THE n" or 'ATM NEWS DAILY United Neva and United Prest Telegraph Service - Rvcry Morning Except Monday) KJ A KLAMATH PAT.i s npp me ra. for v1 -i NVICTS IN KLAMATH BELIEF U take car m until is"; m. njunn ng. sheriff burns A Court 'Scene' T0 SELL OUT TO'wTRKSTOHRAD b SPEED ONiW JMC: r 1- I. . - ... . I Kendall Who' Local Taxi Man Found Not Prevented By Kendall Who Threaten Both With Contempt L robbers, one of whom was identified i Guilty By Unanimous Bal fin, as Tom Murray, escaped desperado lot; Keen Interest Shown Oregon state penitentiary, early this In Case nlered the office of the Electric Equip- . I j ir l .1 11 i Jpany, ItA Mamain avenue, .eve ea re- Wlllta- ,,., proprWor of b G A. Hayes, night man, forced him to KUman, fuii tuxicab service, u to. Lh register and escaped in a stolen u-!?.'i ""m vh pin r attach lo (he alleged possession of Intoxicllng lltiuor. ..LL.fnrrinor HlVPi in rrnmnnv! Wh" "owds of Interested per- I , . . ,1 i. ; i !on w,lled bol,t ,n r the sunshine: barristers, thoughts again Luke MlWay intO the night in a llghtleSS aU'j court house, s court Jury L-u to speak-to moonshine night, la f a iaf f 1 ) . . a a. ...I i s itolen a snort wniie Detore from Luxe n consiuereo me ,, a a 1 .1 I facta that had been preaented to it. Hayes, protesting, was carried three ,nd lbenueilll)f wdlct of town on The Dalles-California hieh- of t uiiir. MAN;off SUSPECTS Increased Operations Will! Follnur TVLrino ft...- ftl Meat Concern Here For $150,000 Consideration Jury Out An Hour The 'jury waa out about an hour. In a raid on the Bonfleld premlaea officer of the law secured what they said was a small quantity of In toxicating liquor and this, together with a large funnel through which. was then ordered to walk back. THAT'S MURRAY," SAYS HAYES he awn who appeared at the company's office, bet- ai Johnson's garage, were in their twenties, in the .Hajres. wu shown pictures from the Oregon Journal ofj'V charged. Bonfleld poured out . . fj . .I 'it, i uuirr oouso, waa uucretj in evi- coftYict trio. Ho tcannea them quickly. , Iucncc. Bonfleld. on the eland. Insisted i lbs ra m my stomach," Hayes exclaimed. Un : the liquid which the officers liny, He declared he could not say positively, for j had seen, was not whlikcy but re late airfares did not disclose the features clearly, fuae. t: J ,k. .im;i.,:i. f !,.,.. of I " uiaciaimea saowiease oi ... . . a warnlnt bell system to which of 'eawawiin iiivav wno ncita mill up. , . , l It VI M.M ' -"T' I OU, "WE WANT YOUR MONEY" vat arranging some automobile accessories on In bla dosing argument, W. A. Welat, for the state, called on the Jury to tire the erldence a pre- . , . ., , . . jury to sit aae enuenco iielwswhen he heard an automobile drive up , , careful considers . I . It I I tL. .. . . ... . EipKtini a patron he walked around the corner fie wailing car. There, he said, he found himself the black muizle of a revolver. f ant your money," he says he was told by a man jeen riding in the rear seat. laid he replied he had none. there's some around here and ay the man replied. K'of the men then walked into the office, unaccom- endcavored to open the cash register, according Failing, the man returned to the door and ad- partner: For a brief Interval In Justice Ed Kendall's Juatlre court yester day. It appeared that Marquis of Queenabury rules were to assume an Importance not exceeded by Lord's Oregon law. Juatlce Kendall, bowerer. Is ver- nauiu nuu uuuicuiuLcij iuuk me roie , . of boxing commissioner. The black .nau.xry, war cloud gave way to peaceful " aumiwun ui t. Walker, late last that new financial in- snd the war wus over. . itereaU anon am to title Ar A real estate transaction of considerable magnitude, in volving great potentialities for THREATEN HAYES your gun out we'll see whether we can make him lion and mad a strong plea for a conricllon. The defense, however, wnlred closing argument. Kivn Inlermt Hhown That the case had created con siderable lntereat, was Indicated by the fact that tho court room was Jammed by the time the case was going iM-tiui u... iwriAn. who were un able to procure seats loitered about In the halls. The verdict of the Jury, as Is nec essary In such cases, was unani mous. The Jury was composed of John 0. Hoyle. II. II. Jenkins, J. M. Bed ford, A. A. Bellman, Charloton Cur rln and H. K. Calkins. the second armed man had stuck a nickel revolver Hayes says he opened the cash drawer. The man y had covered him took all the money available, Mared. , . Fn talked but little among themselves during the ey were apeedinc out toward Shippington, Hayes ft, he explained, one of the three remarked I "We've ver the Green Springs mountain to the highway. eX left the ourm am ft ha anlAtno hila moved directly phth street. ' CLOTHES DID NOT FIT WELL of the robber a coulJ k 1a-r;K.rl aa noorlv dressed, R but the raiment did not fit well. Utomobile atolen waa a Buiclr. 1924 model. It was Nthe corner of Flfik .nJ Pin. .iw.ta. )he four man sped through the streets of Klamath r" r them under orders to make no outcry the "0 had taken th whl. .wiirhxl out hia lishts. and W the open highway was made with no flare to guide . curves. Why the lights should have been ex d officers could ni I. .in. the lishtless car lv ken more apt to be stopped on suspicion than " Bo"nlly equipped. 5 Otl th rtn I ii . I , .. n will. ii , -fiii ruau, nayes captors proven ni but there was no conversation to indicate that they 've Men implicated in the Salem break in which 'oil their lives. HAYES GETS ROUGH TREATMENT 'don't you let m. M.. v.nluil once. r where you are ouiet." one of the men re- U .re you UM e? 1 mind." r isv. l. . .. ... t AA 10 ,he men that he w" a cr,PP,e 10 hOt W... ... a . .. la .LA.llll Lj io waiK DacK too iar. ll was n"" tnt the m.u:- ..ii. j .. ti. r ,t,a mad. rg. iid pulled uy to,d he could dismount. L r...,l0.t "rned to be silent. He walked back to f . how.v- u-c .k- WAR ON LIQUOR Slate, county and police repre sentatives continued tbelr operations against whiskey yesterday and as a result a warrant charging Qeorge Ilyland with the unlawful posses sion of whiskey was Issued by the district attorney's office. Hyland. according to the officers, hnd about a quarter of a gallon of whiskey In his office. They said he la the proprietor of a car wash- ng rack at the corner d lupia- ,Ia and Spring streets, llvland was arrested ny unicers McBrlde. Tracy. Hilton and Chief of Tollee Loucks. f'abbnso 1'alch AttacK Mike Powers and Bert Rledel holding merrily forth In a cabin In the Cauoage ruim .. ni.hi when State Prohinmon viu " j n.,nlv Sheriff cer Mcunae -i joe Klmsey put an end to their party. Powers, still m an mn ...H condition la In the county Jail charged with Intoxication nu uu iBwful possession of three quarU . whi.kev and Rledel Is also In custody until he sohera sufficient ly to be given a hearing this morn- . i .in hi ire .jrvuuuH!. Uledel l charged with intoxication Hmnii. Dcnlm fiullt . .in-,,, who was arrested . , ii after. It was charged .a Hrnnned a bottlo on the arraigned yesterday be- Blllo, J .nlnrait fore Judge Ed Kenaa.. a plea of not guilty. Ills trial. Kondall sld. probably .ill he held early w IJar Insinuated It all happened during the trial of William Bonfleld, charged with and found innocent of, the posses sion of intoxicating liquor. Horace Manning, counsel for the defense, had been cross-examining State Of ficer L. U McBrlde and, according to McBride's inferences, had be come too pointed. Suddenly, as Manning put a ques tion to hltn, McBrlde leaped to his feet. Pulls Off Coat "Do you mean to call me a Hart" he demanded. Just what Mr. Manning planned to call the officer was not vouch safed. Instead Manning rose leis urely to his feet and prepared to remove his glasses, take off his coat and roll r-jf short sleeves. . - It was at this Juncture that Judge Kendall, with a peace dove in one hand and a metaphorical club In the other, concluded that, since the party was being staged on his own home grounds, he ought to be able to say something about the rules. ' Hit Down! With Itcmilt Furthermore he did. And with results. He declared that there were to be no brawls, or rumors of brawls. In his court. Each of you will sit down and sit down Immediately or 111 una you both for contempt of court," he said. Messrs. McBrlde and Manning sat. 'We will now continue this case," the Judge said quietly. Fund Started To Send Scopes To University NEW YORK. Aug. H. The fund being raised to enable .John T. Scopes, convicted of teaching evo lution theories In violation of the Tennessee law, to continue his stud ies in some large university already is assuming substantial proportions. David Starr Jordan, chancellor emeritus of Leland Stanford univer sity of California has raised I1.07B, for the fund on the Pacific coast. J. McKeen Csttell, editor of the Science, announced Friday in mak tng an appeal for further contrl buttons. the property of the Klamath Packing company. No leas than $150,000, it was learned on good authority, in outside capital, will find its way into the local enterprise, when O. H. Dean, prominent financier of Wilmington, Cel., returns to Klamath Falls and consummates the deaL Belief that the three men who stole Luke Walker's sedan and dashed into the Johnson gar age, held up the night man and sped outward to ward the Shippington road are Tom Murray, Ells worth Kelly and James Willow, gathered strength last night following a telephone call from Sheriff Burt Hawkins to Secretary to the Governor Del zell.. When Hawkins gave the description to Del zell of the men who descended upon Klamath Falls last night from "nowhere" it tallied accurately with that of the desperadoes. "Hundreds of possemen are scouring the foot hills of the Cascades up here, and we are closing in on the territory where the men were thought to be in ambush. .1 PUTS ON NEW ANGLE '; "This puts an entirely new angle on the sit uation, however. Spare no expense. : Telephone or telegraph every sheriff and police officer in cuss In detail all of hit con'eui plated acts. He sdmltted that he and Mr. Walker had. during con, mr, uean, regiaerea bi me wane1 j j . f , pelican last night, declined to dis- your vicinity ard head them otr. De'ze'l is "keeping office" for the sheriff at Sa'em vhi'e the sVeriff is cut with his men on the ferences In the, past four days, maThurt 1T1 the Cascades. ' " ' , reached certain agreements, but, . t "'' ' ' j'ct.' 'Ct II added that many or hia plans for Dawn this mcrrarg round Sheriff Hawkins the future, are embryonic. , at tjig court house erdiK the alerm to every sher- .This morning Mr. Dean will re- ... 1 j . i , turn, to Wilmington, near ' J,oag t. DOr-5 Klamath COUnl. . Beacn. rar the next au nays. ne. . - - . . TT" I ITDHOrXIIT WTOsTCJ UfTT " Telephone conversations', giving descriptions to Sheriff Calkins at Yreka, Priday at Lakeview, i piaiu are iu , , ,. ,-. Jf 1 be made. It was said, but Just howjlXODerw ai ocnu, iu puute oinvcra mcuiuiu, much money win be spent in actual Ashalnd, Grants Pass, Jacksonville, Weed, Cres- plans to settle bis affairs and pre pare to return to this city. Tn Increase Market Improvements In the plant are to building work, ia not at the present known. Every effort will be made to make the plant modern in every particular and it Is probable that Its buying and selling activities will be greatly Increased. A California Packer Mr. Dean la a packer well known In California, where he operates a string of commercial markets. He declared last night that' business has been good In the south, but added that he is of the opinion that Klamath Falls holds greater opportunities than many of the California towns. There Is every Indication that .1.1. .1... I. ... ..,.., nlH1v Ii. iuid v.ij . ' . j l. m : u-n 1 r 1 declared." "I believe there Is no , mountain, ueciarea j o " ucu-wi-iw.v question as lo its future and I hope tion, we could see that before it got to us. It must have passed soon to be among those who are actively interested in putting It ahead." Mr. Walker will devote most of his time in the future to his real r Hen k j .pi ..- Pt'jht n en,ered garage at about 30 minutes .1 "J ISA hma l-l.u.. h. nAllllAO IAS DOI1CO ,nerrsoffir.. su. ' a.-j two sr., ball demanded for ' . m - I but . . ,i.i hn been set. The no ll''"""" Walton and Wright Are Moving Office Real Estate Concern Will Locate New Office In White Pelican The Walton, .Wright company, which recently filed articles of Incorporation In he clerk's office, have announced the rujovlng . of their real estate offices from the corner of Main and Sixth streets to the White Pelican hotel. Members of the firm are George J. Walton and Roland Wrlgttt, The rooms taken In he Pelican are on the right of the entrance and were formerly known as the French Room, directly opposite the writing room. Moving will be completed by Mon day morning, according to Walton. Southern Pacific Detective Chandler, in Klamath Falls, was being awakened at an early hour this morning to get the Southern Pacific telegraph wires clicking the alarm to smaller points south that could not be reached by telephone. Further indication, bearing out the conversation ' of the three hold-ups to Hayes, while they were taking him but on The Dalles-California highway, that "we've got to get over the Green Springs mountain to the highway," despite the fact that they were headed north on The Dalles-California high way, was borne out, when H. J. Burns, F. W. Horstikodes and H. Junge, of McCloud, pulled up in front of the Hall hotel at three o'clock this morning. TOURISTS SEE SPEEDING CAR "We passed a big sedan car just beyond the hump of the estate holdings in this city. NEW MOVE NOW ON TO STIR UP STRIFE if Of nearly 200 business men prom inent in local political circles here Interviewed by the Klamath News last night only one had any know ledge of the big recall proclaimed on the streets as something that would make the "court house fight look Infinitesimal." Of those Interviewed feeling was almost unanimous that lmporvement in the city's administration ""'dd, tandy complexion, needed in tne iorm ok a mayor, uui so far as any action bolng taken for a recall, It was declared by a major ity to be a "straw man" to be knock ed about by a well known fight agitator to gore himself In. One man had declared he had been approached on the recall pro position but had seen no petition. us going 65 miles an hour. It narrowly missed striking us. We wondered what the big hurry was, at the time." This information was given to Patrolmen Patterson and Mitchell upon the McCloud men's arrival here. ' . It is entirely plausible that the convicts would seek as an avenue of escape from Oregon, the route on the east side of the Cascades. It is a wild, sparsely settled country, off the beaten path, where telegraph and telephone communication is more difficult. . Should the three be the ones sought in Salem, all of whom are very desperate, and each of whom has declared he never will be taken alive. k The escape at Salem was made after two guards had been killed and after "Oregon" Jones, notorious pal of Mur ray's, had been shot to death by Guard John Davidson. Hayes described his assailants as follows: , 1. Drk hat, five feet seven inches tall, 23 or 24 years COMMUNISTS BOLT MEXICO CITY, Aug. 14. Com- 2. Cap; five feet nine inches, 140 pounds, 22 years old. 3. Twenty-two or 23 years old, thin faced, about five feet seven or eight inches. Man, Foot Caught In Rail, Killed By Train Prince of Wales To See Napoleon Exile MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Aug. News) The Prinqe YREKA, Aug. 14. His heel caught In a frog in the Southern 14. (United munlst strikers who went out on a pacific yards at Hornbrook, Oerardo of Wale "tePPei ashore in South general strike Thursday have agreed lMendel, 8B, was held in a death Am8r!Ca kPr'dwr " "to ..... , .,v ! ' tour In that continent after a long to return to work. ,, ,. a Southern F..:it:c train! voyag, B0ro3S th9 ,. Ptcmc CHARLIK RECOVERIS'O .ran over him. His .rlRht leu wan !,-, k'-rt only by a brief stop at St. NEW YORK, Aug 14. Charlie cut off above the ankle. He died JMena for a look at the spot where Chaplin, who has been confined to! at Slusta City from sho.-k, and loss , Knaland exiled Napoleon. Wales able oi uiooa, wnue on me war io ine:srnveu auvuru ma Ddmu uuinr hi. rnnm In a hotel here. to leave his room and motor to 8. P. hospital. The body will be Long Beach, I I., Friday after- returned to relatives In Ban Fran- noon. Cisco. Repulse, which was escorted Into the harbor by the Curley and Uru guay of the Uruguayan navy, 'lease was furnished.