The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 26, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
Sundnv. Ju1v26j
Mwtin for niapplnc out more,
Intennio pbu of attsrk acaiiwl the ;
t:: worm risltora hi Klaauih ouutjr j
,-.- heM at .Merrill ami M.ilm fat- i
urda: ruing. The Merrill meet-'
ias w.n KidT th direction of Frank
V. SvM.u- a sing county acrkullur-1
UU and '" P. rhorpeninc emersen-
cry aaaVjin during the worm iufes-tatr-s.
Ii..d c'-vge of the m.-clins ,
U M.llil I
TW I' irpose of the two meetings
yesterday evenluir a t discuss the!
cut worm problem and to outline I
additional measures for lis control.
Telegrams appealing for advice in
handling the worm menace were
eat to the entomulogy department-1 !
of both 0. A. C. and California uni-,
verslty. In addition, the telegram
to tho Corvallls school rquested the
personal assistance of an enpert en
tomogolhit in checking the pest.
A man from CorTallia IU prob
ably be sent to assist Seitoa and j
Chorpening Id handling the situation i
la Klamath county. The request
for ouuldc aisnTic was not made I
until teata Saturday morning showed
the artenlc-hntn. ustd lanibatting i
the worm was apparently of no:
avail. ;
County Club Leader Sexton esti-1
mated that approximately 60 per,
cent of the second cjufcis of alfalfa !
la this' territory was"" a Spial doss .
unless the worms were checked. .
Jlayhe not until Iho hal-y 1 ul"'"
lln 'r old
Neither touM I " ""n- 1
could hate ' ' ""'""ey '! 1
would liavn l.i c.iiii the money In -I
to iay It I 111.
"It It l o necessary for yon t"
me now o could ilrhe out licie
some Sund.iy and lulk till ver
Then some of Hie diluMa could b'
made pliuli. If oil coulil let lue
know when you totihl coiik I will
have a ihl.ken dinticr looked f"t
The ret of the letter Mid how
to reach I lit woman's huio
If you must thihk of J
think or tins rooting
I A booiter for Klamath trufif
and Klamath Kails and er i legtt
! imatn Industry therein lint's Ilia
Klamath Newt.
Former Klamath Man I
Killed In Coos Bay ;ieafUe
' , The. force of an electrical, bail anil rain tlorui turned Atnlin rrerk into a raging rirrr, nnn
inj; more than $2-50,004) Hamate to props, huililinir ami stnt k in the vicinity of Lrwuton, Mllio,
Two children were washed from thi-s auto anil their hmlies lost when a torrent imurcd our hc hillt
ripping away building hut. .strnmrel l-sf,t -- -
continued whea the Pitt:i
Pirates lct and the Nom
Wheels of justice had l en Idle long
hiirch Pii-ilou loal nml tha V.-u- ni.m.h n li wm'., ih s.ttiifin :iinl
Word of the death of C. E. Mill-. York Giants won their game. ACfcTn rC ATTflBWFV tol.i h.r i.. im .h nn,e at Hie
key, .superinitendent of schools in The Wants, with Harnes pitch-1 court proct.lure
Coos county was received here some in(;, downed the Bo n Craves and " " " . - " "" '
timengo and his many friends willnLide the series even, each having I'OKTI.AMi. Or.'.. July ;-l, This answer came to him:
be grieved to know of the sudden won two games. W hile the Giants oi ,ne n,"r r V'" ''' ' "1'ear Mr. Medlchrist:
death of one who held many friends were winning Duster Mails. ,h(1 the of tho I nlted states at-; - am sorry to diaiuoinl vou.
la Klamath Falls. iCIeveland ca.-of; was pitching the ,orr"y ",n''s """ '"",ry "f a ,,ut 1 ""inot ,,riuK ' ll-,l' "ul 'n
Mdlkey was returning from in- st. Louis Cardinals to a 7 to 2 vie- man' request. The names, warm weather. Neither .an I say
anectlnz a school across Coos Bay:,,, T ,h i,..,Hlnff Pi.i.bnrirh ""'an.--? of the personal nature of w hen 1 could come a It is
when oassine throunh a wooded sec- pir;,a the letter, were not made public.
tloa. a tree Mown down by a wind: Tm standing at tlw end of the '-versl iiomhs ro
www . i;
NnthlliR ran hritu umr.' d'-htHt
Til your hmif ir'.'i?r UzUX
Vu Klt'f i St-rvii'-mun t'un
Hiik ilyiimnos n' iiimiufttr
lurlnK tht hU'nin f rloctrltily
t lint n. ok An Inlet It) jruur hitm.
Ak u ih wlrtn Viu
ncftl the work .lorn now.
l Main SI.
Day IIkhip 7.V. Mulit ."71
io,in-MAnv1t!, '
ri s5s?T" -.v-v
nckel by J)hn3-MarUJ
with over fifty year, eJ
in tho manufacture of Jj
thonniKhly Saturate jS
givinn nuturul uspnults 1
Quantity output Hnddistrft?
prtKluction of this nwfaig J
cumDines miKit-rutc first coj.
really gorxl sorvice.
Wo rccornrru-nd the appJ
in juiuis-xviHnviiie PiJot,
Pyramid Kaps, fiDttcnerjthj
suro nn itbscilutely Wrair
iob. Ask uaubou, tlj f, J
General DIstributori
storm iell directly across his car. !jaJr KaTe Pittslnirgh first place by
killing him instantly. The tragedy. tag margin of five points,
occurred near North Bend. i '
Both Mr. and Mrs. Mulkey are
a wpman. !
fifty niiies J"
hose home is about
from Portland. In a remote farminc
cSuntrt. areessible over miles of
bumpy roadway, was indicted hy the
Kraad Jury on a charge of mi.-use of
the mails.
She was sent for to appear before
the bar of Justice for arraignment
and to enter plea. She eiDlalned
Both Mr. and Mrs. Mumey are;,wr -.j .
well known in Klamath county, hav. Y 011(1 LenSOrSflip
lag taught school here for some
time ntno years ago. Mrs. Mulkey I ff lnvnQ Tc Xpar
a before her marriage. Miss Mat-j Vl UlUVlCS 1 llCdl
tie Poater. a sister of Mrs. L. A.I
Brannan of Klamath Falls and ofl GENEVA, July 25. The first to the officers that a laby was ex
Joe H. Foster of Round Lake. 'step toward a modified internation- petted in her family, and asked
Mrs. Mulkey has been asked tojal censorship of movies Is seen In 'that the trip to court he d-.-layid. J
accept the unexpired term of her 'the reques: of Sir Eric DrummondJ Last week. Assistant I'nited Slates
' husband by the Coos county court! Secretary-General of t'.ie league of! Attorney MiCilchrist. thought the
end it is probable that she will ac-natlcns, that all governments fur-,
cept as she was in close contact at 'nish the league with information
all times with the work ia'which her (of steps taken to ascertain the e(-
Prices on All Our Tires and Tubes
Will Advance 10 to 15 Per Cent
on August 1st
'7 Buy now and save raorjpy. ,
Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Cd,
797 S. Sixth St Phone 167
husband was- interested..
fects of movfng pictures on the:
moral and mental well-being of
'children. .
The move was launched by the ,
! advisory committee on the traffic
I In women and children and was ap-
proven ny me league council.
Kelso Man Announces
Himself For Mayor
XEW YORK. July 5. Connie
Mack's Philadelphia Athletics gain
fed a half tpme over the champion
A'ashfiiL'ion Senators today in- the
""'Cin ?ap ie pennant race.
. ... 't e Swaators were idle be
cause of rain, the Athletics knocked
ff the Boston Red Sox in 10 inn
.ngs, hy the score of 3 to 2 and
increased their lead to one game
and a half.
The Delroit Tigers also lost a
half game In their battle for the
first division when they wore drop
ped by Eddie Collins' White Sox, 6
to 2.
The royal battle in the National
KEEI.SO. Wash.. July 25. Kol-1
lowing the appearance of handbills
here which desicnaud him "next'
mayor of Seattle," A. Ituric Todd, I
stormy perrel of local politics, de-l
dared he would he a candidate for'
mayor of Seattle to succeed Kdwin
Brown who is to offer himself as:
a candidate for I'nited States senate. I
Todd who was recalled as mayor
of Kelso June pays lie has been
promised the support of many lead
ers of Seattle groups.
" - .
Open All Night
Diamond setting our specialty.
Men of Experience handle the work.
(Mover The Jr-wuler. jr,
Otic ? 1.000 6 Hond
Two $200 fi'i Bonds
Oiw $100 til Hond
One $500 6"' Uoild
Will at reasonable
Will duy E-
Orders taka
and lt
One 8-in. Jackson Pump
One 1G horsepower Can Engiut
One 110-Volt Electric Light Fas
One Molina Tractor with" Mowing A'.
One 5-ton White Truck in ifirst class cod
Agents for J. I. Case Threshing Machine U
208-209 Winters Bldg. fW
Earl Shepherd
:No Interest, Easy Terms
Below Cost Prices
Surely are enabling us to sell more Victrolas
than ever before.
MU T lXIlain our l,1-P"ition an,l the rea
i son why? Don't put off coming in unliI we are
,; all sold out on these model.. Act now, it will
; pay you.
Earl Shepherd Co.
cn, . Pianos, Radios, Records.
We I lave Expert Mechanics Who Will Give You tl
Best Service Obtainable.
Oakland and Nash
TT V ,' V
Phono Johnny-on-lhe-Spot for Lumber-
Building up character is a good
c: n i. .,r
u man ui a in in. uy suppiyiny "ul
with first class lnml-ir anr hich I3i
vice we have builded a business 8tii
ol which we are proud.
Lakeside Lumber' ,C
R. R. R. Garage
Phone 212
3 Real Bargaii
1919-7 Pass. Hudson Tou..ring - 5
1 92 1 Oakland 3 Pass. Coupe.-'
1 922 Ford Coupe ;
Cash or ' Terms
Acme Motor ft
UV"mam3t- ...... Phone ?.82
6th and Oak. PH
" '