The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 21, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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fEvery Morning Except Monday)
United News and United Press Telegraph Services
KLAMATH FALLS. ORE.. KRinAV attp.ttct oi iooC
Price Five Cento
in rcncan Hay
Mill Accident
nd Degree Or
Lr Charge To
Verdict Of
PRAISE AND $20000 BranchlKlamathNewsChooChooIs
Of Oil Concern IGaining Customers To Weed
Given Klamath
Lester Rich It In Critical
Condition At Local Hospi-i
tal Retult Of Carrier Branded A Sale Stimul
Extra SeaU Being Constructed At Weed Ball Park To
Handle Klamath Crowd Lloyd Ryan And
Three K's Helping Matter Along
With his life hanging in (he!
balance, Letter Rich, aged
. I - - - .1
ikr tecond de- auoui ju, is lying in ine Mam-
o, msn.lauhler ath Gerreral ho.pital in a pre.
tor For Accessory Men By
Some; Klamath Traffic'
Cops Uphold New Law I
ty automobile owners
f.m.llv lodged carious condition, as the result! "re -p'k dissatisfaction wlth"' '
I formsiiy . ( the new .tat automobile isht law Mall
Lcsdo, Mexican.! of struck by a moving ,.
Rich and three others, whose i
names could not be learned, '
- msvA li nil in 4ifJ(ll'nr that!
Ith, fact that a - -
b.d found that;mow,n ,0"d of lumber, when,
to hi. death ,t operations of the carrier wre
W I I - II a
K, unknown per- "rsea, ana ...
L .--A U were strucic aown.
MS Sincere, wnu, ;
1 dltlnn was Improving.
I.ltorncy'. office and definite announcement ns In
Mfli believe, will ,uloln f hi injuries cnnld
I) da inaictnie li Lou-' muilc.
Standard Oil Co. Breaks'
Ground For Big Station To!
Be Soon In Malin; Will Be
K. F. Branch While little more than 100 sign-' train crew to stop at all way
j led up for the Klamath New. Spe-' Points. In case the special In too
clal to the baseball game at Weed! frow'led may ,al(e ,he reu-
, ... . , liar train which leaves here at
ground Will he broken this '" " " ,10:30 and arrives in time for the
game. In that event they could go
back on the special. -
The Klamath News Specjal will
leave the local ft. P. depot prompt
ly at 9:30. There will be no speed
Hundreds who have vxpressed limit,
their Intentions of going but havej Those who have neglected to pur.
failed to Blgn their names on the chase their 14.14 round trip tickets
dotted lines. Those who thinks ltej may get them any time between
Just a male affair, this excursion now and Saturday from the Mecca,
train, are mistaken. There are as Glover Jewelery store. Acme Motor
many, If not more of the fair sex: company or "izmath News. The
going to make the trip. sooner the better. We'll know how
And from Weed last night came many to figure on.
word that an extra bleacher stand: And, by the way, here's some
.... ' . . ., Imorning for a now distributing I3"9 10 400 r(","'a' vr-Pcn root-
wulle hundreds of Klamath coun-. , u e....-.i...i filers will present their ducats to
yesterday,,, . the S. I", conductor shortly after the
;v.u. u .luu.-i:. ui ...liu west, oi : fmir , .,.. ,,. , ,h.
i: rut. T .. ii t i ' "
nil on me uiifH-auiorniaWard Sunday mornlnit.
lllini Valentino carrier in the yards of the, ,her persons favorlnc ihe M:n.m.(m.,i.i..t.ii,n.
r q ii D I 1. 1 ii"uiui.iin,iiv iiiuuu inni, iissiti
L, nnounced last ( Pelican Bay Lumber company j legislation, declared that tl. bill H W. OvormiiT, managi-r of
luly Dulrici At- y7 - - " 1,urlMJ" thu Klamath Fall branch of
J.' . I DI,U .V.. .1. ol her than to reduce the number of1 lnL IVIJmJl" 1 w l"ntn Ol
" . j .uulonmlille accidents and to make thc company.
was nmc luuiu rui m iicu, ... ... I . . ,. .. ....
Louncemeni was. driving conditions at night general-' The building, including four
th. fact that a ""7', ,0, ly ...or. favorable. ,arm. tanks, one three-Btalled
Klamath Fall, resident, who are , garrKe( a warehouse and bar-
uiiituni-u tu me new iuw ucuurt), si. m i
' i ha 1 n iilr nww ! 1 1 n it V tt an
all four men along wiih othr onponenu In vr- ' T 1
1mm rornfn of the mate, that u proximuie cow oi u.uuu, ac
....... ..- uuU,..ii. in. win lie inriipriivo on roiiRn roauit -ui ui t vicniuci, x iiu
lnA A l..t. strnlt. W mi Ii f I Wllk wnerB UKUin win niim.
Lksi felt it best ,;,.,, ,lf .. the''""' """ '"nslderable ex-
IMTtt. other two bearing minor Injuries' r-nw In a matter or m-pectioiis.
Jd Nevarros," ! brul... . stimulate the demand
l.:.J !' noriiirs uiaKnosing ine injuries m
nplsiaed Iin. . ,,.,,.. , nror ,,,...: for light ..vessorlcs.
sf a ratori v . rn,.rIl.H ,hr, hrnVrn rlD.: Kny, Proven A Success
rtw which was, f hl. rlKlll ,,,.,, om, ,,,,, On the other hand. It. advocates.
I.C r.nnv.l.t ' .. W. ln i. which In.ludo Chler T. A. uaiieiy
Uo, a. .K.!wl be made ,. morning. .-- -Uff -
J Ik accused Mli'h s married man witn a "" --
ine accuieo .... J ...... t,n nroved s success In the
lo's clothes. rl,M,":l?":ll slate. fc whlA It already has
e .tabbing, w( h ,ho ,,,,,,. ulnllr ,.om. been adopted K1.mntll
:-. i luffetv. before he left Klamath
I lot night, held i According to report, from the bos-) Fall, yo.ter. ay ,.r.u "
nNflrsw. Uon.le. , early this morning, hi. con- fled app rova o .o- ... - .
tnlch. operatives I .linn,, ., improving, alllmush no,""1"""1 "" 7
he I reduce me numuri
he 'among motorists.
I W. A. Foster, stato traftioo olfl-
lecr. will, headquarters ncre. ". to Mnlln i,nnK0i Valley and points
spoke favorably of the new law. uuu( n )e Tu)( lake,. rountry wm be
Mayor Succeeds In Slipping
Gene Henry Across But
He Can't Get A License
As Engr; May Prosecute
latest electrical pumping units
will also be installed, making
the station one of the most
complete of the smaller sta
tions in the state.
The Malin station -will operate! Pacific
under the Jurisdiction of the Klam
ath Falls sub-station, a manager a nil
possibly three trucks will be put on
at the new plant with It. completion.
Appointment of the branch manager
Is waiting the approval of the home
office in Sacramento. Ten days will
be .required for the completion of
the new distributing station, opera
tions to be completed by the first
of September.
ronfldcnce in .Mali.. '
Wllh the completion of the Malin
would be erected today In order' thing last, but not least. Lloyd
to take care of the capacity crowd Ryan offer, a free round trip ticket
that Is expected. to anyone buying a suit at hut
Reports from Dray, Dorrls. Mac- store. There's your chance, Lee
doel and other way point, that Croas.
practically the whole of those vll-t And Just to egg the ball player.
lages would be deserted Sunday.' on the K. K. K. store is giving a
providing tbe special train would .ilk . shirt to Ihe Peljcan batter
stop there, .resulted In tbe Southern' that make, the first home run.
Issuing an order to the Goodnight shirt!
jrOItTLANI) Portbuxl police do
I not believe that the bold node-
trlnn, who forced a motorist to
I rtrivo him about the city Wednea.
sore that ho had
t about 3 o'clock
of the lHih, that he
lde his door the
f Navarro and liu-
t he had passed
making his way tu
irm ot Navarro.
Kul QnnrrHiil
fa. (lontales testified.
I "bad talk" to each
re addressing each
tarliiiu vile epithets.
tn hi door. Com 1ml
ht wa ell her on or
null's said ho went
rly morning and.
tn hit door, was pass-
hcadeil for his
wiules explained that
'trlher to tho violnt
lay In a pool of
f'Ked Ihe wounded
o' hunkhoiisn.
MMed Irfiuredo. (lon-
lb. accused mun wus
lm"lf. lie was hnl-
' Man Kllent
Janitor, appeared bo-
W 00 Page Two)
aTwith him
""n on Spring street.
Hie Dig Itasln Lum-
'"..nd himself ado-
l.t night.
Wl rcporied for dls-
When Rtalo Of-
" no Patrolmen Pal-
Jlltchell Invaded his
,0I" Mm loudly tie-
ASADKNA. t'ullf.. Aug.
Ignited News 1 Ten men were pa
expressed the belief mat. once
rled. It will bo wsrmiv enuorseu
by I hose who are now
posed to It.
Portland Opi1"'
Word from Portland has it that
motorists there are generally op
irnsed to the provisions of the new
act. It was said mat ."
linn Is planned In forestall the law.
if possible.
I (ieneral satisfaction
nronoscd move
,l motorisls yesterday afternoon
Hope. It never goes Into effect.
manv motorists sa.u. " -they
believed the new law to be u
good one.
Sheiks Routed Out Of Jazz ,.,.. rave was exPre.ed by io-
Dence Hall And Made
To Battle Flames
station. Ihe haul from Klamath Falls , Canal Dykes To Be Broken Air nlRht wns Kllsvrnrth Kelly,
. 1 a-, . v-i 1 ' comrnde In crime nnd rngtit ot
And Flaming Area Flood-j Tom Mllrra. iamn wllIo9
ed As Protective Move ns he ciBime.1 to be.
shortened by more than 30 miles.
Service, never before rendered as
completely, will be at the call of
ranchers of that section, the Install
ation of the plant coming at a vital
point In the harvesting when the
combine harvest machines are work
ing full shifts, requiring an unlimit
ed amqunt of fuel.
Plans for the construction of a
plant of tbl nature have been con
templuted for some time, and It was
decided recently to put the plans in
operation, ruther than wait for the
proposed railroad development In the
Mnlln country.
Supplies ltl Territory
"We are positive however." do-
Against Forest Fire
. SAX FKAX'ISt') Wllh "i
I defense argument still Incomplete.
With from 300 to 400 acre, of n Thurwliiy night. It appeared that
volunteer rye cop laid low hy aj the fate of Dorothy KHingxon,
sweeping peat fire on the Siemens youthful matricide, would not be
and Bloomlngcamp ranch on . the1 "Mt th' 0',8""'B J"
I men and five men until late Frl-
west side of Klamath lake near; .
tho Skillet bindle. ond with a pos- .
eible but not probable detraction
Af .Itn
..1 .ore the nrounni-ui"
hn,l no ulterior motive In put-jclared Overmier. "that the Malin
fully burned about their bodies and nrrH,, ttd I am sure the country Is coming to the front rapid-
' . !""" .1 Affl. I In .... r. t lid I nil trail V11 1 iv n nn
two seriously, when lliey were 'rv. ta , ,00(i one," ueciareu . ---
ped in a circle of flames, while j ..,. ..Speeders won't up- Tule lake districts, and the Invest
... " .... in ,,r here " V T . , ',s It will tend ment ot the station will give tb those
iikiiiiiik i" prove 01 . .,
Thursday night. , discourage fast driving at night.
Tho lllg Tungn fire, although j (Continued on Page Two) 1
aiemlllv Increasing In aren, wu .
being held by heroic efforts, on the n-rtcppiltinn ill
line of the Sister Klsle-Strnwberry' 1 TOhetUH""
peak fire-break
lf'tho fight cannot bn won Thurs
day night on the present lines.
Comity Fire Warden Turner said.
Ilm nnlv nllernntlvn left to SSVC a
Young Case Flops
lo administer
ANGELK9. Aug. 20.
vast ferrltory of tlmberlund. Is '"j ,,,,. News) A serious blow to
send nt least 1.000 men to thjne prosecution of Dr. Thomas W.
desert side of the mountains nnd Vom)g on trlnl for the dental gas
stnrt a bnck-flro from there. 'slaying of his wealthy young wife
Bense, bluck clouds of smoke con-1 wn dellmed Thursday when the
tinned to nour Into Pnsadena. and; . ,mY surgeon admitted In
residents on high vanlngo points ' llmon, that Mrs. Young mny
snxlo.iHly walched tho huge Mmo, hav(j pr,mmltted snl.'ldc. nay whllo ,he other two leisurely
... ...n.... .!. ..llv iioshIIiIO nVCnUO Of;. .... -rti.l,l. , Thnu .eteptnil
only live nines iiimii in" Knliowins 1 , , iliu inw " . - j
v..rn .Inmil. of nollce were piH ,ca..e thus unexpectetliy openeu
runchers and residents of that sec
tion a service which we have long
hoped to establish."
Daylight Bandits Get
of rich timber country confronting
the district, plans were being made
to break the canal dykes and flood
Ihe fire-swept area last night, ac
cording to Jack Kim'.:all. ot the
Klamath Forest ' Fire Protective
association. .
Only a change in wind, and a
strong near-gale would startt the
timber blaio, according to ranchers
In the district who explain that
Mtt'M cAxrim ox ost
SAX FltAXflS(X) Cancer ex
acts an excessive death .toll on
the Pacific coast, according ' to
Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, med
ical statistician and cancer ex
pert, who has undertaken a sur
vey of conditions here for the
San Francisco health department.
One of Mayor Goddard's
appointees the city engineer
11 whose hands the city's of
ficial head entrusts the advice
of an "expert" on paving pro
jects amounting into the tens
of thousands of dollars, and
whose advice on other big mu
nicipal engineering ' projects
would either "make or break" '
the city, is practicing without
a license, in violation of state
laws, and will be investigated
by- the state board of examin
ing engineers. September It,
which may result in the secur
ing of an indictment, charging,
misdeameanor, convection for
of $500 and a sentence of six
months' imprisonment. ' "
Thi. was learned here, last "night
from a source familiar with the at
titude ot the board.: ,
. Archie B. Carter, secretary ot the
beard, ha. revealed public records
which showed, that Henrjt tooJt nthe
state engineering examination' . this,
snrlnr snd was' fenid a JiceAsa.
because of failure to make the nec
essary grade. ' .
To Take Action . i '
iu sum lustra 11 in cubiuiuuij lui
the board to act, directing the sec
retary or some other ' official of
the board to bring a : complaint
against an engineer practicing with- -out
a license. An investigation ot
Henry's case has recently been made
and final action J. expected with tho
September meeting of the board.
Members of the city council last
night declared that tbey were not
in accord with the mayor', appoint
ment of Henry from the .tart.
Knowing the mayor could appoint
the city engineer at five day inter
vals', they vtsbed nt to start tbe
administratis if to a beHiscrsnt
beginning. '
It was not known to them, how
ever, that the city engineer oaa
tailed to pass license examinations
any they declare the time has come
tor action. , .
PITTSBrROH Patrick 1 Foley,
All, met a fust worker In a. young;
i n-aMi.iiv ,nrrin.l. the' ncgress of about 16 years. She
district on three sides and the lake,
on the other. I
The fire was discovered early
asked him to change a five dol
lur hill, and when lie drew out
his roll, aggregating $110, she
$500,000 Jewel Haul J"""1,", Zl Z U SO feet" to railed track, be-
IVII1MII5I1 HCIUIi. -......
ranch hand, that 300 sheep were
CHICAGO. Aug. 20. (United: driven from the stricken area and
News) Four men walked into the saved from burning.
offices of Laiaru. & Well, whole
sale Jewelers here Into Thu"-Jay
and robbed tho firm of Jewelery
variously estimated to be worth
from ilOO.OOO to S500.000.
Two of the bandits flashing au
tomatics held the office force nt
1,1 "n from Ihn flnnr
"Umlcd to know what
with me," ,o man
twanging through the struii
. . 11 n-m'a iilinnff.
on wntch with Instructions to nrous; (oro ,hem. defense
sleeper. In the event a changl.m j ,elr Isctles and began to press
wind imperilled the city. ilbe JZZJX
The orchestrn In the garden of hcrsc U and
Ihe Moon dance hall at Tujunga was cistern l.y J
in, o. susp.c.oi. -"...-..
pies "Death was le ""
' I .... tit...n thn nuri?fnil.
n.oved toward, wer8 (lalleg cheek to cheek f'Kiifw- ""K ' ,, whcth.
these smoko-blnckened men stepped test I nen. . not p0
. . .i, Im,lv' suite of decom-
An npi.roprl.ite luno. snld one m; cause ... . nort .
the men. and ho ordered I no mu-lc poslllon ""en
"Hoys," ho ordered, "there's sonic
nice red hot flnmes up the canyon,
waiting fur you to put out. sojinsth'.
Thirty youth, sepnrnled from 30
girls, nnd followed the three fire
wardens lo s place where tney wen
r 'Urn police,"
11 '"fher disturbed
"Vto ir. J.-
of fl-
'"i.eii unofficlnlly
""'h dehi .1..1
r New v "' "
ork H. ni.i.-
n.Ulon '.' will
AXfll'XO. Tcmis in.'
... l..i lil.iv.lnir
guests, trniipin ; "
V.n,l..n hotel here, were lajurwl
Thursday "' 'y l..l fr"t
the upper slorliM. to nnvemont
Ih Iow All evils 10 " .iructurc
the gems with enre nnd evidently
were Judges ot flno stones. Kacb
held a small sack Into which he
scooped the In"'.
Municipal Conspirators
Caught With Marked Cash
Nine forest rangers are protecting
tho C.eary timber holdings against
possible leap of the flames across
the canal, or stray sparks.
. Lute last night scarlet tongues
of flume were blazing forth through
denso black clouds of smoke and
the air was filled with a pungent
odor of smoke and burning peat.
Kellogg Intervenes For
Federal Prohibition Men
LOS AN0KLK8. Aug. 20. Coun-
WASHINGTON. A 11 g. 20.
(United News) Tho government
I. trying to bottle up both borders
agnlnst liquor and narcotic smug
glers through extradition treaties
low, and disappeared.
Strange, llurllngame millionaire,
' Thursday argeed to pay the gov
ernment SIIH.yooO rather than
face trial on five federal Indict
incuts, which charged him with
perjury and false Income tax returns.
cllmen Charles K. Downs and Jos- nnd other methods,
eph F. Fltitputrlck were Jailed hero! Secretary of State Kellogg urged
Thursday when a trap was sprung a new ex.raniiion ireaiy -1...1 ;.-
MIAMI, Fin. John Uobrl,
wealthy naytonn. Kin., realty man,
admitted late Thursday that he
poisoned Mrs. II. 11. Hunt, alias
Mary Ik-tlllo, when he visited her
In her Jail cell Wednesday. An
nouncement of his confession was
made by police, while a coroner'.
Inquest over the woman's body
wus being, held.
Telegrapher Fails 3
At Key; Two Killed
IIAVAXA -Klght liourt. after nn
evening paper had declared In n
headline that Henor Armando An
dre mnst he killed, Andre fell be-
..edestrliin subway tunnel. United States and her northern ". ...,..y wnr. .1 r... , . 1 .... .1 hullel ..nn, Is in hi. luwlv.
One Ihousnnd nn.iur. in mnrsew. ne.gnnor. 110 ioiuie.i mi 1.1..1
ns found on each of the similar pact wns being .ougnt wun. m" . .. ...... ..-..
that arot " snvi. nnn-s iii men on
by the district attorney Investigate ada Thursday In opening the no-'
ing complaints that the two had' collations here. for enhmment efj
solicited bribes for irolos for a tho 1024 rum treaty between the:
two civuncllnien when
live, arrested them.
four detec- Mexico, In negotiations
J now going on.
the operating table.
2 Killed. 14 Injured When
D. & R. G. Passenger .
Trains Crash
BUENA VISTA, Colo., Aug. 20.
(United New.) Alleged failure, of
a telegraph operator to transmit or
ders, wa. being Investigated Thurs
day night a. the cause of s head-on
Collision ot two Denver. & Rio
Grande Western tra. us near, here
late In the afternoon, in which two
firemen were killed and fourteen
passengers Injured. ,
Pinned lu the wreckage, J. W.
Taughtenbaum, fireman ot train No.
7. and C. E. Phelan, fireman of
No. 8, were Instantly killed.. Ed-
nH Clnlra nn-rtneer nf No. g. nnd
G. Johnston, piloting No. 7, sus
tained light Injuries on leaping from
their cab. when the crash appeared
inevitable. .
... . . i .
Doctors, nurses and surgeon. In
relief trains, sent from Lesdvllls
and from this city, arrived: at the
scene of the crash early In the even
ing and began administering to the
injured, whose name, are not avail
able. Both tnilns wero carrying sum
mer tourists .and wero snld to have
been heavily londod. ' '
i had been closed oy ....
put to work digging flro-bronk..