The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 01, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday. Aiifrust 1.
M'Vis or Senate
Mr.' Krwn AhUrt Mr. and Mr. jf
rom- Arthur Crubb ot Ashlaad. bo br
on. bra visiiina: t ina home of Mrs.
for Jnnis Horn. slstrr of Mr. Crubb.
To Cnli Lak Mr. and
Dlanv of to rnnk and Klnf com-
paav. accompanied by tbeir ruimav lft vstrdar
Crawr lak. tkm tbv will mik lrt "r mrr nn
thalr Initial Tlalt to th rwort. They , ceo pan iM by Mra. Hum.
..II remain over lb. wk-and. J X(..bUr n. j.j
To UJw of tbr Wuoda-Mr. and VrCoy of Klamath Fall, lft Frl-!
Mra. Unite Rotrra and family are dav for Nrwtwra. Oreton. wh.r.
plannlne 'o laa Uia afternoon for , thy will combined buaineaa and
Lake of tha Woods, where they wall pleaaure in that city for the r-;
apend the week-end at their aum-' mainder of the week. j
mer cottage. T..M. In..- j ja CflM
To the Lake Among the Klam- store of Chlloouia open thla
atk Falls reaideata who enjoy a morning aa waa scheduled some
anmmer home at Lake of the Wooda1 time ago. Warren Crook la man
are Mr. and Mra. Charlea L. Moore, 'ager of the new building. assisted
who ara planning to leave today for by Mortime Lee. i
their cottage for the remainder of,
the week ' To Oiiloquto Perry PeLap left
yesterday morning for a short bosl-j
From Dorris Out of town visitors ness visit in Ch!kquin. where he(
In Klamath Kalla yesterday included spent the day transacting auairs.
Albert Langer of Dorria. who waa ln
th ritT in tnnurt buaineaa affairs. ToiirUta Mr. and Mra. J. F.
I ToarWa Intereatlaf visitors la
Klamath Fall laclado Mr. and Mra
'm 8 Borer and Mr. and Mra. Jew
Foater of 1'orrailia.
i Visitor Bualaoaa visitors In
KUmath Falla Ula week Include
C. H. Sandberg of the staadard Oil
company, asphalt divtaion.
! nua the Sowth Mr and Mra H
: E. Anthony of Saa Francis are in
the city after enjoying a lortnlghfa
i visit at PoiaH aad other re
' aorta in Klamath county.
! Powera of San Francisco, accom-
Bonjinia Mra. K. ('. Cowley waa1 Mniel by A. M. Quinn. M. M. Tor-
among the numerous visitors in the reT ,iso 0f tn Francisco and W.j
city the latter part of the week. v. Chandler, resident of Alameda.
Tlaltlng from her home on the Cow-jare j (he city, enjoying a brief;
ley ranch la the Bonanza district. ,c.jr & southern Oregon.
Visitor Out of town visitors In I Frklay Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Klamath Falla Include L. B. Burk. ; pettisgell of Eureka arrived in the
who waa transacting business In the'fity last night from their home in
city yesterday from his home in thetne south to enjoy a visit tn th.s
Bonanza district.
Lakerirw Visitors in Klamath
-section as well aa Crater Uke.
James li. Col. former gover
nor of Ohio, and the Democratic
presidential candidate in 1920,
is preparing to run for I be V S.
mate against Frank B Willis,
ihe senior Ohio senator, it is re
ported in Burkrve political cir
Irs. This is a new pboto of
VUiton Mr. and Mrs. V. K. fall
of Uunsmuir. accompanied by Opal
Hall and Mrs. I. E. Gibson, also of
Dunsmnir, arrived la Klamath Falla
Spink la R. C. Spink. Justice- of
the peace of the Wood Rivr '
trict. waa in the city last Bight for
a brief visit, enrouta to his home la
Chlloouia. Spink recently returned
from Portland, where he was inter
ested In aereral Indian cases brought
before the federal court.
Arrive l.ncllle Conway of
San Francisco, arrived lu the city
last night from her home in San
Francisco, to be the hou guest of
.Mr. and Mrs Bert Hall tor a week
The week-end will be spent at the
summer home of the Hall's at l-ake
of the Woodi. where Tittvlew" la
located. , 't
lnnec I,rt urt Lvno P. Sabin
and W. W. MrXealy spent Friday
afternoon In the Keno district, where
I they Inspected the growing lettuce
on the Rny Nloa ra!"t in h
j Keno aectloo. Nelson has produced
some of the finest lettuce in the
county, which has drawn consider
able favorable comment from the
California markets.
rUmchee C. D. Chorpenlng. well
known rancher of the Merrill dis
trict, waa among the out of town
business visitors In the city the
'latter part of the week.
Merrill Out of Iowa gnesta In
Klamath Falla yesterday Included
Clyde Barks, prominent rancher ot
the Merrill district, who apent his
time transacting business. j
j Kinrrtrsl Soon - F. L. Terwllllger
of Vallejo. Calif., former resident of
Klamath Falls. Is eipected to arrival
In the city Sunday morning, where
he will Join Mrs. Terwllllger who,'
baa been a guest In the city tor!
some time at the R. II. Dunbar
home. Terwllllger plans to spend
several weeks In the city, enjoying
a summer vacation before returning
south. .
Flmt Vermont Car Slowly the
cars from various statra In the
union are pulling in their appear
ances, and yesterday the flral Ver
mont car registered at the chamber
ot commerce from Burlington. The
car waa driven by Iavld 8. l-oudon.
who with his companion. Arthur ('.
I'nsworth, arrived In Klamath Falla
yesterday. l.oudn and I'nsworth
ram to the city through the south
ern route, and are planning to re
turn soon by may of varloua Interest
ing apota. Including Crater lake.
Itanlcr national park and the Yel-1
To Ike Uake O. M. Hkaag of Oak
land, who has bn spending aome
time la Klamath Falla. will apend
the week-end at Crater lake.
day !.. ...
Uaa.Ha. "
"""IB It 1110
"r tnoihtr,
tin Iss I. .
Ik. .l
"da era,..,
X- "llhla U.!1!
Olewe-Oul ot tow visitor l!pr,.clwl "
IViausiH '- -- " nue
erts from the Oler. district, who
spent Friday la th city transacting
business affairs.
Ilonanaa Visitors In Klamath
Falls yesterday Included il. B. Gor
ernrr, rancher of th Uonania a.
tioa. who was la transacting buaineaa
affairs In lb court bouse.
VUlting -Mr. and Mr. Wlllard
Smith are enjoying a visit from Mr.
Smith's alster. Mlaa May L. Smith
ot Balboa Heights. Canal Zone. Pan
ama, who arrived In th city Thura-
Earl Shepy
507 MtiJ
,tr Tt. Pelican Mr. and Mrs
Falls during the past two daya from'y q Champion ot San Franciaco. last night to apend a few days in
the neighboring Lakeview country jsccompanied by Miss Marjorle this section, including a trip to
includes Dennla 0"Connor. promln-!Cnimpion are In the city preparing Crater lake.
Bee Begln'a Pren Sh-p Is !
cated at 12 So. Seventh St. Op
posite telephone office. J0 Al .
file hosier sal at He Beein'a
Dress Shop. J10 Al J
ri lMI TIMVtl I
Anyone wishing a first rlasa Job
of piano tuning don can do so by;
!ev!ng their urdtrs with the Klam-1
ath Falla Music House. 11 So. Ith
St. Klamath Falla. Or. Hi At I
ent aheepman of that section.
Medfonl Out of town guests In
Klamath Falla Includes M. N. Hogan,
who was a business visitor in the
city. ,
for a tour of Oregon. While In
Klamath Falla they are guests In
the White Pelican.
From the South Nan Dermond.
jAnna Dermoid. Belle Wallace and
i Agnes Wallace make up a party of
Timberman-Out of town visitors: four """ting " touring the
in Klamath Falls for the week-end colst ,rom lhiT hoa"' in lM A-
geies. nne in Kiamato rails tbey
..' . include Mr. and Mrs. Ceorre A
a inc i-oim vauey resiaents to . are eu(.is in the Hall hotel
apend a .Lor, tim. at Kocky Point S"phcn,on ' t"icw. StcFhcon e Hall hotel.
. . 1 t . .11 IrstAsns I mK& n As tl f I '
includes C .E. Gates from his home I
in Medford. section.
Rocky Point Visitors in Klamath
county for the past few days In
cludes Floyd T. Murray of Medford,
who has been visiting at Rockv
Point for a brief time enjoying the au "roole " nonnern points.
Too lists Visitors in the city for
Tourists Visitors In Klamath
Falls for the remainder of the week
include Mr. and Mra. William Pink-
the remainder of the week include""" -ngeies. .Mrs. j. r.
E. W. Hagbom and family wno!Trrr f Brooklyn. X. Y.. and Miss
were Daasina throueh Klamath!1- A- Pinkham of Brooklyn. X. Y.
The party
Swimming A party of visitors at
the Xatatorfum enjoyed a swim d'tr-
plana numerous trips
I through the Klamath country and
From Portland Northern guests r fedT o "y everything from
in Klamath Falls include Mr. and'Cr,er lake ,0 ln lr "
Mrs. F. W. Vincent of Portland whoi .. ... ' .
I ,h j, . f . ' . . ... 1 rrom mi ur. ana iirs. c. w.
,.H hl ,, u ,.,1 )L. lu-. , I Nutting. Bernita Meamber. Dean
lowed by dinner at the Club. Those brief stay. n . .......
in it,. . . ' luul Parker and Arnold Nutting are in
in the party included Dorothy Cor- I ,u .. .
rin. Jack Emmons. Maude Hood Jo f 'alin-C. B. Anderson of Ma- K'amtn a"9 for brief '""
Upp. Carol Cray. Kathrvn Dctv and ;,ln arrired in Klamat Falla the , J Like a" Ti"U-
Manna fpp llatter part of the week to spend I on ,n tfce "'. they are planning
' j several- days. He was Interested : a vi,it ,0 Cra,er Ia''
From Mnlfonl C. H. Brenneman ln nusinoas affairs relative to the'r ! -r ;
of Medford. has been in the city for i Klamath irrigallcn project.
the past few days to transact busi-j
ness affairs. ! For Week-Knd Frey Jay Sim-
. ionson. well known resident of Kirk
In KUurtsth A Then n..--.. arrived in Klnmaih Fall. lt nleh
William Welch, residents of Yonna'to sPn1 ,ne remainder of the week
valley were In the city yesterday' T''"!S anil transacting business.
transacting business. I
;.. Oakland Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Vlsltlng Mr. and Mrs. Jess Park-,Cready of 0akland- accompanied by
Forbes Pure Drugs
Eighth at Main
OriAc 5ry!cJ Cnnt Xrnrrg
er oi lily, parents of Mr. D. F.
uriscou. are visiting at the rri-
Miss Katharine McCready, also of
Oakland, are in the rity for the re-
coll home. .30 Lincoln street, for a maiIlder of the week t0 tair the
Shopping Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cala
han were among the visitors in
the city Thursday, shopping for a
abort while. They were accompan
ied l:y members of their family.
Klamath country.
Forbes Pure Drugs
Eighth at Main
Good Service Good Drugs
All-Night Dance at
Dorris, Calif.
Intermission for
Broadway Novelty
Pay a Five Dollar Bill
- V .
t 1 - y
This Is The Public Market's
At 12G North Sixth Street Just 50 Stepi North From 6th and Main
My, what an increase in business we are doinjr today over August first ID"1"
e curvy today one of the largest stocks of Fancy Groceries. Fruits and VeVel
are trad S trv L ' i Ca" PUrChaSe' If yoU are not Plcased where you
neVhbo rgadesyhe qUal'tV- Pr""fi " d,Uv"T a"d b"me Your
SAVE $45.00
Just pay us a Five Dollar bill and we credit
you with $50 on the regular price of this new
Victrola. Come soon they won't last long. We
charge no interest. Can you name one other
firm in Oregon that will make this proposition?
Earl Shepherd Co.
Pianos, Radio, Victrolas.
507 Main St Phone 282
Frank & King's Cometf
The Bis WHlh TV
ka. .
Seventh and Pine Streets'
Friday and Saturday
A Real Wedding on the Stagt
Guest Who?
Prices 25c and 50 c Jan (V
Vaudeville Between Acta !
Sanitary Marl
Pot Roast Beef, per lb. . :
Beef Boil, per lb. . . ;
Sirloin Steak, per lb
T-Bone Steak, per lb. .... . ....!
6-lb, Roast Veal J
2-lb. Veal Steak for
Vl C. 1!
t vi uicn, per iu at
Mutton Stew, per lb. ....
Leg of Mutton, per lb. .......
Cottage Butts, per lb. 15c
Roasting Chickens, Fryers andH
Drifted Snow Flour, 50 lbs $2.85
Crater Lake Flour, 50 lbs 2.50
Anchor Flour, 50 lbs 30
No. 10 Standard Tomatoes, j?al. size 35c
No. 10 Solid Pack Tomatoes 50c
No. 10 Solid Pack Pears 5Sc
No. 10 Solid Pack Apples .."....5SC
No. 10 Solid Pack Pumpkin ...Oc
No. 10 Solid Pack Prunes 45c
Fancy Cling Peaches for canning $1.25
Fancy Blackberries for canning.... 1.40
Fancy Bing Cherries for canning.... 3.85
Fancy Yellow Bantam Corn, doz.. 35c
Fancy Grants Pass Tomatoes, lb 15c
Bunch Beets, Carrots and Turnips
3 for '. 25c
Bunch Rutabagas iqc
Fancjt String Beans, 4 lbs .....25c
Cucumbers, 3 for i0c
We have . many kind, of Frh
Elbert. Peache. will be at their beat for c.nnin, i .bout a week.
That Can't Be Beat
of finest cattle properly hnnSrtt
Bob Ryan's
Auto Top Shi
(The only exclusive Auto TopSwj
in our city. Having lately installed
machinery for making glass encM1
for any make of car. They have prj
en a success as to durability, comK
and apperance. The Bob Ryan X
Enclosure is without doubt the beM
the market today. Give us a call t
let me show how easily and econoij
cally I can make your touring ear J
a closed car, for this coming fa
make your family happy. . ' I
1315 E. Main St. Phne