The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 28, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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n MM
C Affected
f.irihor ptRti'rt IhM HOfl mtli bur . .
!" rala from ui ( lb , r.l,., ,n4 " rt.
fuu.l of Or.. and j ain.,n ih ". , ,"'m
sum. pari, of .a.t.rn Oron. In-, pl lr bubj. . .. .. ..
Mm I.o k. ItaH-buiM, (iraul and ran. b. In lr,B"
' 7 "UM" ,rln ar. In ,,,
'MIT U, ..d (Jgyg .,
traaaariln,, bu.ln. ,.,,
- iTiiniini'tii
('urnliiK toiiiiiry.
Tucsflay, July 28,-1925.
Page ThreA
Local Briefs
MkIIiIU Mki--A parly ,f Klum-
imh Kail, prtinla vtijuvnd trip to
(i.rd: Other i.k wh..r u,., .nj.,d .!..". """-mi Uoidi. i.,.'
m " ' ' i tmii rtf urtiw.i in .
.will) n, pliilU: nuppur. Thow In ! .,. .... - """ In
;,., puny imdudodi Mr and Mr.. ; "2 ,"""'r'"" b '"" af-.T
. .. 'PMiilin iim llm.. .Lin,,, ,,.,.
T.1, lu III. ' A. II. i umi'ofii, r. ma .nr.. I'ar- Mr , ,, ..
r B fur " ' N "'Klu,,,:, JU,",
Jlwuriu P' wlilihil'ri'W, .Mr. mid Mm. Diivo amin.HI,
,',,,(, rt.-i'l- and Mls Mary Wulkor mid Irw'.u C,.. i , ,hltT,." Mr,
, rounly. '' MIKh.ll ., aiouii,- lh. ,lruIIllllTO
,.loi.ll 'r"'u . , , . " .'""" m lh rlly ywrduy fro,,,
" , ' ''"" mih-iii-ii raurh In lh. llnrrta
,r.nY")"X" Virair lvenn.i0n. Mrs. Mlhb.ll inuk- Up.
hi III lariln irn ran. I, n Hun-!qum I ti,B city from iH.
ii.iy wiipii mi mliiir. of llm eutliiillc .cuili. ' ' I
rhiinhi'j lu Klunulli ruuiuy ml '
f..r an oulln. tium... mid ollmr To fnlrr Ijiki Amonr th tlJ
, milon. ""I ' '
tgtrtU lllB"'l'
,ll.lnl lo III"
- . ...IV,I
41, U.
, Bandar n1'1'1
f. D. rborpmlim. lb. lb"1-
,h fields of (!" J
ih. doImo
nrndtti-rd'rny l""l ..... auu iruiu.oi-
Xtlarlt; II P'O-
i llvlllc. wi-r. n)iyrd during Ihnj Hor .1 Crcli-r Luke on Kitnday u
duy iu;:i.ii on wnn nuico picnir pariy r Klunialh Full. rcuWonn
u T.
I'nilll Vr"il I 111'. C!. Ifulnl
Mr. and Mr.. ( liarlm (larclon
re aiiiniin lh. many lo Unit ih
bu.lni". M.
..Md mor. Bolwin . ' d-"UliliT ar y.l In I'ort.
m ,oi inn! to ik. Ind and Mn I. .Ilht(y III,
to (he Under irwn
gndy ifl.rsnnn. II
Vrar. Ibat lb" pulwn.
VUII llmurl Mr. and Mr. V.o.,
ri-IHiru lhat his T'""n' airnmpanlrd by mcnilier. f
thrlr family wrra amoni Ihe .rorm'
of yl.llora who florktd to Crater,
lake Sunday to rnjoy the acunwy.
and i
H. Chaalaln, ronl-
LtrM thai lb. TirmuSa (rom ,n,lr r,rh ,h,!d.-nl of Ih. fhllonuln country la In
Mi-rrlH road. "' r"y lo ,rn,'' ouainena lor a
!f.w daya.
To 4'rnlrr ljiki Mr. and Mra.J
in .'Irr 'I i 1i-
n!i 9 't l.'kl II.
, .1,1,1 In )J IT
k. pi.,ici.l ll'ri!lr'
Old worm. Tho
VUlla HtrrMng HanimmV, the
Annul I'll -nli Mr. and Mra. Wll-
I liana tlcwalpr and family and Mia.
if. ...iii. u,M.ii ,. m.r,. n . .h. ialiirl. ton on lh Mcl'loud tram lhat
t tnmlHT. i.r Hi. l (ili.)lc h,,(, .nt down to .the dual Sunday no-
H ail n'I 1 .. ., .. , lrP lh klumlh Vnll. hnll.T. ...
hiiniuy on inw .unin i.r.,n raurn.i
la wc.k-.nd tlsltur In lh city, atnp-
-Mr. and Mr. On. P'"K at th home of friends, Mr.
To Krtiirn Ml., .Urlll Robln-I
"n, who baa ba it,, houiw nuaat
f her al.lHr and brother-in-law. Mr.i
and Mr.. I.ynn P. Huliln, ipMta to
rnurn lo uor liom. In Koroat Clroro
within tin romltiK few daya., Hlie
hn tha Inaplratlon for levernl
aoilal affulra durln, her licre.
It'liirna Xorth-MIi Mtt Moe'
ha. returned to her homo In Bpo-
kane, aftitr KpendlliK i,uJU tmo vli-
HIiik with hor aunt and undo Mr. '
and Mra. H. N. Mi U'i.iu i!
aciiiilmrn Origin, MU Mn. enjoyed
a irlp to the eoniit and a.verul ln-
l.reatliiK Irlpa o Crater lake and
Klunulli luke.t. j
I Am.pi a Poalliiin Mlaa France,
. Hoi tty haa accepted a pnnitlon aa
lir.,JikcoiMT In Mlllir'a market. tak-
m ivi ii.-i uw w.jTK ou .Mon
day morning.
Ili'tiiin. Mln Chloe Palmer, ac-j
loinpanlcd by her mother, .1t.
l.auru Palmer, returned to Klum-,
alb Fall, after attending; the alx
weeka' aummer achool acmlon In
the Aahland atnte normal- achool. I
Mlaa Palmer and her mother will'
pend the remainder of the aum-
raer In Klamath Falla "keeping1
C"jl" after the heat of the valley.
Kipiiiiil Cecil Jlmemon. counln
of Charle. Cain of Klamath Full..
i expected to arrive .In the city
tuduy from his home In William,
Arizona. Jhnor.on will visit for
nomo lime befui'e returning aouth.
panl.d by Mrs. Cooch. la In the city
to and iraomal bu.hieiM from
his ranch In the Rectlun.
Kirk rfitiestii In Klamath Poll
during the. puat fLV duyil nci(i0
Miverul vlaltorn from Kirk. Mr. and
Mra. y. c. Uulilen of that city are
among the vlnltor.
Nlcholai ?.ffi'lien3ta(!t, 21, nnd ath Falls, rccci .-cd a marrlaga 11
flladr. Hankln..' !, both of Klam- n-nnn ycaterduy.
Tlio wife hil neglected to ow a
tuition on one of tlxi mo.t dependent
portion, of the hculiuml'. lower gar
ment., and the ku.buud waa growl
ing about It.
"Well I wo.n1! feeling well enough
lo do any sewing. Which I. more
Important- your wife or your
"There are a few place. I can go
without niy wife." Iio grumbled.
Marriage Licenses
M. I.. Colliv nnd Alice t!ru,n
18 nnd IS, renpectlvely, were mur
rkd by Acting Justice cf the Peace
C.ngl'.ageii ye.terday afti-rnonn. The
cerllflcata gave their home address
a Klrkford, Ore.
Mlicepinan C. J. liooch, promin
ent Hud Illuff aheepnian, accom-
Kroin MittIII
ll.iiiimiitid and ni.mli.r. of belr,01' Mra,
family were gueata at tlio Catholic
i.l.nlc on tha (lr.en ranrh Hundav! lllliMiilll C.
H, J. Winters.
ant tflrcllr.,
Merrill (id Roaania
U Tl.lted by Moaira.
mi, Tkomp.on, 8.x-
lmln( today and or-
aitatllus of Hum
an kaini luued
ffoDBtr ai.nt'a otflct
Blilat pUala.
Ilia maal; ial'a of-
kirnlni from Corvallla,
tltll and 1114 Ih.
tmpa la WMtern
tnd trail, follaga.
mnttl trM u well
mid Croat tod vego
C. I. Heckanl, Mr. and Mm
Hamilton and Or villi. Hamilton and
Mlas (loldla ll'iMirl of Corning
wen among lh Klamath Fall rewl
denta who spent Kunday at Cra
ter lake.
To Tin. IJike Mr. rnd Mra. Les
ter Officlil were um...i'( llie Klam
ath Falls vl.llors at Crater lake
over Sunday.
From M. J. Lytle.
rancher of Ihe Ilnnania section, was
among Ih. numerous out yf town
vl.llors In Ihe city to tranuct Decen
nary bu.inesa for the early part of
the week.
Our care In confinement meets every
requirement. adv. It
V:ltlng Am nr. the many gnela
if... Cra. ib, l...lwi im RiindnV
twa. Joe Powlall who waa seen visit-!
Ajrrfrsliaral collegnhng over Runday nl the re.urt.
In at 9 out at t p. n.
The Peatley't 1
Opposite Court House
La Vogue Store's
Creditors' Sale
fives You An Opportunity Now
ircha9e that new dress, hat or coat as astoundingly low prices.
'Have not attended our sale do so at once.
are just a few of the many wonderful bargains picked at ran
from our stock.
rl and Dotted Voiles, Linens with drawn work and
"and embroidered also some in Knitted Crepes, val- IkS 95
o$ 5.on 5i -
,k and Wool, with beautiful tailored Dresses. Values 1 H ,r
J5.00. Snl.
e price
f f 50 Hats. very serviceable. Values to $1.50. Sale
iSe8ta Corsets. Values to $5,.00. Sale price
e nd be convinced that we have many other bargains, too num
sel Me'.ltlon in Dresses, Suits, Millinery, Sweaters, Skirts,
We Lacquer, We Paint,
We Make Your Car
Look Like What It
i J'
Let Us Give You An Estimate'
0n Screening Your Hone
Estimates Given On Cabinet Work.
Work Guaranteed Prices Right.
6th and Klamath
Phone 380
3 jbt tarxaffvovas
Kej&.'XgtfWJ" B3SM
. I
1 uesday and v y eanesaay
July x 29 and 30, From' 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
8 Hours
of hard work,
on your feet
i . i
2 Hours
So easy, it's
Hand ironing is slow, hard work. It is
old-fashioned now.
When through ironing,
fold up like this.
You merely sit before Thor-30 and guide the
pieces through. It irons shirts, ruffles; lace
curtains and EVERYTHING. So'sfun.'
T : hnWBair
And roll into a closet
or corner or behind a
door. (Takes up less
than two feet square.)
To introduce this (marvelous new
time and labor saver, we are mak
ing a remarkable offer during
demonstration.. Opme to the show
room or mail the coupon for full
iiifnrmation. .
' 418 Main St., Klamath Falls:
PK'a.-c send hip full information ro.citrdiuaj the
speolnl ortur mi Ihp Tlmr no KoIdiriK Klectric
Ironer. ' t
Name -
Baldwin Hardware Co.
, The Winchester Store
418 Main St. ' Phone 261
- ii
osery; etc.
La Vogue Store