The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 26, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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United New and United Press Telegraph Services
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Price Five Cent
te Of Numer-
L, Said To Be
'urner It In
. i mrn
Mrs. A. Bellman
Dies Suddenly
Early Yesterday
Wife Of Prominent Local
Real Estate Man Dies
In Sunset Of Life
mi tract of Und
nkvlll bridge and
.. "the point on
king In practically
k-v between mo"
...ih Htvera da. will
:,,nhfrn Unas Mon
led yeaterday.
txplrn l that lima
ae will bs mad of
Ird to COlt 1160.
lark alio, on South
lludrd In the pur-
contemplated by
ten for uu (a Ita
f iha road la axlvnn
lid here. Letlera
Lterday by numer-
Ihs properties itt-
optlona would be
president of the
kith an assistant.
Irnnalh Falla today
homing hero from
Mra Anna Tboinaa nollman, 63,
wlfa of A. A. Hi'lltnan, prominent
real estate man. and on of the
city's moat highly reapected cltitena.
died here auddenly yealerday morn
ing at 4 oclocM, following an at
tack of acuta Indlneatlon. She
aeemed to be In (nod health up until
a few momenta before her death.
Mr. and Mra. Ilellman moved here
from Huntington county. Indiana,
M yeara aio. Seeing the bright fu
ture of Klamath Fallsvthey aettled
here and entered the real estate
bualnoaa. Coming here In only mod
erate means, they worked hard, built
up an viteliHlve business, and were
Junt about on the verge of retiring.
In fact, Just tho day buforo Mra.
Bellman passed away. In talking
1th old frlenda alio auld: "Father'
and 1 are planning a long trip to
b'lfirlrin I Ills winter. We have work
ed hard and want to upend the sun
set of life on a aecund long honey
The Ilellmana had been married
Crowe and Stewart Engage
In Fight Like That
Of Leopold-Loeb I...- K M'tillml
VJllVAliU, Jul -v. , v. . ...... ..... '
PreruO The famous alleniiU who, law firm which completed the legal
$1,000,000 Copper
Concern At Baker
About To Operate
Concern Backed By Baker
And Spokane Capital
Files Papers
HAS! "Planted Booze"
BAKER. July 25. Detaila of the
organliation of a new Baker cop
per company by Baker and Spokane
capital were announced today by
Nichols. Hallock ft Donald, local
fouaht a memorable battle In the
notorlona Leopold-Loeb murder caw
will claah again In the Kusseu
Scott cane. It waa announced tonight.
William Bcott Stewart, chief de
fenae consel, who Friday morning
aecurcd a etay of execution Just four
hmir. before Scott waa to nave gone
to the gallowa, aald he expected to
orure the acrvlcea of I)r. wimam
Whim of Washington. I). C; Dr.
Glueck. New York and Dr. Harold
8. Hurlburt, Chicago. Thcae allen
lata carried the 'brunt of tho win
ning battle In the Leopold-Loeb cae.
Assistant Btate'a Attorney George
K. Gorman, aald ho would have
Dr. William O. Kruhn ana nr.
DoUKlaa Singer, alao nolcd psyi-hl-atrUta
who represented the atate
In 'he Leopnid-Loeb case.
Stewart aald he would prove oy
Owens Men Have Difficulty
In' Getting Prices
Asked Of L. A.
'The Spring" Resort Owner
Declares Whole Affair
Was A Frame-Up
ninri for -the organization, to be
forwarded to Salem Monday.
An authorized capitalization of
11,000,000 cover 420 acres of pro
perty, which the company owns.
The Incorporator are: Robert
Belts, Baker; W. John Bemple.
Baker, and K. F. Cartier, Vandesael.
Of 13 stockholders 11 are from
Spokane and two from Baker.
Mrs. Cunningham Is
Given Life Sentence
in iienmiinn niu wen u-
year.. Kunera. .11. ! ' n'm
i , July 25. Bull
Irlur court here to
la James (iraham.
I. Heard, publisher
ilepuhllran as de
ling 110,000 dam
1 libelous editorial.
I that the editorial
IScatlmi that lie
y In a recent trial
I I on a prohibition
irer auks $6,000 ac
id 10,000 punitive.
held from Whltlork'a mortuary on
Monday at 10:30 a. m.. Rev. Yarnes
of tho Methodist church, officiating.
Interment will bo In Llnkvlllo ceme
tery. Bealdea her huaband, Mrs. Bell-
man Is survived by a aon and a
brother-in-law, (i. A. and I.. II.
Oregon A. C.
.LIS. July 25. A
seismograph station
this college for
iiake. miila i ... .. .
7 " - nnu " lho ilrv cn el said. AP
in Portland of the !,.,, .., h. mert, that Scott Is Buffering from
nrlMin onychosis" and thus give
weight to hla own alienists testi
Stewart Confident
Mnndnv the defense and state
will appear before Judge Joseph E.
David, who gave Sunt the stay oi
o.-rntlnn to decide in what court
the Jury hearing on the question of
sanity shall be held. A dale lor me
trial ahall be set, although the tenta
tive date ia August 2.
state's Attorney Robert K. Crowe
III tuko personal chargo of the
fight for tho state, trowo cut short
vacation to Inkn part in the ligni.
Bcott. hack In hla cell In "murd
erers' row" has changed his policy
of talking freely to newspapermen.
Ho has boen warned that tho slate
will summon tho reporters, "who
covered" him In lho effort to prove
he la sane.
Stewart aald he would have no
difficulty proving his client is not
"His case Is similar to many
others." Btewart ssid. "His mind
Slayer Of 3 Children Must
Go To Pen Jury Decides
After Deliberation
WASHINGTON. July 2G Assist
ant Secretary of tho Treasury An
drewa today struck another sledgo
hammor blow at political groups,
which are seeking 16 dlctato the por
aonnel of the re-organized prohi
bition force, following upon Presi
dent Coolldge'a declaration that poll-lii-s
are to have no part in the now
arV.J. ! ....ii .-h. been twisted by the long con
rle.o-cui business organisation for flncmcnt and the terror inspired by
efficient accomplishment of Its pur-
hi severnl close calls to death. His
mind Is Impaired and we will prove
a speeding up of
the necessarv eaulo-
ind install It tempor-
I only, and a distinct uudwinUnJliiK .
CROWN rOJNT. Ind.. July 25.
Mrs. Anna Cunningham. - "poison
widow" of Gary, Ind., crouched in
her cell here tonight under sen
tence of life Imprisonment for the
murdor of her 10 year old son Wal
ter. When the iurv after 24 hours
deliberation, brought In Its verdict
of guilty and life sentence the
black garbed woman dropped her
worn Bible und broke Into hysteri
cal aohhlng. The. defense attorney
filed an appeal and asked that a
stay of sentence 'be granted until
they could go before a higher court.
Judge Martin Smith granted a stay
and the appeal 11 be tiled within
30 days.
Mm. Cunningham is charged wun
killing threo of her children, al
,i,n,,nh .hn waa tried for Walter's
rioath onlv. In a confession made
hni-tiv after her arrest, Mrs. Cun
nlnghara aald Bhe gave arsenic 10
tho children so they could "loin
their father who died several years
ago. Later ane repuaiaicu io
David Cunningham, 21. bIso poi
soned shortly before his mother's
,,,. ihroe months ago, tonight
reiterated belief in her innocence.
First communication from C. A.
Henderson. Klamath county agricul
tural agent, who. is In Owens Val
ley, California, interesting the ranch
er of Bishop In the Klamath coun
try, waa received yesterday by Lynn
Babln, secretary of the chamber of
Accnrdinar to Henderson he has
discussed the situation with more
than 30 reoresentatlve farmers and
'business men and all show a keen
interest In the Klamath country. A
large number of the ranchera are
now negotiating with the city ol
Aneelea and all state that they
are planning to give the Klamath
section a try before purchasing more
land on the coast.
Henderson continues In his letter
to discuss the manner in which the
Owens Valley rancher are handling
lho critical situation. The city
seems, according to the agent, to be
following the plan of buying an
lands under a given ditch, which
means that the buying of thla land
will be rather drawn out over a
period of time. The farmer under
,v.n Hiffomn. ditches have formed
pools In order to deal collectively
rather than Individually wun me
city agents.
Will Take Tim.
Th ritr of Los Angele. accord-
i n Henderson, seems to object
to tho price asked by the farmers
as the result of the water fight in
the valley. The present acqueauci
win nni csrrv all the water hi the
valley and another of equal capa
city U necessary. 'Tnis means mm
one half the valley win noi oe jm.
chaaed at this time, or until the
city Plan an additional acqueauci.
Future plans lor tne uw.
-,.w seem to foe uncertain.
said the agent In his letter, 'and
practically all of the resioems
willing to sell if they are able to
obtain their price.
Henderson Is endeavoring to get
a meeting of all rancners ana ..".
Declaring that bis arrest was a
"frameuo" enslneered bv an un
friendly railroad officer. Eddie San-
try, arrested on a charge of pos-
uMlni linnnr. wa released on .
cash bond of 11,000 late yesterday
afternoon. Bantry's trial will ne
held August 10.
Santry will remain in Klamath
Falls until Monday before returning
to- hla store near Odell lake. He
hooea to have his hall of $1,000
changed to bonds for the same
According to Santry'a tory,. the
raiding officers seised three boltlea
of mild ginger ale and substituted
a more potent fluid to he present
ed In evidence.
m. nreliminarv hearing was held
Before County Judge Bunnell late
Saturday afternoon.
Local officers declare Santry Is
known to officer of fcoth Klamath
and Deschutes county as a "boot
legger king."
when arrested Santry had in his
possession about $1300. $800 of
which was In currency, tne remot
er In checks.
$15,000,000 Graft Found
To Exist Implicating
Big Prohi Chiefs
i. Jlilv 2S.Amnrl-
bufactiircrn have heen
fight against Brl-
ostrictlnn by rubber
far east. According
received from Sing
Firestone, the grow-
krotcslliiK the British
ier manufacturers and
to the restrictive tax
Ifging him with claims
i i r for tho govrnment
producton of a pro
unlvorsallv used and
r lho welfare of the
Is Not Seeking Post
Of Secretary Weeks
.... .u. s-lM iw.M nfflcp l Fv.I Affinn IlOtniTIAndCaf
t- ma t I . a 1 1 1 " " . '
E . . J only so far as hla view and actions
King ,,ropo"d j are satisfactory."
ii-roased Interest tiie hi.. nt hi. rfntnrminattnn hv an-
ia considering a pro- Lounrlng that the entire present per
sonnel of the prohibition unit would
automatically be dismissed by Oc
tober 15 and only those whose merit
BER KINGS talned.
ON RRITAIN W"h ,novo' Andrews prac-
A U DIM 1 , ,,.., wn, ai noiiticul annolntecs
of lho pant Into tho discard, ana
practically opened the door for them
to get buck only where they are
able to convince him that their
worth and not their "pull" got them
and kept them in their jobs.
Squaw's Skull Is
Probed By Newsom
CEDAR RAPIDS. Iowa. July 25.
(United Press) Col. Hanford Mac-
Nider. former national commander
of the American Legion, upon his
arrival here this afternoon, denied
reports that he aspired to the sec
retaryship of war In the event John
W. Weoks resigns.
rnlnnel and Mrs. MncNIdcr, who
are week-end guests of Colonel and
Mrs. C. B. Bobbins, are returning
from a belated honeymoon trip In
the east, where they visited Presi
dent and Mrs. Coolldge at Swamps-
cot t.
Ttnmiirs have ncrslated ' In Iowa
political circles for somo time that
MacNidor would succeed Weeks In
the event he was forced to resign.
State Federation Of
Labor Convention Is
Urged Strongly Here
Local Union Workers Ask
Aid Of Organizations
Here To Land It
WASHINGTON, July 25. The
denartment has challenged
President Coolidge's economy pro
gram. It has informed Director of
the Budget Lord that the cut in the
next appropiiatlon desirsal by the
President is Impossible without . re
ducing the slie of the army, which
should be Increased.
'in submitting tentative estimates
to Lord, the department ha raised
certain figures, where reduction
were demanded.
Taking the position that the war
j . i. -nivinir the nresi-
a meeting of all rancueis - aennoieai i.
. .J: .i. ho held at Bish- dent's nroeram for economy and tax
inn The situation is more than fa- j reduction,. Lord is determined to
"I J anrl ! a tL. n lalio Ita aha FA ill
vorable. according to nenum lorce i -
voraoie, . o ,,,,- fon..hmpnt to prevent
he forecasts a -numucr ui ,.m... .. -- -
Menu, in the Klamath district from Unfair pinching in other federal de-
.. -iin.nin mariments. it IS said.
Isoutnern v.....-.-. l'",. h,w..n the war de-
Last Minute Efforts
To Avert Nation-Wide
' . i i .1 , Khmbii hntt
parimeui anu uub .
reached such serlou proportions
that both sides will appeal to Presl-
... i r.l Strike 'dent Coolldge. In a similar fight
British Ujal 3trlKe.,, the nresident sided with
i Director Lord, but was won over at
LONDON, July 5. "
Press) Coal miners and operators
are rapidly compienus -
rangements for the threatened lock
out In the vast coal lnuuauj
land on July 31.
Tonight, however, it appeareu ui
To Permit
Wpreme Court
Circuit Court
P. Ore. July 25. Tho
rgn at lho next oloc
upon un amendment
lie stain stiprnmo court
to mako tho rules oi
all tho circuit courts
a well as for lis own
pis will bo to ond tho
court, euro the law
like iustica less costly.
ul fnuhMl a.hlnh
lho last loglslaturo, as-
ingo Walter H. Evans,
a mombor, and to Al-
vav. AXnrilttv. .nernlnrv
pho la also nrnnlrinnt nf
lr association, the duty
no amenament at its
lie supreme Court cham-
im Friday.
m llal h. pnmnlntnrf ...I
BtinrnvB tk.
vt ma jiiuic-
y September 28, when
uaoinsr ae.niuu coinci
Ihe annual meeting of
"Cap" llealy. In rkargn of dredg
ing operation for tho dyko road
to Weed, brought a human skull
to Doc Nowsom'a offlco for exam
ination lato yesterday afternoon.
The skull waa found by mon on
the dredging gang who thought II
might be that of a whlto man
aocrotly done uway with.
believed the
skull was Unit of an Indian who
died many yoara ngo without benefit
of clergy.
30 Families Flee As
Big Oil Train Burns
IIASKICLU Okln., July 25. More
than 30 families woro forced to flee
ihoti. hnmna tnriav when a 40-car
oil train pluugod Into the ditch and
caught fire.
Flames from tho exploding cars
of gasoline threatened lho wholo res
idential district of Haakcll.
iictinivn .lulv 25. Three min
ers were Injured today liv a coal
25 Injured When
Cyclone Hits Tent
SYDNEY, Ohio, July 25. An
audience estimated at 1.000 in a
Chautauqua tent scurried to cover
lato this afternoon when a cyclone
Df..t,.f thn fllV.
Between 20 and 26 persons were
Injured, ono hoy seriously, when
Innl hlnur nn 4oll tf thom. The
i,i inm .ihn roof off the Balll-
Imoro & Ohio ,tatkin and tho Amor-
i.nn Sleol scraper coniimn. iiwiiib
dnmngo esllmaled t between 10
....n in nun
in.. .. imi loro down trees and
telegraph and olociric wires.
...... -triipK ino vny ai
1 lie ii
o'clock. It was started by rain ana
i, wind and hull wnB general
.. i I 11m cllV
innlllHIIum , . .
No sorloiia damuiso was ropnrtod
,y other cities In una vicinity.
M.n Chamed With First
Degree Murder Is Bailed
muvtksANO. Wash., July 25.
era were Injured today liv a coal Juried with first de
mine on Clover Creek whn a blast i" fcr deatB f El-
exploded prematurely. Ronald bnaw Cr,v, was reloased on bonds
sintered a compound foot fracture. J n Ju(Jge w- Camp-
while two other men were treated. of
nt n hospltnl nnd Inter relensed. I '
Thn state labor convention In
i)! will he held In Klamath Falls
It efforts of the local central labor
union are successful.
A resolution adopted by the Klam
ath Fall central labor union calls
upon all lodges, orders, associations,
cluba and the chamber of com-
in u-lumaih Falls to assist In
securing tho stato convention hero
in 1926.
Th. rnunhillnn will, bo presented
to tho city council Monday evening.
George J. MiHonry, representing
,k. i.dkn. Pres. the official maga-
r.r iha mate fedratlon of labor.
is In Klamath Falls assisting ino
central labor union in Its attcnfpt
to mako Klamath Fall the conven
tion city in 1926.
Advertise Kiamaui
Tho convention will be held In
Marahfleld this year on lho 24th of
August. B. Uu,ty et ttl0 cen"
tral labor union, cnariea racnn-
lan "f the culinary alllanco and o.
D. Long of Ihn carpontors' union
will advanco lho bid or Kinmain
Full, for noxt year's mooting at
the Marshfleld convention.
Tho local tloicgaies win rucui
.u. nf tho Labor Press In
thofr offorta to obtuin tho 1926
mu- r-nann 1.11 l)(r PrUHH Will Kl"0
1 IIU Ul
ii ii. vol la n nnortal nuimtclty
ixifwiiiaiii - -
section In Its big Labor day number
now being prepared.
CHICAGO. July 25. Writs were
being dispatched tonight for 155
l... manufacturtaa companies
lururiuic ...
and individuals chargod with vo-
latlng the Sherman anti-trust ia.
The dofcndants manufacture bed
room nnd dining room fuxnHiire.
Tonight, however, 11 aiiiv""- tn0 department would iaae us pru-
thoro is still some hopo of avoiding portonato cut this year without ob-
.u..i which is generally ! ,.,
1110 tuuuiv,, " - JCIUUII.
characterlred as containing the eie-. Week, m Bnd his resigna-
ments of a national calamity. 'itlon antlcipated, army officials fear
hope arises from the fact inai laai q Rrgument may nat
the last moment by the personal
plea of his close friend, Secretary
Certain budget officials claim
there was a tacit understanding be
tween Coolldge and Weeks then that
tho department would take Its pro
CHICAGO. July 25. A liquor con
spiracy Involving $15,000,000 with
ramifications that extended to the
very topmoat office of prohibition
enforcement in Illinois, was exposed
by the government today In the in
dictment of Major Percy Owen.
director of prohibition emorcemeni
for the atate of Illinois.
Owen, with eight alleged -confederates,
waa indicted by a federal
grand Jury with accepting bribes
and being party to a conspiracy
to extort money from dealers in
Sacramental wines. .
By using the loophole that per
mit, sale of sacramental wine for
religious purposes the conspirators
organized fictitious Jewish congreg
ations and bandied $15,000,000
worth of wine In their namea, the
government charged.
Directors Huspendcd
M.lnr Owen was automatically
suspended as prohibition director
with the returning of the indict
ments and will remain suspended
pending his trial. The eight men
Indicted with Major Owen are:
Ralph Stone, Owens predecessor;
George R. Bruce, former Illinois -
assemblyman; Dr. Louis Quabari,
proprietor of a wine company; Mor
ris Zlmbrof f, a sacramental wine .
dealer; Harry Schlau, proprietor
of a sanitarium; Albert Bennett,
Louis Abelson and Bernard Rumps,
fromer prohibition agents.
The amazing conspiracy wnlcn
netted the prohibition officers at
leaat $1,000,000 through bribes,
was outlined by the government
as follows:
Bennetfc-and Rnmns. acting tttider-.
advice from Stone, organized', fake.
Jewish congregations, mey .oDiain
ed from Owen application blanks
for the withdrawal of wine from
government controlled . warehouse.
Fictitlons names were signed to ine
annlirations bv Bennett and Rumps
and they were taken to the prohibi
tion office for official endorsement.
Gigantis Bribes
Major Owen .placed hi signature
on wine permits and they were
turned over to Abelson and Zim
broff. who acted as "go betweens."
They called on wine dealers, ahowed
them endorsed permit and told
them it would be easy to use them
and thus obtain wine for general
But there was a nrice on the per
mits Thev were worth $300 each.
Abelson and Zimbroft told their
prospects. Buyers were plentiful
at that figure and the money waa
distributed between seven of the
conspirators. The other two, Qua
bari and Schlau, received their pro
fits thrnneh sale nf wine that they
could not have disposed of had there
been no fraudulent permits. ,-
nope ariwB - , .
min.itn negotiations are scheduled
for the 29th and 30th.
The miners are known to ue uuu
.... .k. .h. envernment will suggest
a compromise, and it Is rumored!
that W. C. Bridgeman. ursi ioru
the admiralty, in charge of negotla
.i - win nfrer on Wednesday a
temporary subsidy which would tide
over the acute depression ui
mmer and obviate tho necessity
for Immediate wage cnls.
Officials of the miners' union were
sounding out today in all tholr dis
tricts the sentrment o: workers
toward the threatened stoppage of
work, but tonight ncliner miners.
their side of the argument may nat
get a full hearing at the summer
white house.
Third Man Involved In .
Dssert Duel Is Belief
IMPERIAL, Calif., July 25. A
report that a third man was involved
in the desert "duel" of Henry K.
Kirk former San Francisco orchestra
leader, and John Truin, In which
Kirk was killed, was branded as
untrue tonight by Chief of Police
had an authoritative idea, whether
it would be possible to head on me
.1 H. Harris.
"We -have carefully Investigated
work, but tonight '"' tn0 repor,, eve made another trip
owners nor governmon authorities . p twQ men wero
NEWPORT, R. I.. July 25.A
daughter of the Vanderbllta was
married today -in all the splendor,
the wealth and social position of
her family and presence of leaders
of American society could furnish.
In the drawing room . at the
Bench Mound, overlooking Bailey's
beach In this most fashionable of
eastern resorts. Muriel Vanderbilt,
daughtr of Mr. and Mr. William
K. VanderblK became the bride of
Frederick Cameron Church, Jr., ot
Bolivian Colonization
Investigated In Oregon
nniiTi.Aicn M)ro.. July 25.
United Press dlspatchoB today from
Buenos Aires, reporting that the
American trade commissioner had
requested an investigation of a Bo
livian colonization project with head
quarters In Portland, caused Utile
sllr horo.
It Is several years since tho Bo
livian Colonization "association was
founded here by B. U. Jones, a local
nrnmntnr. The general Idea of tho
association at that time was to trans
plant American farmers to Holivia.
Reports from Bolivia, however, wero
so discouraging that no emigrants
were enlisted. Jones died about
three year ago, and slrico then thn
corporation has been kept alive, and
that ia all.
to the place where the two men wero
supposed to have fought It out, and
we have been unable to find any
evidence to substantiate tho rumor,"
U...I. aalH
nfriM.i. wnrktar nn the case to
night continued their search for an
Imperial county woman, who, they
believe, may be able to throw Borne
light on the mystery. Tho woman,
whose name was not rovealed, ts
understood to have been on friridly
terms with both Truden and Kirk.
After thn nllcccd murder nf Kirk.
Truden committed suicide, according
to me iinoings oi a coroner s jury.
Chicago Bandits Get
$22,900 Last Night
CHICAGO, July 25. Threo ban
dits tonight held up Emtl Dcno
mark, owner ot an automobile agen
cy and "Laddie" Komorus a cus
tomer, and escaped with $22,900 in
diamonds, lewelerr and cash. Nollh.
jer ot the victims was lianuvU.
Roosevelt Highway In
Tillamook County Will
Be Finished At $700,000
TILLAMOOK. Ore., July 25.
The completion ot the Roosevelt
highway in Tillamook county was
made certain today in a tentative
agreement reached by the state high
way commission and tne county
court. To finish the Improvement
in tho county it la estimated that
the cost will be $700,000.
Tn nrnvirln thta .urn Ihn state will
contribute sixty per cent, and tho
county forty per cent. The county'
share. $280,000 or $200,000 ot tho
Mohler overhead crossing Is Includ
ed, will he paid in threo . install
ments, $50,000 the first year, $75,-
000 the second, and tho balanco tho
third year.
This arrangement makes provision
tor the completion of tho entire
highway with tho exception ot the
gap between the north boundary of
t'oos county and Newport, tor which.
1 no funds are In sight at present.