The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 12, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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    rM THE KLAM&TH NEWS extra.'
WEverv Morning Except Monday)
VnitedNtva and United Pru Ttlegraph Services
Price Five Cent
jLEM, Aug. 2. (United News) Three prison guards
U convicts were reported dead, and another guard and
were each seriously wounded tonight in a spectacular
Jreak, which threw the entire Oregon state penitentiary
uproar here. Three of the prisoners escaped and were
at a late hour, with a posse of about 35 men in pursuit
Je dead:
11 HOLM AN, prison guard.
jHN SWEENEY, prison guard.
EKTDREGON" JONES, notorious prisoner, who has
lin other prison breaks.
tJiree convicts who were at liberty, sped across the
plk county bridge over the Willamette river, in a com-
Jred automobile. Thev were Tom Murray, James Willos
iworth Kelly, all serving heavy penalties for violent
Human Skeleton C H I L D
round in front mv nr r
HoiiMI DC.
ports from the office of Governor Pierce at 7 p. m. are
tional guard troops will be called within 15 minutes to
e riot. .
John Barleycorn' Body I
Found; That's Morley's
Story And He'll
Stick To It
.-4 '
While excavating lor a tile
drainage system,' In front of the
cltr ball yesterday afternoon,
workers uncovered a human
skeleton, Intact, about two feet
below the aurfaca of the ground.
Craving sensation after an In
spection by Mayor. Goddard fail
ed to throw any light on the
subject, Fred Morley. "the ro
ll red gentleman sleuth" was dis
patched to the scene.
Morley gave just one aweep
of the eyeball at the head.
"Why, that' John Barleycorn."
Scrutinizing the Jaws of the skel
eton, Morley continued. "I told
you so. He waa a great tobacco
cbewer. See how brown them are."
With that, Morley was off.
Stale Prohibition Director Bill
Levens was next to pass Judg
ment: "Well, they can't lay that
on bum moonshine, anyway. That
skeleon la a -couple ' hundred
years old."
And so. It probably was that
of old Indian, passed up, no
doubt, by the buogrjr coyotes of
another day.
Li-l . .. . . occurred at 5:55 p. m while pr.ctic 1J plP
F Pritonert w. . Dill UUllaH,iu "v-v"
- . r
lur convict involved in the break were working
f ' ' reular prison duties when the call for meal
Raided By State Men
Small Quantity Of Liquor
Taken rrom riace in
Hot Springs
Charged with' the unlawful pos
sesion of intoxicating liquor Bill
Thi. cell was on the Bonfleld ""
Hot aprines,
marched to their respective cells, but when the
. r n,ed out into the met room they remained
"" Ihemielve. from the view of guard.
plotters then apparently cot into one cell, through
wh'ch a hole had been cut.
by nuLli.. !..:- U ..U .. nn.ninffl . . .. ... -
vwmw .1,, u w m .. wt-inia VHi.rnar luv uuuh.
,n,o the roof of the administration building. A rope Oltlcers said they found Bonfleld
Hether wi.U t . , j .i j pouring ltto a sink the liquor, when
wr w,th four p.ece., dangled over the edgs of y ,lmuUaneoU,iy through
"lowing how they made their way to the prison bolh the front and back door. About
f Prisoner, then rushed into the arsenal, which is Qter of pint of : ll,.o. was
rf. office. Tk. k ., . Ne..t'"",,, ,!: T!iiurif
rrd' M1 each took a Winchester rifle, like those
fetular turA. a -j ...:iL i .
nnuou wun incte powvnui t
"""H the guard.
h A. M. D.l,mL U.J U
j 1'ivi TV IIU llslal tCVU t,IaJ assvaa
ruthed to his own Quarters and obtained a double
,0un. Firinsr witK tliiai. Km wniindiiJ nnn of the
V ,h ,omch. The identity of this man was not
r nvid son. imI i . .t ,L
(, , ' -"""iw guard, maae nis way to me norm
l - uregon atones, juai as mo
the wall.
"de their w .i i t iti -.- i
tome distance to the north. '
?y them,
eommandcered a taxicab, driven by Willy
prang inside, forcing an asylum guard to
au'l"" Went wayin down the driveway. ' Other
ireaw1 id lh" convicts were forcing Zinn to
l with their gun..
liquor and 11 of gin, however, were
found near, but ou mo uouuem
Officers ' doclaro there wore no
signs of an Intricate system of
alarm bolls Installed in tho homo for
protection sgalnst pollco.
Those who took part In the raid
woro State Prohibition Officer Mc
Bride, Deputies Tracy and Klmsey,
Pollco Chief Loutks and Patrolman
Bonfleld. who has rotalned Horaco
.Manning as his attorney, will plead
not guilty. Ho la out on 1760 ball.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. (Unit
ed New) Secretary of Agrlculturo
Jardlno will bo confined to Wal
ter Kccd hospital, where ho was ro
movod for treatment several days
.go. for three or four weeks, It
was said at the hospital Tuesday.
An examination disclosed that Jar
dine has no ulcer, of the stomach,
as was feared by his physicians. He
will remain t the hospital to have
his tonll removed and (or re
cuperation from his Illness.
Text Book War
In State Looms
Publishers Asking For SO
Per Cent More On Books
Of Grade Schools
PORTLAND, Aug 11. (United
News) Information from the office
of Governor Waller Pierce Tuesday
indicated that the publishers of
schbol books demand an average of
60 per cent increase for grade
school text books over prices con
tracted in 1919. but which expired
In June.
Oregon seems to be on the verge
of another text book fight that may
prove as hot. if not as sensational
as the conflict over the price of
school books some score of years
The Issue which has been brood
ing ever since the vetoed text book
legislation of the last legislature will
come to at least a preliminary focus
August 20. On this date the gov
ernon has called at Salem a special
meeting of the state text book com
mission. TUo soloctlon of two
thirds of all the text books used by
youngBters In the outside sehoolB
will bo under consideration.
50 Badly Shaken Up
In Astoria Wreck
ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 11.
(United Nowa) More than 60 va
cationists bound for the boaches
received a sovere shaking up Tues
day evening when two roar coach
es of tho '8. P. & B. raln from
Portlund to Seasido wore derailed
Only ono passengor, an uniden
tified woman was, seriously In
jured. She wss standing In the
vestibule between the two coaches
when they left the track and suf
fered severe wounds on the back
and' head.
She was unconscious when takon
from tho wreck and removed to a
hospital. Bho rccovored eufriclontly
to bo taken to b'casldo by automobile.
iMinoau pa weea
Different Religious Views
Given As Reason For
Runaway Father
, Apprehension of William Franks
who Is reported driving to Idaho
with his four children, after whisk
ing them away from the mother
yesterday afternoon Is expected
wlthlp 48 bours. Telegraph war
rant, hare been dispstcbed to cit
ies along all road, leading to Idaho
charging Frank, with child steal
ing. "
According, to Mrs. Franks, who
live, at (01 Canal street, religions
difference entered their home some
time ago, when .he was frank
with her devout attendance at
church and revival meetings In the
city. For spite work the children
were taken from their mother1
Monday afternoon, Franks leaving
In a car which he Is said to have
purchased In another', name tn
order to be free from any attach
ment, that might be placed by;
Mrs. Franks. .
. Mrs. Franks Immediately
Mob Threatens Violence To
Bernard Richter For
Alleged Attack
TREK., Calif.. Aug. It.
(United News) Bernard IUc-h.
tor, 18, of Klamath Falls. Ore.,
Uxiay was sentenced to serve six
months la the Sktklyou county
jail for robbery.
Kirhter was captured by a
sheriffs posse In the hills near
Weed after robbing a store here.
While in flight from the posse
he entered the home of a Weed
woman, who claimed Richter had
attacked her. A mob of citizens
took up the chase, threatening;
violence to be fugitive, but he
was taken by the sheriff1, men
before the enraged crowd reach
ed Richter'. hiding place.
Airplane Saves Life
Of Young Stillman
Whole Department Mixed
Up In Traffic That Star
tle. Nation With Magnitude
CHICAGO, Aug. 11. (United
New.) Col. William Gray Beach,
for .40 years the trusted super
intendent of the federal narcotic
division of the Chicago district con
fessed Tuesday to having conduct
ed an amaxlng and sinister traffic
with the dope sellers of the under
confession that Involves
notified of the abduction of her
children by her eldest 4 daughter
Irene Murray, but too late to have
any effect on the dlsapperance. Be
mhh Ti-ana was tpiwehlM. Franks
. , geon
the other tour children from their
According to Fay Morris, Mrs.
Franks' attorney, there had been
quarreling between the two for
some time, although this fact was
stoutly denied by Mrs. Belle Kid-
well of Medtord, mother of Mrs.
Frank, who is now living with her
daughter. '
Much lUrkerlng
"There was bickering at times,'
declared Mrs. Kldwell, "but my
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. (United
News) After changing plane, twice
and pHota once. Dr. David Bull has
arrived in Grand Arise. Quebec at the, addicts In exchange for dope,' has
.bedside of Alexander Bttllman. eon i ietu .found -vhi-the homes of- all -
subordinate, whose treachery has
resulted In the development of Chi
cago a. the dope metropolis of the
I'nited States.
Already three of the aid. have
been arrested. They are Dermis
J. O'Brien, Alonso Baxter, 'Who was,
a Methodist minister In Philadel
phia before he came here and Harry
Dietrich. Loot obtained ttom drug
of James A. Stillman, former presi
dent of the National City. bank of
New York. ' International compli
cation, almost prevented the sur-
from reaching the boy in
answer to a telegraphed request
from Alexander', mother, Mrs. Anne
U. Stillman, that medical skill be
sent by air to Grand Ansa to save
her boy'a life.
John Andrew., a former army
pilot, began the journey, with Dr.
Bull shortly .after dawn Monday.
They changed planes at Albany and
sped high above lake Champlaln
across the Canadian border. The
mercy plane landed at the Fair
child aerial surveys field and Can-
daughter at no time would makejadlaa authorities took the plane
up a fight with ber husband and j and pilot in charge, according to
when he brought up an argument Harry Bruno, of the Fairchild cor
or accused her of things of which poratlon. International regulations
was Innocent, she would not forbid an American pilot to invade
Canada without a license.
A telephone conversation to New
York caused Sherman M. Fair-
quarrel back at htm."
Spite work seems to be at the
bottom of the kidnaping of the
four children. Mary 11, William chlId preident 0f the Fairchild
Jr., aged 9, John 8 and Ivan 7. Atj corp0ration to order a Canadian
different times Franks is said tOipUne an(1 iplot out at Dr. Bull's
have threatened to take the chll-LerTce.
dren from their mother forever, due Dr BuI crawjed into the third
to her religious views. plaue and a0on waa speeding up
According to the mother she is the gu jiaurlce river to Grand
not sure "whether he will be good, nse,
to the children or not as be was
not particularly good to them at
home." '
Husband Was "Lazy
Before moving to Klamath Falls
some time ego the Frank, family
were living tn Stanley Basin, Idaho.
It is whero Franks had threatened
to take the children, although this
theory 1. scouted by both the grand
molhor and mother, who firmly be
lieve that ho will take them to
Washington. He ha. no relatives
on tho coast, according to the
Wheat Market Takes
. Big Downward Slide
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 11.
Mad confusion and frenzied trading
marked the collapse of the wheat
market here Tuesday.
Worried when the government
crop report failed to denote the ex
pected grain ahortage In this coun
try and Canada, speculators' dumped
buge stores on the market. Sep-
... i, .v. k..: tember wheat, after being 5-8c
not been working,
four men. ' " --;
The business of .bartering eons
flscated' narcotic' drugs wfth' notoN
kms dope addicts proceeded -mer-rllly
for. Beach and his aides, untjl,
one trivial incident aroused the sus
picions of federal, authorities la
Washington. A peddler had been
arrested by two tried agents, whom
Baxter succeeded in getting off
with a small fine. An Investiga
tion began. , , , - . , ' -;
Continue Dope Raids
Col. Beach, who Is an elderly
man and the scion of a southern
family made hi. confession to Spec
ial Agent C. L. Converse. The dis
grace which he ha. brought upon
himself seemed to weigh heavily
upon him. In the fear that he
would take hi. own life he Is being
carefully guarded.
The federal men continued their
raids upon Chinatown Tuesday
seizing besides large quantities of
opium, more than 50 revolvers. This
substantiated rumors that another
tong war might break out any mo
ment. Officers believe the weapon,
to have been used In the war.''
It was pointed -out that all of
the dope dens raided belonged vto
the On Leong tong. Home of the
raids were led by member, of the
Hip Sing tong and of course, One
Hip AIng place was raided. ' Thia
caused member, of the On Leong,
tong to believe that their centuries
old 'end had led Hip Sing Junkers
to talk to government agents an
unpardonable offense.
prior to hatIower han Monday', market, finally
time being employed by McCollums
contractors, digging a basement In
tho vicinity of the high . school.
Failure to provide food for the fam
ily forced the mother to seek work
In tho city, now being employed
in a Klamath Fall, cleaning establishment.
LONDON, Aug. 11. Drawing
room, aro butting with punled gos
sip rogardlng the late Earl of
Ypres' action in cutting oft his
widow, two sons and his daughter
without a penny In an ollght-llne
will probated Tuesday, which be
queathed his entire fortune to K. O.
H. Cox. Cox was tho late earl',
closed at 6 l-8c lower.
December wheat was kicked down
4 3-4 cents and never recovered. May
deliveries closed 4 5-8 cents lower.
Only the participation of heavy
holders who bought in expectation
of an excited bullish market, kept
prices from going even lower.
EAST LAN8INO, Mich., Aug. 11
Patrolman Roy McGonlgle charg
es that while he was on duty patrol
ling his 'beat, chief of police Wal
ter Allen was at hi. home beating
him out of Mr.. McGonlgle'. aftec
tlons and making her forget hor
duties. He 4a .ulng Allen for
$10,000 damages. -
Brownsville Woolen
Mills To Come Here
J. L. Bowan, president of tho
Brownsvlllo Woolen Mills will open,
a branch retail storo in the city,
beginning operations as soon. a. a
suitable location Is found.
According to Bowman, who was
In Klamath Falls yesterday, the lo
cation needed I. In the heart of the
city, and it forced to do so, ho will
contract for the erection of a build
ing In the city.
The stock will be moved bere be
fore lbs holidays, according to Bow
man, if the location is found, This
is the second trip Bowman has made
to the city during the past four
months In the Interest of the plac
ing of a store In Klamath Falls. ' ,
Branch store, of the Brownsville
Woolen Mill, have been established,
In North Bend, Marshtleld, Albany,
Eugene, Astoria and Portland. ,
tl, i i