THE EisKI Sunday. July 2(1, lfl2B, ff LOCALS I) tiparrrtorn bUHlQKU IVtrifk-tl roue While dlcdnc In I M.Hvhnt In J. I.. ki. rl -nlf.lf I U nf ' ItiinaniA IIH'rcliattt aB I9U1 K street, unr-arthrd m Bitrlfll visitor nl ms county w i 'plno cons lo fwt under tho surfsrs. i pari of lh ! Itmlpr rminfl thn rnnn .nilMHtilt'd In i la rock, and when rut from Ita hrd I.anip-11 Valley .Mr. and lien ; brought the Hucrlmt-n to the Klnin- llron wore hr-rs on business rn- alh rounty rhumher of ... . . ... . .... i t . r;..ll,, hnr .nit lir mnlhpr From mm Among me 0111 ra;f. ........... ..- - -. for cxh, billon. town visitors in Klania'.n rain yes-i.. lerday to transact business m J. i this morning for Crater luko where D. Teepen. resident of KirUord. jthey will enjoy the day. I " .... . . II ....I roiumerteiduy from tneir nomo in ley. Id-turn To 1'lty W. W. South well, hia father, W. U. Southwell. lake tf Woods Mrs. C. lt.!BU "later, -Miss Fays Southwell, rs- i. .nielli ih trunk at lurncu rriu.j cvenins irura . Vlaltor Sam Wall, prominent I() ranrher ot the Merrill country was i-.i,..,w,,i mnn ih mane huslneu visitors In.... i.. .t i-.i of view where they have been vlaitlnc tho city yesterday afternoon. the Woods as are many other Klam-nd transetlD business for the trip. ath Falls residents. .Mr. l mierwooa , lm-k f'ruiu Trl Mrs. WIHUim Weedon and daughter l.ols have re lumed from a, Iwo weeks' visit with friends hi Sun Fraadsco and Sacra memo and report a very enjoyable Prow lleuli-y Among the visitors plans to join her today to spend. Keener, accompany oy nis uaugu- (he charmlllg resort. ler, Aiiss iioroiuy neeurr, truui luou ranch In the Henley district. .. kMiliiu Trio Mr. und Mrs ..... n.-ih.iiMt Holiomh. Mr. and Mrs. l'erry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pells andW "'" " My mTr in the city baturdny m .v. -;,he r0malndtT of the weekend at To l.Ilss'Fern Ahlstrom left last niKht leaving this moi-uln Mr i -i... .i. river un a lismos inu uti imp ,, . , c t. .,.. .v. lur .m?r inRO, wuria Miry bib . To Seattle E. E. Magee left In. ' week-end. Wordcn Champ McCollum. well latter part of the week for Seattle " u known rancher from the Worden where he plans to attend the' M , .nl Mrs. V. Tem- country was among the out of town! Knights Templar meeting being held .'r an(, JauKhter Alice and her visitors seen on the streets Satur-'ln that city this year. Magee goes! Visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Me- m011r Mr, ,ce Summer are day afternoon from his ranch. nnrth In the capacity of past grand . Nealy are enjoying a visit from their B u'e weekend at Rocky commander trom tne rtiumaiu runs. niece, .miss cveiyn .nc.eaiy 01 seai-;n . To Crater I-nke Mrs. Irma Dixon !,,,(, tle. She is spending her vaactlon in is among the Klamath Falls resl- . , Klamiuh rounty this summer, thor- rolnt. the neighboring state of Nevada. lAigsn Dlea Word has been re ceived In Klamath Falls of Ihe death of Jack Logan, who passed away In a Eugene hospital, July It. He la aurvlved by a wife and three children. Logan was a aon-ln-law 9f Mr. and Mrs. William Southwell of Klamath Falls, and for some time, 10 years ago, was of Klnnmth Falls. dents planning to leave this morn- Rl.,urlw u,,st Frank 11. Fairfield 'onglily enjoying the attractive re ins iur u. "" ""':alld family have returned to their "" spend the day. I home in Chicago. leaving yesterday. latter enjoying a delightful tour ofi Vltors W '" "' """" . " Ithe west. While In Klamath FalUvthe visitors I C. Dnlton was among the city yesterday . i ..... ,h. t,.eA piiAalfl nt Mr. nftnrnnnn - . iiirj .cio .i,c n... -. iiwrn uis .mill "I I . , tt. A attA .n.!lrlin U'lih l. nJ kl. the Bly district. Glvan was pro- " . .,.., ... ! . ..., p.- 0 iVnV, , mlnenuy Identified in the success,. ... ,ahn Fri!nU. f Slln PrnH ,J I In Ki-om Mill Mr. and Mrs. Ran Crump were here yesterd.iy from I Lamm's mill shapping with lotil merchants. the out of town guests In Klamath Falls yesterday ! Sliniiiihiu Mrs. It V. Est was In from bis ranch near ',... ..,r.i,. fn..n ii..r hnm on Keno road. 'of the recent . Klamath rodeo held during the holidays In Klamath Falls. . Rancher In Among the fre quent business visitors In the city yesterday vas Al Mark of Poe val ley -who was calling on bis many friends from bis ranch in that section. To Crater Lake Among the Klamath Falls residents to leave for I Crater lake this morning win oe Miss . Mariam Wortley, Miss Elsie Mae Toombs, Walter Short and Walter Surber. Hot urn To Homo Mrs. Marian Carnlnl of McCloud, Calif., who has Het urn To City Mrs. B. W. Mr Cormlck and . her daughter. Miss Winifred McCormlrk have returned to the city this week-end from Ash-Bn n Fraz,r and .mss cella Car- .iana wnere tney nave oeen spenoing are in Klamath county for a week A Is Interested in dredging operations and Is at present building on the San Fedro harbor. The visitors were loud In their pralso of the Klamath country,. and especially the agricultural outlook. Leaves For Seattle Wellington been the house guest of Mr. and Templer left yesterday for Seattle Mrs. Pete Carninl left yesterday for, on a onci ousiness trip. her home In the south. Mr. ear ths major portion ot the summer. Miss McCormick. has .been attend ing the summer session of the Ash land normal school From Tine Grove- Mrs. L. 0. Mills of Pine Grove was among the out of town visitors in the city yesterday from the Mills ranch. While In Ihe city Mrs. Mills spent the majority of her time shopping. : To Meet Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Nate OttePbeln will drive to Ash land today to meet their young grandson Jack Beaver of Portland. The young lad plans to spend the remainder of the summer with his grandparents until, the school bells summon hint back to bis First Header. To Tie Luke Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Southwell and party are plan ning to leave today for Crater lake where they will spend Sunday. This Is the last trip the visitors at the Southwell home will have the pleas ure ot taking their home in Alsonia Mr. and Mrs Georre nlnl will motor to McCloud with! Hoffman drove down from Algoma Mrs. Carnlni. continuing on to Hed ding where they plan to visit for some time. In Saturday Mrs. F. W. McEl win ot Modoc Point w-as among the many out of town visitors in the city, enjoying a short shopping visit. ....In Klamath Falls Jesse Evans of Casper, Wyoming, who Is rated as a first class watchmaker and Jeweler of 27 years experience is now with Ihe Glover Jewelry com pany. Evaus has sold his Interests in Casper, planning to make Klam ath Falls his permanent home In tho future. From llr- MIsb Elvn Arent was among the Klamath Falls visitors in the city yesterday from her home in Dairy. Miss Arent will spend several days in the city visiting with her many friends. Arrive- as they return to i daughter. the east Tuesday. ' From Bratty Mrs. Carrie Schmitz was among the visitors in the city Saturday to transact business and shop. -Mrs. Harold Grubbs and Lorraine, have arrived in the city from their home in Ber keley, Friday evening. Mr. Grubbs is advertising manager ot The Klam ath News. To Crater Lake Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McN'ealy, their daughter and neice Miss Evelyn McN'ealy, Miss MarriiiKe Lli-cnse Lewis Calvin Noble. 24. and Mlna M. Jackson. 20, both of Klamath Falls, received a marriage license from the county clerk's office yesterday. THE HIGHWAY to public regard is paved with the per formance of a Service of Sincerity where a discreet handling of the arrangements rings approval. EARKWHITIX)CR iPIIONE FUNERrVUCOR.SIXTH 'Vt HOMF. ST P NESTS SAVINGS and EARNING " Men find themselves penniless in their old age and without resources because they failed to save. Not because they failed to earn. Often a savings account and save consist entlybe independent in your old age. "The surest way to make money is to hauserm0ney'" Fredcri Weyer- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve Bank. last evening on business and pleas ure. We employ three expert workmen at our store. Rring us your re pairs. Glover The Jeweler. J26 VETERANS OF FOR EIGN WARS SPE CIAL MEETING IMPORTANT. All men who have seen ioreign service with the U. S. Army. Navy or Marine Corps. reuort at Courthouse Basement for organiza tion. Thursday evening, 8:00 p. m. July 30. KEEP YOUR rrCOIMICK-D MACHINES iG BY USING GENUINE REPAIRS fAN you expect 100 per cent service from a machine or implement that is part genu ine and part imitation? When your McCormick Deering farm operating equipment needs over hauling to get it back in first-class working condi tion, do the job right, and buy only genuine I H C repairs. They are the only repairs maJe by the manufacturer of the original machine. They are made by the same workmen who made the ma chine itself, and what is just as important, they are made of the same materials as similar parts on a new machine. We soli only genuine IHC repairs. J. S. Mills and Son McCORMICK - DEERING LINE tanuounusuu " " I Huuth - Mrs. Kred tlordun. Harder r1nl-T. Hevkalhor.. (. y r u.ught.r. left Friday "r "oiiis in Ban rrau clsro, after vlaitlnc with relatives and friends In Klamath Kails for mure than nmnlli. Mrs, Uordiin .III be remrmherrd by many as Mu Agnes Malt before her marriage and departuro for Ills south Hires years ago. ,' bh r na.i la anu roi in ...- tJunnell's court yesterday for drlv Ing over 30 miles so hour Sixth street. duwn Prom fhllimulu Mrs. Nellls M. Rtrovhridee. arromosnled by her iwo children, wers smong the nu merous out of town visitors Id Klam ath Palls yesterday. To Militant t Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Harrow and Mr. Harrow's father. ea RegUtrstloa - Only two foreign 'Mr. Westcoll. left yest.rday for the rs. outslds of ths numerous Csll-i '. " h'"r, 10 fornls visitors In the city yeaterdsy no V" "" "" were registered at His chamber ot uioru. , commerce, llotb or these wers trom Visitor-. ,,UWB iuM .'l of t',uH , '--atllM-court houtt S Iti-lurns Mrs. Uenrge llarnhart baa reiurnrd lo Klamath Palls after an enjoyable vacation trip spent In! Han Prani-lsi'o with friends and rela-i lives. I I'l (Ml TIMMi Anyone wishing a first rlaaa Job of piano tuning dime run du so tiy tMavtti thnlr i.r.lrtM k-llh I hm k.'HM.. resident nlh Knits Music lloue. Ill Ho. th St. K l.i in Kill fulls, lire. J 35 A I Lirtiw . "wwaim i. Three r...'' ford esalo UrM ioo fc- ,rs" CODneolloa' J? Portland ons day, Kiamarh PalU Mais. bv. Medford orfkeTi! i. 1 Redud 'KB- : PA)f prnl late Genuine Victrolas BUY NOW Victrola Pictured Above Formerly Priced at $11 NOW $75.00 Never before have we been in position to offer genua Victrolas at these ridiculously low prices. Victrola Console Pictured Abdve, Formerly Priced at $200.00 ' NOW $130.00 EASY TERMS WIRTZ'S MUSIC 122 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon m m v av m sV m m m. w ami Frank & King's Comedians Tte Big WMte Tonut Seventh and Pine Streets Sunday and Monday The Roaring Comedy Drama ' WHEN JOHNNIE COMES MARCHING HOME Price, 25c and 50 c. Ja22 0rcheilra Vaudeville Between AcU Ifi 1 - ' A New Feature For the Klamath County Housewife 12-Hour Service on WET WASH 5c PER POUND Minimum $1.00 a Bundle IT , mi E We Call and Del lver Troy Laundry Clean Satisfaction" 1 VAN F ARRIS, Mgr. '