Voronlea MrAndrews, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mc Andrews has proven tha Inspira tion for a number of Interesting so cial affairs prior to her departure for the south wbero she entered Dominican college In San Rafael the early part of the week. Miss Alexis Lyle entertained for Miss McAndrcws on Monday even ing, guests were: Misses McAn drews, Muriel Moore, Jean Rogers, Virginia Richmond, Marjorio Peyton, Lydia Von Ilerthelsdorf, Virginia Peyton, Bessie Daftey, Joe Evans, Luclllo Coan, Charlotte Wright and Miss Lylo. On Tuesday evening Mlsa . Mr Andrews was honored with a prettl ly appointed dinner party, Jostess for the affair was Miss Lucille Coan, Y v y MRS. WATTKXBl'RG ENTERTAINS Mrs. George T. Pratt, a visitor In Klamath Falls, her former home, from Orenco, Oregon, was honored on Tuesday afternoon by members of the Art Needle club at the borne of Mrs. K. u. Watten burg, on Pine sereet. Mrs. Don Zumwalt entertained during the party hours with several . Interest ing vocal solos. Guests of Mrs Wattenburg who called to honor UOTEL ASTOD 2dHlll LasAnsslM EVERY ROOM has PRIVATE TOILET ' 50 Balks New, Modern Close to Shopping District uad Theatres FREE GARAGE T.-- ! so Page Three Mrs. Pratt wore: Mrs. A. M. Wor- den, Mrs. Don Zumwalt, Mrs, M. Surgent, Mrs. Hoy Orem, Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. Beatrice Perkins. Mrs. II. V. ieiiord and Miea Gretchen Hum. CHINESE ASSASSINATED LONDON, Aug. 22. Blu Chun Gol, Chinese finance minister, has been asainated, according to an ex change telegraph dispatch from Can ton by way of Hotg Kong. No details of the alleged murder were contained In tho report. DIRIGIBLES TO POLE WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. A sug gestion that may take ono of the navy's dirigibles, the Los Angeles or the Shenandouh, to the arc-tic regions next year to explore the great p.lar "blind epot" has been made by Donald B. MacMillan. HOP OFF SUNDAY , SAN DIEGO, Calif., Aug. 22. Two of the throe specially construct ed sea planes which are to attempt &uu-.iUv flight to Ifsrrs!! '-ir!!! leave tho naval base here for San Francisco early Sunday morning.' , Notify Marlon Barnes ot any vio lations of the game laws that you may observe. Your information will be strictly confidential. Phone SPasitoon Wanted. CAD WANT OS S Classified advertising is a morning paper proposition al ways. Read the News. 25' is the right price to pay for a good tooth paste LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Large Tub 25 Why Look Your i Age? Preserve your youthful, appearance and beauty by ridding yourself of gray, faded, or streaky hair. We are experts in tint ing and dyeing. ' Boston Beauty Parlor Gloronna Warren, Prop. 206 Winters BIdg. EVEH HAVE A MOHT.MAHK Ever dream that ono day when you'd started for work or fish ing or somowhere on washday that tho old tub grabbed you thusly and pullod you back to do tho washing? When you got through with a hard day's work at the tub you'd do somo think ing and thon you'd tolophoue to the French Hand Laundry. FRENCJLsHAND PHONE FOURTH 490-R5.V ST. Why Not l-ok Young as Long As You Kesri Young Our oporators are so export In tho art of hair restoring that they will banish your grey locks in a surprisingly short time. The preparations are so applied that they restore the natural color, life and luster to your grey hair, and absolutely cannot be detected. ALL LINES OF HEAl'TY WORK WHITE PELICAN BEAUTY SHOPPE WHITE PELICAX HOTEL Phone 180 Oil 1 1 .31 3 ASS? USJtstT if aVt( The UNIVtrol 1 1 uncuun contains: The College of literature. Science end the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archl lecture end Allied Arts Business Admlniatration-Educatlon-Grad. uate Study Journalism Law Medicine Music Physical Education-Sociology Eitenaion. for a mtolojut or ony Information urrll. 7Vw Btlilrar, UnlOtrtltS ol Onion, Eutint. Ortion. We Outfit Big and Little Shavers FOR BIG SHAVERS Gom razors :..:..:.........$1.00 Gillette razors $1.00 Ever Ready razors $1.00 Auto Strop razors ..M....j..,f.i.!T ?.t$l-.Q8 Enders razors $1.00 Durham Duplex razors .........$1.00 Straight blade razors - $1.50 to $4.50 All standard brands shaving creams 35c to $1.00 After shave lotions, creams etc. 25c to $1.50 Talcum powder (more than 30 kinds) 25c to $1.20 Razor strops 50c to $5.00 Raqr Jipnes $1.00 to $2.50 Tweezers 15c to 50c Styptic Pencils. '....10c Blades for all standard safety razors .....35c to $1.00 Shaving brushes 35c to $4.50 Strop lressing 25c Everything to make the home Shave painless and pleasant FOR LITTLE SHAVERS Horlick's Malted Milk ......50c, $1.00, $3.75 Eagle Brand Milk 25c Dextro Maltose , 75c Mcllins Food ........................... 75c Hygeia Nipples, .........2 for 25c Hygeia bottes .,.'....,.;...f..;......,...........2 for 25c Rattles 15c to 50c Infant sets (comb, brush, etc.) 50c to $6.00 Baby talcum powder 25c Baby creams .....25c and 50c Castile soaps '. ......10c to 50c Castoria ....25c, 35c and 40c Anti-colic nipples ...2 for 15c Pyrex nursers .: 35c Baby hot water bottles 75c to $1.50 We list above only a few of the items we carry to keep the baby healthy and happy. SPECIAL We have on sale at half the marked prices a limited number of boxed papetries and correspondence cards. The boxes are slightly soiled, but the paper strictly good. Now 15c and up. Take Plenty of Kodak Films We carry genuine Eastman Films to fit all cameras. Leave your films with us for quality finishing STORE NEWS Confidence in the exact fulfillment of your doctor's prescription is absolutely essential to the :....... ... best;, results. . That consideration is paramount in our service. : . ' , . ; .. ..... Ntffone JikeS to go to a drug store arid have the soda clerk grab your prescription and start to work on it.. You immediately feei that some one is trying something that they can't put over.- That is the very, reason why., no-one touches-a prescription that comes into either of our three stores unless he is a college-trained and registered pharmacist. ' j But there is something besides college training that must go into your medicine. The drugs and everything else it contains must be fresh and pure. They can't be kept fresh and be kept on the shelves, they must be bought and used quickly or they lose much of their value. With our three stores to buy for we can order in sufficient quantities to assure the minimum price, and wc also know that our three stores will use them up betore they become too old. All in all, there is no better place to buy drugs or sundries than at Currin's For Drugs, Inc. Klamath rails Currins for Drugs Portland, Ore. ''"an. . . ----- bi. ... "ao"c, aftor In LAUNDRY The 501k Ycai Opens September 24. 1925 to Ot Policemen again.. ,J . me piratos