THE KUw..1 Foot Editorial and Feature Page of Klamath Ne At the End of the Rainbow! m THE KLAMATH NEWS On4 mmt a I vMATH NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY (InriKrtl) " (Mm sad lfrtar.:a- Ortcr-ta. : Bit H.Hmri Va. -relkirat: Be H. lawa-a. rretary: Walter maara. innm. (Ceaa lallg ! aaaeta af ,;" ratlra aattaatlac stock "- a n STEVESSOV Mniii Mil i. w. Mcdonald WALTEB WEST Lditor Btuineu Manager, Entered at the PoatofXice at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as second-class matter. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY v Office L 0. 0. F. Building, 102-122 S. Fifth St. Tclrpbooa 877 I Addreaa all ua auk ill remittance payable to . THE KLAMATH NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY ; la rtfarlag eaaaga of addreaa. aabanibara should always la tb old j well a the aw addreaa j Subtcripttoq Rates All Snbscriptioos Payable in Advance I .tlJ h fmrrim. TT mABfh S SO ( CxllTvred by Carrier, six aaoath Delrrerad br Carrier, oa year Oa table Klamath Coajaty " 2-30 S .OO ' s.oo! FULL LEASED WIRE, UNITED NEWS AND UNITED PRESS: tLoagrtt ia ,b World) OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS; "Let us have faith that right makes might, and ' in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty at we understand if Abraham Lincoln DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK o THAT advertising is one of the most important pia'-s of every business. , THAT advertising must be done in a way that .will stimulate the people to a more favorable attitude toward the business advertised. ; . THAT it must be done in a way that will best attract their attention to the merchandise for sale. THAT it is a good idea to change things around often, arrange stocks so they will look a little differ ent to the customers each time they come in. The fame old set-ups gets tiresome; a good looking stock helps a!es. ' THAT it is the customers who make a business possible, -so too much attention cannot be given to service. Advertising will bring the customers to the fool',. but it takes the right service linked to the right goods to sell them. THAT the right kind of advertising is necessary to develop new business, but it must be given time. It won't do all the work, but it will do more than its share. ' . ADVERTISING IS SERVICE AND THE PEO PLE ARE EXPECTING THIS SERVICE. THE BUSINESS CONCERNS THAT DO NOT GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY EXPECT ARE JUST LOSING THATS ALL. mi:- iiiTH llrrakfaU V!.-ik,e Poached (I T ( t"off- I'otat Salad t s: rd I'win Spoaa tab j klilk Tea IMaarr la'aroal and t'heaaa I'erfertloa aalad llatteresl Heaaa n':.)BP alio Vaallla r Cm ( offea. Iced or Hot IUclkn gdatla ' ' ..ft, k Ski . t "-half , . l-au JtlP4J aoua. :t. cap. ..Wry. t toimyh itx in I'oljlu Halatl Ob quart holies! poiatoe ral la die, lao atalka rl rr rat la amall p'.m. on amatl naioa cH.ppd. Mis altH ulad timmtnt and arrv vrry fold oa cold air. iaa 444 . fold pt ia or ra4 Wrrln. it ia ik Koaonj t.lp. ,,mi, . liHold. Kint Sp.,r , .k-On. rap aur. foar 'h' "da ,k '. io ui.l-.poooa aiilk. an an tpsa bakins powder, oe !-a-pma . ..!. or Ltaoa. rioar raou.h to c" d" M Mad mak. Ibla baitrr. teat a rap ,!w fuka la a vrry alnv ovra for S aiiauir or o. that fcaa kat tntiH : aaiar. la aoo. I Tra. roflr aM hi llata caa aaaall; k pour'.Df boiliat ! ; If thla falla. aaraal , boal lull ol atataiaj 1 rub II altk a ehma Iirjr Iroa kltrkai , ufTH Bi,a bt ea a lEAHPBOBKaSpi1 Fr.eodii:p of womtn ran anderito iroui.s U that jrm nit him f-l no mere ltri'oaoaa text thao thrir jruur moral luiK-rior.ty too cimb. lu Joint lore for one man. I'auailr not toll him tbat ;oa ar a I'M.- Mararval aal I ttrrw llo.; ne dr4:rvd amount of mararonl la boft inc. 1 ltd wattr natll tradrr about kalf aa hour. Throw tha macaroni Into tha aalftlr boiling aat.r and kp It bolllnk brUkl all tha t!m. Poor lata a rolandrr lo dratn. rina- ln la cold aat.r la bU-ach. Into iTb tlw t. ,n.M lh Mu.rp.n put a rood tablrapoon I ,nJ tohu J flour. tir amooih. and gradually add I on cup or mora of milk, atlrrlng i constantly to kwp from luniplrtg Sraion with prppr aad aalt. It It 1 boll a moment and thra add from , To i'onkaa . U ona-balf to a cup I mora or laaa ac- yaatardar tor 'cording to taatrl rhm praloaaly waa called oa ban J xratcd or rut fin. It It boil until will rrlara to tat 'tha ch la rt pik and add tha 1 day. ' drained macaroni, thrn pour all Into, . a buttcrfd balling dlah. corrr the' a llawli CLEAN LITERATURE when the man ahoa-a a d.'jtinrt pref erence for one of them, the friend ship enda. Two girls arit me: I Iear Mrs. TbomtMon: We are two girl cousins of about the same age. and we both love the same boy. We are yery good friends and don't want to break onr friendship. And we tian and that he Is not. Anl do nrjt be so foolinh as to let four health suffer ao yon can die. Wouldn't that he suicide as well as poison? Keside. you are not going to in crease your attrartiTenesa by mop ing, lie as healthy and active as you can. IJon'l antagonize" him by Children's Pictorial Cross W'onl Piizte In many of the states west of the Mississippi the :owbfiY and prospector still ride their bronchos and buircs and live lives of romance, adventure and ex plorationthe basis of western open air literature. The western literary product includes moving pictures, action stories, cowboy songs and frontier ballads, and thousands of story, verse and song writers supply the world with this material that is read by millions. Two years ago Col. E. Hofer, of Salem, Oregon, a life-long newspaper man and publisher, establish ed a western literary monthly, The Lariat, to encour age western writers, set higher standards, and fight degenerate products. In its third year, it is followed by The Lariat Story Magazine, published by Real Adventures Pub lishing Co., New York, and the North-West Writere Bureau at Salem, Oregon, making a market for liter ary products of the open air and adventure stories in popular magazines. While thrilling with the romance of a new and robust civilization, western writers as a class tun out a clean, vital, wholesome literature singularly freo from all taint of degeneracy. y 1 u Carpets should be worn fioor. on the feet, not on the I'oii't lose your grippe. Vliief. Sneeze in your handker- Every sleeping porch is a health resort. I ckn't give up our friendship with the ak'n ahere he is going. Do not ; boy. What shall we doT Do not bim " tnat theaa things matter j tell us to try and forget the only m"-h to you. He alert and Inter- ihoy we bare erer lored. It ia im- """d 'n other mattera. Head some (possible. We can not posnlbly do it roo(1 books. 1 ! because we're tried it more than on. And hare seen it can't be W0RK1K" EVELYN: Since you done. Both of our parents approve ar" BOt ena!, lo Ihe r. ''- ' of the boy. and are willing for us lo nolh,n " ''an ''" ou ""'Khl 'how ikeep company with him. Kreryone your r"t incut of hla treatment by who knows him thinks he la a rery re,u"in t0 " out '" '''" h-n he 'nice boy. ,,,k Wn- Iikplar an Interest FSTHPRIIPII i ivMinni th"r b0'"' ,f hor rtr,,l' LSTHhllBtLL A.S.SABLLL. ljkc, ,. wi, ,how u ,h(1 . I see no reason why both of you Isnouldn t continue to be friends with the boy aa long as he does not show any preference. When he does, you will know whether you are friends, j Because then. If you are friends, the , one who lose will step aside with! good wishes for the luckier one, and '"h00' a few weeks ahe begun accept the attentions of other boys. in ller '"Iters home "Jessica. " Hrotner Tom thought he would Amorous C atechism give her a little dig about It. so he Dear Mrs. Thomnxon: I ,n . wrote: "Dear Jessica: Daillca ami have gone to visit Aunt a J I cttoa. w mr i tnuiutu 10 brown, or. if ynq rnuy. i Sf EPWOI puizeJ ! "Take her In the t.le nt Van 'promptly adrUed the friend to whom ,OD "l,h ""ba or crumbled loaat.d Bonania sh was speaking "aaes and put lata a hot oren tranaavl Or. If you Friday. A paper aner all the paopla ban 'pponuulty to eipreaa Ihemaelree It hey desire that's The Klamatt Staa DinnerStories After Jessie had been at boarding ; sign- i am a girl 15 years old and In love with a;Momll'a boy 1. He says he lores me. and Liziica. Lncle Kainlra la talking of j also acta like he does. Ills folks DU)'lnH a new machlnli a, hut he ay he Is too young to go out nights. aoen-t know whether to get a Ford- uo you think he ought fo tell me he' "'a or Cherlra. The old towica lores me? He wants to come to mylha" ha1 a eaUh'a. I was going to house to see me, but my parents re-'-a" " Ne'H, but I changed It to use to let him come. Should lhey: """'a, it was a biillica. Your uf-1 do this? On) of my nelghtlor boys' '"tionale brother. Tomlca." wants to keep company with me. and j I refuse him, tint this doesn't keen! There Is a farmer In Oenrgia who dunning Across. Wurd 1. What the landing in the j.ic-ire is called. Worn 6. Some. Word 8. An indefinite article. Word 10. A southern state. Ab breviated. Word 11. The atate In which Mark Twain was born Abbreviated. Word 12. A conjunction. Word :i A small, round mark made ly pencil or pen. Wo-d 15 A sharp, pointed dart, usuallj feathered. Kunning Down. Word 2. Kxclaination of 'aurhter. Wo-,1 ;,. a heavy iron or steel Implement with a hooked end osed by hiri. Word 4. A transporation line. Abbreviated. Wonl identical. Worrt 7 a- I . . . . T. r iiiiri,.i,.ii UMCU I lor rowing a bout. I'lurul. him from wanting me to go out wlthfor l"a iime nnl natnredly com- mm. What should I tell him? Am1 I too young to go with boys? Khnuld I Iiiih pitca with the renuesta of amateur hunters for Ihe loan of hi. d,.e I let them kiss me? I was proposed ,lna"y' n"wT. 'he farmur's pa- 10 one time, but refused, alihnuch 1 l"'n''' eJhausled, nnd he lored Ihe boy dearly. Should I have done this? I'OI'ULAP. fillti,. To you, of course, all this Is rery serious. To grown-ups. It hi silly. ma iovo protest,! ons of a Imv ri arc not to be taken seriously I 16 oenvered himself i man W, ,k. ed for the dog one day: "See here, my friend, llioro wasn't a belter water dog living until you snooting gem, took lo borrowing him. Now his hide Is ho full of nhot When lie ! 25 he himself will lan.h 1 A !,lnk "' bottom like a at them. Your parents realise thatl " you shouldn't be thinking serlouRly .... u of love and marriage at your ago , , ,.. "h "'rKm WB" ln"'l'' and naturally are unwilling for thejwi w '"'lay '" lh" '",a boy to come to your house. Ills par-1 ,1 ' ' onls evldenlly feel the same way L .m" '' '"""""f. "''J'-Hed Forget love. (! with boy, forfh w' '"Vl"K hr "!Mnn friendship', sake. Knjoy youth and! n ' C"""" not "enilirac a free mind while you can. oah. """i nm I to do with a maid like thai?" a,,ked her mistress. In mock despair. ""' Word It. A newnliva Worn 10. Kxiiresaion much oed m the llilile meaning look, behold. Word 13. A physicinn. Abbre. viation, Worl U. Toward. YKSTKIlDA Y'S Pl.ZZI.E ANSWKHEI). A LITTLE WIFK: I think your IlA- -At 4. r I C 3a' 1 1 M 2v leUJi 1 ' . -a. ,ir. -Mm , .IrpTrnTT (patent applied for) (Raa Mat teva m Mr tm -Tfl.0HO. m m ! fTi tk MaWaaa4 t Wa)at feaj wrMtaMl IM a" By ARTHUR VYNNE, Originator ol lh Uodrrn CrottWort . FROM LARGE TO SMALL IN 18 STEB W.teh -n. Men isH thrn definil inn. he na IB aMrut'I can you charge LA K tit Into SMALL in 18 simplt Some of the atepa may be easier than othera. f"J tart from the word l.AKliE. To reach step I all '"'Tt to think up a word differing in one letter only fro Jl meaning "a itti'TT . - ..; kaaL aimple. The aniatf.' 1 ft !,'!- 1 ' unitot : . o.. J... Ike ' lown. oppoeiU to eaea enmalelrl' : Niv i.t Tliink"?' II lAlolr;lPl r r - aimple. The anflref.-! H liAlKin. ' J I Set down the awji" 3 eom"WH" I . . Nov I, ' Tlimk"?: FA 1 lNli-1 I . ..! El A Q L El 1 1 tn HelII ' M AN E 31 I -1 m I r n e si TiiNtsi I " LLLL N t s "TEXTS ' ' jjl 12 J 13 I a iii J r ,rr J r- 1 auceeed in ""l,""1 5 M A L L tfa,TSirjfi Sotntlnn 'o ya trday't Step. Word Punl. MAINE ta TEXAS in II slaps The solution to today's puztle and another Step. Word Pimr.le will be given tumor row. No abbreviations, prefixes, auffixes or foro'l ale us,,, m mcse puzzles. All Ine worus ais American dictionarica. DEFINITIONS. 1 A flnt-liottomcd freight or tx- 9 Pairs cursion boat 2 An insignia 3 Lambskin prepared like fur 4 To he protuberant n Swollen I ! A noisy, overbearing peraon 7 Papal eilicts 8 Renders stupid and obicwa 10 Tradci ny oi 1 rixinved ones 12Cauteric ,M54 1 4 IIISllHS"' " ,y I 15To look !ntenAih-c7 4 -r--