THE KLAMATH news Sall 1 BASEBALL SECTION JON United New, and United Pre, Telegraph Services (Every Morning Except Monday) KLAMATH VAU& 'miK. sATmnAv Aiifinr 99 100 r . -w-. - . r? r ! " -t rnce rive M'nu fTKjrm bAiTLEXPECTED WITH WEED SUNDAY ' ... 'r . V ning. IdlES ORDERED FOR I NEWS SPECIAL TO CAME AT WEED SUN. f tin 1 1 L ii Mil im tt.m t Li a u nave ... ........ .... wln Special to Wcua bunclay Tor the nonnHiu-tii'iHHi'K iimi jive lieon ordered to take tho Klamath !rd. ted that at least 400 will make the hile several hundred will journey to Irnis by automobile. Iiu wound up their workouts with a it fair grounds lot yestcrduy evening. it worth the admission price to a reg- ktch work out. Never did they seem lion. Stir Pelican Infield Lir first baseman in Bert Arnold, an Li, in his class. Ithortstop, in Jim Ful- looks like a big league outfit. With cavorting ardund tho third bag like y, tnd with "Red" WatU spurting of Jddie Collins, tho Pelicans have an in ks good, but perhapa no better than university athletes on the weed team. Id lineup iit doubtful. Glover has in, tioom, , union, iiaric, u tsrien. SUley to pick-- M ' ' ' SENATORS LOSE 11-INNING 1 TO 0 BATTLE, WHILE SOX SMITE MACKS i encan uaseuaii team. Heading from left to riitht, back row: I'ruitt, p; Mathews, If; Watts, 2b; Clark, rf; Demitt, c; Arnold, lb; Street, p; Mohlel', p. Front row: Bayness, 3b; Staley, utility; mascot; Fred Glover, manager; Johnson, utility;, ss; Booth, rf. O'Brien,' Noc!, Fuller and Clinton, who will be in the game Sunday at Weed are not in the picture. Little Earl Whitehill Of Tiger." Accomplishes Feat Blanking World Champions; Rain Prevents Pirate-Giant Crucial Series Start Of W or Bay Mutant to an- wtj. cay may W lot t few in low be pans out. u'rl'fht ball m Kvcral oc- played for U the minute ittftta to Bay, Mohler will b hasn't been f condition the ., and it looks ohler will have Pelicans to vic- a thing is to be Mohler pitch- ill against Weed kins. lurli for Weed thony will prob- the Weeds. To t gang at Wt-ml real pitcher on They've been around the ieu- up everything in pe whole crew 'Mllips and Wion fin?. Anthony is able hurler in the fhony held Yrcka 'art Sunday. He n fine condition. !t, back to the ex- m. There in atill 'ouple hundred special. Leave ith the Mecca, the pr jewelry, or "ews. You may "ur ticket on the better to avoid lumber, the choo- 9:30 al m. "l return early ESTELLE JUST HAS A DEUCE OF A TIME TO KEEP JACK REFINED, ETC. Eavesdropper Hears Breakfast Table Repartee Dempsey Family And Turns It Into Capital It's A Capital Yarn Of LOCAL FIGHT SEASON'S FIRST CARD ANNOUNCED BY BROWN LAST NIGHT (By WESTBRnOK PEGLF.R) SHo: Ho rrfini- anyway. NEW .YORK. Auk. ll-.(HDllod! lie: Wall.' I am rcfinod. Didn't New) Dolus a table 1 in In Kurnpo anil all throw place j Sammy Olson converaatlon In a stucco inanition nml wear a drrsa null? You didn't In Hollywood: o mo wearing the old red awoater, lis: wan thinking if It wan, did you? You didn't aee mo fumh all riant with you, I'd auro liko tolling nny (orka in the Cafo d Taria, have soma of tho old mob In for a did yen, when they rIvo mo more ataa racket aomo nlRht. I w forka than a rouniry rond? thlnk-lng I'd liko to aeo old One-Kynj Khe: You woro very refined, do hia stuff with a hundlo of llverj Ho: I can remember when 1 and onlona. And I'd liko To toajjoiily Rot ono fork and tho heann iMHtrd o Rood I almoat pit tho prongs off. I wonder, do you think wo could arrange to have pork and henna soma ulcbl and just ono Koaru.i fork? Slio: la that refined? Ho: All tho same, a fellow's got to get around with tho old mob (hat aponka his language eunieilmcj. Old One-Eye! Wonder what he's rraahtng now. I kind of liked old tbn tantalising lumbln-h 1 o c k a awhile with some of Iheao carpel athletes that naod io hang around tho camp In Ureal Kulla. Sho: And have that ovor? Ho: Well, now, Kcarna lun't so bad In his way. IU certainly en toaa a hot pair of dominoes. Sho: He refined. Ho; Well, that old mob certain . ... . ... . . .1 !. ri..n l...t ly blow a lot of brass notes lor mo a.uj. .... ... when I was Just a palooka. The always trying to crawl up the other I old mob certainly walloped my old, guy's loR. Cant keep him limed. drum in those days so ' She: Ho roiineu. nt Rook Is Asa"Ri,th" 0hl0, All 51 ,tT-i. According . j crotar r th. tho owner of (ho wobh can hit a " Dhe Ruth. tha greatest 'Utera ih.t t an , " mm n . ''bl for . ' " OI. ,ne r Webb io th. ni.-.. fT. a,.. . ".-aaio kvn slso reeeli fol- oor outfloldor. In Big League Hurlers Jumped on for Poor Pitching Exhibitions the three-hit Rames. and Zachary and CJlard turned in four-hit re ports. The Cubs were held to four hlnRles twice. Osborne and Ehr hardt, who havo their summer resi dence's in Hrooklyn. did the rlk yostordny a week ago, and Huck Hetts and Art Decatur repoatod last Thurday. ! NATIONAL LEAGUE Io PlllshurRh lit New York, post- NEW VOUK, Aug. 21. (United Nows) Dan Johnson has taken a crack at big leaguo pitchers, blam ing thorn for tho lncroascd hilling In Ihn mnlnra 'II11S SCaailll. said It wasn't that he bull was llve-,pancd; rain. but tho pitching was pooror. mica.. ' effort. American I St. 1UIS have ' poned; rain. W(.ek Hoaton at Cincinnati .i! AMERICAN LEAGUE I lor, or words to that As If to mock tho leaguo chief, the huriors limn helrler form this laat than at any other time this season., rain A numbor of pitching master nlocos wero turned In Ihn last seren days. Thoao Included Iwj two-hit games, throo rthroe-hlt (rays, four four-hit contests and HTU-nit. BHiriiiiauvB. wore hold to five aafotlo, or leas. Huckcye and Mtl ..... i. . h hlilerai Score II luni. in p...! 'i. .....n. will now toko tholr turn on tho "panning" aland. Tho old maator, Walter Johnson. and tho now master, Eddlo Rommel,, nor, wora tha two who checked In itwo-hlt contests. Rommell ed In gaining a shoutout, Brooklyn: postponed; at rhllndelphia; post- postponed; Score aevoni New ior i Cleveland Hnttories Jones and It. H E. .1 6 1 .2 8 0 Uengough; n. ..o H. 8 R. II. E. Philadelphia 1 ' Chicago 13 , Untterles Rommell. HauniRart- (irnves and Cochrane. rerKina, Wl,hl Kaber artd Scnaia icceed-i Score- but ono: Washington " run Jeaked through, despite tho '."""" ;MCoiMe- and vrnu d iiu. ..mb ck.u.iai There wore five shoutouls In ad dltlcm to the one credited to 'Aim- n. u some Ed. Tod Blankonshlp. Ted; 7 n 4 Lyons. Olard, Johnny Couch and .Boston f u t Zachary held helr enemies away: 8t'Lo" . "'' p.Vh-'an d Hevlng; Bush . - ..... - ., , innings nailer'.-" ! Whitehill and Bassler. Ings. fnr nlnA Innings. 0 1 Uuel; Eleven Inn- It. ...7 ... Thirty rounds of boxing will usher the 1926 27 boxing sca.son into Klamath Falls two weeks from Saturday night at the Scandinavian hall, according to the complete card, ar ranged -yesterday and announced by Promoter Earl Erown last night. After' niui-li "Telegraphic bartering' with a gcntTf)a'med who boxed here last year, but who has been summering in the Nevada-Arizona country, the battling Swede has finally decided to take on Earl Ritchie, a local boy, in the headliner, a 10-roiiml affair. Olson wired Brown yesterday that he would lie here bright and early Monday to start train ing. Olson has been in trim since he left here, having Jought no less than a dozen bouts in tho southeasterly direction, and it should lake little training to put him in the proper fettle for the pro-Labor day scrap here. He may be seen with others on the card, in daily workouts from now on. The semi-vrindup will be v .:.s.. 1 1 1 Wfc a 6-round encounter en titled a "fight to the fin ish" with Ed Starkcy and Bobby Ross the only char acters, outside the referee. It nil depends on what kind of condition these young sters are In as to what kind ot battle they will put up. But Promoter Brown Is not going to havo his first card turn out to be a the 2 gents train well or CHICAGO, Aug. 21. (United News) While the Na tional league pc.ied in a state of suspended animation, the con testants for the American league pennant went out and lost a ball game apiece Friday and ended the day in the same rel ative position, the .Senators one full game in front of the Athletics. ' Earl Whitehill, a somewhat runty gent for a pitcher, per formed one of the prodigies of the season in defeating, the Senators in Detroit. He pitched 11 innings and finally shut th4m out 1 to 0, another low score, which tends to confirm the suspicion that the major leagues have suddenly revised the ball- once more with the object of taming the critter. Stan Coveleskie and "Firpo" Marberry pitched for Washington. There was fairly liberal hitting from both sides considering the total of 19 blows. . ' i . 1 : The Athletics, who seem to have come apart after the tension of set ting the pace during a long stretch ot the season, took a pasting from the White Sox. 8 to 2. and their los ing streak is now long enough to braid. The Browns inflicted the 81st drubbing ot the season on the Bos ton Red Sox. who are contenders for the booby prise of the year for all leagues. The score was 9 to 7. ' To appreciate how terrible the Red Sox are, even with their legacy of world series traditions and all such bosh as that. It Is only necessary to compare them with the Braves, Who hail from the same town, and oc cupy corresponding positions, at the bottom. In the National league. The Braves hare won 17 same more than the Red'sox and have lost 14 games fewer. , 1 . "lu " Cleveland : the : 'Indians' "anoTf ' Tanks had ,a tussle "tor "sixth- placev" which was in no way reminiscent of their hot combats this ,time in 1920 and 1921, when they were fighting for first place and the pen nant. The Indians won 2 to 1. ' , DECIDES TO GET NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (United News) Benny Leon rd, lightweight champion of the world, who announced his retirement from the ring lastJ year in a mammy composition of deathless prose, has finally gained control over the tender emotion of filial love, and will come back for more fights and more money. Billy Gibson, Leonard's man ager, made the announcement Frdiay afternoon, but neither he nor Leonard offered to ex plain how. Benjamin recon ciled this course with the tear ful communique in which he said he was quitting the ring for the sake of his dear old mother. Leonard was in the dramatic profession at that time, adorning the vaudeville stage, and the announcement lent considerable publicity to his act, a number in which he took occasion to Rdvise all young men to love their mothers. Humbert Fugazy, an ex- fighter, who promoted the big flop" and benefit fight program for the Italian hospital fund this sum mer, expects to promote Leon ard's come-back match, : and probably will be staged' at jEbbets field, the home of the COAST LEAGUE Score R. H. E. Seattle 4 6 1 Sacramento 2 7 0 Batteries Plummer and Baldwin; Twltchell, E S.hea and M. Shea. TTV..1 Ritchie.' local boxer. . . . . - - .,,. will meet Sammy Olson on the p,eteg opening card of the 1925-26 box- card. ing season in Klamath Falls, Sep- 'whale will either get out. A special event will bo third from the last on the card. A fellow by the name Brook,yn Dodger8. ot unarics, out iney can him "Chuck," Sands will trado blows with Battling Smith of Portland. These fellows are 2 of the comers promiaed by Brown, and he says, and he ought to know, that they are tiriilBers of the front line, h Is will be a 6-round af fair. A 4-round prelim will be fought between Tommy Murphy, ono of Sammy Ol son's promising youngsters, and Wilbur Harrington Murphy, an Irishman, wai picked up off the ranges of Nevada. If he ever earns enough to get back to the vicinity of Boyles Thirty Acres, Sammy doclares Max. Rosonburg, Jimmy Slatter y, Kid Strlbling and even Mike McTlgue will be yell ing for quarter. The curtain raiser, which will be a 4-round affair, wno has not been definitely de the Score R. San Francisco 3 Oakland 1 Batteries Williams and Pruett and Read. upon. That com the big 30-round It ought to be a of a card, gents, a II. E. 4 1 3 0 Agnew; Score R. II. E. iLos Angeles 4 8 0 Vernon 0 4 1 Batteries Root and Sandberg; ril'lette and Whitney. First game R. II. E. Portland 3 11 2 Salt Lake 13 18 0 Batteries Leverent and Hannah; Kalllo and Peters. Second game- R. II. E. Portland 2 6 1 Salt Lake 4 7 0 Batteries Meeker, Holllngsworth and Tobln; McCabe and Peters. Called end 7th, by agreement. Baseball Scandal in Southern League To Be Probed By Landis tember 5. whale of a good one. If you know ot any game viola tions, call phone 684. All Informa tion will be strictly confidential. LTTLE ROCK. Ark.. Aug 21. (United Press) John D. Martin, president ot the Southern Associa tion Baseball league, will ; confer HU Buscball Commlssiose K. M. Landis In Chicago Saturday, and lay before him a full Report of the investigation of the rumors of scandal Involving the Kashvllle and. New Orleans clubs. It was announced " late Thursday night. The second chapter In the scandal was enacted Thursday night when members of the Nashville club filed Into "court" here and gave sworn testimony. The court was held be hind closed doors In a hotel suite John D. Martin, president ot the Southern association, ' presided. A court stenographer was on hand to take down the testimony after a notary public bad shown the players how to swear they were telling the truth, and all ot It, with no gar nishments. Tucker, the 'New Orleans out fielder, first was summoned Into the inner regions for the ordeal. Twen-,' ty-flve minutes later he waived his place to Larry Gilbert, manager ot the New Orleans Pelicans. . Other platers followed one by one. Martin will keep the testimony a strict secret until after his confer ence with Commissioner Landis, he announced. Should rumors be borne out that two Nashville players were approached to "go rotten," the guil ty partios will be meted out full punishment, President Martin has promised. Tho rumors were that two un named players on the Nashville team farmed out tc that club by the Cleveland club, were promised a re lease back to Cleveland and a call to New Orleans with a subsequent Bhare In the championship series Monday at New Orleans. No names were called In any ot the reports. Officials ot the Pell cans have given their hearty ap proval of the Investigation, and vari ously set aside the scandal rumors as publicity, spite and pure bosh. iiuui ma Couch, Lyons and Uhle pltchednd Reg..