IaslSSS. (MS III Local Briefs d. Tl.ltlnl official' ' ,U,tr . f MIX .'o"'Bd' fi. w. riceri. L; B. H. Cruller, r lack .mi ihu - ...lna.r. Wblle L .!. of J. L,,Bti(lr of Ibe la. P" ,daurt of Clio ttliad. tidVt ' Associate kend-Chrge IJTlilo "I"1 Mr"- 11. afordlne' 10 Lim fi ' c,r- Mrt. KoKht ae kubaad. Winter ill wllk noiinboro uud from nor u ler .lory. ind Inbumao KnUhCi tecum- iumI tor i dlToroo. ildrw. Hhe aika 1 lo iiuunio her tarlet Henta. iihl wore married kit, Jaljr H. IMI. Iraspltlnt. lit of Wllma uuotlur divorce Sb Mr that eh. Lai r. married oa StpKDlxir IS, t .oilxnd later Mr. JurAuiim In Mra . Jc, McAullffa of Fort Klanath and ber brother, Pale O'Cosnor of Tort Klamath alao, .pent Trlday D Klamath Falla traniaeiir.. ,..-, and rialtlog with trleada. Accord- in lo Mra. McAu Iff.. ..... received from ber buabaod la Baa KrTielo reported an lmn,. . and lha (ratlins of akin to hie hip a eucceea. Rbeumatlan --- ....... - uuuee able laat week, but tbli baa grad ually declined. HlMTltlae. Folk VUIio ...... . a .... ur, reaiueou or Bberldau. Oreion. were flaltora i. vi ... Falla yeeterdajr. Tb.y ware lueata oi vr. i. it. uarr. ohr.lH.n A TAI.J.J Of A TAIL BAN FRANCIHCO When Mr. Nora O'Connor attaniDtMl in .i. tbe motor Id ber automobile the waa (reeled by a freniled yoowl from unuer the eoilne hood. Inventlga tlon ahowed that a tomcat'a tall had become cauttbt In the alerter ceara. A bandy policeman drew out a large Jack knife, and that'a the end of the tall. U S. SENATORS TO COME HERE Saturday, August 22, 1925. elfrt to aocure the building for ima territory. The matter will bo brouiht to their attention Jn the near future. Pay Threw itj hi tkt aum of IdTotm child. trf a Plmllar aivtUjtl Hunt, kr luahand, ift Ut Are yeara mnU at Band mn no. Mra. irthrtae cuatody JRUGGIST 1 J BACK PAY . formar general wthrn Oregon Ktlwd but a amall fin promlaed him ring the pint 4t to bli complaint rt here. fit be waa to have 'lb from Novem- Preaent time, only clalmi, waa paid 950. together with I'OLAR THII' CAI.LKD OFF WABHINCTON The atorm. r the north have thrown auch ohata clee In the way of the navy fllera with the MacMlllan expedition that their during and faaclnatlng attempt to diecover whether a new continent lies under tbe polar Ice probably win tie abandoned. Klamath r.n. . ... . . -in. VZZJZ, "ear future. Bucb waa ih. . . ... - rscvirea laat lht hy Rob.,, Kuyk.nd.ll. ."! h?. n k hwl firm. " Robtn 8.'fleld. Unltad Hlate. aenator from Oregon. The United Slate, Senate 'public landa commltiu .1 .... . fi.u 1 t -uiin man- -m fch 10 " Prbllltr will hold a public hearing In Klam- atb Palla on th r..i. .1 tiuaiion a It affect. ,hu territory, between September 1 and September 10. ac. cording to Mr. Kuykend.il1. Information. The meeting. It waa aaid will be of Intereat lo virtual!, '.,ry m "iMijiaiii county.! Judge Oagbagen aald yeaterday that' ........in county i-aral build-1 Ing committee of the chomi,., .i commerce la tirn.,u w r u ,w (irsnt lo the aenate committee facta re garding the nr..nt ...j . . . . " vi a ilea eral building for aoutheaatern Ore- . to oe located In Klamath Falla. Pereooa Dretonrtln k. .... - " w in lha know," declared that iv and Btanrield are together In their Speeder Is Fined SO CenU A Speed Mile It coat J. J. Davla luat 10 'fcenta a mile to apeed In tbe vicinity of Klamath Falla. That la, for every mna or speed attained. I Mr. Davla waa arralaned before! Judge Ed Kendall. Ha waa accuaed by Traffic Officer Knowiea of travel-1 ing at tba rate of to mllea an hour at the time be waa apprehended. ! 11 a eee, muaed Judge Kendall, who la matematlcaily Inclined.! "Fifty mllea an hour 50 centa a mile well your fine will be $26."j Mr. Davla paid hia aaeeaiiment without argument. BROOKS ARRESTED FOR NON-SUPPORT Oeorge E. Brooke, charged with failure to aupport hia children, waa ed m St. Helena and returned to thinking It over laat night In tbe thla city through effort, of tbe Klamath county Jail, Brooke, on complaint of bis wife, was taken Into cuatody on a non-1 Kendall today. aupport charge. He waa appre!iid aherlff'a office. He will be ar raigned before Justice of the Peace Try a Newt Class Ad. Painting;, paper hanging. Interior decorating. " COPER BROTH CRM Phone 880. ' ' HOTEL ASTOD EVERT ROOM has PRIVATE TOILET SOS Bathe ; New. Modern Qoee w Shopping Dtetrictl Theatres FREE CARACE ' fi Irom i.5) HAK ANHIKK MIKNINO PITTHIIl'RO. Calif. Mlaalng since laat Halurday. Hebaatlan Tarantlne. Flrat National bank branch caiihler. la believed Ihe victim of foul play. Tarantlno'a book, at the bank are in perfect condition, county author ities were told. He was known to have had II, 000 on hi. person when laat aeen. and may have been killed for Ihe moniy, the ahcrlrf's office reported. Youngster Stribling Scores Technical K. O, PIIOKM.T. Arts., Aug. 21 Yoqng NtHbllng of Georgia won a technical knockout over Jack Lynch (n the ninth round of their echelulcfl ten-round go here Fri day night, when Lynch refused lo continue the fight. A paper where all the people have opportunity to express themaelvea If they desire that's The Klamath News. PRKASKS JON CRUELTY !er buaband, Ed- pot onlv thn..i...j - , VBIQUOU I JW lo choke her. are I dlrorce complaint. C. Rourk. In fi", .he clalma, her le ner. 'or a divorce and ft child. DESERTED CHARGE F" husband, Walter Idenerted her1. Mr. I filed ault for pamath circuit court. married In Al fMinber 2B. ion Flldren, aged seven er, reenectlvelv - ho was aban- nceg in POD 1 nr wnrnlng. ? PRICES now on. ' many who " loo late. r ' near. orders. Bring Us Your HIDES and PELTS We aire la the market for Hide and PelU, Siad -111 pay the highest market arte. Lewis Grocery 223 & 6th Photu 355 -25c- Regular size Citrus. One Citrus Soap Powder Free! w I L D lc Watermelons lc P L U M S 80c Tomatoes 80c 4 for 25c Cantaloupes 4 for 25c r . $2.75 Hard Wheat Flour $2.75 w I L D P L U M S Phone For Food It's The Better Way. ? Hurry Cash Grocery Phone 576. Two Deliveries. 524 Main Wild Plums per pound 106 Grants Pass, Ore., Tomatoes, per crate 70c Grants Pass, 0re Elbertas, Per crate .$1.10 Hearts of Gold and Rockyford Cantaloupes From 4 for 25c, up to 2 for 25c Grants Pass, Ore., Watermelons, Kleckley Sweets, Per lb. PAc Klamath Falls Plums, per crate , $1-00 Ball Mason Quart Jars, per dozen -70c MORNING SHOPPING At this season, when a big part of your foods consist of preen vegetables and fruits, it is to every housewife's advantage to shop early. While we usually have a big, complete stock of fruits and vegetables in the afternoon, you are al ways assured of the best, by shopping before noon. Come early today. Come before noon If possible. Besides getting your choice of the best things we have, you will help us to serve the afternoon crowds better. Come early. We will appreciate it. PURE CANE SUGAR Sugar is now at a low price. Come early and get a sack. ROGUE RIVER TOMATOES A big truckload for our two stores here. The price and quality are the best in town. Get your tomatoes at STONE'S. ROGUE RIVER PEACHES Extra nice, fresh Peaches. Come early and get a few boxes. The price is the lowest, the quality the high est. ! SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS Each, Swift's Mild 39c 10 to 12 'lbs. Cured Hams. Awful this warm weather, lb, nice SUNBRITE CLEANSER , Big cans, some stores sell for a 05c dime. Extra Spceial at STONE'S- can DONT FORGET STONE'S VACUUM PACKED COFFEE If you don't like it better than any you ever used, tell us, keep the cof fee, we will give you your money back. 1 lb. 55c 2i2 lbs. $1.29 5 lbs. $2.65 BATH TABLETS Large round bars, Perfumed Soap, 6 for ........ 45c CITRUS POWDER CHEAP 19c Regular 25c seller, for tomorrow STONE'S MEATS ARE THE BEST IN TOWN 423 MAIN STREET FRESH KILLED YOUNG FRYERS PRIME RIB ROAST Rolled Prime Ribs Young Beef, lb 25 POT ROAST Young Beef, Shoulder Cuts, lb. IS. WEINERS BOLOGNA and Minced Ham and Liver Sausage, lb 20c HAMBURGER Fresh, Clean Pure Meat, lb 15c 717 Main '( () 8 423 Main BOYS! or GIRLS! YOU CAN GET A DISC WHEEL SCOOTER FREE! Just get ten new three months' subscribers to The Klamath News and we will give you one of the new Disc Wheel Scooters! More fun to ride than anything you have ever tried. Rubber tires disc wheels. It's a beauty and all yours for just getting ten of your neighbors or friends to take The News! You don't even have to collect any money. Just get the new subscribers to sign the subscription blanks. Bring or send them to us, and, as soon as they are verified, we will give you your Disc Wheel Scooter. . Get blanks and send subscriptions to A. E. LADIEU, Circulation Manager Klamath Daily News 102-122 So. Fifth St A WOOD t Peclalty. 31 &Cn PUBLIC MARKET wg Bum." Phone 169 Hourly Delivery ptoas 83S 126 No. 6th St. -J